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I need some sisterly advice in helping me decide between these 2 houseplans


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We're about to build a home. We have 6 acres and have cleared the house site and now are trying to decide on a houseplan. The acreage is very beautiful -- mature hardwood trees and a huge open, gorgeous pasture neighboring us so our backyard view will be of the pasture. It's a quaint country setting, but I am a chic-ish, contemporary-ish gal as far as my decorating style/preferences. I'm down to two favorite houseplans.



For our thread, we'll call this one "PLAN R":


(on this website, you'll have to scroll down to the 6th pic to see how the whole house would look on the front/facade side)


and we'll call this one "PLAN S":



PLAN R is more modern-looking, and I really like it, but I'm concerned about it looking inappropriate in the setting and, heaven forbid, if we ever had to re-sell, I'm concerned it's too modern-ish for the next potential buyer. But, I really like it the most. I'd do a different color that this family in the pics opted to do but I'd keep the standing-seam metal roofing and I'd move the front-facing garage to the side.


PLAN S (with the larger front porch), looks more country and inviting and may look more appropriate given the setting, and it's a bit contemporary but the downside is that because all of the living is in the middle of the house, and the way our land is situated and the way we have to face the house, the bedrooms on either end would block the pretty views of our property.


I know that Plan R is almost 3300 sq. ft and PLAN S is almost 2700 sq. feet. Don't decide based on square footage as I'd need to shrink PLAN R down to the 2700 sq. feet mark, so they'll be the same square footage. And don't decide based on the presence of the garage as we'd put one towards the back of Plan S.


Can you please take a peak at the two and tell me your preferences and thoughts?

(and I can take criticism if you just think one or the other is uglier than a witch's nosemole).

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I like both of them! :)


FWIW, I don't think Plan S would look at all inappropriate in a rustic setting. I think either choice would be excellent, because both designs are beautiful! (I was expecting to click on the link and see something ultra-modern, sort of like a Dentist's Office Building in the Wild or something.)


Sorry I'm no help! :blush:

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I love the floorplan of Plan S better, for two specific reasons: The master bedroom being separated from the other bedrooms and the screened porch (love that feature!). This doesn't take into consideration your concerns about the view. That said, I like the outside/facade look of Plan R better.

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IMHO, if you like "R" better, and it's better on the lot, do "R."


If you're concerned about it looking like it stands out, get someone with design/architecture experience to help you choose materials and colors on the exterior that fit well in the setting. It looks very "Arts and Crafts," to me. Arts and Crafts fits well in a rustic setting. :)

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Plan "R" really won me. I am not a fan of modern looks usually but this one is really appealing. I also think the floor plan flows better. It is exactly how I would design a house interior with its public area on one side and the private areas on the other. I would also use the office space as a homeschool room.

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I like the one with the master separated from the other bedrooms. I also like that it has a huge front porch and a screened porch in the middle. That said, if you like the other one you should go for it. You can always choose materials and colors that fit well in a natural, rustic setting.

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I like 'R' better, mostly because the secondary bedrooms seem awfully far from the master in plan 'S' and my kids aren't old enough for me to be comfortable with that.



I hadn't looked at the floor plans when I posted -- I was just looking at the exteriors, but if Plan S has the master bedroom separated from the kids' bedrooms, I wouldn't like that. I don't even think of it in terms of knowing if the kids sneak out of the house when they're teenagers; I am just thinking of things like a break-in or a fire, where I would want my kids near me so I could help them.

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Plan R is beautiful and I think would fit in with the acreage. The variety of windows and use of natural light are wonderful. You will really be able to enjoy the outdoors even when you are indoors!


I hope you get to use some of the natural elements that are shown in the pictures such as the stone around the fireplaces and the wood.

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I like R better. I would LOVE a hot tub off my master.


That said, if you are going to be country living and working the land at all, you really want a LARGE, BIG, HUGE, WAY BIGGER THAN YOU THINK YOU WOULD EVER NEED mud room/coat/boot/laundry/1/2 bath area.


I am thinking as someone on 5 acres here with horses and chickens. You want an easy access from the outside to closets to store all the outdoor clothes/boots, and access to a 1/2 or 3/4 bath so they don't have to come through the house to access a powder room. This plan isn't too bad but I would want a bigger mud room area.


Then again we are in Michigan and still have some snow on the ground which means boots and carhartts are still out.


I would walk through your typical day and see which plan (or another one) fits how you live the best......think of doing laundry, bringing home and putting away groceries, doing outdoor chores (if that is in your future), putting the kids to bed, homeschooling, etc. I personally love our laundry/mud room area right off the kitchen which is not far from the garage...less distance to carry groceries. Then again you might like them far apart to match the way you live.

