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Best friend jumped off balcony robotripping (DXM)

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Her calls this week have been increasingly erratic and chaotic, sounding crazy. I didn't know that she was drinking entire bottles of Robitussin at a time. This is what it does:





I'm stunned, sick, confused, angry. She called me right before she jumped. She landed on a rock. (boulder? not sure.) Major head trauma, drug-induced coma.


Did you ever have a friend who just 'got' you? That was her. One of my last texts to her was, "I love you so much. You live inside my heart!" She kept saying, "it's gonna be okay. It's all gonna be fine. You just wait and see".


We were never supposed to end this way. She has three children.

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Her calls this week have been increasingly erratic and chaotic, sounding crazy. I didn't know that she was drinking entire bottles of Robitussin at a time. This is what it does:





I'm stunned, sick, confused, angry. She called me right before she jumped. She landed on a rock. (boulder? not sure.) Major head trauma, drug-induced coma.


Did you ever have a friend who just 'got' you? That was her. One of my last texts to her was, "I love you so much. You live inside my heart!" She kept saying, "it's gonna be okay. It's all gonna be fine. You just wait and see".


We were never supposed to end this way. She has three children.


I'm so sorry. I have a similar situation with a friend I've known since I was 3 years old. She is like a sister to me, we know each other inside out.


She has some undiagnosed mental illnesses going on I think and she's increasingly self-destructive since her divorce two years ago and is drinking herself into oblivion. :( I've worried and worried about a similar situation happening with her, I'm really afraid she's going to hurt herself and not be able to come back from it. I can imagine how much your heart is breaking. I really hope your friend recovers with no serious lasting injury. :grouphug:

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Our entire friendship has been characterized by deep, intense connection (the good) balanced (or imbalanced by) terrifying, manipulative romps through mental illness. It has been like a terrifying roller coaster. The good was amazing, the bad was horrifying.


I had finally started to really reinforce boundries with her. She called me at 1:28pm. I didn't answer because I was busy with the kids. She jumped right after. :crying::(


We met when we were neighbours in Panama (on base). We helped her leave her first husband (abusive). She lived with us until she could get out of the country. We just 'got' each other. I've written (most of) a novel about her. Our connection was uncanny. WAS.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry.


Wow. I've never heard of such a thing


I must be hypersensitive to DM, because according the the scale a normal dose takes me to at about the Second Plateau (according to the wikipedia link). In college I took some cough syrup about an hour before a seminar I was supposed to lead. After a few minutes, I didn't feel "right," but since I wasn't coughing I thought I was OK.. About a half hour before the seminar, I went down to get some coffee to see if that would clear my head. I'm not sure how it happened (or quite what happened, as friends filled in the details later), but I accidentally spilled it on someone wearing a gorgeous white dress and jacket. Apparently I was laughing uncontrollably and my friends had to drag me away. I did later track her down, make restitution, and apologize profusely... and never again touched DM cough syrup.

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Wow. I've never heard of such a thing, and cannot for the life of me understand why a mother of three children would do that in the first place. .

because she is not thinking straight. people who are not thinking straight are not always capable of asking for help.


to the OP. I'm sorry, and hope she is able to recover :hug:

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry.


I must be hypersensitive to DM, because according the the scale a normal dose takes me to at about the Second Plateau (according to the wikipedia link). In college I took some cough syrup about an hour before a seminar I was supposed to lead. After a few minutes, I didn't feel "right," but since I wasn't coughing I thought I was OK.. About a half hour before the seminar, I went down to get some coffee to see if that would clear my head. I'm not sure how it happened (or quite what happened, as friends filled in the details later), but I accidentally spilled it on someone wearing a gorgeous white dress and jacket. Apparently I was laughing uncontrollably and my friends had to drag me away. I did later track her down, make restitution, and apologize profusely... and never again touched DM cough syrup.


You're not alone. I can't take even one dose of that or NyQuil without seeing trailers and feeling loopy. Not just cold meds foggy headed, but nurse accidentally gave a bit too much painkillers in the IV slured speech, everything looks weird, can't make sense loopy. I hate that feeling, so I never take the stuff. I can't understand why anyone would WANT to feel that way.


Wow, nmoira! Her speech in the last few phone calls was pressured and she was clearly altered. Closed eye hallucinations, I believe, as well as intense euphoria.


I'm supposed to get her kids, but her ex has $$$. I don't. I don't know how I could even make that happen.


I am so sorry. Contact a lawyer and see what free advice he can give. Her ex may not even care or be able to take on 3 kids full time. Idk.


What a sad horrible situation. What a terrible waste of all the hopes and dreams that could have been for her and those who loved her in their lives. :grouphug::grouphug:

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TCG, I'm so very sorry. I'm going to text my best friend right now and tell her how much I love her in honor of you. :grouphug::grouphug:



That is awesome!! I just called the hospital. Her nurse said that she is very lucky, considering how far she fell and that she has been stabilized and should recover. Through choking tears I asked, "Do you think that if she makes it through this she will still be.....Jessica?" He said yes.

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That is awesome!! I just called the hospital. Her nurse said that she is very lucky, considering how far she fell and that she has been stabilized and should recover. Through choking tears I asked, "Do you think that if she makes it through this she will still be.....Jessica?" He said yes.


Oh! I'm so glad!!!


Maybe this will be an awful but grateful turning point for her. A chance to change her ending from what it could have been.:grouphug:

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That is awesome!! I just called the hospital. Her nurse said that she is very lucky, considering how far she fell and that she has been stabilized and should recover. Through choking tears I asked, "Do you think that if she makes it through this she will still be.....Jessica?" He said yes.




Oh wow! Rejoicing with you!!!!!

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That is awesome!! I just called the hospital. Her nurse said that she is very lucky, considering how far she fell and that she has been stabilized and should recover. Through choking tears I asked, "Do you think that if she makes it through this she will still be.....Jessica?" He said yes.


This is great news!


I know that this will all be very difficult.... but at least she might end up being fine! :grouphug:


After her recovery, please make sure that she uses this as a wake-up call. She is obviously very upset over something. She will need a ton of support. So will her kids, and you. Hang in there!






<<I hate to say this, but as you know she has mental illness issues, you should really get your/her ducks in a row. I hope that she will never succeed, but that is a pretty serious suicide attempt. My two friends who were diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic both committed suicide. That is a particularly horrible MI to have. You also need to know that you should never take anything she does personally, even if you did answer the phone, this was going to happen. It is the illness, the medication that is to blame. And then she still has some responsibiltiy (but not much). There is only so much you can do, and if she has to escape her demons, you won't be able to stop her. You need to make sure that you do the best you can and you make sure those kids are ok. This totally sucks. I am so sorry for you, as I know exactly what you are going through. it's hard. It's really hard. >>

Edited by radiobrain
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