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I had my baby!


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Two weeks ago I went in to Labor and Delivery 35 weeks pregnant with blood pressure at 155/105 and a history of HELLPs, pre-eclampsia, and a pre-mature birth of my last one. My blood pressure went even higher, peaking at 185/117. They were able to bring it down to the 140's/150's with medications so my doctor decided to keep me in the hospital for a week until she was 36 weeks with the hope she wouldn't have to spend time in the NICU. I was on magnesium sulfate the whole time to prevent seizures or strokes and that stuff is the WORST STUFF EVER! But I made it through and my baby was born. Then both she and I developed complications and I wasn't able to see her for two days. I'm out of the hospital, she's still in the NICU, we don't know for how much longer. We were hoping that she'd weigh between 5.5-6  lbs, but she was only 4 lbs 10.8 oz.




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Congratulations!  She's gorgeous.  Indy was almost that exact same size (born at 36w) and just turned 11 last week.  He's almost as tall as I am.  Han Solo wasn't much bigger and he's a tall 2 year old.  Tiny babies make up for it!


And yes, Magnesium Sulfate is quite possibly the worst thing ever.  I was so hot I just wanted to peel the flesh from my body. It was awful.  Sorry you had to go through that, but I know (from experience) it was worth it to keep her in a little longer.

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Congrats!   Beautiful girl, and beautiful family!  How do you look so good after giving birth?!   Hoping baby girl gets to come home soon.


It was a c-section, so all I had to do was lie there and try not to freak out. :tongue_smilie: Two days later I looked like a complete corpse because my liver wasn't making enough red blood cells because of the pre-eclampsia. I ended up needing a transfusion. I was freaky pale.

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