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S/O names--Peter

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So my dh and I are trying to come up with our 6th boy name. We only use Bible names and we don't repeat initials. I have always liked the name Peter, but my dh doesn't, because "it's a name for a male body part."


I grew up in a military family, so we moved around alot. I went to Christian schools wherever we lived, and I always knew Peters, but never had any negative connotations to the name. Is it a regional thing? My dh grew up in PA, southeast of Pittsburgh, and he never moved at all. His family was Catholic, though, so you would expect a positive connotation for Peter!


Anyhow, just wondering if you think negatively about the name Peter, and if so, where you grew up!


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What isn't a slang term for the male body part?


Sheesh, Nixon was elected despite having the nickname "Tricky Dick."


I would not call my kid "Dick" in this day and age, but I know religious Christians who have a baby named Peter and I've never thought twice about it.

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What isn't a slang term for the male body part?


Sheesh, Nixon was elected despite having the nickname "Tricky Dick."


I would not call my kid "Dick" in this day and age, but I know religious Christians who have a baby named Peter and I've never thought twice about it.




I have never heard that as slang for what you are talking about. But, if your DH doesn't like it maybe you can just find another Bible name.

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Peter is the name of a very close relative. I've always liked it. We are Catholic and I lived in a very Catholic area as a child so I've grown up knowing people named Peter. We considered it for one our kids but didn't want to repeat the name of someone closely related.


I can't help but smile reading your signature. In our close family we also have several of the same names.


Have you looked at the website where you put in the names you already like or the names of your other children and it comes up with suggestions bases on them?



For Peter it comes up with:












With your other kids names it comes up with:










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Since my son is named Peter, I rather like it. :D


We didn't really name him, though. He was adopted at the age of 6 and his name was Piotr, so Peter was the English version of a name he already had.


As far as Biblical people, I've always loved Peter because he's the guy who actually said all the dumb stuff everybody else was thinking. :lol: I've always thought of him as an every-man.


I Didn't grow up with the body-part image associated with it, although I've heard of it. My ds has never had anyone say an unkind word about his name.

Edited by Elinor Everywhere
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Peter is a lovely name, and it would never occur to me to smirk at it. As someone else said, what ISN'T slang for a male body part?


Peter actually sounds beautiful with your last name.


Maybe you could list every male Bible name and go down the list with your husband? You could quickly rule out Judas, Cain, and other bad names, but there really are quite a lot of others to choose from.

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We're in the south and dh and I have the same reaction to the name.


:iagree: While I have no issue with the name, that is what it referred to growing up so I couldn't name my child that. Thanks for ruining that name forever jr. high boys!!! :tongue_smilie: My dh feels the same as well.

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Our Peter turned one month old yesterday. :)

Obviously we like it!


You and I must have the same taste in names. We also have a Luke and Jonathan, and two of your girls' names are middle names for two of our girls.


BTW- we are in Ohio and asked several people if they held a negative connotation associated with the name Peter. Everyone who said, "yes" was over 60 years old. No one under 35 had the male body part association at all.

Actually everyone who associated Peter with a male body part had military ties.

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Honestly I think men have come up with too many nicknames for their appendage. They've almost ruined perfectly acceptable boy's names - Peter, Dick (Richard), Rod (Roderick) - and the ohter word for male chickens.


What is up with that? I worked in a male dominated field so I heard lots of talk about appendages. (Seems to be a favorite subject among many men) I don't think I ever once heard an adult male call his appendage by its appropriate name.


I think Peter is a good strong Christian name. Perhaps if some to these good names start becoming popular again men will have to find new nicknames for their appendages.

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Our son is named Peter.

It's not as common for a male part as Richard (if you know what I mean).


We love Peter in the Bible. He has such a great story, and I agree with the pp who said he says what everyone else is thinking--kinda like Hurley on LOST. :D


Biblical Peter was so changed by Jesus, and so close to him. What Christian wouldn't want that for their kid?:D

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Our middle is a Peter. It's a family name, well actually Peder (Scandanavian spelling was the original but it was changed to t at Ellis Island when great-grandpa came over). Peter is now 14 and we've never, ever, ever, had any hint of inappropriate comment about his name. Now, I will admit his socialization comes from 4-H involvement, volunteerism (which means he's around adults more than other teens), church, and rocket team so we have not experienced the public school/private school bully phenomenon. Possibly, if he were in that environment, he would have been teased.


We adore the name and have many positive comments. He's also never met another Peter so far so the name does not appear to be common in the Midwest where we've traveled pretty extensively.



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My 3 year old's name is Peter. Neither DH or I (or grandparents or relatives) ever associated it with any anatomy term and no one has ever mentioned that. We live in MI.


Everyone we meet, it seems, calls him Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, but I don't mind that and figure it will taper off (or peter out) by the time he goes to college. :tongue_smilie:



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I love the name Peter, but it doesn't go well with our last name. I'm great with the nickname Pete, and it goes fine with our last name, but we've not used it. I'm aware of the connotation but don't care (we named a son Axel, so obviously don't care who/what people associate a name with LOL).

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I'm a lifelong resident of WI and my family is not Catholic, however, that is exactly how my grandmother has referred to that body part all my life. So yeah, I have that connotation in my brain. As a result I wouldn't use that name. Even if I didn't have that connotation, I wouldn't use it because I KNOW other people who have that connotation and I wouldn't feel comfortable using a name that made them think about that when my kid's name was mentioned.

