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Do you have any foods you refuse to eat because of taste or texture?

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Shrimp, lobster and any other similarities. I don't care for real scallops either because of texture. Same texture for mushrooms.


Fat as well. Visible or just feeling. And liver or gizzards. Basically any organs of any sort! Gag! Matter fact, often can't stand to eat meat at all. :)

Edited by PinkInTheBlue
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Thyme. For some reason, it tastes exactly like mold to me. I can't eat anything with any amount of thyme in it.


And hot cereal. When I visited Scotland, well-intentioned people kept trying to get me to eat oatmeal. Urg.

Edited by Sharon in Austin
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This is very funny. When I first read the post, I thought I eat just about everything. No problems. In fact, I love a lot of the foods on everybody's yuk list. I love liver, beets, coconut, spinach, watermelons and raw tomatoes. They are some of my favorite foods. But, as I read through all the posts, I was remembering all the foods I don't eat because of



mushrooms, cottage cheese, oysters, jello, olives



coffee, radishes, pesto, sun dried tomatoes, sauerkraut

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I have "issues" with beans. I used to eat baked beans a lot as a kid, until the time I couldn't finish my dinner, and my grandfather made me eat cold baked beans. I couldn't stand the texture of them when they were cold! So the texture of beans still bothers me. But I am working on it. I make chili. As long as the beans are hot, and mixed in with other foods, it's okay.


I also am completely grossed out by potato salad, egg salad or macaroni salad. To me, potatoes, eggs and macaroni should be served hot, not cold. The idea of cold potatoes with mayo and whatever else is in there . . . bleh.


I also love dishes with cooked tomatoes, tomato sauce, etc. But I don't like raw tomatoes.


I've never tried liver, but I am not interested in eating any organ meats.


I'm also not a fan of canned fruits, like others have mentioned. But I do like bananas!



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Raw tomatoes - if they're diced really fine and mixed with other things like in salsa or tabouleh I'll tolerate them, but otherwise no.







Bananas - OK if in banana bread or smoothies, but not by themselves

Tuna - I like other fish, but not tuna


Hot cereals like oatmeal or cream of wheat


I really don't care for sushi much, and almost everyone I know *loves* it - bleh. I think it's the combination of foods plus the cold sticky rice.

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I'd save time listing what I eat instead of all the regular foods that I refuse. The weird thing is I do love tapioca pudding, which grosses so many people out, including most of my family. And they can't understand how I eat that while saying "normal" things like bananas and pickles are awful.


This thread is making me feel better, though. I don't meet many people that refuse to eat pasta or potato salad and watermelon this time of year.

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Its interesting to see that some things keep showing up!


I'm on the NO list (would not eat them with a fox or in a box...) -

Bananas - love them in bread, can't eat them raw

Fish - unless I watch it being butchered

Cottage cheese - eeewww

Cooked spinach - but I'll eat it raw all day long

Uncooked meats - or undercooked (meaning no pink!!)

Organ meats

Fat on meat (I should be a vegetarian, obviously)

Hard boiled eggs / deviled eggs / any cooked egg other than scrambled dry


What's hysterical is that my kids will eat anything on the list except the organ meats. I don't think they've caught on yet that I'm a little specific about what I will and will not eat. LOL!!

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chicken that has skin on it....even fried. There is something about that layer between the skin and the meat. The feel of skin in my mouth, the thought of it being skin......:ack2:


I wasn't like this until being pregnant for the first time. Every pregnancy, I had a complete chicken aversion, and the skin thing stuck and got worse over the years. Now, even typing this I am on the verge of severe gagging....

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I'm a pretty picky eater. But I often try to disguise it because I don't want to contaminate my kids. :D Almost all of them will eat more foods than I will, which I love.


My number one food aversion is definitely ONIONS. I've never been able to tolerate the taste but especially the texture. I've tried many, many times, in the interest of politely eating at someone's home and in gratefulness for someone bringing us a gift of food. I just had to deal with this while sick with bronchitis/pneumonia and church folks brought us lots of food. I didn't want my kids turning their noses us at the foods with onions in them, so I'd eat a little with them, but then I'd beg off and eat soup instead since I was sick. No matter how it's cooked or how finely it's diced, onions always ruin the dish for me.



Tripe- This is the main ingredient in Menudo, which is a specialty of my husband's family. So I tried it the first time it was offered, and NEVER again.

