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Gifts under the tree

Night Elf

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When do you put gifts under the tree? I've always done it on Christmas Eve after the kids have gone to bed. This year, my tree just looks so bare so I put the gifts under now. We don't have Santa anymore so no new gifts will be added. I hope it doesn't take away the excitement but they look pretty good under there right now.

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Thanks to two rambunctious pups and a determined cat, the gifts don't go under the tree until Christmas morning.


My 15yo cat has dedicated himself to the task of removing all the ornaments from "his" tree.

Then, the dogs eat the ornaments. The poor tree is starting to look a bit bare.

Presents don't stand a chance here.

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I used to do it on christmas eve after the kids went to bed. (the year I was up until 2am, I insituted the rule that no one was allowed to wake up mom or go in the living room until 8am.)


as they grew up, they wanted to be elves and help. when the youngest (2ds) asked to be an elf - it became pointless. I put them out as they are wrapped, and everyone can watch the pile grow (after all, we're seven people). dh will put out the few he buys and wraps on christmas eve after I go to bed. (he's often up in the middle of the night.)

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We've always put them under the tree as soon as they are wrapped. It's easier for me to hide things in plain sight. It's also a great lesson in patience for my kids to want to open them and have to wait. Santa doesn't really come anymore, but when he did his gifts were always unwrapped and under the tree on Christmas morning.

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This is the first year here that no one is waiting on Santa, so I just put them under the tree. So far I'm liking that pretty good. I don't have to keep them hidden, and there won't be a marathon wrapping session on Christmas Eve. I think I'll be able to enjoy Christmas Eve a little more without all the hustle and bustle.

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Now that the kids are older and control themselves from opening gifts under the tree. I put one gift for each under the tree and the rest come out after they go to bed.


I ruined the whole magical wake up Christmas morning to presents under the tree thing for my son last year, he was still up when gifts came out and stockings were filled. He said "Do you have to do that while I am stil awake?" lol.....he was 16. I guess even the older ones still like the Christmas morning excitement.

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We're another family that has always put everything under the tree after the kids are in bed Christmas Eve. The exception is if we get gifts from out of town relatives or whatever, or if the kids buy for each other, those go under the tree as soon as they're wrapped.


Right now I have a bunch of presents I've wrapped that are for other people who are coming to my house on Sunday under the tree, so at least it isn't bare.


Stockings are always after everyone is in bed, and the adults aren't allowed to look even if we're still up after they have been stuffed.

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When I was a kid We used to put presents for extended family under the tree as they were purchased and wrapped, and my parents put ours out after we were in bed on Christmas Eve.


My little destructo boy prevents us having a tree, so currently all the presents are stashed in my room, pretending not to be anything but ignorable random junk.

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I put the stuff that is not from Santa under the tree whenever it is wrapped. Santa fills each stocking and places it on the couch or one of the chairs with that person's Santa gifts, which are all unwrapped. He puts family gifts under the tree. He also turns the Christmas tree lights on, so it is the only morning the kids wake up with a lit tree. That with the explosion of Santa gifts around the room supplies the magic.


Growing up, there was no end point to Santa. As long as you believed, he came. It never stopped being magical. Never. When I met DH, I made him believe again. ;) I refuse to give up the magic when my kids age. :D

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This year most of them are already out. Some will be added on Christmas Eve after the kids are in bed. Stockings will be stuffed that night. My biggest regret this year is that they know which wrapping paper is theirs. I don't label gifts. Each of the kids is assigned a different paper. Usually they don't know which presents belong to them until Christmas morning.

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DH's family does things totally differently. They open their gifts on xmas eve.



My DH's family did this as well. They would go to church and one adult in the family, not sure if it was the same person each year, would slip out and go put out all the gifts, even Santa things. They would walk into the house and dive into the gifts, staying up late to play with things. Then they would spend Christmas day napping and eating.

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As I wrap them.

But we don't do Santa stuff here, so YMMV.



This is what we do too although this year DD has been all over them trying to figure out what she's getting and I'm getting annoyed with that. (As if she has a chance in heck at guessing!)

