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Used Curricula, anyone else having trouble

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selling much? I've been listing items here and homeschool classifieds. I'm just not selling stuff. I feel that I'm pricing things well, asking for offers, etc. I really need to get rid of some stuff, but I don't know what to do.


I'm selling stuff. But, it's taking longer than usual. I have stacks of stuff here that need to go! I think that so many people posting about their troubles selling on line has stopped a number of people from buying on line used, unfortunately.

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I'm selling stuff. But, it's taking longer than usual. I have stacks of stuff here that need to go! I think that so many people posting about their troubles selling on line has stopped a number of people from buying on line used, unfortunately.




I'm selling stuff, but I really have had to price it lower to get things to sell.

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I'm selling stuff. But, it's taking longer than usual. I have stacks of stuff here that need to go! I think that so many people posting about their troubles selling on line has stopped a number of people from buying on line used, unfortunately.


I can definitely see that, but on here I have over 4000 posts. I would assume that someone on the board that long is trustworthy. Wouldn't you?

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I haven't listed here but I know things are slower everywhere. Our income has dropped dramatically in the last few months so I personally am not buying much at all but am instead trying to barter, borrow, or make do with what I have. I am hearing that from a lot of people here as well.

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I haven't listed here but I know things are slower everywhere. Our income has dropped dramatically in the last few months so I personally am not buying much at all but am instead trying to barter, borrow, or make do with what I have. I am hearing that from a lot of people here as well.


:iagree: I've had quite a bit of luck bartering materials on this board. Probably close to half of my sales have been barter for materials I can use.

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I haven't listed here but I know things are slower everywhere. Our income has dropped dramatically in the last few months so I personally am not buying much at all but am instead trying to barter, borrow, or make do with what I have. I am hearing that from a lot of people here as well.


I've been looking at all kinds of free materials. I've rethought almost all of my curricula, trying to reduce expenses.

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I have been buying from here when I see something I need. Of course, a lot of what I plan to use is in high demand and it goes quickly. I ended up buying a lot of my Singapore math new, because it was hard to find it for sale (Standards ed.). It was selling as soon as it was posted. I'm still looking for a few more things though - Encyclopedias to go with SOTW1 and readers to go along with it also. Maybe people are just being more picky about what they buy because they can't afford a lot of extras?

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I just listed some stuff, and while some of it has sold, some hasn't. I actually chalked it up to the For Sale board being more active. I couldn't believe how quickly my post was on page 6! I think some of the recent fraudulent activity has probably scared people, too. I know that I am very cautious about who I buy from.

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Well, I haven't had any problems, but I do things a bit differently.


I only list one thing at a time, reasonable price, and I am realistic about what I am selling. I only bother with things that I know should be able sell.:D


It is a lot less stressful.


If I don't sell it within a few weeks, I give it away or donate it...

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I have bought a few things here on this site. I haven't been burned yet, so I am still positive about it. :)


I have, though, narrowed down my wish/ want list, due to lack of funds.

Instead of buying the whole My Father's World package I want, I have settled for a more inexpensive history curriculum I already have.

I may be wrong, but I think more people are looking through their bookshelves seeing what they can use for this next year, instead of buying more. That is what I am doing with a lot of books I have already. :( It is sad, because I want tons of other stuff!!!


I think we should have a trade section on the sale board. Listing all the books we would trade for!! :D

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I emailed this company a list of what I wanted to sell.

They accepted. I shipped. I got 140$ of credit for 2 large boxes of curriculum which I promptly spend on mostly used curriculum at their business.


They are starting up a family business and corespond via email.


This was the best used transaction I've ever had.

Edited by heart'sjoy
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I emailed this company a list of what I wanted to sell.

They accepted. I shipped. I got 140$ of credit for 2 large boxes of curriculum which I promptly spend on mostly used curriculum at their business.


They are starting up a family business and corespond via email.


This was the best used transaction I've ever had.


Thanks for the link! We're making an international move in a month and I've been homeschooling for 15 years. I cannot take all this stuff with me! My house looks like a book warehouse at the moment :D

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I have two SL Cores I want to sell, but I've been scared to post them after reading the "scammer" threads :glare:. I'm sure buyers are dealing with the same worries.


I've been looking at all kinds of free materials. I've rethought almost all of my curricula, trying to reduce expenses.


I'm doing this, too. I'm looking at re-tooling AO's history, to meet our needs, and using most of the rest of their curriculum as is, since the vast majority is in the public domain. Once I do that, MUS will be our biggest expense.

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As someone who buys from this board, I would say I haven't even been looking yet for next year's curriculum. We're so busy finishing up for the year, I haven't had a chance to look to see what we'll need. So I tend to buy later in the summer. I realize not everyone is that way, but count me as a buyer-to-come, I guess.


