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Urgent Prayer Request for DS


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Praise God for the improvements in your son's health! Continued prayers that the doctors will be amazed and God will be glorified through your son! 

Many prayers for you as you lovingly care for and support your son on his journey. Thank you for sharing with us and letting us pray for you and your son. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to thank you all for your continued prayers, concern, thoughts, and for the e-mails you have sent.  Each means so very much to us.


God is graciously hearing your prayers.  


In my previous update, I reported that ds had told the doctors he wanted a second bone marrow test because he believed God was doing something - the doctors agreed and scheduled him.   


On March 15, he discussed the results with the doctors.  The first bone marrow test showed an 86% saturation of leukemia cells; the second, 74%.  This reduction, along with ds’ continued progress, is puzzling; however, it doesn’t change anything.  The doctors, while boldly confirming that how well he is doing is attributable to God alone, say that the reduction is a temporary improvement; that, if he got the slightest infection, it could be lethal; to keep testing could potentially prove a miracle but he would run out of time before the amount of testing needed could be completed; that he’s walking along the edge; and, that the options remain unchanged.


The doctors said if the goal is not curative intent, they will transfuse and assist as they are able till the end.  If the goal is curative intent, then he must move forward with treatment, beginning with another transfusion; therefore, he was transfused with another unit of blood.  He has been referred to a doctor who works with adult leukemia patients (new drugs/treatments are tested on adults, so he may have more options, or not), and is scheduled for a consultation this Wednesday.


Ds continues to shovel show (another snow storm!), to stack wood, to eat better and better - and in general, to be as active a participant in life as he can.


The doctors remain amazed and confounded at how well he is doing.


Our pastor asked ds to give testimony yesterday.  I took so many handwritten notes that it yielded two pages of typewritten notes!  And still didn’t get it all!  He said some really powerful things that I wouldn’t feel comfortable posting so openly.  However, I thought you might like to read these few excerpts from my notes:


-- there is only one reason he is doing as well as he is - God has intervened

-- God trumps medical science

-- how bleak a picture the doctors painted and the magnitude of what God is doing

-- God strengthening me and making me able to survive until something is figured out

-- He’s also strengthening my spiritual walk - seeing things I’ve never seen before - a slow process

-- new doctors he will see = new ground to witness and to show what God has done

-- all you can do is praise God for what He’s doing - there is no other explanation - and also praise Him for strengthening my spiritual walk, for which I do praise Him


We humbly ask that you keep praying for us.  We continue to hold on to the only One Who has all power . . .

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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to again thank you all for your continued prayers, and for the personal messages you have sent. Your prayers are reaching heaven.

As reported in previous updates, ds' improvement and activity puzzled the doctors, though they remained nervous about his lack of any treatment and delayed decision re transplant. (Since my last update, he had been outside chopping wood - yes - chopping with an ax; and also spent a couple days - whole days - helping the neighbors with yard work).

Here is what has since happened:

-- March 26 - met with new oncologist
-- March 27 - traveled to city about four hours from home to meet with transplant specialist
-- March 28 - both doctors wanted ds admitted immediately - that day - ds said no; said he was still in prayer and needed to remain so until he had an answer, that he needed the time in church services that weekend; doctor pressed for a Monday, March 31 admission; ds said no, that if the doctor wanted to begin preliminary plans for admission, he may; however, ds would phone him on Monday with his final answer; the doctor agreed.
-- March 31 - ds phoned with his decision
-- April 2 - admitted to hospital about two hours from home; multiple tests completed
-- April 3 - surgery to insert port and do bone marrow aspiration. Surgeon refused to insert port; wanted to do an external port which both oncologists rejected for health and safety reasons; surgeon adamant (which simply boggles the mind); finally, oncologists decided that ds (the patient!) should speak with the surgeon and tell him why he needs the internal port and not the Hickman (external port) [again - this simply boggles the mind - the PATIENT tells the DOCTOR why an internal is imperative . . .]; surgeon tells ds he now fully understands (!) and does the internal. Surgery goes well; however, concerns later arose, and ds  transported to CCU for the night - a long, miserable night where he fought an unrelentingly hard mattress and a moderately high fever.
-- April 4 - returned to regular room in adult oncology; chemo began.

Here is the process:

-- Five days of VERY INTENSIVE chemo, followed by four weeks of recovery - all in-patient
-- MAYBE a week at home
-- Repeat five days chemo, four weeks recovery, in-patient
-- If bone marrow donor process NOT completed, repeat above cycle until process completed
-- If bone marrow donor process completed, transport to hospital four hours from home
-- Assuming all goes well, one month in isolation in hospital four hours from home
-- Two months of out-patient treatment/follow-up with required residence in nearby facility (to hospital four hours from home)


-- Way too many to write about
-- It is a very precise process and there are very serious potential side-effects with the current chemo regimen, and extremely serious side-effects, including death, with the transplant.


Until today, things had been going well - still eating; not sick on his stomach; energy starting to dwindle, but still active as possible in hospital environment.  


Today ds was transported to ICU in critical condition - septicemia; pneumonia in left lung; high fever; low blood pressure; low oxygen. 

It goes without saying that this is a very hard time for our family; nonetheless, God is still on the throne and we praise Him for His hand of mercy and grace.

We humbly ask that you keep praying for us. We continue to hold on to the only One Who has all power . . .


Thank you.


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