Shellfish, Calamari, any fish that is still looking at me


Beef bologna or hot dogs

Oatmeal or pasta that is overcooked. I love both, but have to cook them al dente. If they are slimy, then no way!


Texture and Taste:

Raw Tomatoes- totally agree with some previous posters. I love cooked tomatoes and sauces, but raw is just gross.

Cooked spinach by itself- love it raw and am fine with it in dishes, but by itself- gag!



Anything Pickled

Miracle Whip


Bell peppers or uncooked hot peppers

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This could get long lol....tomatoes -texture, pickles, zucchini, squash, cranberries, beets, olives (any color) - taste and texture, sweet potatoes, meatloaf, tator tots, chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake - taste. That is all for now but I am sure there are a lot more. Thankfully my husband is an amazing role model when it comes to food and the only things my kids have downright refused to eat are green olives

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I don't want to even try liver, so I can't say that I don't eat it because of texture. I just plain don't eat it. Or kidney.


The one thing that I won't eat because of texture alone is cooked spinach on its own. I like it mixed in with things or raw, but cooked and on its own its just too slimy. And I need my eggs to be very well cooked or with something.

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eta - I just finished reading the thread and saw that 3 other people don't like bananas, too! I had no idea bananas are so disliked.




I'm quite suprised as well. None of my three kids have ever eaten bananas -as babies they refused them and now they might eat one every 3 months and only if they are really hungry and it makes me laugh to see them eat it because apparently there are a lot of "rules" as to how to eat a banana so as not to make you gag. :lol: Not one of my kids will eat mashed potatos either - another food I though all kids/people love.


I'm a pretty adventurous eater - I've eaten snails - they have a texture much like liver which I also like :tongue_smilie:


However things I don't care to eat include


Oysters (had them once and they gave me horrible food poisoning)


Seafood other then fish (nothing that eats scraps from the ocean floor)


Boiled/steamed/baked Potatoes - just can't stand


and lately I've been going off red meat - don't know why but the thought and smell of it makes me want to puke (and no I'm not pregnant) I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the iron supps I'm taking though.


Other then that - I'm good :D


However can I just say that although I eat just about anything I am phobic about other people fixing food for me. I do not eat at other people's houses and I do not eat anything cooked by anyone else at functions :lol:


I've found one too many "non-edibles" in other people's offerings that I cannot eat anything that wasn't made by myself -I don't even let my DH cook for me. I do let my mum cook for me because it would hurt her feelings if I didn't but I almost gag on every mouthful :lol:

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Fish, sweet potatoes (unless cut up and roasted), yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, cottage cheese, all but 2 salad dressings, oysters, anything pickled except normal pickles, olives, quinoa, cold pasta or potatoes (salads), grits, cream of wheat, hummus, tofu, soft cheeses, beets.

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I guess I should change mine to all organ meats. I don't know if I have ever eaten kidney, but I am pretty sure I wouldn't like it.


MIL puts "giblets" in her gravy and it is GROSS!




I don't want to even try liver, so I can't say that I don't eat it because of texture. I just plain don't eat it. Or kidney.


The one thing that I won't eat because of texture alone is cooked spinach on its own. I like it mixed in with things or raw, but cooked and on its own its just too slimy. And I need my eggs to be very well cooked or with something.

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I can't stand when fruit gets mushy. I guess I am picky about the degree of "ripeness" in fruit - I won't eat a banana that has a really strong smell because it has hit that level of ripeness where all the starch has become sugar and it is going soft. I don't like peaches that are overly ripe (though if they are cold, that helps). Strawberries that have gotten mushy - ick.


Other than that, I think I am a pretty easy eater. I despise Dr. Pepper too.

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I never think of myself as picky until I answer a question like this...


On my list....

Organ meats (the smell sets off my gag reflex)

fat on meat

certain types of fish (crappie, catfish)


overripe bananas

overripe cherry tomatoes

green bell peppers (I love other colors though)

hot spices/peppers (even some "mild" ones set off a very painful reaction)

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Raw tomatoes. I cannot eat raw tomatoes to save my life, on a sandwich or otherwise. Any tomatoes that are cooked and chopped and in a dish, or tomato based sauces, etc. are just fine. Just not the raw ones. I can't decide if it's taste, texture, or a bit of both.