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Honestly, people are so juvenile. :rolleyes: (And, no, I'm not just talking about kids who use the term, which I'm guessing is probably not as prevalent as a term today anyway. If adults would just decide to grow up instead of passing on these inane nicknames, it might be nice....)


Peter is a great name. It is also one that is well-used worldwide, meaning that if he ends up traveling lots &/or interacting w/ people from around the globe, his name will probably be somewhat familiar & easy (easier) to pronounce than some names.


As an alternative, you could go w/ a slightly different spelling/variation of Peter, such as Piotr, Pieter, Per, etc...

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I've always liked the name Peter.


I do need to share a spinoff story about the name. Way back when, I was teaching a class at a college. One of my students was named....






Wait for it...










Peter Whacker






Apparently his parents never got the memo.



The poor guy. As I recall, he was a really nice kid who took a lot of ribbing over that combination.

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So my dh and I are trying to come up with our 6th boy name. We only use Bible names and we don't repeat initials. I have always liked the name Peter, but my dh doesn't, because "it's a name for a male body part."


I grew up in a military family, so we moved around alot. I went to Christian schools wherever we lived, and I always knew Peters, but never had any negative connotations to the name. Is it a regional thing? My dh grew up in PA, southeast of Pittsburgh, and he never moved at all. His family was Catholic, though, so you would expect a positive connotation for Peter!


Anyhow, just wondering if you think negatively about the name Peter, and if so, where you grew up!



Midwest, and yeah, I think I'd use a different name if I were you. Kids can make fun of anything, and yes, this has been used as a name for a body part around here.

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I love the name Peter, but it doesn't go well with our last name. I'm great with the nickname Pete, and it goes fine with our last name, but we've not used it. I'm aware of the connotation but don't care (we named a son Axel, so obviously don't care who/what people associate a name with LOL).


Love Axel. Haven't really heard it much until we started watching "The Middle". That show is hilarious, for those of you who haven't watched it. Mom, Dad and three teens.


The son calls himself "The Ax Man" all the time. :D

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I am suddenly remembering Frank from â€Seven Brides for Seven Brothersâ€!


I have a brother named Peter, but I don't really like the name. He often goes by Pete. Anyway, I don't remember your siggie, but if you want to name your soon to honor the apostle, you could also use Simon (if you don't already have a Simon).

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Yes I had heard that a few times but it is not common around here, especially with those under age 40 or so. I wouldn't let it stop you. Kids will find something to tease anyone about. I think Peter is an excellent name and also think that people use words like that less and less. It's a crass world. People have far more colorful slang for it these days.

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I really must climb out from under my rock occasionally :lol:


I grew up out West and in the NE. Lived my adult life the South and I have NEVER heard of Peter used as anything other than a boy's name :001_huh:


That being said I'm not overly fond of the name. No reason - just personal preference.

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Yes, I have heard of the name association and I am from Quebec. I have an uncle name Peter but he was named before my dad's family moved to an English-speaking place (Petr is his real name). That being said I don't automatically think of the boy part like I do with D!ck.


My husband was telling me today he works with a man named (I am going to use symbols here so if he ever googles his name it won't come up):

D!ck Allc0ck

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At my wedding, my father got a bit tipsy and in his toast said, "Peter, Peter... you're not... a peter." Sigh. Until that moment, I hadn't really thought that my new dh's name was a slang for the male appendage.


I am from the south. I didn't grow up with any Peters, but I like the name... obviously.

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I am familiar with the slang. I grew up in Upstate NY, Catholic.


I like the name well enough to use it. I really do.


On the other hand, I have two nine year old boys and I can't imagine the amount of joking and giggling that would go on if they found out such a thing (they are only starting to hear those sorts of euphamisms at school). Or maybe DH's own snickering, though he can find such a joke in just about anything...:glare: (And I feel your pain on naming. When it came to the fourth boy, we were totally out of ideas but the one we ended up with fits - it took until the moment we were discharged from the hospital to come up with that one. I too am a big fan of the old, simple, common names. Come to think of it, at least two of them have the same names as books in the Bible, though they're not super-common.)

Edited by wapiti
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Is it a regional thing? My dh grew up in PA, southeast of Pittsburgh, and he never moved at all. His family was Catholic, though, so you would expect a positive connotation for Peter!


Anyhow, just wondering if you think negatively about the name Peter, and if so, where you grew up!



I come from the same background and location as your dh and I wouldn't use the name either. I think that usage is dying out, but I couldn't get over it.

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I have a question for those who say they can't past the connotation.... If you go to church &/or read the Bible, is that what you think when you hear/see mention of Peter? :001_huh: If not, why would it be one way when you hear it in speech/read it, but not that way when you would actually meet an actual person with that name?

Edited by Stacia
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I have a question for those who say they can't past the connotation.... If you go to church &/or read the Bible, is that what you think when you hear/see mention of Peter? :001_huh: If not, why would it be one way when you hear it in speech/read it, but not that way when you would actually meet an actual person with that name?


It doesn't bother me to hear of people named Peter, but I wouldn't name my child that due to teasing from other kids.

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