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Which board do you hang out on the most?

Where do you spend the most time at The Hive?  

  1. 1. Where do you spend the most time at The Hive?

    • K-8 Curriculum Board
    • General Board
    • Afterschooling
    • High School/College/Self Ed Board
    • Special Needs Board
    • Accelerated Learner Board
    • Sale and Swap Board
    • Testing, Networking or Admin Announcements
    • I have several favorites such as ____
    • I'm a figment of you imagination and not really here on any of the boards

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I voted "several favorites", but in reality, I rarely hang out on any of the boards. When I visit the forum, I click on "new posts", and read those. I don't usually pay any attention to which board they came from, other than to make note if it is from the For Sale board, to know if the poster wants to discuss a certain curriculum or is selling it.


I have visited the High School and Special Needs boards from time to time, but it's rare. "New Posts" it is for me!

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Right now - the general board with a side sprinkle of the High school board. When I first came to this board (the old one actually) I hung out on the accelerated learner one. Then I hung out for a couple of years on the K-8 Curriculum board. Now except for occasional panicky questions where I dart over to the High school board, I hang out chatting about nothing in particular and occasionally about really deep somethings in particular.

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I mostly hang out on the high school board, with the Logic Stage sub-forum being my next place to check in. I wander over here only when I have time or am really procrastinating.


I don't think people here on General board know me much unless they visit my other haunts too.

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Oh, for Pete's sake! Go over to the other boards and make an announcement then.


Now Pete's running around saying, "What did I do?" It's your poll. I am not really invested in what the answer is. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:

Edited by nono
verbs are good
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Mainly here on the general board, if I am on K-8 I end up spending more money that I can't afford to spend, occasionally I will post on the SN board but don't feel that I fit in on that one. now and then now I pop over to the high school board since my kids are fast approaching that age, but it initimidates me so I don't go over there much. At this point I would say 3/4 of my posts are on the general board.

Edited by swellmomma
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You know I had to choose "I'm a figment," even though I snickered at the use of "you" instead of "your." :D


The three forums I generally hang out on are K-8, General, and High School. I drop in on the others only rarely as I don't usually have much to say there. Not that I have that much to say here...oh, wait...over 13,000 posts...:D

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I voted "several favorites", but in reality, I rarely hang out on any of the boards. When I visit the forum, I click on "new posts", and read those. I don't usually pay any attention to which board they came from, other than to make note if it is from the For Sale board, to know if the poster wants to discuss a certain curriculum or is selling it.


I have visited the High School and Special Needs boards from time to time, but it's rare. "New Posts" it is for me!


:iagree: same for me

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General and K-8, but I think I post most to General.


I was really getting into the High School board before ds wound up going back to public school. Now I lurk a little bit, but it depresses me. :(


With school being out, I'll probably branch out more for the summer. ;)

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Only the general board. Before high school, I spent a great deal of time on the K-8 curriculum board because I was a curriculum junkie. Once I stopped buying curriculum, I stopped going to the curriculum board. I feel silly trying to chime in with my .02 when I haven't used those materials in years.


I occasionally visit the high school board, but since my kids use an online accredited school, I feel kind of out of the loop on that board. Those ladies are doing awesome things with their teens!

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General, K-8, accelerated

:iagree:This, plus special needs, and sometimes high school when I want to look ahead. Really, the whole forum is my online home (although I try to limit time there so that my real home gets the attention it needs!)

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