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the end of stainless appliances?

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Is this the end of a 25 year run for stainless?


It really wouldn't surprise me. Originally the stainless stoves became popular when people were wanting to have professional grade stoves at home. Then they weren't really ideal for home use so they started making professional grade stoves with extra insulation and smaller for homes. Now the stainless products aren't stainless at all in many cases and don't particularly represent good quality - the cutting edge fashion people who first had stainless are likely to be interested in something new now that it is ubiquitous and eventually the mass marketers and decorating shows catch up a few years later.


Not sure if I should tell my mother who just got a stainless stove after years of holding out, mostly because they didn't have what she wanted in white.


I am holding on to my '80's almond fridge until I can afford to replace it with this:



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I love the pink. I wouldn't want to own it, but it makes me smile. :)


Me too!


Actually, it looks like my dad's gas fridge. But, you know, pink. I love the old, locking handle ones... Not so safe in a junk yard, but they're nifty in the kitchen!


(I will totally be keeping my stainless, by the way.)

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I don't think stainless is a done deal yet. It looks high end, sleek, and modern. People still see it as updated, not dated. It's still hot in the real estate world. I personally think it's got another 10 years or so. The design world still seems to be in love with high end stainless.


I like the colorful fridge--I've seen a turquoise one. I think they are cute and cottagy. But, gee, when reselling if potential buyers balk at a brightly painted wall, can imagine the screeching that will occur over a bright appliance? :D

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Love that fridge! It is exactly my style! I would totally get it too...if DH didn't mind. :tongue_smilie: But he would. :glare: He would be fine with the same fridge in butter yellow though (well, begrudgingly fine, but that works for me ;)). So I am dreaming of that one. I want a white cottage kitchen with vintage style appliances and pastel accessories. I've got the pastel accessories. Just waiting on the lotto winnings... :D

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Is this the end of a 25 year run for stainless?


It really wouldn't surprise me. Originally the stainless stoves became popular when people were wanting to have professional grade stoves at home. Then they weren't really ideal for home use so they started making professional grade stoves with extra insulation and smaller for homes. Now the stainless products aren't stainless at all in many cases and don't particularly represent good quality - the cutting edge fashion people who first had stainless are likely to be interested in something new now that it is ubiquitous and eventually the mass marketers and decorating shows catch up a few years later.


Not sure if I should tell my mother who just got a stainless stove after years of holding out, mostly because they didn't have what she wanted in white.


I am holding on to my '80's almond fridge until I can afford to replace it with this:




LOVE that refrigerator! I seriously considered the antique style appliances in red but decided against them. We have all stainless now (LOVE them!) and while I expect our stove to be the last stove we will need to buy, we decided against the enamel finish because I didn't want to be married to one color theme for the rest of my life.


White and almond don't go in my kitchen AT ALL, and is what we had initially before getting black. I loved the black but it was too much work! I definitely prefer stainless. It's ok if it becomes outdated because I tend to do what I want and what is not popular or trendy anyway.;)

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I am not a fan of stainless (and how everyone these days just has to have it), but I agree it looks sharp. However, I think it looks sharp in the way that avocado green and harvest gold looked great back in the day. :tongue_smilie: I'm not a fan of black at all, but then I like light, bright kitchens. I also abhor counters and appliances with colors that make it difficult to see a mess. (I want to know if my kitchen needs cleaning!) In the absence of my coveted vintage pastel appliances, I prefer white, which will never go out of style.

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Btw, that refrigerator looks like the line I was looking at last year. Yes, they come in a huge selection of colors.


Mt Blue Star stove had so many color selections that I was intimidated. I almost got red enamel. :001_smile: i am glad I went with stainless. Black appliances with my stove would still work beautifully as the knobs and top are all black. Cast iron.

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Yes, the fridges come in a variety of pastel colours!


My dh is also not keen. I did recently though find a version that has a built in kegging system. I think he is more interested in that.


As far as resale - you know, I have very mixed feelings. I am not going to live in a colourless neutral house just for good resale value, I think I live there and I should enjoy it. I also think though that people have been kind of hypnotized by design shows - which very often have pretty second-rate design. THey are convinced they have to have stainless and grainite because someone told them so, but often it even looks bad in the featured tv homes. I'm also not convinced that making a home to appeal to the most people by being as bland as possible is the best approach, especially if everyone is doing the same thing. Not everyone wants bland. My house is a very typical mid-century home and still has things like the original kitchen - my plan if I need to sell is to promote it that way. People who like mid-century design like colour and those are the people who would like to buy my house.


I have to say I don't think stainless looks high end unless you have actually bought high end appliances. A lot of it actually looks pretty chintzy, almost like the "stainless" layer has been pressed on with some sort of glue, and then unless you are vigilant they get covered in finger and dog nose prints. (And I have noticed some kids seem to like licking them the way they do with mirrors. Why do children lick mirrors?) Not much like a really nice heavy duty stainless gas stove that a serious chef would want. Those look high end and I doubt will ever go out of style - they are classic like an Aga. But a stainless stove or fridge that otherwise looks like any other colour of average appliance that will last 10 years - meh. I suspect in 50 years we'll say they are so turn of the century.

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If that "Slate" finish is smudge resistant, I'll be looking at it when it is time to replace appliances. It is really pretty, IMHO.


