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Halloween is NOT the Devil's Birthday!

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I don't mind that people have differing views on Halloween. If someone thinks it's a pagan holiday or evil and they don't want to celebrate it, fine. If people want to just celebrate it as a fun dress up day and trick or treat (or not), fine.


But, seriously? If one thinks Halloween is evil, does one really have to tell their child that it's the "Devil's birthday"?


Because, guess what? Normal, sweet and loving people may just so happen to have the "misfortune" of being born on Halloween too, like my seven year old. And when your little darling hears my son say that his birthday is on Halloween and says "But that's the Devil's Birthday!" it makes my son feel really bad and a little scared. Fortunately, my husband was there and overheard the entire conversation and said it is NOT the devil's birthday. "Little darling" insisted it was because his mom said so (!) and another kid piped in his agreement. So my husband said, "Nope! The devil was an angel who decided to turn his back on God, but we don't know when that happened." Maybe a little too much information there, but he felt compelled to reassure our son that he does not in fact share a birthday with Satan. :glare:

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Wow, is it September already??




I know, right? :D


The ironic thing is that when I was due in early November, my husband told me I should have the baby ANY day but Halloween. I labored all.day.long. on the 30th and my husband was rooting for me to hurry up and have that baby before midnight, but he was born at 3am on Halloween. Not that we *really* cared either way, it was mostly just funny that I had the baby on the one day he asked me not to. I keep asking him what day he desires me not to have this current baby on, but he's learned his lesson and won't tell me. :lol:

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I keep asking him what day he desires me not to have this current baby on, but he's learned his lesson and won't tell me. :lol:


Well, of course he just picks the day he wants the baby to be born on, and says "You can have it on any day BUT this one -- " That oughta work. :tongue_smilie:

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I know, right? :D


The ironic thing is that when I was due in early November, my husband told me I should have the baby ANY day but Halloween. I labored all.day.long. on the 30th and my husband was rooting for me to hurry up and have that baby before midnight, but he was born at 3am on Halloween. Not that we *really* cared either way, it was mostly just funny that I had the baby on the one day he asked me not to. I keep asking him what day he desires me not to have this current baby on, but he's learned his lesson and won't tell me. :lol:


That is so funny. Sweet-Pea's birthday is on Halloween also. She was actually due on 10/19. My dh said all through the pregnancy that he thought it would be so cool to have a baby on Halloween because we could have such cool birthday parties. :tongue_smilie: I had no interest in it since it meant she would be 12 days overdue. He got his wish though.

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I know, right? :D


The ironic thing is that when I was due in early November, my husband told me I should have the baby ANY day but Halloween. I labored all.day.long. on the 30th and my husband was rooting for me to hurry up and have that baby before midnight, but he was born at 3am on Halloween. Not that we *really* cared either way, it was mostly just funny that I had the baby on the one day he asked me not to. I keep asking him what day he desires me not to have this current baby on, but he's learned his lesson and won't tell me. :lol:


I went int labor with my first on April Fools Day. Nobody believed me when I called them from the hospital. That was 20 years ago before caller i.d.:glare: labor was 28 hours and he was born on the 2nd.

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Good grief. I'm so sorry for your son.


Here's a list of a few notable people that he does share his birthday with:


Peter Jackson, director

John Candy, comedian

Michael Landon, actor

John Keats, poet

Jan Vermeer, artist


Seems like a wonderful birthday to share, if you ask me. :)

Edited by RegularMom
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My dd was born on the 29th. If she has waited one more day she would have been born on my mother's b-day and of course the day after that was Halloween. If she was five days late she would have been born on her father's b-day. My brother's b-day is just a few days after that. We really stacked the deck that week of the year. Sounds like a lot of people are doing some serious snuggling in January. ;)

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My 13yo son shares a birthday with his cousin on the 29th, and almost came on Halloween. My precious little great-niece will be 4 on Halloween. I cannot imagine telling a child that was the devil's birthday. :confused:

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I have heard this one too among other things about holidays. It is beyond stupid in my opinion. I mean it really is. I just went through this at Christmas when some mean kids were picking on my little girl at the park telling her Santa wasn't real. I got so tired of my kids hearing junk about Halloween they finally smart right back at adults and children about it.


When my kids are told stupid stuff about it being an evil day or the Devils birthday my kids ask point blank what pages of the bible say this? Where is your documented proof? Do you have his birth certificate? Kids and adults who say stuff like this are not spreading Gods word at all. They are showing their ignorance.

