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Prayer Support Needed

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Don't lose hope! You are not alone.


Where can I go from your Spirit?

Where can I flee from your presence?

If I go up to the heavens, you are there;

if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

[/url]If I rise on the wings of the dawn,

if I settle on the far side of the sea,

even there your hand will guide me,

your right hand will hold me fast.




Psalm 139

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I am very touched by all the comments and prayers.


It's been a rough week, but I am making it through. Looks like some changes ahead that will not be very... umm... enjoyable... but, needed.


I am thankful that I have a relationship with my kids that is very strong to where when very serious things come up, they can be honest with me, get mad and hate me when I take a stand, then continue on with me because they know how much I love them... Although, it's tough.


Still not out of the woods...


I've been horrified and think my hair is gone a bit more gray. I wonder how I can consider myself a decent parent half the time, yet know that some children only learn the hard way and that it's better for them to get bitten and have a safe refuge than to head out alone into the world, get bitten and perish...


Thank you so much for the prayers. Honestly, I have stood next to my car, after shutting the door, ready to walk forward , praying, "God, please, please show me what to do... I have NO idea." Then I take another step.

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I am very touched by all the comments and prayers.


It's been a rough week, but I am making it through. Looks like some changes ahead that will not be very... umm... enjoyable... but, needed.


I am thankful that I have a relationship with my kids that is very strong to where when very serious things come up, they can be honest with me, get mad and hate me when I take a stand, then continue on with me because they know how much I love them... Although, it's tough.


Still not out of the woods...


I've been horrified and think my hair is gone a bit more gray. I wonder how I can consider myself a decent parent half the time, yet know that some children only learn the hard way and that it's better for them to get bitten and have a safe refuge than to head out alone into the world, get bitten and perish...


Thank you so much for the prayers. Honestly, I have stood next to my car, after shutting the door, ready to walk forward , praying, "God, please, please show me what to do... I have NO idea." Then I take another step.



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I am thankful that I have a relationship with my kids that is very strong to where when very serious things come up, they can be honest with me, get mad and hate me when I take a stand, then continue on with me because they know how much I love them... Although, it's tough.
"God, please, please show me what to do... I have NO idea." Then I take another step.



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Still praying, Bee. Praying for wisdom, strength, and that with God's help this will all turn around to something unbelievably amazing. Remember, He's there with you in the center of it all.


Just know that I'm praying for you, for your dh and your kids every day.




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Update... Someone in my life is an addict in risky behavior and was going to get in rehab today... this person is now a missing person, on purpose... Didn't sleep much. Please continue prayers, Thanks.

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I am home. Exhausted. A bit numb again, emotionally. Person I love is in rehab and wouldn't say good-bye to me, angry, on 24 hour medical watch for detox, etc.


Please pray for Bee's Person for the next 30 days that there can be progress made, hope, a plan for the following several months... healing...


Please pray for me. This took a huge toll on family life and marriage. I felt a bit hopeless last week, but dh and I am back on the same page, discussing moving forward and overcoming the way we see things differently and what we expect from each other and the kids, etc. That helps so much. There have been SO many times dh has been my bridge over troubled waters... I really need him to be that bridge... and to not lose hope.


Thank you all so much, the prayers, thoughts, comments and hugs have meant more than I can say.

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