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Anyone else taking Thanksgiving week off?

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We have not had a break since we started school, and are all in desperate need of some down-time. I am so excited to take a whole week off! DH is off all week as well, and I am looking forward to lots of playtime. I am also planning some baking, and lots of snuggle/reading time with DD, who is usually neglected during the school week.

Anyone else?

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We are taking Thursday and Friday off. We will hopefully push on through the last week of November and then take all of December off. We've taken 2 days off since we started and we ALL need a break. I'm hoping we make it! Enjoy your week off!

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Kind of. We're on a break from most of our school this month while we do NaNoWriMo. They still have to do math and some reading but otherwise they've been writing for hours every day. I want to give them this week off but they are behind on word counts and will be continuing to write. But they won't be required to do anything else. Though they read for pleasure so that will still be happening.

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We have school Monday and Tuesday We took off a few days for Disney and couple days to head to the mountains. I have to get alteast 2 days in. I tried to get ds to get some work done today and I got :blink: . He's okay with working Mon, Tues and possibly Wednesday.

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Yes, but it is filling up fast. Ds15 is upset that he will still have 3 subjects to finish up over his vacation because he didn't get them done last week despite ample time to complete the assignments.


This is true for us, too. My guys failed to finish their writing assignment and History last week. They were struggling to get through the week- hopefully everyone will recharge this week!

Now, if we could only take the week off from piano, guitar and violin lessons, swimming and parkour.....

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DH declared the week off, even though I had scheduled a light workload for DS. Not real happy about it since I'm off Tue-Fri and hoped to have plenty of time to get DS caught up on work that I KNOW he didn't finish last week.


I told DS that he'd better plan on being completely caught up by Dec 1 based on MY schedule for what he should have done by Dec 1st, even if it means he has to book it to get 2-3 weeks worth of work done in 5 days.


I should mention that it is bugging me like crazy to just let it go. I guess I'll have to keep myself content by reblocking the new schedule DH is insisting we start following next week and reading ahead for January's literary selections.

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We are taking the whole week off. We started in August and haven't had a break yet. Besides preparing for Thanksgiving dinner, I have all kinds of neglected housework, decluttering, and other projects to do. DH only has Thursday and Friday off and dd has dance tomorrow, but otherwise I am free to get other things done.

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We are doing a lighter week- it is our last week of MFW ECC and then we will take a break from most school work until the New Year. We schooled through the summer so we are all ready for a break and there are just too many great things to do around Christmas anyway:) We won't celebrate Thanksgiving until Saturday anyway since dh has to work.

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We're taking off Wed-Fri but it feels like more. My husband teaches at a private school and almost every year, he has conferences Mon and Tues, so he's gone until 9pm those days and then he's exhausted on Wed while I'm frantically cooking. This year, conferences are done already and we don't have any cooking. It'll be a fun week! I'm pretty much going to pare back to just the 3 R's because a two day week isn't enough to get a full week of lessons for a bunch of subjects.

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Yes, by default. We have appts. Mon-Tues-Wed, and are travelling to be with family after that. I am waving the white flag of surrender, aside from a bit of reading. I need to take down several narrations for the portfolios too.


Then, it's going to be half-days most days until our Christmas Surprise is at least a month old. By February, I will be itching to get back into the groove.

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We're only taking Thursday and Friday off. We started school in mid July. We've had a few days off here and there. Even though it's only November, lately it's been feeling like February, kwim? I am burnt out and have been letting too much slide these last few weeks. So, even though I wish we could take the week off, I really can't justify it.


Unless someone can give me a really good reason not to.....

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We probably will. My three have TKD belt testing Monday and I have a dental appointment. Our IEW coop and piano will run as scheduled though. I still need to go grocery shopping for our big meal.....I have been putting it off because of diet changes we have had since last Thankgiving. Not sure what we will be eating.

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We still have a few things to finish up this week. We are planning to take off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We are having a lot of people over Wednesday evening, so I have a ton of cleaning and baking to do before then. So school will need to happen mostly without me.

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I hadn't planned to take the week off, but with all the talk of it I realized how much I could accomplish by nixing school for a few days. Well, the same thing could be said of most weeks, lol. In any case, we're going to be off and I will be a busy bee.


I hadn't planned to take the week off, but with all the talk of it I realized how much I could accomplish by nixing school for a few days. Well, the same thing could be said of most weeks, lol. In any case, we're going to be off and I will be a busy bee.



Same here! I keep stressing over what to try to get done in two days....and getting everything ready for house guests as well. I think it would be easier to just not do school and take a few days to reboot.

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Yes, we always take off the entire week of Thanksgiving. I plan our school year that way. We take a one-week break after every 6 weeks of school. We just finished up our 2nd 6 weeks. We'll be off this week, then we'll have 2 weeks of "school lite" with lots of Christmas activities, and then we'll be off until the week after New Year's.

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