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Do you ever feel rushed at the grocery checkout?

Excelsior! Academy

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I will use tonight as an example. I was at Braum's, a regional fast food and limited grocery store, and after checkout the $ and receipt was thrust into my hand and the next person was rung up before I even put my $ away. I am not slow. Can the checker and next person online really not wait the few seconds it takes to put the money into a wallet?

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I hear you! I shop at a place where you bag your own groceries. No one makes me feel rushed but I swear I can never keep up with the cashier and I have this huge pile of groceries after she is all done. Then I still have to write a check. At least I no longer have a small child to also keep track of. At the bigger, regular-type stores, I have the same thing where I am still putting away my receipt and the next person is practically shoving me out of the way. And I am not slow either. Maybe I am just too picky about putting my stuff away?

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This happens not infrequently to me. I juggle my wallet and money while walking away and pushing the cart. Also, I have had some checkers who treated the job like an Olympic sport, attempting to set a land speed record for how quickly they could get my food rung up. It made me nervous...and also did no favors for my apples and bananas.

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I love Braums!!! Lime sherbet, chocolate chip, cherry limeaides. Yummy! Yes, I feel rushed all the time. I just take my time, and I don't move. If people start crowding me, I ask all sweetly for them to move back. I need my space. The more they push the slower I move. I have issues.

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Not where I shop. :)


What drives me nuts are the people who slowly get their card/cash/chequebook out only after everything is rung up. Slowly write the cheque, and slowly rip the cheque. And then don't move until after they slowly put everything away, chatting away to the cashier like they're old friends. Who even uses cheques anymore except for people in front of me in the grocery line? (imagine a tongue smilie here)


Yes, I give seniors an unconditional pass, so I'm not totally heartless. :)

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I think it is a speed test at Aldi, where I always feel rushed. I was there one day with a huge cartfull of groceries when I overheard some people at the end of the line complaining about the amount/type of food I was buying. They had milk and snack cakes. Seriously, if you are in that big of a hurry, go to 7 Eleven not a GROCERY store where people are buying GROCERIES.

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Not where I shop. :)


What drives me nuts are the people who slowly get their card/cash/chequebook out only after everything is rung up. Slowly write the cheque, and slowly rip the cheque. And then don't move until after they slowly put everything away, chatting away to the cashier like they're old friends. Who even uses cheques anymore except for people in front of me in the grocery line? (imagine a tongue smilie here)


Yes, I give seniors an unconditional pass, so I'm not totally heartless. :)



I hear you. I've often had to run my ATM twice because the transaction timed out before the checker finished LOL

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I sometimes feel a little rushed trying to put my receipt and credit card away. The places I feel really rushed though, are Boston Market and Subway. Man, you can't even step into those restaurants without them pushing you to place your order. Forget trying to read the menu or taking a minute to think about what you want. You'd better know before you even enter the store! My dd and I were the only ones in a Subway the other day and it's only the second time she's eaten there. OMG, it was so stressful. She had to come up with immediate responses for what type of cheese, condiments, or whatever. There is no looking in the case and thinking for a moment allowed. LOL!

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LOL... I feel self rushed! I am very fast, as I don't like to make people wait. I don't really mind waiting myself. I assume that no matter how much thought I have put into the process, I have chosen the wrong line. I have no other expectation.

I am often running two transactions, one personal, and one for our B&B. That confuses everybody! Even though I tell the checker at the beginning that I have two transactions, they almost always say "Thank you. Have a nice day." at the end of the first one. I smile and say "I'm still here!"

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Maybe I'm living on another planet, but I never have trouble getting my card swiped and put away before the checker can check out and bag my groceries. Sometimes I help bag to speed things along.


I want you ahead of me in line. :)

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LOL... I feel self rushed! I am very fast, as I don't like to make people wait. I don't really mind waiting myself. I assume that no matter how much thought I have put into the process, I have chosen the wrong line. I have no other expectation.

I am often running two transactions, one personal, and one for our B&B. That confuses everybody! Even though I tell the checker at the beginning that I have two transactions, they almost always say "Thank you. Have a nice day." at the end of the first one. I smile and say "I'm still here!"


I'm a cashier at a clothing outlet, and after ringing so many people, the "Thank you. Have a nice day" comes out automatically, even if they told me beforehand they are making separate purchases.


I really try not to rush people, but when there is a mob of a line and the person is taking forever to put their money and receipt away, I'm sorry but I need to start on the next person. Customers only get nastier the longer they wait.

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That used to happen constantly when I lived in the Baltimore suburbs. And you'd better drive fast, and get thru the atm line fast and get out of the way at the mall fast.


But when I moved to a small town in PA that all changed. No one, and I mean no one, tail gates around here. The stores are slow. No one is even behind you at the ATM so you can dally all you want.


I never knew that Baltimore was stressful or that driving was stressful until I moved to PA where it's calm and relaxed. Then, when I looked back, I realized that all the forced rushing really was a big stressor.

