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Tell me to get over it (dry erase board)

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We have homeschooled for a year and a half now and I am seeing where a dry erase (or chalk board but too messy) would be beneficial. However, we live in a smaller home, 1500sq ft and our dining room/kitchen area is our school area. Our home is fairly open concept and anyone who enters our house can see the living, kitchen and dining areas.


I have fought the purchase of a dry erase board because I just wanted my dining room to look like a dining room area and not be overly crowded/cluttered. We try to put up our schooling at the end of the day.


BUT I am not able to put copy work anywhere for girls to copy; write out math problems for reference for my boys, etc...


So, if you have a dry erase board and conceal it.. how? putting it behind something isn't an option. Or have you just gotten over the ugly factor and put it up on the wall?

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It would depend on your room and your style, but what about curtains over it? Remember on Little House on the Prairie how they had a chalkboard up front with curtains tied back? Well on Sundays they just pulled the curtains closed over the chalk board.


You might be able to do something like that with a coordinating fabric. Depending on your house, it could look like one or two windows that have closed curtains at the moment.

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We currently have one up in our school area, but we are re-arranging and probably doing away with separate school area....very interested in the responses as i dont want ours up for the world to see...

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Do you have a china cabinet or a server in your dining room? You could just tuck it behind that every day. Keep an easel for it in your hall closet and set it up each night before bed. Would that work?

ETA--ooh, I see where tucking it behind something wouldn't work for you. How about putting a bracket under the table top and sliding it in there?


Or, I've seen these neat sheets of poster-sized dry erase "paper." They stick to the wall. You could just roll it up at the end of the day.


Or, you could just write copywork on a sheet of paper in a page protector and have your dd copy it. Erase afer finishing, and tuck it into her notebook for next time. ;)

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Where do you put the rest of school at the end of the day. Would something like this work? Not to put it behind something, but away. An even smaller option is this.


Honestly, we are just embracing our homeschool crazy this year, and moving to the family room. Anyone who comes in our house is just going to be hit by the fact that we are a homeschool family.

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We have homeschooled for a year and a half now and I am seeing where a dry erase (or chalk board but too messy) would be beneficial. However, we live in a smaller home, 1500sq ft and our dining room/kitchen area is our school area. Our home is fairly open concept and anyone who enters our house can see the living, kitchen and dining areas.


I have fought the purchase of a dry erase board because I just wanted my dining room to look like a dining room area and not be overly crowded/cluttered. We try to put up our schooling at the end of the day.


BUT I am not able to put copy work anywhere for girls to copy; write out math problems for reference for my boys, etc...


So, if you have a dry erase board and conceal it.. how? putting it behind something isn't an option. Or have you just gotten over the ugly factor and put it up on the wall?



Our dry erase board is a 4x8 ft. shower board mounted to the wall of our family room. 8 months of the year it has rocket design, propulsion figures, and flight data ALL over it and none of that can be erased. It's too big to hide. That said, we are BIG science geeks here and are rather proud of the project so sometimes it's painful almost to erase it once the TARC season is over and we erase everything.


Most visitors to our home comment on how cool it is.



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Where do you put the rest of school at the end of the day. Would something like this work? Not to put it behind something, but away. An even smaller option is this.


Honestly, we are just embracing our homeschool crazy this year, and moving to the family room. Anyone who comes in our house is just going to be hit by the fact that we are a homeschool family.


Everyone knows we homeschool. I do have some "unapproving" family members that are always trying to "measure" the kids progress and I just don't want to aid in their nosiness. I am not ashamed that we homeschool, though... totally torn of what to do. I love the little lapboard and stand. I think that is such a cute idea. Just wish it was a wee bit bigger.


eta: we have turned our coat closet into storage, we have a book shelf and a buffet cabinet at our front door that all conceal our supplies at the end of the day


We use a big white board for AAS and we just stick it behind the printer table. I've not found the need to attach it to the wall, I prefer to be able to carry it to where-ever we want to work.

I may end up doing it this way, myself!

Get a magnetic white board, and an art poster print to fit it. Put the tiny magnets on the corners of the print. Easily disguised as artwork.


crazy good idea.. just not sure where I would store the artwork while it isn't being used where it wouldn't get damaged. Still, love the idea though!

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I always figure the house needs to suit the needs of the people who live in it, not exist to impress or entertain outsiders who may visit.


At this time in your life a dry erase board and other home school stuff is more important than maintaining some ideal version of House Beautiful. Too soon you won't need the whiter erase board or gold fish or chicken mummy etc. (sigh - can you tell I have reached those days?)

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We have a couple of small ones that can be hung up. I find that's sufficient. You could have cute hooks for them and take them down when school is over. And then they're portable... I use them for copywork sometimes, or for, here's how you spell it, or for illustrating math problems, or for keeping score when we play games, or for putting up a reminder... a million things. I like that they're tiny and portable. I actually keep meaning to get more of them.

