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Have you ever had someone ask you if you would home school their child?


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I just hope they don't read this forum! I know some of us here have home schooled other children than their own. They will even pay me. I don't want to do it, I'm pretty sure of that. I'm just curious about how you know what to teach them when they aren't yours and are coming out of p.s. I would be a support/mentor to the family but I don't think I can handle home schooling someone else's child.

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I get asked to homeschool and also to tutor afterschool.


For a kid who would likely go back, I'd loosely follow the posted district framework of courses.


For a kid who may not go back, I'd show the parents my framework of courses and expect to fold the kid in (accounting for time to transition).


I could and would do it, not for friends or aquaintances but for pay. I have another paying gig, though. One that gives me a break from kids, mine and others LOL.


I think it's great for the family to have you as a mentor.

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Well, it's rather obvious that most of the schools here, for the most part, are messed up. The mom was home schooled. I don't think she wants to do it and the poor kid is having major social/safety issues at school. I haven't checked the syllabii (is that correct?) for the grades here and I wonder if the schools would even provide it.


An 11 year old told me recently..."I hate school. It's so dumb. The teachers are idiots. How many years in a row do they need to draw a square on the chalkboard and write down one plus one equals what?"

Wow. Really.


Oh, sorry I went off topic on my own thread.

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I have been asked. I have said no.


If I wanted to run my home like a school I would just go back to work and send my kids back to school. I want to have the freedom to go and do as I please and do not wish to watch anyone else's kids.

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Asked loads of times, never accepted though I've been willing to do some after school tutoring. In most cases, the parents would not even offer to pay me as part of this inquiry...they just figured if I was already doing it for my own, what's one or two more! :glare:


I would feel bad about the situation of the student mentioned by the OP, but it would not change the fact that the answer is no. I've got enough on my plate with my own three teens plus the teens I tutor. Taking someone else on full time from outside my family would not be an option at this point.


I have also decided to retire from homeschooling in five years when the last leaves for college. I think that if I teach, I'm going to try to wheedle my way back into the K-8 Lutheran school where I once taught music and science plus the occasional really accelerated kid in whatever he/she needed. I truly loved that job, band, choir, general music, my big, beautiful, well decked out science lab, my tutoring room with the small mish-mash of brainiacs doing a wide variety of subjects and projects - like the 3rd grader taking a freshman college level astronomy course that I proctored for him! The amazing faculty whom I called my dearest friends...I think I want to go back to that kind of teaching and GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! :D



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I wouldn't do it.


And I would caution you that if you offer to be a support person or mentor for the family, please be sure to set boundaries and be certain that the family won't take advantage of you, and abuse your kindness and generosity.


I know someone who did something similar because she felt sorry for a family, and without going into detail about it, I'll just say that she lived to regret ever offering to help them at all.


So please be careful!!!

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I have also been asked this question. It seems so inappropriate to me, akin to "Will you breastfeed my child... for the next decade?" Y'know, it's not one of those things I'm really willing to do for anyone but the individuals I happened to birth. If it's an emergency, I can help you out for a few days. I just don't want the long-haul responsibility. :lol:

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It would have to be a very very special case for me to consider it. I run my homeschool as a part of my family/lifestyle. Taking on another 'student' would be like adding a member to our family. Generally, my knee jerk reaction would be no way. There may be one or two kids I'd consider (my niece/nephew for example) given the right circumstances, which I doubt will ever become realities!

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I have been asked and actually did it for a while. The lady had cancer and wanted the 4 kids (2-8yrs) to have some normalcy. So I did it but she passed away and the dad put the kids in school.

I could/would do it again but not for 4 kids.


I think that was incredibly sweet of you, Wendy. I'm sure the mom really appreciated all of your help, and it was probably such a blessing to the children, as well.

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Yes, I am doing that right now (see my sig). This is a very new thing for us, so ask me how it works in another few years. :laugh:


Seriously though... the other boy is a good friend and the parents are very good friends. Payment isn't in the equation, except that they pay for his materials unless the boys are doing the same curriculum (which they mostly are at the moment).


I don't think I'd do this as a business, or for people who were not very close friends, though. There is a lot about the personal relationship that is ... different ... and if we weren't such close friends, I think it would be difficult.


YMMV, of course. If you decide to do it, I wish you the best of luck. There are a lot of advantages that I can already see in doing it.

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This question would have made a good poll.


Yes, I have. Homeschooling is a lifestyle for us. I don't want another child's schedule to infringe upon my ability to be flexible with our schedule. I told them they'd have to send her to live with us, otherwise it wouldn't work.

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I haven't but I considered offering for a friend who was mid-divorce. Her DD was having an awful time with mean girls at school. I don't think she would have taken me up on it though.