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Oh, another comment. My friend is an architech and designs homes in all price ranges (including the multi million dollar lake homes) and she mentioned to consider how the sunlight will come in each room throughout the day----will the hot sun heat up a room that has tons of windows causing you to pull the shades much of the day? Will the sun be too bright in the early morning causing the kids to get up way to early? Will a room seem really dark? Sometimes orienting the plan differently on the property can solve a lot of problems.


Oh and while I am on a soap box, don't place your home very close to the lot line and assume your neighbors will leave up the nice stand of trees between you and them. We have a neighbor that is not super happy with us as we cut down 3 acres of trees to put in our barn and horse pasture and "His" woods is gone now..........but the woods was on OUR property and he put his house close to the lot line and cut down all of the trees up to his property line. Consider where it would be best to put the house on the property even if all the land around you was clear cut or more houses put in, etc. Might never happen but it is wise to think ahead.

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So, with S, you'd have to walk through a screened porch to get to the kids' rooms? I don't like that. I also think S seems more closed to the outdoors- smaller windows, that wrap around porch is going to make things shadier (depending on your tree coverage, it might be too shady). Add to that, if you can't see your best views from your living spaces- thumbs down.


I really like R. It's light and bright. I really don't think it looks too modern at all! Those big windows are fantastic.


I vote R!

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Plan "R" really won me. I am not a fan of modern looks usually but this one is really appealing. I also think the floor plan flows better. It is exactly how I would design a house interior with its public area on one side and the private areas on the other. I would also use the office space as a homeschool room.



Same here -- not necessarily a fan of modern, but love Plan R. S's wrap-around porch has me drooling (would go great in SE TX), but the "screened" room dividing the two living areas has me wondering about climate control inside. S's website also gives the viewer less to go on to imagine the reality, so that might skew my impressions somewhat.


Plan R's design incorporates a lot of natural material, and those windows really let the light play. I don't think it would be out of place at all, and would certainly stand out as not-your-neighbor's-cookie-cutter-house.


Go with what you love best!

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Although plan S is more my personal style from the outside I certainly do not think that plan R is too 'out there' for possible re sale someday. Also I believe you mentioned that plan R (your fav) floorplan makes better use of the views of your property. That is a big deal to me. And since you like it better any way, well there ya go!

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I like R and think it would look wonderful out in the country. I didn't like the layout or the look of the other one. Those huge bedroom wings on either end? I would agree with a PP about a big mudroom that is easily accesed from outdoors though. Even if the laundry room in R could just get a sink and shower in it, that will help.

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Can't really comment as it's just too different than my style. I did live in a house a lot like R, very modern/contemporary and in wooded enviroment too. I think it worked well in the space. But there were just so many issues with the design and the walls of windows, especially those high up windows that you can't reach to clean or adjust the incoming sunlight unless you just block it all the time. It seemed like it would be awesome light all the time, but was so annoying to have the light in your eyes often too and nothing you could really do about it unless you wanted to completely block it off either.


I don't know, it was a house with a lot of visual impact and really stood out in a good way. I just wasn't a fan of it after living in it for a year or so -- but again, it's so not my style. I'm an old country farmhouse kind of gal. :) I also think I'm realizing that I'm not really a major fan of the great room of combined kitchen and living rooms and such. Maybe because I'm messy and I really love that I can't see my kitchen right now. :)

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How old are your kids? Plan S would have me freaking that I had to run through the porch to get to them if I had to. However, I know plans are so regional, and therefore you may be used to that aspect already.


Secondly, personally, I hate open floor plans because you see *everything* You walk in the room and if there's one thing out of place, all I see is mess. It also tends to be an echo chamber as far as sound. That really is annoying when bodily noises are the preferred source of humor. Those years are just so fun. ;-P So take your mess tolerance into consideration.


Again, if you are used to that, by all means, both are gorgeous.


For R, if you put that porch on the East side of the house, you will be out there all afternoon. You will LIVE out there. We live on our porch, it is a favorite place in the house. And with that porch? You could make nooks for everyone.

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They are both fabulous. I love open plans. Plan S - I love the outside & the space inside. I prefer this kitchen layout over that of Plan R. Plan R was lovely, too. Definitely not too modern for a rustic setting. Overall, I prefer Plan S as the space seemed to breathe better to me. However, if it doesn't fit your land as well, that would be a huge concession for me.


I don't think you can go wrong, honestly.

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Plan S wins hands down for me. You could add more windows to the end bedrooms to enjoy more of the view. I would go for a natural hickory kitchen. You could also put down more rugs to absorb the sound. That large wrap around porch! I love it!

