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Do you like Mother's Day?

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I had a great morning with my mom. We went to a movie with the girls, and then went to pick up some flowers. Now I want to sit and do nothing. Or even better, have DH build me another raised garden bed so that I can plant! Instead I have to spend the afternoon/evening with my inlaws to celebrate DH's birthday (which was 2 days ago), and "Oh yeah that's mothers day, sorry about that." (said my MIL). Which really means she wants to be fussed over, and I get ignored. ;)

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We keep it pretty low key... I get to sleep in, they buy me chocolate, and we go out to dinner.


I don't like crowds so we never go anywhere super-popular... Tonight is Thai food at a little hole-in-the-wall. Sometimes it's sushi, or Indian. Nowhere that needs a reservation.

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Why can't people decide for themselves how—or whether—to acknowledge Mother's Day, or any other holiday, for that matter? Moms shouldn't be pressured to defend their choice not to celebrate or for finding it painful or disappointing rather than lovely and wonderful, just as you don't need to defend your choice to celebrate the day.


I'm not saying that they can't, and I'm not pressuring anyone to defend their choice not to celebrate; I was just thinking that since Mother's Day comes around every year, whether we like it or not, there might be a way to make the best of it and have some fun with it -- not that it has to be a huge celebration or anything like that.

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I'm not a fan. Perhaps it's from having a narcissistic mother - EVERY day is all about her, but the OFFICIAL day to celebrate her greatness? :001_rolleyes: And, of course, since I am also a mother, I should be full-scale cotillion "celebrated", too. (but I suppose that would have to happen on a different day, since I should obviously be busy adjusting her tiara at her Me Gala, right?)


But I'm not a big celebration kind of girl. I'm a celebrate and appreciate people in real time kind of girl. If I want to take a day off, just for me, I will do it when I'm feeling like a need to recharge, not on the third Sunday of May. And I appreciate it less when people are forced to appreciate me. (I have the same feeling about performance reviews at work, too; it's not just a holiday thing.)



I'm working today - which I'm blah about because Sundays are slow and boring - and, since I closed last night, I have left myself a to-do lost of all the things that annoy me (dust on the fans in the group-ex rooms, smudges on the walls) and I'm going to tackle them all this afternoon. And I will be happy because a) they will not annoy me anymore and b) I will be doing something instead of sitting at the desk lamenting all the stuff I could be doing at home. Woot!


I'm this way too. I'm quite uncomfortable with people making a big deal over me. This includes b-days too. But, I do like it that I don't fix dinner on Mother's Day (or my b-day).

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I love Mother's Day.


My 19 year old "too cool for life" son gave me a BIG hug, a gift card, AND helped my spouse clean the house from top to bottom. He usually spends the vast majority of his life asleep. It's a big deal to me that he woke up early enough to have breakfast with me and give me a big hug.


I'm doing the laundry myself because I'm kind of anal about the way I like it done, LOL. My family knows there are some chores I'd just rather do myself, but they did all of the flexible ones.

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I'm not saying that they can't, and I'm not pressuring anyone to defend their choice not to celebrate; I was just thinking that since Mother's Day comes around every year, whether we like it or not, there might be a way to make the best of it and have some fun with it -- not that it has to be a huge celebration or anything like that.


Easier said than done sometimes.

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I'm not saying that they can't, and I'm not pressuring anyone to defend their choice not to celebrate; I was just thinking that since Mother's Day comes around every year, whether we like it or not, there might be a way to make the best of it and have some fun with it -- not that it has to be a huge celebration or anything like that.


Exactly. I didn't get one card. Dh took me out plant/flower shopping. We all worked in the yard. I didn't cook, but I did my regular chores. I don't have huge expectations, but I always have fun and feel appreciated. I guess I consider it wife day and not mother's day. Or in case of extended family it is Happy Family Woman Day. I used to send a card to an aunt, grandma, and my mom. My dh sends FB messages to all the moms he knows AND his aunt who did not have kids. She's still a special woman in his life.


