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Does anyone else get re-energized when the cool weather returns?

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I love summer because it's the only time we can do some really fun things, but I really don't tolerate heat well at all, and by August, I'm in a funk and never want to leave the house. Yesterday, though, it was cool enough to have the windows open all day, and right now it's 63 degrees outside. Suddenly, I find that my vim and vigor have returned!!! :party:


My DH (señor tropicàl) thinks there's something wrong with me. He'd take 105 over 63 any day.


Does anyone else celebrate the return of cool weather? Or am I really just completely weird? :tongue_smilie:

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YES!:D I love colder weather! We are nowhere near it yet, but I am looking forward to it. I cannot stand heat & humidity! I don't go outside much at all during the summer months here, which is depressing. Once fall hits, though, you'll find me headed out the door, full of energy!

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YES!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE fall and there is something about the smell of leaves and crisp air and wearing jeans and sweatshirts that triples my energy. I do fall cleaning instead of spring cleaning :) fall is when we are outside more than summer. I really am thinking about summer schooling and taking fall off instead!

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I really am thinking about summer schooling and taking fall off instead!


That was my plan this year! But I get too dragged down in summer to be good at schooling, and our "summer people" friends plan too many fun things to do. It didn't work out.


I'm glad I'm not alone. The last few weeks have been very hard on me, and I've been really beating myself up about it. With the boost in energy I'm having today, suddenly HSing is looking possible again for the fall, and the world is looking much brighter. I'm going to have to set an appointment in my calendar that will pop up on August 1, 2013 and remind me that the end of the tunnel is approaching!

Edited by Sweet Morning Air
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I love summer because it's the only time we can do some really fun things, but I really don't tolerate heat well at all, and by August, I'm in a funk and never want to leave the house. Yesterday, though, it was cool enough to have the windows open all day, and right now it's 63 degrees outside. Suddenly, I find that my vim and vigor have returned!!! :party:


My DH (señor tropicàl) thinks there's something wrong with me. He'd take 105 over 63 any day.


Does anyone else celebrate the return of cool weather? Or am I really just completely weird? :tongue_smilie:




63 degrees... :001_wub:


You have completely described me. I always thought it was because I was fair haired and fair skinned. I don't know, just a theory.


I subscribe to that theory as well. It's hard to enjoy the sun when it's so violent to you. I've been married almost twenty years, and it STILL surprises my husband just how quickly and badly I burn.

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63 degrees... :001_wub:


It's heavenly. It's already fading away, though *sigh* But it's OK. I know it will be back. This is the last run up to fall around here. I always forget how early it comes, really. Last year I was shocked at how cold the community pool started to get in mid-August!


...it STILL surprises my husband just how quickly and badly I burn.


I'm a redhead, and frankly, after 38 years, it still surprises me :glare:

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I hate the heat. We're in S. CA and it's around 90 for a while. I'm miserable. I really want to move somewhere that is cooler, as I just don't do well in the heat. Seattle would be nice. I'm jealous of those who are getting cooler temps already - it stays hot here through October :(

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We are LOVING the cooler weather.


We had record high heat in July and drought conditions for June and July. We didn't get much horseback riding in or work done outside as it was in the 80s at 6am many mornings.


August hit and now we are wearing sweatshirts early mornings and late evenings and can ENJOY the outdoors again.


Personally, I can horseback ride in 10 degrees but find it miserable at 90. I just love temps in the 60s.

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I love summer. I love it when it starts to warm up and everyone is out in their yards. But after a few days of heat in a row, I'm over it :tongue_smilie:.


We had a cooler day yesterday after several warm ones in a row and I was soooooo happy. I got tons of stuff done and could open the curtains without feeling like it was going to bake the house (no ac here).


I also love it when the rain starts to come and we start wearing sweaters again. My dh thinks I'm nuts too.

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It's heavenly. It's already fading away, though *sigh* But it's OK. I know it will be back. This is the last run up to fall around here. I always forget how early it comes, really. Last year I was shocked at how cold the community pool started to get in mid-August!




I'm a redhead, and frankly, after 38 years, it still surprises me :glare:


I'm what is often referred to as "strawberry blonde". I hated it for years, but lately it's getting more blonde than strawberry, and I do kind of miss it. (I'm almost 42.). I might be looking to get some highlights done soon or something.


On the bright side, I think women with our coloring tend to go white rather than gray, and we may even have less wrinkles due to sun avoidance. That would be okay with me. :thumbup1:

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I'm from PA and hubby is from canada, and we are living in Richmond, VA. We rather despise summer and the approach of fall fills me with excitement. When I lived in PA, i loved spring, but now spring just means constant allergies and a choice between a/c or heat that makes me nauseous.


except I find i've adjusted to the heat and today its 73 and raining and i'm chilly! my body is a traitor!

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My DH (señor tropicàl) thinks there's something wrong with me. He'd take 105 over 63 any day.


Does anyone else celebrate the return of cool weather? Or am I really just completely weird? :tongue_smilie:


I'm exactly like you. And my husband is exactly like yours. I ventured out in the 73 degree weather yesterday. It was awesome.

