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Who still hasn't started?

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We haven't started, and probably won't til September. My grandparents are planning on visiting at the end of the month, and so I figured I'd just wait til after that, instead of starting up and then taking a break right away while they're here :)

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Oh, I don't think we'll start "officially" until after Labor Day (ack! - we usually start in early August) - there's no WAY we could do school with the Olympics on. We may start halfschool the week before.


Plus, I haven't really started planning. Yup, there IS that issue. Hmm.

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It looks like we're not starting until mid-September, after both girls' birthday extravaganza :tongue_smilie: Though I'll be running my first science co-op "class" this coming Tuesday :svengo: We plan to go all year at a relaxed pace, with lots of time for holidays and breaks, so I don't mind starting late. I AM getting eager to get going though, which is exactly how several of you assured me I'd feel after taking the summer off!

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We haven't started yet, but public school here doesn't start until after Labor Day. PLUS, I've yet to buy SOTW4 and Singapore 6A! I'm such a slacker....... had to get through Molly's performances and the 4-H fair first! But now those events are successfully behind us, so I guess I'll get around to placing my order this weekend. How long does Rainbow Resource take to ship?


Astrid (slacker-mom of the year!)

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We're on the charter school schedule now... so we start September 4th.


I am trying not to stress over whether the materials will arrive in time to start on time. I'm hearing rumors that shipping might be an issue this fall.


I guess stressing over it won't help at all anyway!

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We will be starting the beginning of September, mostly because we are just finishing! (true confessions)


The main sticking point was finishing Ancients so we would be on time to begin Medieval, so I have been doing kind of light school this summer and focusing on history with a bit of math and Latin.


I am giving the children two weeks (translation: I'm giving ME two weeks) vacation. Wahoo!

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Does it count that we "tried" twice to start "school lite"? First time we got 2 days in and then I just gave up b/c of all the complaining and attitudes. I know, nice, huh? Who's the parent around here, right? Second time, dh went out of town and I figured it was NOT a good time to start. So, now my "plan" is to really start on the 25th when the ps kids go back. Lite for about 2 weeks and then jump in with both feet. Wish us luck!

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We're not starting until Sept. 15th. DD is doing vision therapy a 3 hour round trip drive away, 3x a week...we can't do both well. So, we're delaying school start this year.


Oh, Jennifer, I really feel for you.


We did VT for one of my dds with a 4 hour round trip, but only 2x per week for 12 weeks. And then we went once per month, etc. It was right in the middle of the school year, and we really struggled.


I just want to encourage you that every minute we spent was very much worthwhile. Dd's vision has greatly improved!


Peace to you.



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We're officially starting up again on Monday. But then Tuesday we have some Dr. appts. I think we'll start slow too, though. Although the kids asked to start science and art this week. I'm still getting organized.:tongue_smilie:


Thank you, I'm not the only one. We did new notebooks, cleaning and summer reading for TOG this week and plan to start actual work on Monday. However, we have an Orthodontist Appt. the next day but we are starting anyway.

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I teach part-time and my husband teaches full-time at a college so late August gets very busy. It seems to work to either start on August 1st (guess THAT won't be happening) or starting a couple of weeks after the semester starts. Mom's sanity is salvaged with either of those start time! And if momma ain't happy......


Last year, my "DH" decided to start them the same day I started lectures. I walked in the door from my first lecture to find the books out all over the kitchen, kids working away, no lesson plans in sight. ERRRRRggggg. I tried to smile but it was hard...

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We did start, "lite school" that is, but then got blasted with record breaking temperatures so I put it on hold, too darn hot to worry about it. Monday the older 2 go to junior zoologist camp at our local zoo for the week. Then on teh 30th they leave for Disney land and are not back until Spet 4th so it looks like our real start date will be Sept 8th. Seems so long away when he had actually gotten started a few weeks ago.

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