Erica in OR

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As a buyer, I'm finding used prices much higher than what I want to pay for used. Last week I was online shopping for some books. The new price was $28.50 and the use price was $25.00. Sorry but I'm buying new for that little of a difference.

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I usually do, but I have had TWO packages in the past week delivered torn open with things damaged or missing. I got good prices so am hesitant to ask for refunds, and it wasn't a lot of money, but it is frustrating. I wish now I had gone ahead and spent the extra $$ so I had some recourse without feeling bad about it. :tongue_smilie:

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I usually do, but I have had TWO packages in the past week delivered torn open with things damaged or missing. I got good prices so am hesitant to ask for refunds, and it wasn't a lot of money, but it is frustrating. I wish now I had gone ahead and spent the extra $$ so I had some recourse without feeling bad about it. :tongue_smilie:


I think this is happening with Media Mail. I got something torn open as well. Luckily, not enough for anything to have fallen out! You'd think if they are going to tear something open to make sure it is "media" they would put some freaking tape back on it. :glare:

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I just had an overdue package with a book from bookdepository arrive in one of those "we care" packages. It was all messed up and taped back together. ugh. Happily the book itself was only slightly scratched. I didn't bother reporting it to bookdepository, but honestly, the PO has messed up so many of my packages lately. One time, the mailman delivered an empty envelope and breezily told me to contact the company that I bought it from -- as if it was their fault??

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There's a Facebook group for buying and selling (see my signature below) if you want to give that a try. It was started here at WTM and has more than 400 members. I've sold more stuff through that than everything else combined lately. It has photo albums in subject categories that both buyers and sellers can use. Its nice to have things organized like that.

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Yes, I had a ton of stuff to move and a terrible time with it. TBH, people were practically wanting things for free and I got jerked around more than once, putting packages together, calculating shipping, only to be told, "No thanks." I will never sell on here again.

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I think this is happening with Media Mail. I got something torn open as well. Luckily, not enough for anything to have fallen out! You'd think if they are going to tear something open to make sure it is "media" they would put some freaking tape back on it. :glare:


I think the PO is passively aggressively disencouraging people from using media mail. I hate paying insurance. They charge me a shipping rate. I pay their shipping rate. At that point, I feel like we have contracted for them to actually deliver my package in good condition. Right? Right?

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selling much? I've been listing items here and homeschool classifieds. I'm just not selling stuff. I feel that I'm pricing things well, asking for offers, etc. I really need to get rid of some stuff, but I don't know what to do.


I sent you a pm.:001_smile:

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I think the PO is passively aggressively disencouraging people from using media mail. I hate paying insurance. They charge me a shipping rate. I pay their shipping rate. At that point, I feel like we have contracted for them to actually deliver my package in good condition. Right? Right?

I think they are passively aggressively declaring that it's an outrage that they have to do any work at all. I mean, they charge more, with worse service, and no guarantees. Gee, no wonder they're in financial trouble. I want to love the post office, but, uh, I usually have the mail delivery person sit in their vehicle or on my front step! talking on the phone or texting. Daily!

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UGH! You guys are freaking me out. I just sent out a bunch of packages media mail and now I am totally stressing out about the post office opening them or them being ruined!!! I always get so nervous when I sell stuff online, I don't know why I keep doing it.


On another note, I actually boxed up a bunch of stuff for Amazon to buy back from me. I have a box that I should get $50 for, didn't have to pay shipping (via UPS) and then I'll have Amazon credit.

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yeah, with media mail, I am tying or taping multiple books together and then taping the destination address on each book, in the hopes that if the post office tears it open, the books will still get to the buyer.


For expensive sales, like a core- I am charging extra to ship UPS. I can just sleep better not worrying if the post office is going to lose it.

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Yes, things have been very slow to sell. And with all the hoopla on the used boards, I'm feeling very cautious too. I have an SL core 1/B listed for sale online, and twice this week have gotten e-mails inquiring about my Core 100. This last one sent a second e-mail that said "oops, Core B", but it is raising the caution flag for me.


I can't afford to get burned, and I'm unsure how long I would need to hold funds in Paypal to consider them cleared.

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As a buyer, I'm finding used prices much higher than what I want to pay for used. Last week I was online shopping for some books. The new price was $28.50 and the use price was $25.00. Sorry but I'm buying new for that little of a difference.


I would drop the price. I'm always uncomfortable offering a price. I generally don't bother with used unless it is half off of the cheaper end of retail.


Where I am, there are a lot of used book sales right now. I wonder if people are waiting for the local used book sales and then buying what they didn't find on line?


:iagree:If I'm not getting a really significant savings, then I'm not buying used and I'm also uncomfortable making an offer because I don't want to offend anyone with what I think something is worth. I'd rather you just tell me what you want for it and then I'll decide if that's what I'm willing to pay for it.