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No, I don't feel rushed. I shop at Aldi's and the checkers are extremely fast - it is one of their signature features, and I like it.

I swipe my card immediately when the checker begins to check my item, put away my wallet and then pack the groceries in a box while he dumps them into my cart. I turn my full cart away to move the empty card around for the checker while the receipt prints and basically grab the receipt on the way out. Love it.

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No, I don't feel rushed. I shop at Aldi's and the checkers are extremely fast - it is one of their signature features, and I like it.

I swipe my card immediately when the checker begins to check my item, put away my wallet and then pack the groceries in a box while he dumps them into my cart.

What do you mean by swipe your card before the checkout?

things must be done differently in America at the checkout. Here there is no way you can swipe your card until everything is rung up the machine just doesn't work until then.

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Who even uses cheques anymore except for people in front of me in the grocery line? (imagine a tongue smilie here)





Me. Ha ha! I usually write up part of the check while I am waiting in line so I only have to fill in the amount. But it still takes time for me to put my checkbook and receipt away and fish my keys out of my purse. But in all seriousness, I shop mostly at my co-op, of which I am a member (and I get a share of the profits). We paid more in cc fees than we made in profit last year. So, yeah, I write checks (or pay cash) there and at all small businesses whenever possible. It is a hassle but worth it for me.

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When I was in high school I was a cashier at HyVee. I'll admit that I used to get bored so I would sometimes try to go super fast just to see how fast I could go. I often got compliments from people who wanted to get in and out. There were other times I would go as fast as I could because I knew the people wanted to watch the price for every item. It was fun to watch them try to catch the prices and look confused.


I know, bad. I was an evil teen :leaving:



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What do you mean by swipe your card before the checkout?

things must be done differently in America at the checkout. Here there is no way you can swipe your card until everything is rung up the machine just doesn't work until then.



As soon as the checker starts on my purchases, the card reader accepts the card. I swipe and enter my PIN (Alid takes debit cards only) while my items are being checked.

Works the same at Walmart with credit card.

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I swipe my card immediately when the checker begins to check my item, put away my wallet and then pack the groceries in a box while he dumps them into my cart.



We can't swipe our card ahead of time at Aldi anymore. I used to love that feature. Target had that swipe ahead of time also but I'm ot sure they do it anymore either.



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At the Aldi you have to completely empty your cart onto the conveyor, then put the empty cart ( called trolleys here) into a special spot, the checkout then swipes everything and places it on an incy wincy shelf, you have a race with them as you dump the shopping into the trolley. you then push the trolley to a long bench and pack your bags or boxes.

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Oh, y'all should totally move to PA! The cashiers here are all SO nice and don't make me feel rushed. They even take the time to let my 4yo help bag (he LOVES doing this) and tell him what a great job he's doing. And I almost always have a lot of groceries.


Then again, that's just kind of how everyone is here -- super friendly, acting you are just the person they've been waiting to see all day.

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I've noticed that last few times at our Kroger-affliate. I know the checkers are timed and docked if they aren't moving things along. What I DON'T like is there's now a person that stands and directs you to a line. Um, I don't want to go through some of the checkers' lines--I want to go through the ones that I want to say hi to. I finally got tough the other day and told the director person that I don't want to go through so-and-so's line--she's grumpy! I figure if they don't know they have a problem, they can't deal with it. I wish they still mystery-shopped Kroger. What I really don't like is when they put my groceries into another cart and I have to transfer my purse. Um, that new cart's handle hasn't been wiped down.


I ignore the directors...and go to the line I want. I also told the employee who started to unload my groceries to help me to stop. I put them on the conveyor a certain way. (YEP, OCD!) I also hate when they switch carts, but I usually don't go where they do that.

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I know here part of the cashier's performance review is based upon how many items they scan in a given span of time. I know Target does this and there are a couple of grocery stores that do as well. They post the statistics on a board near the customer service desk.

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Maybe I'm living on another planet, but I never have trouble getting my card swiped and put away before the checker can check out and bag my groceries. Sometimes I help bag to speed things along.



Me too! It's most fun to help bag at the stores were the managers get twitchy when they see customers bagging.


I'm always fascinated that so many people don't realize you can swipe your card as soon as the first item goes through the scanner (at least, at the local grocery stores you can, as well as Target and Walmart). But, really, it's a moot point since I tend to be behind the person who is using 2 gift cards that have amounts they're unsure of, all the change they found in the couch, and a third-party check to pay for their order.

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That used to happen constantly when I lived in the Baltimore suburbs. And you'd better drive fast, and get thru the atm line fast and get out of the way at the mall fast.


But when I moved to a small town in PA that all changed. No one, and I mean no one, tail gates around here. The stores are slow. No one is even behind you at the ATM so you can dally all you want.


I never knew that Baltimore was stressful or that driving was stressful until I moved to PA where it's calm and relaxed. Then, when I looked back, I realized that all the forced rushing really was a big stressor.