No, we don't go to my mom's or mil's and when my kids have their own kids I will be fine if they spend it with their own family. If I do want to be included I think I'd go make it about the younger moms - it's harder being in the middle of raising kids.

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Sure. I like Mother's Day. My kids gave me extra special hugs and "love yous" before I left for work this morning. When I get home tonight, we will go to eat somewhere, so I don't have to worry about cooking.


I closed the office for 45 minutes and ran to see my mom at the nursing home. I'm so happy she still knows who I am and she told me how much she loves me. She may not be able to do that next Mother's Day. I gave her a new comfy outfit and a cupcake. She loves sweets.


It's also my 18th wedding anniversary :001_smile:. Today is a good day.

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I have mixed feelings about the day. Past Mother's Days have been stressful due to the expectations of DH's family.


Today, DS made me a card, DH made me French Toast, and I sent the two of them downstairs to play video games. I'm having coffee and watching HGTV on the couch, LOL, and I'm quite happy this way.


I'm so sorry for all of you that have lost your moms, and especially for all of you who have lost children.

Edited by SunnyDays
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I'm quite uncomfortable with people making a big deal over me. This includes b-days too.
I'm this way as well. Mother's Day is tainted for me having been forced to celebrate an already center-of-the-universe mom growing up (who didn't do diddly squat for her dc most of the time). I don't want anyone to feel forced to celebrate me because honestly, there just isn't all that much to celebrate. I'm a mom. I do what I do and it's nothing above and beyond what any good mom would do. It doesn't warrant a special day or special treatment (imo...obviously there are those who feel otherwise ;)).


If my dc want to express their thanks or appreciation for me on their own (in other words, without Daddy prompting/helping) later in life then they are welcome to. But I don't want them feeling like I did as a child when I was forced to say/do things I did not feel for my mom.


FTR, I must say that my family makes just about every day Mother's Day. I haven't made breakfast in years as my dh has taken that on. My dc do equal amounts of work as I do in the home. Everyone helps with meals - I'm never slaving away by myself in the kitchen. I can have an afternoon or even an entire day to myself if I want on the weekend. If I need to sleep in then I can because they all step in and help.


I have a beautiful life and I celebrate that every.single.day. :)


ETA: OK, wait a minute...I may rethink celebrating Mother's Day if I can do this:

I'm having coffee and watching HGTV on the couch, LOL, and I'm quite happy this way.
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Sure. I like Mother's Day. My kids gave me extra special hugs and "love yous" before I left for work this morning. When I get home tonight, we will go to eat somewhere, so I don't have to worry about cooking.


I closed the office for 45 minutes and ran to see my mom at the nursing home. I'm so happy she still knows who I am and she told me how much she loves me. She may not be able to do that next Mother's Day. I gave her a new comfy outfit and a cupcake. She loves sweets.


It's also my 18th wedding anniversary :001_smile:. Today is a good day.


Happy Anniversary! :)

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The title pretty much says it all.


I am not feeling the love. I feel like there's so much pressure to be valued in a certain way - to be the kind of mother who is just so awesome that everyone in her family makes a big fuss over her.


I worked my behind off all day accomplishing a ridiculous amount of things in hopes that then I could have some R&R tomorrow. Because I "should," because it's Mother's Day. I don't even know if that makes sense! I wore myself out so that tomorrow I can do less, but nothing's been taken off my plate.


Do you like Mother's Day?


I love Mother's Day...my kids and hubby spoil me. :D

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Why does your ex need to be involved at all? Shouldn't it just be a mother-daughter day for you and your dd? And why would you be involved in Father's Day?


I'm sorry he's such a nuisance, but if he's your ex, he should start learning to stay out of things that no longer concern him. Starting with Mother's Day.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Because dd likes to shop for a gift for me and she can't go alone. She wants to take me out for lunch and she'd feel horrible if she thought I had to pay for it myself. It's sort of a rock-and-a-hard-place situation. She and I would both like for it to not involve him, but she needs his help. And, if she needs his help, he takes control. The irony is, I am all for low-key holidays and wouldn't even mind if all I got was a card and a cook-out. But she wants to make a bigger thing of it for me, and right now, the only way she can do that is to involve her dad. It won't always be like this; eventually, she'll drive and be able to do things without him. But for now, it's stressful.