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I went int labor with my first on April Fools Day. Nobody believed me when I called them from the hospital. That was 20 years ago before caller i.d.:glare: labor was 28 hours and he was born on the 2nd.



Mine was born on April 1st. I went into labor on the 31st, but the baby arrived after midnight. There were a few people we called that day that did not believe us.:001_smile:

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I went int labor with my first on April Fools Day. Nobody believed me when I called them from the hospital. That was 20 years ago before caller i.d.:glare: labor was 28 hours and he was born on the 2nd.


I had my oldest at 1:20 am April 2nd. It was time change weekend, and the time changed at 2:00 am. The night shift nurses got all confused about how many hours old he was because we skipped the hour from 2-3.

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I went int labor with my first on April Fools Day. Nobody believed me when I called them from the hospital. That was 20 years ago before caller i.d.:glare: labor was 28 hours and he was born on the 2nd.


My oldest sister was a preemie born on April 2nd. When my mother called my father to tell him she was in labor he said, "Honey, April Fool's was yesterday." Then he took his time coming home. :glare: (Fortunately, she took her time too.)

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My b-day's the 30th, which really is called Devil's Night (although it's also NOT the devil's b-day). :D


I loved getting presents on the 30th and candy on the 31st! The only thing I object to is orange and black cupcakes for my birthday. I want sprinkles just like everyone else.


Kudos to your husband! If someone felt the need to share their hatred of my b-day, I'd feel obliged to do what he did. I usually don't say anything about what other people do or don't do on the 31st, but being mean to a little kid about their birthday just crosses the line.

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I think I'd have a hard time refraining from heading down Snark Rd.


"Why, I didn't even know angels and demons had birthdays! Do you get invited to Gabriel's parties? When did Satan's mommy go into labor? The Bible says angels don't get married . . . guess that explains why the Devil is such a bast-- oh, never mind."

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While we're on the subject, Christmas isn't Jesus' birthday, either.


At least Jesus was actually born of a human woman. Celebrating the birth of Jesus helps to emphasize the circle of redemption. Interesting article on why people celebrate it then: http://www.bib-arch.org/e-features/christmas.asp. Is celebrating the birth of Jesus, even if we don't know the exact day a treacherous lie? I don't think so.


Satan was an angel, created by God, not born. The origin of the modern idea of Halloween lies in Victorian times when it was set up to mock the devil and his minions. It implied, you have no power over Christian people. To imply that the day is intended to celebrate the devil, that is a lie with harmful implications. It actually gives power to the devil that should never belong to him. http://www.biblicalhorizons.com/open-book/no-28-concerning-halloween/

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I'm so sorry your little one had to hear that. Some people just drive me nuts with what they choose to make up and tell their children! We don't celebrate "Halloween," but we also don't make it out to be something it is not. Way to go to your dh for standing up for ds and reassuring him that he does not share his birthday with Satan! I hope he can enjoy his birthdays to come without others causing problems. :001_smile:

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At least Jesus was actually born of a human woman. Celebrating the birth of Jesus helps to emphasize the circle of redemption. Interesting article on why people celebrate it then: http://www.bib-arch.org/e-features/christmas.asp. Is celebrating the birth of Jesus, even if we don't know the exact day a treacherous lie? I don't think so.


Satan was an angel, created by God, not born. The origin of the modern idea of Halloween lies in Victorian times when it was set up to mock the devil and his minions. It implied, you have no power over Christian people. To imply that the day is intended to celebrate the devil, that is a lie with harmful implications. It actually gives power to the devil that should never belong to him. http://www.biblicalhorizons.com/open-book/no-28-concerning-halloween/

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I went int labor with my first on April Fools Day. Nobody believed me when I called them from the hospital. That was 20 years ago before caller i.d.:glare: labor was 28 hours and he was born on the 2nd.


That's hubby's birthday! Dd was born on April 3--Dh remarked that his birthday would never be the same (we'd be most likely preparing for hers on HIS day! lol).

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I know, right? :D


The ironic thing is that when I was due in early November, my husband told me I should have the baby ANY day but Halloween. I labored all.day.long. on the 30th and my husband was rooting for me to hurry up and have that baby before midnight, but he was born at 3am on Halloween. Not that we *really* cared either way, it was mostly just funny that I had the baby on the one day he asked me not to. I keep asking him what day he desires me not to have this current baby on, but he's learned his lesson and won't tell me. :lol:


Babies like to do that. I have a have a Christmas Eve baby and another that was born the night my ds had surgery (she was "early" by our EDD but obviously overdue when she came!).