I've never been keen about the price tag or smudginess of stainless. I have a couple stainless appliances in our home that were here when we bought it 4 years ago, but I doubt I'd have bought them myself. The slate, though, looks really pretty, IMHO. I hope it is still around when something in my kitchen breaks, lol.

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...we decided against the enamel finish because I didn't want to be married to one color theme for the rest of my life.


I am not a fan of stainless (and how everyone these days just has to have it), but I agree it looks sharp. However, I think it looks sharp in the way that avocado green and harvest gold looked great back in the day. :tongue_smilie: I'm not a fan of black at all, but then I like light, bright kitchens. I also abhor counters and appliances with colors that make it difficult to see a mess. (I want to know if my kitchen needs cleaning!) In the absence of my coveted vintage pastel appliances, I prefer white, which will never go out of style.




Unless, of course, I have the (never gonna happen) opportunity to get an AGA. In which case it's blue for me!

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I don't care for stainless. It shows every single mark and fingerprint. I have a white fridge and black stove/oven. It wasn't by design, it just worked out that way. Black also shows a lot of marks.


As long as they don't bring back avocado and harvest gold, I'll be happy. :lol:


You know, I think avacado and harvest gold can be cute, but they require some careful decorating. I quite like this:



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I have to say I don't think stainless looks high end unless you have actually bought high end appliances. A lot of it actually looks pretty chintzy, almost like the "stainless" layer has been pressed on with some sort of glue

:iagree: I just ran into this while shopping for a mini refrigerator. It was strange to see Danby (or similar brand) fridges in a "stainless steel" finish. They looked exceptionally cheesy to me. The white ones looked, well, like basic dorm fridges. Which is fine, because that's what they are.


To me, there's nothing less "high end" than putting on a veneer and trying to be something you're not. Whether we're talking about an appliance, or an appliance shopper, it shows a lack of integrity. And in both cases, they're probably going to look pretty dismal when the finish starts peeling off.

Edited by Eleanor
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You know, I think avacado and harvest gold can be cute, but they require some careful decorating. I quite like this:




Oh, that is lovely. In that setting, it looks more like celadon green. I'll bet it's exactly the same as my grandmother's avocado, though. Just a very different presentation (for instance, not surrounding it with 300 cans of cat food probably makes a difference :)).

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:iagree: I just ran into this while shopping for a mini refrigerator. It was strange to see Danby (or similar brand) fridges in a "stainless steel" finish. They looked exceptionally cheesy to me. The white ones looked, well, like basic dorm fridges. Which is fine, because that's what they are.


To me, there's nothing less "high end" than putting on a veneer and trying to be something you're not. Whether we're talking about an appliance, or an appliance shopper, it shows a lack of integrity. And in both cases, they're probably going to look pretty dismal when the finish starts peeling off.


Yeah, in general that is how I feel about fake finishes. When they try and imitate the real thing, they rarely look luxurious, they tend to look cheap.

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Oh, that is lovely. In that setting, it looks more like celadon green. I'll bet it's exactly the same as my grandmother's avocado, though. Just a very different presentation (for instance, not surrounding it with 300 cans of cat food probably makes a difference :)).



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No, no. THIS is avocado. The one above looks more like something that would have been in a 50's kitchen, not a 70's kitchen. Avocado is very 1970's.




ETA: Sorry the image is so big. I couldn't edit it.


This kitchen well represents all options - stainless, white, black and color. I think cabinetry type affects what suits as well.

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Our (black; all the appliances were black) fridge died midway through selling our old house. We replaced it with a new one with a stainless front and black sides. I was AMAZED at how much everyone who looked at the house LOVED that blasted refrigerator. It was ridiculous. The people we finally sold it to wanted us to leave it (it wasn't technically included, but mostly because we were hoping to use it for extra leverage for counter offering; I didn't want to move it) and we used it to justify an extra $2000 in the sale price....for a refrigerator we paid $1000 for. I think there must be some kind of mind altering drug that they put in stainless steel.


So its time has not yet passed in metro Atlanta, at least....but I don't think the outer suburbs of Atlanta are necessarily on the cutting edge of home decor trends :D

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I have to admit, I never liked it and thought it would pass fast, but I'm surprised HOW fast it's passed.


We stick with black. And I think white is timeless.


:iagree: But we went with white. Appliances are too expensive IMO to change out based on fashion.

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Ha, my parents bought their first house when I was nine (1974) and it had a pink fridge and a pink wall oven. I was fascinated :lol:


My parents bought a house in the 80s with a turquoise frig and wall oven!


I am not a fan of stainless, or fake stainless, stuff either. I usually get white instead. I don't own my home, though.

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I love our stainless stuff. We have an industrial sort of gas stove that is so easy to keep clean because of the stainless, and a huge fridge/freezer set - also - much easier to keep clean. Our dishwasher has the fake stainless on the front, and that looks far worse.

The almond/white stuff we've had before NEVER looked all that great and I was always using Magic Erasers on them trying to get the smears out of the texture on the handles.....

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I don't like stainless appliances, and I do not like dark kitchens. I like a bright kitchen with white or light colored cabinets and light appliances. And, I like a lot of light when I work in a kitchen.




I do not like the look of stainless at all. To me, it just seems cold and industrial. I have to have a light, bright kitchen.

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