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FIL never celebrated Mother's Day: He told his wife, "You're not my mother." I think that's silly (but he's departed, so I can't tell him what I think). I think it's perfectly reasonable for husbands to celebrate the mother of their kids.


Fortunately, DH has trained the kids from an early age that this is a day to honor and serve their mom. When they were younger, they would even reprimand me if I started cleaning up clutter: "Mom! Put that down! You can't do any work today!" :lol:


DH and I don't usually exchange gifts on Mothers/Fathers Day, but we try to make the day pleasant and stress-free for the honored one. So, I think it's up to the dads to train their kids accordingly, and if Dad won't or is not available, it's perfectly acceptable for the mom to tell the kids ahead of time, "I'd really like to have Mother's Day off—would you guys plan to fix a nice lunch that day? And clean up the dishes? That would be a wonderful gift!" Then plan out the menu you want and make sure the ingredients are on hand. Hmm...now I realize I'm taking it for granted that the kids can cook. :tongue_smilie:

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Hate it!:)


We had another issue with my mil this year and I told my kids I wish I could scratch this day of off the calendar. It has to be about her and she has all but told us that as long as she's alive we need to focus on her.


But, we never do anything right so it's a no win situation.


My mom is usually pretty good but this year she had to remind me that one of my daughters is dead. And, yes, she used that word. We were talking about my oldest being able to vote this year and she said, "Well, Katherine will never vote. She's dead." Yes, Mom, thank you for reminding me. Especially on Mother's Day weekend.:glare:


There is always, always family drama for MD.

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Hate it!:)


We had another issue with my mil this year and I told my kids I wish I could scratch this day of off the calendar. It has to be about her and she has all but told us that as long as she's alive we need to focus on her.


But, we never do anything right so it's a no win situation.


My mom is usually pretty good but this year she had to remind me that one of my daughters is dead. And, yes, she used that word. We were talking about my oldest being able to vote this year and she said, "Well, Katherine will never vote. She's dead." Yes, Mom, thank you for reminding me. Especially on Mother's Day weekend.:glare:


There is always, always family drama for MD.


:grouphug: That's more drama than anyone ever needs. I'm sorry.

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I'm not a fan.


I have difficult (read "non-existent") relationships on both sides of the mother-child thing, and Mother's Day always stirs up a lot of stuff for me.


Also, I'm never, ever comfortable being the center of attention. Having people fawn over me for one day (or two, if we count birthdays) every year while treating me like an appliance the rest of the time feels nothing but fake to me. And then I have the obligation to pretend I'm thrilled.




I've worked for years training my family to keep things low key.


With that said, today was nice. Each of my kids suprised me with a gift, which I honestly wasn't expecting. My husband brought home bagels, which meant I didn't have to cook breakfast. And we picked up dinner.


Other than that, it was a pretty normal Sunday. My son had a matinee across town, and I got him there and home and hung out in the theatre parking lot during the show. I cleaned all the trash out of my car and vacuumed the interior. We rented a couple of movies.


Everyone managed to be pleasant to each other for most of the day.


It was a banner year.

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Mother's Day ended with a bang! My husband had bad stomach pains and assorted symptoms in the evening, I felt nauseated at bed time, and, for the grand finale, Colin threw up all over his pillow at 4:45 this morning.

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My kids don't really spoil me, nor does my husband. I get a little present and a card, and then I get to work. Every year, I invite my mother and mother-in-law for dinner on Mother's Day. This is my choice - I personally hate eating out on the big "eat out" days like Valentines and Mother's Day.