I'm sorry for the hurt and ignorance people are causing you and your 7 yo. That is completely out of line and just...stupid.

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OP, that is a pretty inaccurate and poor attempt by a parent to explain to their child why they do not celebrate or recognize Halloween. If you are on any kind of speaking terms with the parents, you may want to bring it up in a kind manner. Simply say that you understand that they do not recognise or celebrate it. Then state the "however" portion. Their child innocently made this comment to your child, understanding that this was probably their simplified explanation to their child, but it really hurt and confused your child as your child was born on the 31st and a child's birthday should be looked upon as something to celebrate not something to feel shameful about. Then ask them if they could please clarify their belief's on Halloween to their child in a better manner, especially since Satan wasn't born and has no birthday, so their child and other children are not put in this awkward situation.


I have had this happen to me (my being the parent of the child saying the awkward comment), and the grandmother very kindly approached me in this manner. We smoothed out the wrinkles (my oldest was remembering a formerly held belief and it hadn't sunk in that our views had slowly changed on the subject...different subject than Halloween). I apologised, explained, and agreed to speak to my child. It was a good conversation with both the grandmother and my child. It actually created a friendship amoungst the adults.

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Glad that your husband heard the conversation. I was hoping for a Halloween baby. She surprised us by coming 3+ weeks early. I think I might still make her next bday party costume related anyways as a way to kick start the month.

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I'm glad your dh overheard it. Your poor ds.



My b-day's the 30th, which really is called Devil's Night (although it's also NOT the devil's b-day). :D


I loved getting presents on the 30th and candy on the 31st! The only thing I object to is orange and black cupcakes for my birthday. I want sprinkles just like everyone else.




Hey Birthday Buddy! :seeya: So is mine! My grandmother always called it Goosey Night, though as a kid I never really understood what that meant (even though she tried to explain it). The only thing I didn't like was having costume party birthday parties. I wanted my birthday to be my birthday and Halloween to be Halloween. It also gave me an understanding of how Christmas babies must have felt when growing up with a holiday that overshadowed their birthday.

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DS2 was due Nov. 3 and since his brother came a few days "early" I was really hoping he would NOT come on October 31. We don't celebrate it and I really didn't want a Halloween birthday for him. Thankfully he came a few days earlier still. He's the only non-holiday baby actually...DS1's birthday will fall on Thanksgiving frequently and DD's is very close to Christmas.

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At least Jesus was actually born of a human woman. Celebrating the birth of Jesus helps to emphasize the circle of redemption. Interesting article on why people celebrate it then: http://www.bib-arch.org/e-features/christmas.asp. Is celebrating the birth of Jesus, even if we don't know the exact day a treacherous lie? I don't think so.


Satan was an angel, created by God, not born. The origin of the modern idea of Halloween lies in Victorian times when it was set up to mock the devil and his minions. It implied, you have no power over Christian people. To imply that the day is intended to celebrate the devil, that is a lie with harmful implications. It actually gives power to the devil that should never belong to him. http://www.biblicalhorizons.com/open-book/no-28-concerning-halloween/




That said I'm having a little bit of fun picturing a "typical" devil looking guy blowing out candles on a cake and being disappointed when he unwraps sock. What would you get the devil for his birthday? Geez. That's a tough one.

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When my kids are told stupid stuff about it being an evil day or the Devils birthday my kids ask point blank what pages of the bible say this? Where is your documented proof? Do you have his birth certificate? Kids and adults who say stuff like this are not spreading Gods word at all. They are showing their ignorance.


And, for the record, the Pagans don't think it is the devil's birthday either so there's no good looking to us for proof. :tongue_smilie:



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But, seriously? If one thinks Halloween is evil, does one really have to tell their child that it's the "Devil's birthday"?


Because, guess what? Normal, sweet and loving people may just so happen to have the "misfortune" of being born on Halloween too, like my seven year old. And when your little darling hears my son say that his birthday is on Halloween and says "But that's the Devil's Birthday!" it makes my son feel really bad and a little scared. Fortunately, my husband was there and overheard the entire conversation


Not a Halloween fan, but goodness...does Satan even HAVE a birthday?


That's just the craziest thing I ever heard. Sorry for your little guy.


There is no scriptural basis -or any other religious basis, to my knowledge - for anything like this at all; the person just grabbed it out of the air, I guess. Not a very nice thing to tell a kid.

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