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Update on dear friend & twin sons. 25 weeks 1 day

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Thank you to all who are praying!


Momma has no fever, no fluid on her lungs, and currently, no sign of infection. Therefore, since baby A's vital signs were still good, they didn't need to deliver today. Since they've reached the 25 week threshold and mommy is feeling so much better and has had some time out of imminent crisis to really talk things over with hubby, she has agreed that if she gets into crisis again, babes can be delivered. Whew! But, for now, they keep holding on for every day they can get. We don't know how long baby A can go without amniotic fluid, but I guess as long as his heart rate is good, they'll keep waiting.


I talked with them on the phone today. She's in much better spirits and she's had a lot of visitors which is helping to pass the time. I hope that continues. They have settled on some very nice names for the twins, both being named after a grandfather, which has made the gramps have very, very puffed up chests.


So, we are in a holding pattern. But, under the circumstances, I think that the entire family and all of there friends are very, very glad to be playing the waiting game. It's one of those few times in life when that is a good thing!'



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"We don't know how long baby A can go without amniotic fluid"


Your body keeps making fresh amniotic fluid right up to delivery, so even if her water is broken, her body will make fluid for him.


:iagree:WHen I had ds8 my water had broken a week before we induced. I was on bed rest and antibiotics but he could have kept going until the end of teh pg as long as infection didn't set in. I had a BPP done every 3rd day to check on him. My goal was to reach 36 weeks which we did. With him labour started at 19 weeks then stopped until water broke.


I remember at the end of each day that I remained pregnant just letting out a huge sigh of relief and having so many little goals (20 weeks, 24, 30, 32, 36).


Continued prayers for this family for baby to keep on cooking. Every day they can get at this point makes it so much better for baby long term.


Thanks for this update and keep them coming as they progress through the upcoming week.

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Thank you to all who are praying!


Momma has no fever, no fluid on her lungs, and currently, no sign of infection. Therefore, since baby A's vital signs were still good, they didn't need to deliver today. Since they've reached the 25 week threshold and mommy is feeling so much better and has had some time out of imminent crisis to really talk things over with hubby, she has agreed that if she gets into crisis again, babes can be delivered. Whew! But, for now, they keep holding on for every day they can get. We don't know how long baby A can go without amniotic fluid, but I guess as long as his heart rate is good, they'll keep waiting.


I talked with them on the phone today. She's in much better spirits and she's had a lot of visitors which is helping to pass the time. I hope that continues. They have settled on some very nice names for the twins, both being named after a grandfather, which has made the gramps have very, very puffed up chests.


So, we are in a holding pattern. But, under the circumstances, I think that the entire family and all of there friends are very, very glad to be playing the waiting game. It's one of those few times in life when that is a good thing!'




If it makes you feel hopeful, my mom's friend was pregnant with her son the same time my mom was pregnant with me. She lost all or most of the amniotic fluid, the baby stopped moving, and they told her the baby was dead and she would have to wait and deliver naturally. A couple of months later, she felt the baby move. She delivered a very healthy, robust baby boy. This was in 1975 so it's quite possible she only leaked a little and the baby was in a weird place so she didn't feel him move. Technology is a lot better now, so at least they're able to monitor the situation. I wish your friend and her baby boys luck and a nice, long pregnancy.

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Great update!! I was told that I could wait until 34w with Possum even though I had pPROM at 25w so long as he remained happy. They would not let me go longer than 34w as there was a risk is skeletal damage from being squashed up without amniotic cushioning. I do know of people holding on for 10 to 15w with pPROM and no infection, so it can certainly be done. Continuing to think of them and glad Mum is in good spirits.

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25w 2 days today and mommy is feeling good. Her dad has finished a contracting job and is taking a vacation to go see her along with one of her older sisters. She and her daddy are pretty close, so this is going to be good for her spirits. He's kind of a jolly soul, very, very funny to be around, and I'm sure his week with her will help the time pass. He's infinitely optimistic and a rock, loves his son-in-law like his very own son, so if the twins have to be delivered while he's there, he'll be a good chap to have around.


Can I ask for a frivolous prayer? The twin's momma's mother (grandma), my very dear friend, has a 26 year old gelding that is very near and dear to her. He's a sweet, sweet boy and they are riding buddies. I'm seeing some signs that he's floundering a little. Now, if I have to, I'll sleep in that barn and babysit him back to health if that's even possible (horse vet is coming to look at him today), I will pull out every stop I can to keep him going, but 26 is not young and I'm suspecting that her husband, who did chores this weekend because I had a previous commitment, seriously over-grained him and he may be colicky. Horse colic is a very bad thing. There was not enough muck in his stall this morning and I didn't have a stethoscope in the barn so I could listen to his gut sounds. I made Mr. Twin's Grandpa go sit in a lawn chair in the pasture and watch him this morning while I came home here to post updates on the twins and handle some 4-H paperwork plus get my boys going on some yard work. I don't know what I'll find when I go back. My friend is going to be heart-broken if her best equine friend dies and she isn't there to be with him, but she'd also never prioritize her horse over her own daughter and come home. I'm not going to call and tell her he's floundering. Could you all just pray that the horse vet can successfully treat him and he gets better? This is just not a upset she needs right now and I'm stressed just thinking about it.


Thanks everyone!



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Praying for the twins, the family, and the horse as well! I've been checking in here just to see your posts. I had a 2 lb 29 weeker and also a 2 lb 30-weeker. Both were born out of "save the mom & babies" necessity. My babies probably look like 36 weekers in comparison to the 25 weekers, but still, preemies and their families are dear to me. It is such a hard thing to live thru!

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