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How long has it been since your last massage or similar?


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I've been promising myself for years that I'm gonna go do xyz for my own comfort sometime soon. Yet it never comes even close to the top of my to-do list. What about you guys? ... I'm not talking about regular "me time," but just a real special treat just for you (while someone else deals with your kids).

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For me it was going back to school. I've taken the last year off and will finish in the fall, but I love it and it is definitely something special just for me. I've never had a massage and can't think of anything similar I would want to do.

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I don't have any desire to get a massage, have my nails done, have people put cucumbers or mud on my body, etc.




The only thing on your list I've any interest in at all is the massage. The rest of it---EEEEWWWW, no thanks! :lol:

But, I've never gotten the massage, either. Waaaah!

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For me it's been around 5 years. The kids were little enough to leave in a pen at the grandparents' house while my sister and I spent a few hours getting away. ... I've been sick and overworked and stressed out with my kid's school problems, and the thought of having a "spa day" sounds so good. I'm starting to feel like it should be a goal - to achieve after my ear infection heals, and after I get some things caught up/organized, so I can come out actually feeling good. I miss feeling good!

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I don't have any desire to get a massage, have my nails done, have people put cucumbers or mud on my body, etc.




I thought I would hate getting a massage, but my sister practically dragged me one day for an all-out "spa day." Turns out I had been wrong. I really like a massage and a facial, and I like the atmosphere of some of the spa places - nice music, smells, and some of them give you nice coffee/tea etc. It feels like a getaway. The rest of it (nails, hair, etc.) does nothing for me.

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I get a massage maybe every 3 years or so. Same for a manicure or pedicure. I really enjoy that kind of time, but rarely ever take the time to schedule it. Got a gift card from DH for Christmas to a salon/spa and intended to use it, but gave it to a friend who needed the pampering more than me.


I actually have some gift cards piled up from my sister, but for all I know they may be expired now. :p

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I don't have any desire to get a massage, have my nails done, have people put cucumbers or mud on my body, etc.







Even if I wanted to, I would never spend money on massages, manicures, facials, etc. I also cut and color my own hair. I just don't do that stuff.


I did buy myself a book a couple of weeks ago. (I'm still super-gluing my sandals back together, though, hoping I can stall buying a new pair for another couple of months.)

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(I'm still super-gluing my sandals back together, though, hoping I can stall buying a new pair for another couple of months.)



This made me laugh. Oldest dd (13) got out the hot glue gun a few days ago. When I asked why, she said she had to fix her boots. I was shocked, and happy, she wasn't telling me they were broken and needed a new pair.

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It was last November. I finally used the spa gift certificate DH had given me almost 2 years before. Thank goodness it didn't expire. ;) I spent about 4 hours at the spa and had a lavender body wrap and massage (which was heavenly), a facial, and a pedicure.


I do get pedicures in a salon every few months (usually I do my own, just because it's quicker). I'd like to go for a massage more often (and I used to, pre-kids) but the time factor is the main issue right now.

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I had 2 massages and a facial on our cruise this past Oct. They were glorious. I hadn't had one in about 3 years. When I worked and made megabucks, I got a massage at least once a week. I worked long hours and the massages helped so much with relaxing and getting work off my mind. I'm actually thinking of setting one up soon at our local spa. I carry terrible tension in my shoulders all the time, even when I'm not under a lot of stress. So much so, that sometimes I just ache and don't want to move. My doc has given me muscle relaxers, but they only work temporarily. He said the next step would be physical therapy, which would include regular massages. Is it bad that I'm kind of hoping he'll send me to PT?


Since then, I've had my hair cut and colored a few times and my hairdresser gives me an extra long shampoo because she knows how much it relaxes me. I wish I could afford to have her wash my hair every day! If winter ever goes away, I'll be getting a pedicure to get my feet spring/summer shoe ready. I take good care of them in the winter, but I like to have a pedi in the spring and a few throughout the season.


I think it's important to pamper yourself every now and then. Even if you can't afford to do something expensive, just taking a bath with candles and soft music can be wonderful. Tell your family to leave you alone and anyone who knocks on the door has to clean the toilets for a month.

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This made me laugh. Oldest dd (13) got out the hot glue gun a few days ago. When I asked why, she said she had to fix her boots. I was shocked, and happy, she wasn't telling me they were broken and needed a new pair.



