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Had a gut wrenching realization yesterday...


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I've known this, but for some reason yesterday it really hit home.


I am (probably) not going to get to be the grandma on the farm surrounded by grandchildren. We were married ten years before we had any children. Now I'm 54 with one grandchild who lives faaaarr away. None of the other children are anywhere near marriage and children.


Nothing is better than having children around.


It's depressing.

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My kids would kill for a grandma who had a farm. We all would love to have family with a farm. So while you don't have family that fits your desires you may have kids locally who would love a safe haven with a grandma type woman on a farm to spend time with. :lol: You need to seek out these younger women with young kids to become friend/mentor to. Or offer summer camp with grandma for all us folks with no grandma on a farm :lol:

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Umm, you have a 19 year old and 18 year old triplets?? In less than 10 years you could have more grandchildren than you can keep up with. :) And I also think 54 is still young.


But it is sad that because of jobs most children can't live near their parents. It's hard for everyone in the family.



yes, I agree - it's very possible. My daughter is pregnant with our first grandchild and she's 25. My son is 23 and is just getting engaged. I have a feeling they won't wait real long. But the other side of that equation is where they end up living. My daughter is less than an hour away, but my son will be moving between 2-5 hrs away, depending on which grad school he chooses.


I totally agree with the OP: there really is nothing better than having children around. It's been a very difficult (heart-wrenching) couple of years as my children have begun leaving the nest. I still have an 11yr old, so I still have time... but it's not the same as when my house was filled with school-aged and/or little kids. I've been very nostalgic for those days.

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Why the he!! not? Your dd is 19, the trips are 18, and you are a very young 54! My sister had her first kid at 24. Not all of us wait til we are 30+ to have kids. Agreeing that in 10 years- you could be sick of the gkids and want them all to go home! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm on the other side...my kids don't have grandparents who are emotionally healthy, that they can have any sort of real relationship w/. And, as others have pointed out, 54 is young!



Perhaps the kids without grandparents could be paired up with the grandparent wanna bes without kids...

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I started my family early, and have purposefully prioritized a career that allowed me to remain close to my extended family. I always had that grandmother you dream of being, and always wanted my kids to have the same. It didn't dictate my life choices, but it certainly influenced them. I couldn't imagine it being any other way, and it breaks my heart to hear you feel that you've lost your dream of being that grandmother.


But life has a way of surprising us, so here's hoping your turn is coming :)

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I've known this, but for some reason yesterday it really hit home.


I am (probably) not going to get to be the grandma on the farm surrounded by grandchildren. We were married ten years before we had any children. Now I'm 54 with one grandchild who lives faaaarr away. None of the other children are anywhere near marriage and children.


Nothing is better than having children around.


It's depressing.



:grouphug: My former 4-H leader has a huge, lovely farm and two children who are my age (which is old) who will never have children. She still is a 4-H leader and there are always kids coming and going at the farm. She judges horse shows and coaches dressage. Her riders of my generation were ahead of their time. We all rode Western and by the time she was done with us, all of our horses were fair at dressage. Talk about total body makeover for a portly stock-type Pinto. But I digress; I know it is not the same, but you also don't know what the years will bring. I suspect you will stay active and young at heart like my 4-H leader who is now in her late seventies and have plenty of time with grandkids.

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You will have all though grandkids running around the farm soon enough. My mom is also 54, and though she has 5 grandkids she doesn't have patience or time for most of them. She has her favorites and they get the time and the others are SOL. What they would give to have a gramma (especially on a farm), that was eager to have them around instead of one huffing and puffing that it must be nearly time for them to leave only 30 minutes into the visit.

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someone posted here once that her dd married and moved away and the poster (i'm sorry i dont remember who) realized she would probably only see her DD once a year for the rest of her life.


*curls in ball* *tries not to cry* * cries really hard*



My parents moved away and I see them once every 2-3 years. There's a good chance I can count on my hands the number of times I'll ever see them again in my life. When I realized that I cried every day for a month. Typing it out just now brings it all back. Makes my heart physically hurt.

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My parents moved away and I see them once every 2-3 years. There's a good chance I can count on my hands the number of times I'll ever see them again in my life. When I realized that I cried every day for a month. Typing it out just now brings it all back. Makes my heart physically hurt.



:grouphug: It sounds like you miss them a lot. I would actually be okay with only seeing mine once a year or less. Right now I see them about once every 4-6 weeks and that is starting to feel like too much. It sounds like you love your parents very much. I hope circumstances change in such a way that you can see them more often in the coming years.

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I'm sorry! :( :grouphug: You could adopt us! I have three little guys and a new one on the way! We live on a farm and love farms. We could bring you boxes of fruit. :tongue_smilie:


We are one of those who only have one set of grandparents in our lives. My parents don't really want to have much to do with me, my wonderful DH, or my little guys. My in-laws are great and love having the boys around!