:iagree: And you can't hide them from me, either, no matter how hard you try!


I also don't care much for beans (the dry kind, when cooked). I can eat them a little now, but never when I was younger.


There was this time we visited another family for lunch during the height of summer, and she had made chili. Well, I politely declined to eat b/c at the time, I didn't touch beans - at all. (They're the ultimate mush - ick.) She felt so bad that she told me she'd get me something else, even though I told her I was fine and she needn't go through the trouble. She brought me back a big plate of sliced garden-fresh tomatoes!!!!! :glare: Nope - didn't eat them, either. I felt so badly for her, but I think she just thought I was weird.

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I never think of myself as picky until I answer a question like this...


On my list....

Organ meats (the smell sets off my gag reflex)

fat on meat

certain types of fish (crappie, catfish)


overripe bananas

overripe cherry tomatoes

green bell peppers (I love other colors though)

hot spices/peppers (even some "mild" ones set off a very painful reaction)


This is sort of similar to me. I would never choose these things for myself, but I will eat these things if someone serves them to me at their home, though:



overripe tomatoes

overripe grapes

green bell peppers (other colors are fine)

organ meats.

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Picking blue crabs - guts get everywhere


that people are putting something in their mouths that is getting guts everywhere....eewwww. Just thinking about that makes me gag.


Dh and I neither one will eat seafood. I clearly remember the fish market coming to the grocery store in our little W. Texas town and smelling so bad I would gag walking into the store. Then, I had to help clean fish one time and that was it.....I can't do it. I would like to. I try to work up the nerve, but my guts overrule my determination and I don't want them on the floor.




organ meats

grits (which is ironic since I'm in the middle of grits-for-every-meal-country)


Other than those I can't think of anything I won't eat. I may not like it, but I'd eat it anyway.

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And I don't mean something exotic, I mean everyday foods you can readily get at your local grocery store like Kroger.


This does not include allergies or special diets, just pure dislike for taste or texture.


The only thing I can possibly think of is liver.


I don't just LOVE the texture of cottage cheese. But I like cottage cheese so I eat it.


Buttermilk. Both texture and taste....I just can't do it. My mom and brother both love it and eat it with cornbread but when I tried it once as a kid I almost vomited.


My ds is repulsed by nuts of all kinds. Unless they are creamed up into peanut butter (yes I know not a real 'nut') or Nutella. So clearly a texture issue with him.

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I remember eating an Red Delicious apple in K during snack time. This was 1972, so I'm sure the thing had been dipped in every chemical legally permissible before being coated with a layer of wax for "freshness." The apple itself was of course tasteless (why anyone would ever buy Red Delicious is confounding to me), but the skin! Ugggg. I just could not swallow it, even with extra drinks from the water fountain. And my teacher would. not. let. me. spit. it. out. Would not. This is the same teacher who told me that I should be a nurse at the hospital play station rather than a doctor because girls couldn't be doctors. :glare:


For forty years I've carried these grudges (and I'm not much of a grudge carrier), though I did get my own back on her a bit. During the class BBQ months later, she asked me to bring her a hot dog. I accidentally dropped it on the ground in transit and just popped it right back in the bun without so much as a word. :D

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I have a dear friend who cracks me up. She is from the Hills of TN and a wonderful Christian mother, but her boys use their allowance money for "beer and cigarettes!"


There is a little country store that sells bottled root beer and candy cigarettes and her kids just love going there for their "beer and cigarettes." And no, neither parent actually drinks or smokes....it is just a family joke with them.




oh i forgot about licorice. yucky!


and i wont drink alcohol of any sort~father was an alcoholic and i cant get past the smell


and i will only drink root beer, ginger ale, or cream soda if i have to drink soda/pop.

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I love almost all the food mentioned in this thread (not including Jello, which is not "food"), but there is one item for which I have an aversion:


Cellophane noodles. The clear Asian squirmy noodles made from Mung bean starch. They are the one food where I have an "issue."



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Mushrooms have a nasty, slimy texture to me, and the taste is even worse.


Green peppers also are just too pungent - everything they touch tastes like green peppers, so it goes beyond just not liking them. I complain if I have to eat food that was near them. :tongue_smilie:


Oh and I'm a vegetarian. It can be a nightmare to order food at a restaurant when you don't eat meat or common vegetables lol

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