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Could i possibly ask for some prayers and good thoughts

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It's going to be a rough week and probably the next few weeks are going to be very rough. I posted a few weeks ago. My mom has end stage cancer and is on hospice at home. We went to visit my dd who works at disney and told her that my mom was given 3 to 6 months to live. My daughter finishes her internship may 30th and we had originally thought my mom would be "ok" until then. When we got home things had changed drastically.


Unfortunately she has gone downhill fast. The hospice nurse feels it will be fairly soon and told us that we need to bring dd home before then. My mom might not live another month. We have decided to fly my daughter home on wed and stay a few days so that she can see my mom . This is my moms last wish to see my daughter as they are very close. My mom wants to give up after that. Not that she can control it but I think she is ready.


My daughter hasn't seen my mom since early jan when she was doing fairly well. It's going to be a shock to my daughter and will be hard for both of them as this may possibly be goodbye. I pray that my moms pain level can go down a a bit and her breathing is tolerable so that she is up to spending some time with my daughter. We will all need strength to get through that day knowing what it could mean. Please pray that I remain strong so that I can support my mom and my kids. Also my dad needs extra prayers as he is taking this very hard. He is 7 years older than she is and never imagined she would go first.


Please pray for some pain relief for my mom as nothing is helping and it is so hard for her to breath.


I would also appreciate prayers for my daughter as she has never flown before. This is a big step for her


It's so hard. When I need someone to talk to I call my mom. She has always been there for me. I feel so helpless and wish there was something I could do.



Thanks for listening.

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I'm sorry about that; my mom died of cancer 17 years ago. I was close to her, she seemed to go fast too. Mostly, she hadn't wanted us to know that she knew this was it, she was going to die of it, so she pretended things were okay for a while. I am sending you hugs, kind thoughts and will remember you and your family in my prayers. God bless you for being such a good daughter to your mom and your dad and a good mom to your daughter.

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I'm so sorry.  My uncle died a week and a half ago from Hep C that he got from a blood transfusion at 19 following the car accident that killed both his parents.  He was in hospice and my mom (his only sibling; he never married and had no children) spent the last 3 1/2 weeks with him.  It was so hard, but also such a blessing for her to have that time with him.  We moved halfway across the country last May so that was the last time I saw him and it was quite a shock when I talked to him on Skype after he got very, very sick.  End of life is so hard.  You and your family are in my prayers.

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:grouphug: I lost my Dad last fall to a mixture of heart failure and cancer.  It is so, so hard.  I pray hospice can find the right medicines for your Mom to make her comfortable and for your daughter to have a good visit with her.

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Huge hugs to you and all those involved.  I remember this is the daughter with anxiety, isn't it.  My oldest has it too, so I can understand the strength that you and she are going to need to get through this.  :grouphug: :grouphug:


Prayers for you all, and for peace and physical comfort for your mom.


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