Any more I wouldn't agree (or offer). I like our flexibility and other kids would get in the way of that.

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You'd teach them the same things you'd teach your own. :-)


I would I guess, be teaching the same things, if I didn't think the parents would be saying, "Huh?"

Really, isn't home schooling, well, in some ways, some times, EASY?

I think this child would send me into the looney bin but that's beside the point.

It would not be as difficult if the child is the same age within a year, maybe 2, of yours/mine, and this one is.

Also, I didn't mention that this child seems to have some definite attention problems as well as being incredibly smart.


I couldn't laugh when I was asked, the parent seemed so desperate! Someone who respects my children's integrity suggested they ask me. I know other people who have done it and it changed a child's life for the better so immensely even though there are still a lot of problems.

Don't you keep hearing horrible stories from people you know about what's going on in schools?

Price! That's the other thing....how would I know how much to ask or agree to?

Well, I'm not going to do it, if it were life or death I suppose I would. It is clearly not my responsibility and I'm half bonkers enough as it is!!!!

Someone had to keep watch over my kids (3 needed it, 3 did not) for a week because I have no family here, while I was dying and my dh had to be by my side far from home. In my conscious moment we asked another home school mom to just watch them for a week and she agreed.

I guess it adds a new twist when child has behavioral issues, right?

I love our flexibility!

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I have been asked many, many times sometimes in jest and sometimes seriously. I have never said yes. That being said, however, I have a lovely friend who is homeschooling her oldest 4 and she has three too young for school, including one born last May instead of in the September like he was supposed to be. Her mom who was helping her out at a very difficult time passed away suddenly as well. I still couldn't see homeschooling her children but I have written the curriculum for her 6th, 4th, and 2nd grader for History & Science making it completely open & go for the kids. I wrote 12 weeks of Botany, 12 weeks of Zoology and 12 weeks of Human Anatomy. For each week's topic I wrote an age appropriate text (with pictures) there was a lapbook to create, a lab with a lab report to fill out and a scientist biography to complete. Each 12 week module is about 250 pages. It has been a tremendous amount of work, but it is something I can do for her.


Amber in SJ

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I had a friend ask, but I declined, she had 3 kids and I knew with my "scattered" ways that she would become frustrated with me maybe not doing as much as she would assume I should- and no way could I handle homeschooling my 4 plus her 3.


I did homeschool another friend's son for 4 years but she didn't ask, we offered. PS was such a train-wreck, I figured I couldn't do any worse. I just folded him into what we were doing and gave her a lot of feedback on what was going on, but I made all the curriculum choices.

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I have relatives who are assuming they'll just make a little group homeschool (taught by the moms who are into teaching and funded by the ones who want to work) when they're all finally married and have kids. I think they're nuts and I'm glad to have the excuse of living several states away whenever they bring it up. I actually feel a little guilty sometimes because I have the privilege of doing this with my kids.

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I have been asked, and I have done it. It was a wonderful experience. He was a former student of mine from a private school, and the dad traveled, and the mom was taking care of her mother. They paid extremely well - private school tuition. They had complete confidence in me and gave me complete control. My kids loved having him around to play kickball at recess etc. he loved being here with all the craziness of my home.


I currently teach classes at my home and tutor at other people's homes. I also teach in two different "schools" (for homeschoolers)

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I've been asked, I've done it, been paid and it worked out fine. Once a five yr old that was getting in trouble in K, (no trouble here) once a sixth grader who was probably being bullied and was so stressed she was pulling out her eyelashes. Took in a four yr old who was miserable at her day care. The two older ones just finished out the year. The four yr old became such a part of our lives that she'd be insulted when our grandpa came to visit for birthdays and didn't bring her a present too.

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When the last person asked me, I wanted to shout, "They call it HOMEschool for a reason!"


The poor child was struggling terribly in school but the family was one of those that was very concerned with their luxuries and neither parent was willing to be bothered with adjusting their work schedules. In fact, she didn't even ask if I would homeschool her dd, she said, "I want you to homeschool Susie." , more of a command than a request.


Needless to say, I declined the "offer". Among other things, I knew our systems of discipline would never match up. I also love a large degree of flexibility in our homeschooling, so we can take advantages of interesting, once-in-a-lifetime events as they pop up. This woman was notorious for leaving her younger dd at the sitter's for extended periods of time, well beyond the agreed upon pick up hour. So I knew it would never work, that soon she would be hating me even more than she hated the school district.


In theory, I still like the idea of perhaps homeschooling another child other than my own. The above mentioned "family co-op also sounds like fun on a very theoretical level. But for me, the reality was not nearly as appealing.