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I would love Plan S if I could slide the screen porch back, and push the left side of the house in, so that you didn't have to go through the porch to get to the rest of the house. I love that there is an office buffer between the family room and the master bedroom - my husband listens to movies soooo loud, a buffer like that would be great when I'm going to sleep before him.

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another thought is that we added doors. we can get outside from the mudroom, from the nook, from the master bedroom, from the sunroom, and thru the front door.... if i were doing it again, i would change one of the other kids bedroom windows to a door.....


looking at house plans is fun, but confusing....



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Not knowing your budget at all, I would also consider how much plan R will cost to build. All of the corners in the foundation and the changes in roof lines can really add to the cost of a home.


Also think about whether or not you want the sinks for the master bedroom more open to the room. If either of you are a lighter sleeper will it bother you to have someone getting up earlier in the morning and turning on the light/using the sink but be unable to shut a door between that and the bedroom.


Another thing, with living in Florida, do you really need 3 fireplaces? Those can really add to construction costs and affect your heating/cooling bill. There are gas log, pellet stove inserts, etc. that are options as well.


I am not trying to shoot down your choices, I am just a super practical person and know what we were looking for in a floor plan when we had to move and were planning on building 2 years ago. We ended up finding a house to buy cheaper than build and it works well for us. We are in Michigan though too so our climate is much different.


I think the modern look could be fine on a wooded lot. Just be careful about having too much shade over the roof (unless maybe it is a metal roof) as shade and moisture leads to mold and other yuck on your roof which can really shorten its life (or at least it does here in Michigan.

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plan r - has very very strong horizontal lines - kinda makes me feel squished and unbalanced. plan s - I like the huge porch on the backside - that would be great overlooking your property. the finishes - including the exterior siding, can be tweaked to be more a more "modern" esthetic. the screened porch seems odd placement, but you could enclose it and make it a school room/kids playroom. eta: you could also do a hall in the screened porch, and turn it into another bedroom. If you want to keep it a playroom with no exterior access, I would suggest framing a door (and then sheetrock/window) - so you have the option of installing a door there when your kids are older.

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I like the floor plan of R but I find the exterior to be rather um weird? I don't like all the different roof angles at all. That would be a total turn off to me as a buyer but I do love all the large window spaces.


I don't care for plan S. I don't really like the long stretched out style. I prefer to have the rooms closer together, especially the bedrooms. I don't care to have my kids separated on the other end of the house (they like their rooms and I would never see them that way).

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I love R except I have a rule- no way am I having more bathrooms than bedrooms. But I think the house would be beautiful on a large wooded lot!


Don't care much for S at all. The screened porch separating the kids' rooms from the rest of the house can be an issue both when kids are young AND when they're teens. You never want to think your kids will sneak out...but plenty of them do, especially when there are sleepovers.

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I don't like R at all. I kept thinking I'd stepped back into the the 70's and an episode of the Brady Bunch.


I love plan S- except for the screened porch seperating the other bedrooms from the house.


If I had to choose, It would be the second one! But it's not my house. :D

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R has a pantry. So it wins hands down. But I don't like the kitchen layout. Also S doesn't have a master tub. That would be a no go for my DH. We have 2 bedrooms on the opposite side of the house from us. It works fine and we can still hear the boys over there. And I agree with a pp poster. Make your laundry room/mud room 2x as big as you expect.


This is our plan. Let me tell you what I don't like about it: We don't need the pantry in the kitchen; I wished we gone with more cabinets. The pantry and hall closet are close enough. Also, dishwasher in a *stupid* place. You can't open the bottom cabinets when it's open. Also the stove is in the island. We went and blocked off the opening to the dining room near the entrance and opened the wall to the living room. We use it as a den/piano room. We should've knocked down the "nursery" wall. It's an itty bitty room that got used for about 6 months. We could've had a huge pantry. Don't get me started on the laundry room. There's no room for dirty clothes in it.


Whatever you choose, make sure you go over every room carefully so you can find the stupids in the plan. I was surprised by how small the big rooms actually were once we were in them with furniture and appliances.

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This is our plan. Let me tell you what I don't like about it: We don't need the pantry in the kitchen; I wished we gone with more cabinets. The pantry and hall closet are close enough. Also, dishwasher in a *stupid* place. You can't open the bottom cabinets when it's open. Also the stove is in the island. We went and blocked off the opening to the dining room near the entrance and opened the wall to the living room. We use it as a den/piano room. We should've knocked down the "nursery" wall. It's an itty bitty room that got used for about 6 months. We could've had a huge pantry. Don't get me started on the laundry room. There's no room for dirty clothes in it.




I love the floor plan of your house!


As far as the OP. I really like attached garages so "R" wins. Also, with "S" I don't like that the other bedrooms are sectioned off by a screened porch and I wouldn't like to have to walk that far just to do my laundry.

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