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I love summer because it's the only time we can do some really fun things, but I really don't tolerate heat well at all, and by August, I'm in a funk and never want to leave the house. Yesterday, though, it was cool enough to have the windows open all day, and right now it's 63 degrees outside. Suddenly, I find that my vim and vigor have returned!!! :party:


My DH (señor tropicàl) thinks there's something wrong with me. He'd take 105 over 63 any day.


Does anyone else celebrate the return of cool weather? Or am I really just completely weird? :tongue_smilie:


I'm happy for cooler weather to return, but not sure that's all it will take for my V&V to return....I suspect I need another diet overhaul after eating vacation food.

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I love summer because it's the only time we can do some really fun things, but I really don't tolerate heat well at all, and by August, I'm in a funk and never want to leave the house. Yesterday, though, it was cool enough to have the windows open all day, and right now it's 63 degrees outside. Suddenly, I find that my vim and vigor have returned!!! :party:


My DH (señor tropicàl) thinks there's something wrong with me. He'd take 105 over 63 any day.


Does anyone else celebrate the return of cool weather? Or am I really just completely weird? :tongue_smilie:


Oh, yes Ma'am. This is me. We had an unusually hot summer and no AC in the house or the vehicles. I slothed and dripped at a very lazy pace all summer and felt foggy headed and cranky. Love me some fall-ish temps. Love, LOVE, LOVE!!!!

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Me! I relish the winter. It can't be too cold, blustery, or bitter for me. I don't do well in the heat so I'm miserable for most of the summer. Unfortunately, I live in TX now where "cold" is 60* and we frequently have 100+ days in the summer over 100*. :/


It should be back below 90 in another 6 weeks and I can't wait!!

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I don't take heat well and like mild temperatures the best. Anything from 40 to 78 is fine.


:iagree: It's one of the reasons I live where I do. I wilt when it's too warm, and I don't like really cold weather. I'm really glad to live in a place where the temperatures are usually between 40 and 78!


I've been wondering how some of you who've had weeks and weeks of 90 - 100 degree temps have been handling it!

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I do. I've got an urge to do something home improvement related. The only things we can afford are rearranging furniture or repainting. We have the furniture in the optimum positions and I like all of the colors in the house. For lack of anything else to do yesterday, I scrubbed my kitchen cabinets. That's pitiful. :)

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I'm trying to find someplace to live that has three seasons. Spring, Fall, and Winter. I can live without summer. I don't do heat, I don't do the beach, I don't do swimming and when it's too hot I don't do anything. :tongue_smilie:


I'm waiting for those cooler temps to come and re-energize me!


ETA: I can handle dry heat better than humid heat and didn't mind living in AZ as much as I do here.

Edited by fraidycat
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I love summer because it's the only time we can do some really fun things, but I really don't tolerate heat well at all, and by August, I'm in a funk and never want to leave the house. Yesterday, though, it was cool enough to have the windows open all day, and right now it's 63 degrees outside. Suddenly, I find that my vim and vigor have returned!!! :party:


My DH (señor tropicàl) thinks there's something wrong with me. He'd take 105 over 63 any day.


Does anyone else celebrate the return of cool weather? Or am I really just completely weird? :tongue_smilie:


You are not weird. It was 78 here today and It felt soooo good. Fall is coming! :D


Let's just pretend January and February don't exist.

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We're another family of summer-haters. When it's too hot to even go to the pool, well, it's just too darned hot. Our yard looks abandoned and decrepit. Once we get a cooler weekend, we'll attack everything we've been putting off and get it all nice and neat again.


We are seriously living in the wrong part of the country.

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It has been 105 not including the heat index for most of the summer.


A cool front has come in this week and the highs have been in the 90s.

This week looks even better which means I can start walking/jogging outside again!!!!:D Don't get me wrong, I do not care for exercise, but I do love how much better I feel when I do it regularly.


So bring on the cooler weather!!!!:D

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Oh my goodness YES! I can't tolerate the heat! It drives me crazy, and really, it's not that hot up here. I love Labor Day so much because I know the heat is over at that point. I alwasy get giddy around this time of year. Right now it's 69 degrees and low humidity, and I am thrilled beyond belief :D.

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:iagree: It's one of the reasons I live where I do. I wilt when it's too warm, and I don't like really cold weather. I'm really glad to live in a place where the temperatures are usually between 40 and 78!


I've been wondering how some of you who've had weeks and weeks of 90 - 100 degree temps have been handling it!


Where does this dream place exist? I want to move there! :D


I hate the heat! August and September are our hottest months. October brings the Santa Ana Winds so you're not only hot, your skin dries out and shrivels up and you are so full of static you could spontaneously combust at any moment.


Cooler temperatures are a long, long way off here! I need to live somewhere where it is cool in August!:)

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I love summer because it's the only time we can do some really fun things, but I really don't tolerate heat well at all, and by August, I'm in a funk and never want to leave the house. Yesterday, though, it was cool enough to have the windows open all day, and right now it's 63 degrees outside. Suddenly, I find that my vim and vigor have returned!!! :party:


My DH (señor tropicàl) thinks there's something wrong with me. He'd take 105 over 63 any day.


Does anyone else celebrate the return of cool weather? Or am I really just completely weird? :tongue_smilie:


Yes!!! I adore any season besides summer! :D

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