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I have one in my girls' [tiny] bedroom, leaning against a wall where it doesn't interfere with anything else. Granted, it was hard to find a spot for it! I did not mount it and did not connect the tray at the bottom, so this makes it more versatile.

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When we had ours up in the dining room, i bought a nice one with a wood frame. After school was done, we'd write noted to dad, or cute sayings, scripture or pictures. It was still a dry erase board in the dining room, but it looked more like it belonged and less like a school room.

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I just write on the windows and glass doors (ours have the blinds inside the glass and work really well because I can close the blinds behind what I am writing and we can see it well).


We like to leave up fun notes and assignments all the time, but of course when we erase them then they are just windows and doors!

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I decided that we are a homeschooling family and nothing is going to change that. I opted to embrace the white board on the kitchen wall, the microscope and globe in the livingroom, the science posters in the bathroom, the series of experiements on the kitchen counters etc. My house is smaller than yours by 500 sq ft. My home will never look like the ones in the magazines but there is no denying that learning is part of life around here. My smaller magnetic white board (for AAS) and my chalk board get tucked behind the kitchen table when not in use but my giant white board is proudly on display in the kitchen. When I have company expected over I clean my white board and then write a nice quote on it that is pleasant for all to see. Makes it look nicer than it's typical look of smudged wipings, random things written on it (math facts, copy work, spelling words, telephone messages etc) without having to remove it from it's useful place.

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Our white board is just mounted to the wall by the table where most of the kids do their school work. We have a cork board next to it for posting artwork, maps, etc. Our kitchen is an eat-in, and very very small, so it was our only option and I really wanted them. :D It's not a "Better Homes and Gardens" type of decor, but we like it!

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The kids each have individual whiteboards, 9"x12". They stack on top of their school books. I used to have a larger one for me that I would slide between the bookcase and the wall at the end of the school day. That no longer works and I miss it. If you had room for an easel that folds up and stores somewhere (closet?), could you prop one up on that?

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I decided that we are a homeschooling family and nothing is going to change that. I opted to embrace the white board on the kitchen wall, the microscope and globe in the livingroom, the science posters in the bathroom, the series of experiements on the kitchen counters etc. My house is smaller than yours by 500 sq ft. My home will never look like the ones in the magazines but there is no denying that learning is part of life around here. My smaller magnetic white board (for AAS) and my chalk board get tucked behind the kitchen table when not in use but my giant white board is proudly on display in the kitchen. When I have company expected over I clean my white board and then write a nice quote on it that is pleasant for all to see. Makes it look nicer than it's typical look of smudged wipings, random things written on it (math facts, copy work, spelling words, telephone messages etc) without having to remove it from it's useful place.


thank you for putting me in perspective, ha ha. Do you ever feel like you live in a closet with so many kids in such a tiny place? I know I do and mine is obviously larger than yours. I die laughing if I am ever watching house hunters on HGTV and a couple, with no kids, that both work full time state they can't go less than 3000 sq ft or it would be tiny.. I would LOVE to show them a full house ha ha!

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Our white board is just mounted to the wall by the table where most of the kids do their school work. We have a cork board next to it for posting artwork, maps, etc. Our kitchen is an eat-in, and very very small, so it was our only option and I really wanted them. :D It's not a "Better Homes and Gardens" type of decor, but we like it!


:nopity:if only I could have my better homes and gardens home AND homeschool in the same room. The decor could be like the "clap on" lights. I could just clap my hands and ta da... perfectly decorated house rofl

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I have a child's easel, with several boards that rest on the paint tray. When we have parties, we put the easel outside the front door and write a greeting on the board. The easel does fold somewhat and can be put in the basement if needed. I've also had a larger board that I put behind the china cabinet.

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thank you for putting me in perspective, ha ha. Do you ever feel like you live in a closet with so many kids in such a tiny place? I know I do and mine is obviously larger than yours. I die laughing if I am ever watching house hunters on HGTV and a couple, with no kids, that both work full time state they can't go less than 3000 sq ft or it would be tiny.. I would LOVE to show them a full house ha ha!


This is why I love summer! Our winters are long and hard so we spend a lot of time cooped up together and yes it get a bit cramped to say the least. But once the weather is nice enough we do school outside, play outside and do all we can to gain space from each other. There is no private space in this house,there is no room for it. So instead we make the most of the tiny space we have and make it work for us. That includes white boards, books, supplies etc mostly organized and on display all the time. You got some great ideas in this thread about the white board. The longer you homeschool the more you will learn to do what works and is functional more than what is pretty kwim. Our homeschool stuff out speaks of what is of value in our home. A home off of HGTV with the white carpets and knick knacks etc is not what is of value here. THe kids, their educations and our time as a family is most important. With that in mind I am proud to display the art work, the lego projects, the white board, the science projects, the bugs caught, tadpoles, posters, spelling lists etc. This is what is of value to my family at this time, not what impression our home will make on outsiders, but what impression it makes on my children of what is important to me kwim.