Although I must warn you, despite the animals, lizards seem to get all of the attention around here. :001_smile:

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Thanks all, I'm a bit cheered.


The ranch could probably support us all, but they don't all want to stay. 8(


I'm going to drive the pony into town and see if my sil will let me borrow her grandson.



You never know. My siblings and I moved away from our parents, because we wanted to live elsewhere. Two years after moving away, my older sibling returned expecting a child. Nine years after I moved, I returned, expecting a child. My younger sibling is talking about babies and moving back.


People change. Being away, though fun, sometimes can help you realize that there are more important things in life than where to live, experiences like having your children growing up surrounded by the love and care of their great grandparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and a whole mess of cousins. We're very blessed to have such a wonderful extended family, and I want my children to know it.

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:grouphug: I have one child who really dislikes little kids and swears she doesn't want any. I have an Aspie son who may or may not ever get married. And my oldest is ready to have a real relationship, get married and have a child but she hasn't yet found the "one" so she is terribly depressed. Being a parent is not an easy thing. I am hoping for a plethora of grandchildren but that's really not going to happen. I'll still never get over the fact that I wanted more children but DH didn't. I would have loved having at least 2 more.

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Aw, I feel ya. The grandma on the farm is my kind of gig, but we're having kids late in life (I'm pregnant with my second as we're pushing 40). As old as I feel right now, I think I'm just going to concentrate on surviving the toddler years as a 40-something...and then the teen years as a 50-something. Lol.



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Seriously---be an "adoptive Grandma." Find a new mom (maybe even a first-timer!) or a Mom overwhelmed with homeschooling and a toddler/preschooler and baby in her house (ahem! ;) ) and go hold the baby in the family room while the Mom cooks dinner in possible relative peace. Bring over an activity for the toddler/preschooler, whatever---and then just leave. Or, make food for the family and activities for the toddler and give the Mom a chance to enjoy holding her baby on the couch for a while.

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My oldest will be 24 when I'm 54. I keep telling my kids the best age to have kids is 23-33 and since I'm pg at 40 and oh so tired maybe they'll believe me! I hope to enjoy grandkids in my 60's and 70's. My inlaws are 63 & 68 and they have 6 grandkids from 9-4 and another one soon. They will likley end up with 7 grandkids which is a great number. One of their kids isn'tmarried/nochildren and the other sons waited until their 30's to have kids.


My parents had 3 kids and will end up with 6 grandkids from 2 kids. They are both 62 and have grandkids aged 11-4 and our nb on the way.


BTW: we live an hr from inlaws, but I live 12 hours from my parents. We see them 2 times a year:(

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I bet there are local families who live far from their grandma. Could you borrow a few grandkids and make your own fun?


My mom used to do this before we moved back. )) She had a whole flock of kids/families from church who loved coming to her house.


Surrogate grandkids are fun too.

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There are many kids who don't have grandparents/godparents/mentors.


You could have kids on the farm. They just may not be biologically related to you.




My kids need a grandmother, you want to adopt some? :laugh:


Seriously---be an "adoptive Grandma." Find a new mom (maybe even a first-timer!) or a Mom overwhelmed with homeschooling and a toddler/preschooler and baby in her house (ahem! ;) ) and go hold the baby in the family room while the Mom cooks dinner in possible relative peace. Bring over an activity for the toddler/preschooler, whatever---and then just leave. Or, make food for the family and activities for the toddler and give the Mom a chance to enjoy holding her baby on the couch for a while.



Watching my mom be grandma to strangers was what finally convinced us we were missing out big time.

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A few ideas if you want to be really challenged:


Become a foster parent for a troubled teen and teach them to work, ride, etc. There is a huge need for this and some of these kids really flourish on a farm.


Become a foster parent for a troubled teen from the criminal justice program for just a bit more of an added challenge.


Become a respite provider for a special needs child or 2. My best friend is your age and does respite for my special needs kids and has them help her out with the horses, do chores, etc. It is wonderful for me as they are being well cared for and learning some valuable lessons.


I may never be a grandma. Oldest 2 will likely never marry/live on their own. Youngest maybe but she has a long ways to go and it just might not happen.

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The year my oldest was born, my mother got a granddaughter in August, September, October, and January. A few years later, we gave her a round of boys. It can happen in a rush. Also, be careful what you wish for. Children have a way of returning home 'for a while' with offspring. My mom is 65, and for the FIRST time she has no children or grandchildren living with her. As soon as the last kid moved out, my grandmother moved in with her. She's decided to put off retirement so she can hide at work longer :-)

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