I DO live in a Baltimore suburb. Maybe I've integrated TOO well :-) I do my relaxing at home or in a coffee shop. I like to move at a good clip when I'm out on errands. I grew up in the sticks and have no desire to return to that pace before I'm physically forced to.




What do you mean by swipe your card before the checkout?

things must be done differently in America at the checkout. Here there is no way you can swipe your card until everything is rung up the machine just doesn't work until then.


I think there are a lot of folks here who don't realize that we don't have that limitation. As soon as you hear that first beep you can swipe and be done with it.




Me. Ha ha! I usually write up part of the check while I am waiting in line so I only have to fill in the amount. But it still takes time for me to put my checkbook and receipt away and fish my keys out of my purse. But in all seriousness, I shop mostly at my co-op, of which I am a member (and I get a share of the profits). We paid more in cc fees than we made in profit last year. So, yeah, I write checks (or pay cash) there and at all small businesses whenever possible. It is a hassle but worth it for me.


You need to stop. You're too young for check-writing to be forgiven. You need to get an ATM card and be done with it. Think of it as an instant checkbook that balances itself automatically.

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Here you pretty much always bag your own stuff - the cashier will help if asked, or if s/he has finished ringing up the purchases. However, the cashiers are trained not to turn to the next person until you are walking away with your trolley. But supermarkets don't accept cheques and most people pay quickly with a credit or debit card.


Aldi is different - I don't feel rushed but I do have to move fast. I'm happy to do so in return for the prices.



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I love my Harris Teeter because they unload your cart and bag for you. That way, I can look to see that everything is ringing up right. When my boys are with me, I sometimes get them to help bag, but I rarely help bag myself because I want to look as items are being rung up.



I LOVE Harris Teeter. Best customer service ever. They know how to make you feel valued. I never feel rushed there. But I also usually do my shopping very early in the morning, when there's usually only a handful of customers in the entire store.

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@OP Thank you for starting this thread! I thought it was only me, or because we live in Colombia, or because I am old. It has been 18 years since I moved from the USA, so I thought it was only here that they do this.....


This is a pet peeve of mine. Recently, I have learned to put the shopping cart behind me, when I am checking out. I put my things for the cashier to process, and the shopping cart gives me some space, between the next customer in line and me.


Another thing I hate here is that they do not count your change back to you, as I remember them doing in the states. They hand the change to you.


It would seem that if a customer could evaporate, after paying, that is what the store wants.


This includes the little store where we do most of our shopping and where they give us such wonderful help, with the meat, fruit, vegetables and when hunting for something.


OP, now that I have read the entire thread, I know it isn't just me, in Colombia, or because I'm old and retired... Thanks!

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I always feel rushed, even at the self-checkout.


The grocery lady comes over, pushes all my stuff to the bottom of the big area where

groceries go, and sometimes starts bagging my stuff!!!


Also as soon as the previous person leaves, the grocery lady who supervises

the checkout runs over and lifts the barrier-thingy, so all my bananas and jars

slide and bang hard against the edge. I hate it, but I feel bad telling her to stop

doing that. I know she's just trying to help. But I feel rushed and annoyed. The

whole point of doing it myself was so they wouldn't be rough with my bananas,

tomatoes, and bread.

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Do any of you have a store where you carry the price gun with you? That might make you feel less rushed. You scan the prices and bag your items as you shop. At the end, you turn in your price-scanner thingy and pay.



I have never heard of this. That would be awesome. We do not even have any self-checkout stores. The place I shop most frequently just got scanners at the registers last year and it still does not have conveyor belts. And we have to fill out our own checks. We have officially stuck in the 1980s I guess......

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What do you mean by swipe your card before the checkout?

things must be done differently in America at the checkout. Here there is no way you can swipe your card until everything is rung up the machine just doesn't work until then.


All of the grocery stores I shop at allow me to swipe my card while they are still ringing up items. The screen just says 'processing'. My wallet is back in my purse long before they hit the total button. I live in Georgia.

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All of the grocery stores I shop at allow me to swipe my card while they are still ringing up items. The screen just says 'processing'. My wallet is back in my purse long before they hit the total button. I live in Georgia.



We have a chip and Pin system: you use a PIN instead of a signature and your card has an electronic chip. You can't put in the card/PIN until the end of the transaction, because entering the PIN signifies that you agree to the charge being put on your account, the equivalent of a signature.



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We have a chip and Pin system: you use a PIN instead of a signature and your card has an electronic chip. You can't put in the card/PIN until the end of the transaction, because entering the PIN signifies that you agree to the charge being put on your account, the equivalent of a signature.





For us, you can swipe and put your PIN in at any time, but when the final tally is ready, you have to choose the "I agree" button for the charge to come out of your account. By the time that button comes up you can have your stuff back in your purse and all but that last loaded bag placed in your cart.

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