I was delighted recently to realize (duh) that I should check all of my son's pants and see if there was enough hem to let down on any of them. He's almost 6 feet tall nowadays and still weighs in at until 125 pounds. So, finding pants that come close to fitting in the waist and are long enough is a near-constant challenge. I've been noticing I was seeing entirely too much sock between the tops of his shoes and the bottoms of his pants lately and was dreading both the shopping expedition and the cost required to get him a new batch. It turns out that most of his current pants did have enough hem to lengthen at inch or so! And, after a few evenings of ripping out the old hems, turning under new ones and some judicious use of permanent marker to obscure the faded lines where the old hems were, he should have pants to wear for another few months.


I feel really dumb for not checking this before, but I'm thrilled to avoid at least that one "I need . . . " for a little while.

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He said the next step would be physical therapy, which would include regular massages. Is it bad that I'm kind of hoping he'll send me to PT?


Tell your family to leave you alone and anyone who knocks on the door has to clean the toilets for a month.


I like your way of thinking!

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I think it's important to pamper yourself every now and then. Even if you can't afford to do something expensive, just taking a bath with candles and soft music can be wonderful. Tell your family to leave you alone and anyone who knocks on the door has to clean the toilets for a month.



I'm just not a pampering sort, I guess. I've never understood the appeal of the long bath thing, either. It's too difficult to read by candlelight, and I worry about dropping the book in the water.

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I'm not into massages or spas. If I were to do something just for me I would go to the bookstore, all by myself, buy a coffee, wander around, sit in a comfy chair and read. In fact, I think I need to make a date with myself.


This used to be a favorite thing for me, but somehow it's lost its charm in recent years.

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I had a massage 1.5 years ago. Using a gift card that was 5 years old!

I've decided that I really don't like massages. I think I would like something quicker, maybe just shoulders and neck.



I thought I would hate getting a massage, but my sister practically dragged me one day for an all-out "spa day." Turns out I had been wrong. I really like a massage and a facial, and I like the atmosphere of some of the spa places - nice music, smells, and some of them give you nice coffee/tea etc. It feels like a getaway. The rest of it (nails, hair, etc.) does nothing for me.

I do like the spa atmosphere a lot! I like the fluffy robe, sitting in the hot tub and steam room, reading a magazine, etc.

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I had a massage yesterday. I've made exercise a priority (for many reasons) - so to keep me motivated, I can get a massage if I do a full workout at least 4x per week for a month. next time I have to do 5x for at least two of those weeks in the month. I've been back to being consistent since Jan, but this is the first massage. I had gotten sick on my fourth week, so I had to start over. I'm already two weeks into my next set. next time, I think I will go back to my chiro's massage therapist. she uses deeper pressure, which I prefer.

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I last had a massage over a year ago. I would never get one just to get one, but I have scoliosis and they do help. I just can't get past the cost, so I only get one every couple of years. Dh will work on sore spots if I ask, but he isn't thrilled to do it so I don't ask as often as I should.

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I do a massage about 1 a year. Either on vacation with my husband (couples massage) or because someone gave me a gift certificate.


I do pedicures a few times a summer. I have huge, calloused feet and it makes me feel better about wearing sandals and such. It's my one girly dalliance.

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I would love a real massage. The closest I've come is when I worked in the insurance office. Twice they had a local masseuse come in and give chair massages for 5.00. Ten minutes of absolute bliss. The whole atmosphere of the office was completely different that day. :lol:


I could use one about now. I was moving furniture yesterday and pulled a muscle in my neck.

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. I just don't like strangers touching me all that much (and leave my feet alone!)



Totally... even I don't like DH's massages....he just found that out last week after 16 years :laugh:

Granted his "massages" never lasted long and were usually a prelude to something else :smilielol5:

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I think my last massage (and only one) was thirteen years ago. I still have a gift card my MIL game me for a massage and pedicure. She gave it to me at my DD's baby shower. DD will be nine in May. I just don't like strangers touching me all that much (and leave my feet alone!)