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Usually only the stuff that comes from grandma goes under the tree. But this year we've put everything under there as it is wrapped. With the exception of dd's gifts. She said she doesn't want them out to tempt her yet. :laugh:


This was an overboard year so maybe they would be in the way if they were out right now.

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Growing up, there was no end point to Santa. As long as you believed, he came. It never stopped being magical. Never. When I met DH, I made him believe again. ;) I refuse to give up the magic when my kids age. :D


I wish! It's so hard with them being indifferent to the whole thing. They didn't even have wish lists this year. I had to practically beat it out of them. And we only put up our tree this past Saturday, but I was the only one who wanted to do it. They did help but it wasn't a Christmas song and food event. It was decorate and go back to their rooms. I'm not sure why they lost the magic of Christmas. It wasn't this bad last Christmas. It's hard to be excited about something when everyone around me is just blah. DH and I have shared gifts and we aren't even doing stockings for each other this year because we only ever put candy in them and so we figured, why bother? There are few surprises this year and they are small at that. Our whole approach this year just seems off.

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Christmas Eve. We solved the naked tree issue by using a sparkly white tree skirt and putting a train and village under the tree. We put that away on Christmas Eve and put a different tree skirt out (since the one we use for the train/village was made to fit the train track and is not round).

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I wish! It's so hard with them being indifferent to the whole thing. They didn't even have wish lists this year. I had to practically beat it out of them. And we only put up our tree this past Saturday, but I was the only one who wanted to do it. They did help but it wasn't a Christmas song and food event. It was decorate and go back to their rooms. I'm not sure why they lost the magic of Christmas. It wasn't this bad last Christmas. It's hard to be excited about something when everyone around me is just blah. DH and I have shared gifts and we aren't even doing stockings for each other this year because we only ever put candy in them and so we figured, why bother? There are few surprises this year and they are small at that. Our whole approach this year just seems off.



Aw, that is a bummer. Do you think you are downhearted because of their disinterest? I can see that happening. This year, I am doing a family advent calendar with a family activity every day. I was so excited about this and it has been going well. We have all been enjoying the activities and the fun of starting this new tradition. But. But, but, but... I have been getting irritated because throughout the day, I think they should be, ya know, behaving nicely because I'm doing this nice thing and they should be thankful and anticipating this nice thing and don't they realize how lucky they are that I'm doing this nice thing... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Yeah, turns out they are just normal human children. I had a talk with DH, who was sad that I was sad but is the one who had to point out to me that they are, in fact, normal human children who will not necessarily behave like angels and show profuse gratitude and perfect behavior because their mom is doing this thing for them 25 days in a row. Now, as I type that I am a bit :lol: because it seems so obvious. No, my kids are not going to turn into perfect little angels for 25 days straight just because I've got the holiday spirit running through me. :lol: (I should mention that they are good kids...just turns out they are not Stepford children LOL). Anyway, thanks for letting me talk through that...


So what I was wondering is if you have all the expectations in your head and you want other people to fulfill them? And that sounds all ugly and accusatory but I promise it's not! That is what was going on with me. In the end, I realized I had to separate my expectations from their behavior and that if I wanted to do this thing, I should relax and do it, not set myself up for hurt feelings and dashed expectations. Can you make some magic? You can cheerfully invite the kids to join you in the magic. But do something Christmasy just for you. If you make cocoa and cookies, will they join you in watching a movie?

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We usually put packages under the tree as soon as they are wrapped. This year we hosted an open house here last weekend. Instead of wrapped packages, we gathered all the teddy bears still in the house (and one lone monkey) to nestle under the tree. The tree isn't bare and our packages aren't displayed for all to see.

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When younger - Christmas eve.


Growing up/older - whenever wrapped. Sometimes this can be Christmas eve! With a *skirt* [an old white blanket bunched up to be the *snow*] and a train around the tree, it is quite nice. This actually works very well as ds uses the packages to make tunnels for the train to travel through! During the course of time that the tree is up, he usually restructures the tunnel many times.