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I went to the goodwill on the 1.49 day and bought the biggest picture frame that I could fine. I painted the frame black to match our dining room decor. I took out the picture covered it with fabric and then put it back under the glass. We just write in the glass. It matches and looks nice. I know that I am not explaining it well so here is a picture of one someone else made





Edited by ilovemy6kids
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I went to the goodwill on the 1.49 day and bought the biggest picture frame that I could fine. I painted the frame black to match our dining room decor. I took out the picture covered it with fabric and then put it back under the glass. We just write in the glass. It matches and looks nice. I know that I am not explaining it well so here is a picture of one someone else made






Very clever! That's a great idea.


After getting really frustrated with "ghosting" ending up on our dry erase boards we finally ended up getting a glass erase board. It looks nicer and it always gets totally clean.

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When I was schooling in the dining room, I kept the whiteboard up the majority of the time. However, if we were have people over for dinner, or something like that, I would take it down. The same nails that held up the whiteboard (hanging wire on back) held up a shelf with decorative plates on it. I would just switch it out in a matter of minutes.

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One summer that I worked at a resident camp, I bought a massive 2 month dry erase calendar (yay visual learners who need to see what's happening and when!). The back of it is plain white. Kind of like this: http://www.amazon.com/2014-Dry-Erase-Wall-Calendar-24/dp/B0058HBXE2


It's basically laminated paper, so we've used it taped to the pantry doors, and then we take it down and roll it up. You might be able to create something similar yourself and even customize it. Get some easel paper or something and get it laminated. If you think you'll want lined paper (for copywork), then draw some lines on the paper and then laminate it. If you think you could get away with some smaller paper sometimes, you could use smaller white boards, and then use window markers to write on a sliding door or bathroom mirror. You could always tape white paper on the back side of the sliding door if the white background would help.


If oyu don't have your own laminator, I'd drop in or call an office supply place and ask about their laminating charges, what's the biggest thing they can laminate, and what's the heaviest weight paper they can handle.

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Thanks for the ideas everyone! We are currently using those flimsy dry erase "sheets" that will tuck into their binders. BUT with me instructing typically two at a time with visuals; one kid has to look at it upside down while I am writing/explaining problems, etc.


Not sure what I will end up doing :(

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Can you get the dry-erase contact paper and put it on the back of a large picture? Then you can just flip it. Is there a closet door you can open to use the back side? Refrigerator door? What about using dry erase poster board and an easel?


I just painted a huge, black 5'x5' square of chalkboard paint on my living room wall. Kids love it. It's been there for ten years. My kids have outgrown it now, so I can just paint over it whenever I feel like painting the LR.

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We have these from Rainbow Resource; very easy to use and store. Great for kitchen table schooling, and for one child to take and use elsewhere. We use ours multiple times a day--I can't imagine schooling without them. One of the best homeschool purchases I ever made.



I have these as well. One of my best purchases EVER.

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We use individual dry erase boards that fit on the shelf or in the cabinet. If I need to explain something to more than one student at a time, I have them sit one on each side of me; for copy work, I prop the board at the end of the table where all can see. Easy-peasy, and no giant dry erase board on the wall. :)



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Get a magnetic white board, and an art poster print to fit it. Put the tiny magnets on the corners of the print. Easily disguised as artwork.


Neat idea!!


I just write on the windows and glass doors (ours have the blinds inside the glass and work really well because I can close the blinds behind what I am writing and we can see it well).


We like to leave up fun notes and assignments all the time, but of course when we erase them then they are just windows and doors!


we do this here for the windows


thank you for putting me in perspective, ha ha. Do you ever feel like you live in a closet with so many kids in such a tiny place? I know I do and mine is obviously larger than yours. I die laughing if I am ever watching house hunters on HGTV and a couple, with no kids, that both work full time state they can't go less than 3000 sq ft or it would be tiny.. I would LOVE to show them a full house ha ha!


I live in a 450sqft apartment and i feel like that.


I have a child's easel, with several boards that rest on the paint tray. When we have parties, we put the easel outside the front door and write a greeting on the board. The easel does fold somewhat and can be put in the basement if needed. I've also had a larger board that I put behind the china cabinet.


Thats what we have too.


I won't lie: I write on the (stainless) refrigerator doors with overhead markers. Then, we just clean it off.


Neat idea!


I went to the goodwill on the 1.49 day and bought the biggest picture frame that I could fine. I painted the frame black to match our dining room decor. I took out the picture covered it with fabric and then put it back under the glass. We just write in the glass. It matches and looks nice. I know that I am not explaining it well so here is a picture of one someone else made






Very cool!


I have these as well. One of my best purchases EVER.


Ill have to look into that!



We have smaller black dry erase boards from Target and I like them. We have them hanging in the dining/living room. I dont mind if people see them. :)

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