My mom also will not consider trying a massage for the same reasons. In particular she says "I can't stand anyone touching my feet." I don't get it, but whatever - to each her own! Also she lets dogs lick her feet . . . but hey, they are her feet, and it's none of my business. ;)

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DH gave me a gift certificate for a day at the spa for our 5th wedding anniversary in December 2003. I was super-busy at the time juggling a toddler and FT employment. I finally went when I was pregnant with DS, so sometime in 2005 (probably late summer/early fall). We haven't had the money to do anything like that since. :(

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I honestly never feel the need for a massage, manicure, pedicure, or facial and have never had any of them, ever. I do get my hair cut by someone else, but I keep my nails short for guitar playing. Sometimes I paint my toe nails in the summertime.


My dh, on the other hand, would love for me to learn to give really good massages.

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I last had a massage about 2 weeks ago. Before that it had been a year. I used to get massages weekly, I LOVE them. But it's been awhile. I am now in my 8th month of pregnancy and very, very sore so I am going to try to go more often for awhile.

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11 years ago. I was pregnant with my youngest and my good friend gave me a massage certificate for Christmas.


I don't like other people touching me (aside from family). And I was very pregnant, so I used the table with the belly cut out. I got really dizzy being on my stomach. It was such a weird sensation. It was an okay experience. I feel bad because I didn't tip her. I didn't know I was supposed to!


I would love to have pedicures. It's not in the cards right now. My only splurge is getting my hair done. I pay more than average because I love my stylist. Plus, she throws my boys' haircuts in for next to nothing. So, it works out okay.

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Two years, if you don't count well-meaning but never as effective rubs from DH. While I was working 1/2 hour chair massages were vital for me to keep the tendonitis in my arm at bay. After leaving my computer-centric job that relaxed, and once I started personal training and yoga it's even better. I still WANT a real table massage from time to time, but I can easily do without until our budget loosens up.

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The one thing I would really like to do is go to a nice hotel room for a night or two, just by myself, have nice meals, take a long bath and watch junky TV and sleep. All uninterrupted.


Oh, sign me up for this anytime....I can have a bag packed in 15 minutes...seriously...15 minutes TOP....probably under 10 minutes if needed.... (I can take my nook right??)

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I enjoy massages, spas, and the like.


Once a week I visit my tenant and his wife, who are a chiropractor and a masseuse. This is a win, win relationship LOL.


Twice a year I fly all the way to Napa Valley, CA for a special spa weekend. I always invite 2-3 women to join me, most often my sisters. I use airmiles to pay for the plane fares, and the rest I consider a gift to myself (one birthday, one Mother's Day). I enjoy the chance to re-charge with the fabulous women in my life, away from the day to day drivel :) I have a sister who isn't into spas, but she usually comes along for a facial and nails at the very least and spends the rest of the day shopping. She meets up with us again in the evenings. We've been doing this for years.


I tend to put my needs last, but there are times when it's imperative I re-charge. Imperative for everyone's sake, not just my own! I make myself a priority; not THE priority, but A priority. This includes everything from my twice-annual massage weekends in CA to just dropping the kids off at a friend's to sit at Starbucks for a few hours tooling around on the internet ... and lots in between.

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I get a mani/pedi at least twice a month (the mani is just a trim and clean-up, no polish. Between piano, dishes, babies, etc. it's not practical :D). Highlights and haircut once a month.


I haven't had a massage in over a year. I've been meaning to schedule another one because I've hit that postpartum achy/stiffness thing. But it's hard to get away, I'd have to pump, and I'm wondering how the whole letdown thing would work if I'm being massaged, blah blah blah. So I keep putting it off.

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I've been promising myself for years that I'm gonna go do xyz for my own comfort sometime soon. Yet it never comes even close to the top of my to-do list. What about you guys? ... I'm not talking about regular "me time," but just a real special treat just for you (while someone else deals with your kids).


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Massages don't make me feel very comfortable - I find it hard just to relax into it.


I'm thinking of taking tomorrow to myself and setting off for a long drive/walk with the dog. I don't do that much, because Husband is only here at weekends and it seems churlish to take off for the day.


I pay for a good haircut every five weeks - I need to keep decent for work.



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I had a massage once in my life when someone gave me a gift certificate for it...maybe 10 years ago. I do get a pedicure maybe once or twice in the summer when my toes are going bare. I could paint my own toes but a real pedicure where I can sit under the ultraviolet light will last for weeks and weeks.

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