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Usually, I put gifts under the tree one or two at a time each evening after everyone else is in bed. When the kids were younger, they loved anticipating waking up each morning and checking to see what had appeared overnight. We always held back big stuff and enough packages to put out Christmas eve that the tree "exploded" for Christmas morning.


Edit: We never did the Santa thing, but my kids (and husband) loved the magic of seeing the gifts appear, anyway.


This year, though, the tree has been up for a week and I've yet to put anything under it. I was telling my husband this morning that I'm really bugged looking at the empty tree, but I can't seem to make myself dig into the piles of hidden stuff to fish out any likely candidates.


We were supposed to tackle it tonight, decide on and wrap a few things to go out over the next several days. But I just got home from running kids to and from their dual dance studios and found my husband almost asleep on the couch. So, the jury is out on whether we'll get to it tonight.

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When I was a kid, we would get one big unwrapped present and stockings from Santa. All the other gifts—including other gifts from my parents—were put under the tree as they were wrapped. There was a lot of excitement before Christmas because we wanted to know what was in the packages. This is how I do it with my family in theory (except that we have a treasure hunt with clues leading to the stockings and unwrapped gifts without really "doing Santa")—but in reality, I put off wrapping so long that we don't have wrapped gifts by the tree more than a day or two. I haven't wrapped a single present this year yet.

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So what I was wondering is if you have all the expectations in your head and you want other people to fulfill them? And that sounds all ugly and accusatory but I promise it's not! That is what was going on with me. In the end, I realized I had to separate my expectations from their behavior and that if I wanted to do this thing, I should relax and do it, not set myself up for hurt feelings and dashed expectations. Can you make some magic? You can cheerfully invite the kids to join you in the magic. But do something Christmasy just for you. If you make cocoa and cookies, will they join you in watching a movie?



I don't think I have high expectations, but yes I am bummed they seem indifferent to the whole season. I had a talk with dd14 tonight who told me she didn't like the consumerism and materialism of the holiday season. She said it was hard to be excited about getting gifts just for the sake of spending money and buying stuff we probably don't need. I actually think that's a good thing, except we don't celebrate from a religious point of view either. As for traditions, we decorate the tree together, and we do our advent calendars (1 regular one and 2 playmobil). At first they didn't seem interested but once I got some of the toys out onto the displays, they asked if they could 'play" too. I was trying to get the girls to make graham cracker houses with me but they haven't had a good time to do them. I've been eating some Christmas cookies, listening to music and watching some movies, so I'm good. Oh I know they'll be happy on Christmas morning. I did get them some nice things, even if they do know they are getting them. I'm thinking about having each one pick a favorite food and having a potluck dinner. That should please everyone. We're getting a new puzzle that I'll start on Christmas day. Well, I'll set the pieces out. I've never done a 1000 piece puzzle before and frankly it sounds absolutely overwhelming. Anyway, I promise to perk up and enjoy the bits that I can affect and then feel pleasantly surprised when they join in. They do like board games. We'll do that too. :)


But everyone really does like the gifts under the tree right now. So that is nice.


And hey, I can still look to the future when I have a grandchildren. It will be hard to go by the parent's wishes if they don't want me going all out for the kids. I'll have to think of some activities that are special. But it will be nice to play with kids again.

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This year most of them are already out. Some will be added on Christmas Eve after the kids are in bed. Stockings will be stuffed that night. My biggest regret this year is that they know which wrapping paper is theirs. I don't label gifts. Each of the kids is assigned a different paper. Usually they don't know which presents belong to them until Christmas morning.




This is an idea I got from this board. I put a piece of their paper into the toe of their stockings so they have to go into the stockings at first. They they pull gifts out and color coordinate them so everyone has their own personal stack of gifts to open. I have a couple of kids who don't like being watched when they open gifts so we just let each person work at their own pace and ooh and aah during appropriate moments. :) I hold the trash bag for opened paper and scissors to break down boxes. By the time we're done, the room is tidy. We really like it this way.

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We put them under the tree after the boys have gone to bed. They both prefer the wow factor of seeing the presents Christmas morning.


