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What is the bitterest truth you've learned?

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I grew up with an unconscious belief that people improved with age; that a 44 year old would be wiser and more mature and happier than a 22 year old; that until dementia came upon you, you learned more and more.


It was not something I recall being told, and this belief was so ingrained, I never even thought it until I started seeing it disproved. Some people go to the dogs. Some shining, hopeful college students end up as homeless, toothless alcoholics at 50.


I always knew there was ethnic cleansing and rape and plagues. But I didn't know about people going to seed.


What has been your bitterest lesson?

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Along a similar line, the realization that people don't become Greatest Generation types as they get older. Those people were like that when they were young and they remained that way as they aged. The next generations will continue their general behavior and attitude as they age.


I was really dismayed by that realization.

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That there are people in this world that no one cares about. They could disappear tomorrow and no one would notice. That everyone thinks it's someone else's job to care about that random person in your life, when in reality your brief interaction with them may be the one things that keeps them from going off the proverbial cliff.


I have specific examples, but I can't share them here.

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That survival means relying on no one but myself.


This proves itself true frequently. The corollary to this is that you do people no favours by enabling them because you will die and then they have no survival skills.

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That you can't ever put the 'weary load' down. Ever. Somehow you are a person that is the one that carries the loads for everyone else and no one is going to come along and tote it for you. That's just who you are and your purpose in life.


I know a lot of people don't care for the novel 'Gone With the Wind' but that part always resonated with me - Scarlett singing that song in her head as she trudged home to Tara only to realize that she would be the one that had to be strong - no one was going to come along and take care of things. It was her.

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That survival means relying on no one but myself.




aka it's who you know, not what you know. .


:iagree:to both of these.


As well as despite parents working hard to convince their children otherwise, Monsters are real, they just aren't lurking under your bed.

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In general, you can't generalize. It is always more complicated or nuanced than a sound byte. Shades of gray, not black and white.

I was already having a terrible day, and reading this thread makes me want to jump off a bridge.


All of it is true, and I could probably add more, but I can't bear it right now.

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I'll add another, not to be depressing, but I get reminded of this when I watch some movies. This is more bittersweet.


Your greatest victory will not end in a parade or a group hoisting you on their shoulders to help you celebrate. There may never be that one day when the entire town/village/family/city/country gathers to congratulate you. Your greatest victory may be in the silence of your soul, it may be in that one moment where you stand up one more time or do one more thing that consumes every ounce of courage you have.


You may not see that in the movies because silent victories don't sell as many tickets. So, maybe don't compare your life to a movie. :lol: In a greater sense, sometimes you have to remember to stop and pat yourself on the back, no one else may ever do it.

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You really, truly can't make everyone happy, no matter how hard you try and how much of yourself you give. Some people are always going to be offended/mad/unhappy/unsatisfied with your best offerings. When there's nothing I can do about it, it probably had nothing to do with me in the first place.


I'm only in my early 30s though, so I probably have many bitter lessons yet to learn.

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Seriously the most bitter lesson for me has been that often, the bad guys DO win. The bullies prevail. The one with the most money gets what they want- not what they deserve. Really horrible people succeed at the expense of good people.


It's really freaking depressing- I keep waiting for karma to come round, and it just...doesn't. One situation in particular, not even related to me, I watch and just boggle that no one stops this, no one says this isn't right, and the good people just lose and the bad just end up on top. It's just so gross.:confused:


I thought life would be fairer than that.I was wrong.

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Seriously the most bitter lesson for me has been that often, the bad guys DO win. The bullies prevail. The one with the most money gets what they want- not what they deserve. Really horrible people succeed at the expense of good people.


It's really freaking depressing- I keep waiting for karma to come round, and it just...doesn't. One situation in particular, not even related to me, I watch and just boggle that no one stops this, no one says this isn't right, and the good people just lose and the bad just end up on top. It's just so gross.:confused:


I thought life would be fairer than that.I was wrong.


I think it does, but it just takes an extremely long time! Look at Sandusky, and serial killers, and that guy in Indiana who stole 200 million from his victims in an investment scam. And Bernie Madoff.


And there is always the afterlife, for those of us who believe that your deeds shall return on your own head. I may not see it, but it will be made right sooner or later. I just want it to be sooner.

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Things may happen for a reason, but that doesn't mean it's a good reason.


This is not Paradise.


Please yourself because trying to please others is a waste of your time.


Your children will reflect your attitude....whether it is positive or negative...never forget that.


Learn everything you can. At some point, one must make their own decisions. Arm yourself with knowledge.


The best you can hope for is ambivalence.


No one gets out of here alive.

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That happy marriages only happen in fairy tales.



No. I have one. Sure, we have our disagreements and we can annoy each other sometimes, but it is a remarkably happy marriage. Not a fairy tale. A real one.

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That I will outlive my child.


That's a pretty craptastic truth.:angelsad2:


That you really can't trust anyone else fully.


That happy marriages only happen in fairy tales.


That what you want doesn't really matter.


Second chances don't always happen. Do it right the first time.


Well, I have a pretty happy marriage. It sure isn't perfect, and sometimes I want to drop him off on the side of the road (and I'm sure he feels the same way about be;)) but it is healthy. That man is a saint.

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