But I don't mind that Mother's Day is all about doing things for the older mother's in our lives. I sort of feel that is how it should be. I am the lucky Mom in this crowd - I have three beautiful children, two of whom still live in my home, and one of whom is a self supporting adult who lives two miles away. Does it get any better than that? I am the Mom in this family who still gets to make the sandwiches, collect the hugs, hear the violin practiced, share the daily laughter. Yes, I am also the one who gets to do the mounds of laundry. But honestly, I wouldn't trade places with my Mom or Mother in Law. Their children are grown (but still love them), their husband's are dead. They live alone. Mother's Day seems like a good time for me to honor them and spoil them and acknowledge who they have been in our lives.


Every day feels like "my" Day because I get to live with my kids every day. When they are grown and I have no one to cook for, no one to drive around, no one to make me fall over laughing, then I might hate mother's Day!


That said, I get really crabby about Christmas and I absolutely despise Thanksgiving. I think this is because there is so much "extended family" obligation at those holidays and so much mandatory food prep. I can make something fairly simple for Mother's Day and I can make what we really want to eat instead of having an obligatory turkey or some horror. So I totally relate to getting really edgy about how holidays can make a Mom feel over burdened.

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My kids Love Mother's Day because they get to go out to eat, lol. I like it too, because we go to my favorite restaurant. Eating out as a family is a rare occasion. I don't get gifts. I just get homemade cards, usually from the littlest members of the family. Nothing like my 8yo ds and my 6yo grandson fawning over me. I'll take it while I can get it.


ETA: I will stick my mommy brag here. Yesterday my oldest ds graduated from a prestigious college with a Master of Accounting at 21. Everyone thinks I am being modest when I say I didn't have much to do with that, but it's the truth. He has always been driven to succeed. He's already got a job and a wife lined up, lol. This means my life is changing, again.

Edited by Onceuponatime
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Hate it!:)


We had another issue with my mil this year and I told my kids I wish I could scratch this day of off the calendar. It has to be about her and she has all but told us that as long as she's alive we need to focus on her.


But, we never do anything right so it's a no win situation.


My mom is usually pretty good but this year she had to remind me that one of my daughters is dead. And, yes, she used that word. We were talking about my oldest being able to vote this year and she said, "Well, Katherine will never vote. She's dead." Yes, Mom, thank you for reminding me. Especially on Mother's Day weekend.:glare:


There is always, always family drama for MD.


Good grief!!! That is terribly insensitive. I'm so sorry. :grouphug:

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Ba Humbug. :mad:


I married into a family where the women all cook for the family Mother's Day gathering. I've done everything I could to get it changed and it always winds up back at this because that's what MIL wants.


Every year I feel just plain mean because my wants and needs don't matter one iota. I'm not even a big holiday person and normally holiday stuff just rolls right off of me, but the pretense of this being my special day is absurd.


My family is all asleep and I still have a mountain of dishes to tackle before I get started on desserts for tomorrow. Not a single offer of help today from any of my teens...I'll probably go off if someone hands me a card or gift.


I have arranged to go over to a friend's for tea tomorrow after the family thing. I think of it as Post Mother's Day therapy.


Just say no. No way would I participate in this.

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It seems that many who do not care for Mother's Day feel this way because of expectations from extended family. This gives me pause. Recognition of discomfort is a good way of breaking the cycle so that the next generation does not perpetuate it.


I don't need presents or cards and don't expect them on Mother's Day. My son and husband did prepare a lovely meal (sushi and salad with ginger dressing). We had a lovely walk together. It was just a pleasant day despite the fact that I spent part of it getting caught up on my ironing. My son just returned home from college so any time with him at this point is special.


So put me in the camp of one who does not mind Mother's Day.

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Mother's Day ended with a bang! My husband had bad stomach pains and assorted symptoms in the evening, I felt nauseated at bed time, and, for the grand finale, Colin threw up all over his pillow at 4:45 this morning.




Yep.....that is definitely how my mothers day went.....sans vomit.