We do get a few sent to us from faraway relatives and a sweet neighbor; they go under the tree as soon as we receive them, so the tree isn't completely empty.



This is what we've always done. I put out the majority after the kids are in bed on Xmas eve so they have a surprise in the morning. The ones we receive in the mail go under the tree along with whatever the older kids give ea other, or they did until we had a baby around again. My older kids made gifts for each other, wrapped them, and put them under the tree last week, and then my 2 yr old promptly tried to unwrap them. So no gifts under the tree at all until Xmas eve when he's in bed.

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Gifts that are from us to the kids, or from the kids to each other, go under the tree as they are wrapped. Santa comes by on Christmas Eve and brings the majority of what they receive, and stuffs their stockings (along with mom and dad's stockings, and a stocking each for the dog, the cat, the guinea pig, and the goats...). :laugh:


Their stockings are placed somewhere in the room with their Santa gifts arranged all around. Santa doesn't wrap, and he even takes some things out and assembles them. Things are spread out, with one child having their gifts positioned near the fireplace, the other one on and around a chair, one in front of the TV table, and one by the desk. This definitely causes the room to look like it exploded with gifts, especially since there are 4 of them.


It was the same way when I was growing up. Santa never actually quit coming, even once I was an adult living at home. So, I don't anticipate that he'll quit coming here either. I like it that way!

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The tree explodes on Christmas morning here with gifts from us and Santa :D It was this way for both my husband and I growing up too.


The biggest difference was that he had wrapped Santa gifts, and mine were unwrapped. I prefer unwrapped because it is so much easier. But I do wrap them. My kiddos each pick out wrapping paper with Santa on it (it is the only Santa themed paper allowed in the house!) and set it out, along with tape & scissors & ribbon, for Santa to use. I plan to leave the toddler's gifts unwrapped this year just because of what they are. We'll see what the older thinks of this.

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We put most of them under the tree as they get wrapped. The santa gifts don't get wrapped, they just get set out, obviously after DD has gone to bed Christmas Eve. Stockings are filled then, too. We splurged and bought a couple more things this evening. I haven't decided yet if I'll wrap them in the next couple days or just set them out as santa gifts.


I like the idea of the different wrapping paper for each child and no labels! I might try that next year!

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I put out several things that DH and I are giving to the kids, but the majority of the things will go out Christmas Eve. I like the WOW factor on Christmas morning. Growing up, even after everyone was older and Santa wasn't coming, my parents would save things to put out late Christmas Eve. It helped to keep the magic going, I think. Also, my brothers were terrible snoops and would actually unwrap and rewrap items, so I think this helped put a stop to that :laugh:

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Christmas Eve. They're currently stacked on top of the entertainment center — with the exception of the Santa gifts. Those will be put, unwrapped, on the fireplace. We move them under the tree after bedtime on Christmas Eve. If we put them under now, there would be a lot of shaking to figure out what was in the box.

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Gifts that are from us to the kids, or from the kids to each other, go under the tree as they are wrapped. Santa comes by on Christmas Eve and brings the majority of what they receive, and stuffs their stockings (along with mom and dad's stockings, and a stocking each for the dog, the cat, the guinea pig, and the goats...). :laugh:


Their stockings are placed somewhere in the room with their Santa gifts arranged all around. Santa doesn't wrap, and he even takes some things out and assembles them. Things are spread out, with one child having their gifts positioned near the fireplace, the other one on and around a chair, one in front of the TV table, and one by the desk. This definitely causes the room to look like it exploded with gifts, especially since there are 4 of them.


It was the same way when I was growing up. Santa never actually quit coming, even once I was an adult living at home. So, I don't anticipate that he'll quit coming here either. I like it that way!


This is exactly what we do. My parents did this for my brothers and I when we were little (we always fought over the spot by the fireplace), and I have continued the tradition with my own kids. I love having gifts piled around the room in different areas, as it makes the room look so festive. The only difference is at our house Santa wraps some of the gifts and leaves some of them unwrapped.

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