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Yes, a number of times. Once a group of working moms even contacted me wanting me to homeschool their children. And I've always said no. If the family's values were very, very close to mine and if it was a close friend, I probably would take a sibling group. Some years ago a neighbor asked me, and I immediately turned them down. There was no way that it would have been a good fit.

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Honestly, as scared as everyone is of the changes in the schools, if I wanted to make a killing, I suspect I could take my state teaching license, set up a cottage school, and fill it just from kids I know.


And if I could find one, just one, who is actually a good match for DD and our family (and where the parent would be willing to pay for the kid to do the same outside classes DD does), I'd be tempted because I think it would be good for her. But she's so asynchronous that I doubt that would happen, especially when you're talking parents who have, by and large, been happy with the local schools and are only considering leaving because they're scared of the merger and budget cuts.

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I do homeschool another child...if I didn't have to deal with the parents, all would be well...Its hard watching a parent messing up the already difficult life of their own child because they never grew up themselves.... I will say that they are coming to the realization that this is my home and my rules. They asked me to do this for them. I don't have to and they need me to. The student needs this and that's whats important.


BUT, I will say that I can see the difference in this child from when she first got here. A child that hasn't done homework since 6th grade, now does her homework...she also just made a B on a science test that she actually studied for :)


I don't have a problem with her continuing here next year. For the most part we still do everything we want with her here. There are a few adjustments that we made, but other than that, it's not been a big deal. I want to help her regain a love of learning and a focus that it is for herself for her growth...

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I've been asked if I would consider homeschooling my grandchildren. We are expecting our first this summer. I would consider it,but I would only consider up to 3rd grade. We hope to help with the foster care system when our children are all grown and then travel a bit. Mémère has some plans :) I've seen mentors become closer then parents to some children. It is a tremendous opportunity and blessing if you feel lead to do it. I know my mentors have had generational effects on my family. I so appreciate and love them.

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My friend homeschooled two children not her own for a year. She charged tutor rates (I'm not sure what they were, but it was over $20 an hour). She was raking in some really nice money, but the older child had some severe behavior problems which was the reason no other school worked for him. She stopped after the first year.



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I have relatives who are assuming they'll just make a little group homeschool (taught by the moms who are into teaching and funded by the ones who want to work) when they're all finally married and have kids. I think they're nuts and I'm glad to have the excuse of living several states away whenever they bring it up. I actually feel a little guilty sometimes because I have the privilege of doing this with my kids.


I don't think this sounds nuts at all. If everyone gets along well and shares the same goals, it might be kind of perfect.

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Thank you to everyone for your responses! I really appreciate it. Our state's hs-ing laws are easy for the family, and I think you can add one child that is not yours...Some of you have had wonderful experiences and made money or not. Definitely the answers I was hoping to read, from different views. I like the thought of writing up a plan for the family to follow. I will continue to ponder it, knowing I will probably end up saying no. I will check on the hs law here but that didn't seem to be an issue, pretty sure.

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I just hope they don't read this forum! I know some of us here have home schooled other children than their own. They will even pay me. I don't want to do it, I'm pretty sure of that. I'm just curious about how you know what to teach them when they aren't yours and are coming out of p.s. I would be a support/mentor to the family but I don't think I can handle home schooling someone else's child.




In the state I live in it is only legal to homeschool the children that live in your house.

you can pay a private tutor to homeschool your children, but they would not come under the homeschool regulations.

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I used to do home daycare, but I quit when oldest was 4, partly for homeschooling reasons. One of the moms asked me if I would homeschool her son, who was the same age as mine. I said no. Homeschooling is a huge responsibility and I don't want to be responsible to someone else- explain why we took a day off, or why we didn't get it all done that day, or why I chose a certain book or method to teach a concept, etc. No thanks, not for me. Now, if it were my sister and the child were same age/grade as one of mine so I could just include them, that would be different.

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I have been asked twice in a serious fashion. I turned down both offers. I did take in my youngest nephew for a year before he entered Kindergarten in ps to "get him ready." (AKA his parents didn't want to work with him at all and he barely knew his ABCs).

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I've never been asked to hs another child, but we're so eclectic in what we use that I don't think anyone would want us homeschooling their kid. :laugh: I would do it if the other parent would buy the curriculum or agree to fold in with ours. I think it would actually help DH stay on top of things if there were other parents and money involved. With it just being his kids, he tends to slack off way more than he should. (Grrr)


I did have a 45 yo old friend ask if she could pay me to teach her the one last history credit she missed in high school before dropping out as a teen mom. I'm still thinking about it, but I haven't found a reason why I couldn't do that.

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