Hope you guys feel better soon....:grouphug:

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:grouphug: I am with you Lynn. happy Mother's Day!! :grouphug:


Intry to remember to be in a nice, loving mood. It is difficult when I feel like popping everyone in the eye! Then I think, Hallmark should be sued for coming up with yet another reason moms should feel like cr@p....


I might go get some therapy....and send Hallmark the bill!!!


Thanks Faithe! Happy Mother's Day!


Mother's Day ended with a bang! My husband had bad stomach pains and assorted symptoms in the evening, I felt nauseated at bed time, and, for the grand finale, Colin threw up all over his pillow at 4:45 this morning.


Oh no! That's the worst way for it to end! My Mother's Day wish to you is that he may hit the bowl or toilet everytime and that you all are feeling better!!!

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No. I have a May birthday so as a kid I was a little resentful when my birthday fell on or close to Mother's day. Then DD came along with a birthday the day after mine which just happened to be mother's day that year. It was a lovely gift but we are kinda busy with birthday stuff in May and NOW we also have DS who also happens to have a May birthday. So we don't really do mother's day at our house.

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I don't like presents. I don't like surprises and I don't like going out to eat. The kids really fought me on the going out to eat because they wanted to go. All I wanted was for them to clean the loft which they did for the most part so I am happy. My hubby and I try to avoid celebrations for mother's day, father's day, our birthdays, and anniversary. Really Christmas is the only holiday that we get some token presents for each other because the kids act like we have ruined their holiday if we don't get presents for each other. Plus my 18 year old is turning 19 tomorrow so I am too busy getting her birthday in order because she is one of those people to whom celebrations, surprises and presents mean very much. I am not very good at this stuff so it is always stressful for me.

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Mother's Day ended with a bang! My husband had bad stomach pains and assorted symptoms in the evening, I felt nauseated at bed time, and, for the grand finale, Colin threw up all over his pillow at 4:45 this morning.




How awful! How are you guys feeling now? I hope you're all doing a lot better. Stomach stuff is horrible.

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Hate it!:)


We had another issue with my mil this year and I told my kids I wish I could scratch this day of off the calendar. It has to be about her and she has all but told us that as long as she's alive we need to focus on her.


But, we never do anything right so it's a no win situation.


My mom is usually pretty good but this year she had to remind me that one of my daughters is dead. And, yes, she used that word. We were talking about my oldest being able to vote this year and she said, "Well, Katherine will never vote. She's dead." Yes, Mom, thank you for reminding me. Especially on Mother's Day weekend.:glare:


There is always, always family drama for MD.


Oh, no. That is an awful thing to say :grouphug:

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Yes, I do like Mother's Day! It might be because I don't think it detracts from the day if I have to let my family know what I want.


I ask the kids to make me cards or write me a letter and I like having them to save. (Dh will forget to do this)


Yesterday, I caused some consternation when the kids (4 teenaged guys) wanted to "take me out" to lunch --on Dad's money of course! I don't like waiting and I knew everywhere would be crowded and so I said that I would prefer they prepare me lunch. Um.. they wanted to go out for lunch, but I held firm! I asked for a salad with some kind of meat on it. They went to the grocery store and got the fixings and one of them baked chicken breasts. When those were done, I got called in for lunch. Um. the table was not set, none of the food was on the table, etc. I handed them some cloth napkins and told them to call me back when the table was set, etc! You have to teach these teenaged boys how to treat a woman! When we eventually sat down, it was very yummy.


After lunch, the oldest two painted a bathroom for me. I had already bought the paint and everything a while ago, but no one has "had time." So that's done now except for the touch-up around the ceiling.


And we got a great Mother's Day photo too, so it was a super day for me!

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Having people fawn over me for one day (or two, if we count birthdays) every year while treating me like an appliance the rest of the time feels nothing but fake to me. And then I have the obligation to pretend I'm thrilled.


This should be made into a Hallmark card! One of those "real" cards as opposed to the "ishy squishy" cards.
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Also, I'm never, ever comfortable being the center of attention. Having people fawn over me for one day (or two, if we count birthdays) every year while treating me like an appliance the rest of the time feels nothing but fake to me. And then I have the obligation to pretend I'm thrilled.