Also, I've been having better luck at local used book stores that also sell used homeschool curriculum. Today for $40 I got the Horizons Math 1 TM(both parts) the Singapore 1A-3B answer key, some health curriculum, several history readers, some phonics charts from Abeka, a couple of sets of flashcards, some of the pathway readers and a few other things.

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I've only just started looking for my curriculum. There are several things I haven't decided on yet. In the past I've always had it purchased by March or April, but this year I am going to the GHC Hartford convention in a couple weeks. I haven't made decisions yet because I want to see them first.

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As someone who buys from this board, I would say I haven't even been looking yet for next year's curriculum. We're so busy finishing up for the year, I haven't had a chance to look to see what we'll need. So I tend to buy later in the summer. I realize not everyone is that way, but count me as a buyer-to-come, I guess.


That is me too. We are still working on stuff from this year. I am too into planning and organizing for summer to get to the fall yet.

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I've sold a fair amount this year, most all that I wanted to anyway. I always search here to see what an item goes for before pricing and generally price it a hair lower than most, double checking with Amazon as well. As a seller I don't have a set percentage off but whatever the market seems to bear and then I try to be the lowest price offered, depending on how high demand the item is. If they seem to go fast I'll likely try to wait it out and not go below pricing but if it is something that is rarely sold I'll take what I can get. I had one set I tried several times to sell w/ no bite, even a fair amount below Amazon's used prices. I finally lowered one last time and ended up with something sending me a check for it. I normally don't accept checks but I had no other offers so I could afford to wait. I bought most everything for this year used as well, at a pretty good deal.

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I suspect it has to do with several factors.


The aforementioned worries of being scammed, and the economy, for starters. Toss in the fact that many of us are still finishing up the current year and have no energy to think about next year makes for 'late year buyers'.


I also wonder if there just aren't more people selling the same things, hence slower sales. I really don't know about that, but it seems that when I look at the sale board, I see lots of the same stuff, so maybe it's 'happenstance' when someone clicks on a sale link. That isn't scientific, I know, but I have wondered about that.


I have a bunch of stuff I should/could list after six years of homeschooling, but since I tend to use 'off the beaten path' type stuff, I'm wondering if it's even worth it to do so, especially since sales seem to be slow(ish). Huh.

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I think they are passively aggressively declaring that it's an outrage that they have to do any work at all. I mean, they charge more, with worse service, and no guarantees. Gee, no wonder they're in financial trouble. I want to love the post office, but, uh, I usually have the mail delivery person sit in their vehicle or on my front step! talking on the phone or texting. Daily!



Wow, that would be annoying!


The USPS gets to call itself a business but does not have to make any guarantees that it will do its job. If my DH's company didn't do the job they had been paid to do, they'd be in trouble. If teachers don't do the job they're paid to do, there are consequences. But not the USPS; they get to tell you "tough luck" because you didn't pay extra. Ridiculous. Our mail carrier is very nice, but what I don't get is when she brings a package to us, she brings it to the front door. That's all fine, except that 9 times out of 10, she leaves the other mail in the mailbox (which is across the street). I understand trying to shove a package into the box so she doesn't have to get out of the car, but if she's getting out anyway, why not bring me ALL of my mail, especially since the kids or I are usually opening the door to take the package from her? (And I know it's her; I've watched it happen several times.)


I do think it's a buyer's market out there right now, not so much the seller's. I haven't tried selling anything, but I've gotten some really good deals in purchases.

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I think they are passively aggressively declaring that it's an outrage that they have to do any work at all. I mean, they charge more, with worse service, and no guarantees. Gee, no wonder they're in financial trouble. I want to love the post office, but, uh, I usually have the mail delivery person sit in their vehicle or on my front step! talking on the phone or texting. Daily!


I have the same issue with one of our carriers, and I've seen a large amount of lost/destroyed packages this year for myself, my buyers, and on here. It's a disaster.

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I'm really surprised at the tales of packages being opened and torn up - in 6+ years of buying and selling books, I've yet to have any damaged. I send out 25-50 packages a month and have never lost one yet. I get in 10-20 a month and they've never been opened either.



Maybe it's because I use stamps.com and always put tracking on them since it only costs me .19 to do that. I dunno. I laminate my packages with tape too, so they aren't easy to open or to get torn in a machine.

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I'm really surprised at the tales of packages being opened and torn up - in 6+ years of buying and selling books, I've yet to have any damaged. I send out 25-50 packages a month and have never lost one yet. I get in 10-20 a month and they've never been opened either.



Maybe it's because I use stamps.com and always put tracking on them since it only costs me .19 to do that. I dunno. I laminate my packages with tape too, so they aren't easy to open or to get torn in a machine.


Of the ones I have sent out, they have been delivered to the wrong house (correct address on package-carrier mistake), but the ones I have received were open and poorly repackaged (which is common with media mail), or completely mauled by the PO which wasn't helped by inadequate packaging.

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