I've worked for years training my family to keep things low key.


I'm glad Mother's Day turned out well for you this year, but I have to say that I think the problem you've had in the past has nothing to do with Mother's Day or your birthday -- it has to do with putting your foot down and not letting your family treat you like an appliance the rest of the year.


You deserve better. And not just one or two days a year. :grouphug:

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No. I do not need a day to feel special as a mother. My kid does that every day. But mostly, I hate Mother's Day because my mother is dead. Mother's Day is just another re-awakening of the pain of losing her and the sorrow of the empty space where she should be.

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I'm glad Mother's Day turned out well for you this year, but I have to say that I think the problem you've had in the past has nothing to do with Mother's Day or your birthday -- it has to do with putting your foot down and not letting your family treat you like an appliance the rest of the year.


You deserve better. And not just one or two days a year. :grouphug:


Oh, the whole not liking to be the center of attention thing goes back WAAAAAYYY farther than the years I've been a mom. I never liked Christmas much when I was a kid, either, for similar reasons. I was an only child, indulged materially but not with much in the way of attention. Christmases and birthdays were an opportunity for my parents to buy me lots and lots of stuff for me to open while they watched. From a young age, I felt like I was obligated to pretend to love everything and be very happy, even though I was lonely and overwhelmed.


For years I told my mother, who was an artist, that the only thing I really wanted was a personalized piece of her work. But every year, she got so busy fulfilling commisions for other people that she would run out of time to make anything for me. Instead, she would spend the money she made from those orders buying me more stuff I didn't need or usually want.


It all felt like a command performance, and I hated it. So, I've carried over a lot of that baggage into adulthood, I'm afraid.


So, there is the "appliance" thing, but that's a relatively recent addition to the situation. I honestly have never liked having people pay a lot of attention to me, under any circumstances.* They really are separate issues.


And, very much like my mother and the artwork, I've told my family for years that the only "gift" I want for my birthday or Mother's Day is for them to be nice to each other and be pleasant. Since I don't ever (well, until this year, mostly) get that, I'm not very interested in the fake, materialistic stuff.


(* One huge irony in my life is that I've never wanted anything more than to be anonymous. If we've gone to the same restaurant enough times for the waiters to recognize me or remember my usual order, I get uncomfortable and have to stop going there, for example. So, who do I get for kids? I get two larger-than-life performers. It is now not possible for me to go anywhere without being recognized as either my son's or my daughter's mom. And they draw so much attention that it's unavoidable that some slops over onto me. Sigh. I love them so much, and I'm very proud of both of them. I just wish I could stay out of the way and out of the spotlight.)

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I haven't read the other replies, but I don't really care either way. I enjoy Mother's Day because my love language is gifts. :D :lol: But overall it isn't really any different than any other day for us... DH had to work, I went to church, we had a soccer game, etc. We took my mil out for dinner last night, and the kids made stuff for her on Saturday. But it doesn't feel like a different day for me, kwim?

Our church used to do this thing where they honored specific mothers on Mother's Day. Several years ago, it was little stuff like 'Mom with the most kids here' , 'Mom with the youngest baby', etc - easy, fun stuff. Then they started picking 2-3 women per year to honor, and then just 1. This year they didn't do anything, and I was actually glad. I think that for the majority of women who won't get picked to honor, it can be a little disheartening. :)

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I don't hate it but it doesn't thrill me. I like that my kids want to do something nice. This year my dd7 realized listening to the radio that it was MD, so she wrapped up a sculpture she made last year in art class for me. Dd4 and ds2 gave me dandelions. Dh called from work. But if they forgot, and I noticed, I wouldn't be bothered.


On the other hand, I always worry I will forget to get flowers for MIL who would be upset, and then I wonder if I should also get flowers for my mom, even though traditionally we don't. This year I didn't because I kept thinking how darned picky she is about flowers and if I got the wrong colour they would probably end up in the spare room.

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