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I'm 45 and ...... pregnant

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We thought we were finished 8 years ago, but God had a HUGE surprise for us!

It took me some time to even clue into the fact, because at 45 you don't exactly think "I'm late, I might be pregnant.", you think "I'm late,but that's becoming pretty normal, here comes menopause. "


Throwing up - that's what made me pause....:ack2:


When I went to get a test I was sure I would be upset if it was positive. I guess I don't even know myself very well, because I was instantly filled with joy and excitement!


I've had my share of worries and fears and doubts, but God has been faithful and showed us his hand in all of this in so many ways. We got the results of a nuchal scan and blood work back last week and all looks well, but our trust cannot be in those tests. Our trust must be in the creator that made this child, just like our trust must be in Him when we have babies in our 20's or 30's.


It feels really strange to be in this condition right now. Dd#1 is graduating from college on Saturday and getting married this summer. Ds #1 is graduating from high school. I've been practicing being a non-interfering mother-in-law and trying to get used to the idea that I could be a grandmother in a year or two. Sometimes it makes my head spin!


Any encouragement, BTDT stories and prayers are appreciated. :)

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I am the youngest of 5 children. When I was born, my siblings were 21, 19, 16, and 12! Surprise! :D My 19 year old brother said, "A baby? You guys are too old to have a baby". My parents were only 40, they just got married and started having kids very young (not unusual in 1950). It was great for my parents, they always said I kept them young.

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I am 43 and would absolutely love it if the Lord blessed with another.

Our oldest daughter is 24 and married and our youngest is 2 yo. It's a strange place to be when you have older and younger kids like that. People always assume I'm in my early 30's because of the ages of the kids I have with me (generally my 6 yo, 4yo and 2 yo).


It's great having older and younger kids. We've gone through one wedding last year and two more daughters are engaged to be married next spring and summer. I'm hoping for grandkids in the near future :D but I'm enjoying my little guys while I wait. Many people see me and groan and say "You are doing it all again? You must be crazy!" I don't think that at all. I feel beyond blessed to have what I have. I just don't have as much energy as I did 20 years ago but other than that it's not much different.


Thank you for giving me hope - we've been trying and I've lost the last 4 pregnancies very early on. I just need to keep praying and wait to see what He has in store for me.


Sounds like things are going very well for you since you've had your NT scan you must be at the very end of your first trimester (or past). That is wonderful news!! Many prayers for a continued healthy pregnancy!!

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Congratulations! You will have a ball even if you are tired! I have kids from 30-5 and while I don't have grandkids yet, I am enjoying all the different ages. We have adopted our last 5 kids so I can't relate to the pregnant part, but if I had given birth to my youngest, I would have been 45. I love having a 5 yr old and I am a much more patient mom than I was years ago. You'll be fine!

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We thought we were finished 8 years ago, but God had a HUGE surprise for us!

It took me some time to even clue into the fact, because at 45 you don't exactly think "I'm late, I might be pregnant.", you think "I'm late,but that's becoming pretty normal, here comes menopause. "


Throwing up - that's what made me pause....:ack2:


When I went to get a test I was sure I would be upset if it was positive. I guess I don't even know myself very well, because I was instantly filled with joy and excitement!


I've had my share of worries and fears and doubts, but God has been faithful and showed us his hand in all of this in so many ways. We got the results of a nuchal scan and blood work back last week and all looks well, but our trust cannot be in those tests. Our trust must be in the creator that made this child, just like our trust must be in Him when we have babies in our 20's or 30's.


It feels really strange to be in this condition right now. Dd#1 is graduating from college on Saturday and getting married this summer. Ds #1 is graduating from high school. I've been practicing being a non-interfering mother-in-law and trying to get used to the idea that I could be a grandmother in a year or two. Sometimes it makes my head spin!


Any encouragement, BTDT stories and prayers are appreciated. :)


I haven't BTDT, but I am so excited for you.

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Any encouragement, BTDT stories and prayers are appreciated. :)


Not me personally, but both my parents were the babies of their families. Both of my g-mas thought they were just gettin' older... and "Poof" they were having babies :) I'm super happy they had babies, because our whole family wouldn't be here if they hadn't. I'm also super sorry that I didn't really get to know my g-parents. BUT, I've had a chance at life!! :) So, there are sweets and bitter-sweets about it. But... the "sweets" reign!!! :)


Enjoy your new little one :)

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I am 44. How I would love to have another baby! I can. There is nothing stopping me. But I keep thinking that I could be a grandmother, and get my baby fix there without the 24/7 of raising a child.(my oldest two dc are 22 and 19).


45 is NOT OLD!!!! I think it is wonderful you are pregnant.! If I had the courage to do it, I would:001_smile:



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I was 18 years old when my baby brother was born. I was 20 years old when my baby sister was born! Having such a huge age difference has been awesome!!!!!!! It's down right fun! My baby sister is graduating from high school in June. This will be the first time my mom has not had a grade school kid in her house since she was 18, and she will be 57 next week. :)


On another note my husband was 40 when we had our first child. He is 48 this year and we have a just-turned 7, 4, and 2 year old. :tongue_smilie:

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Wow! Such great encouragement! I had to smile when I saw your post title! I am 44 and 10 days late! I am NEVER late! My dh had a vasectomy 13 years ago, but I have lost a good deal of weight and am exercising quite a bit so figure it's from that..but that weird feeling when each day you wait for a cycle and nothing happens...no nausea..so I know I'm likely not but it made me really think hard what would we do! We would do just what you are doing!! Throw up cares to the wind and embrace the blessing with joy and celebration!! :)



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Congratulations, I am so happy for YOU! I have had some "hmm, I wonder' days. At 45 and periods being hit or miss.... I keep telling dh I am to old....lol I guess it's still possible.


My dd would love it if I had another baby. I'd have lots of help!

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Haven't been through it myself, but my mother had a baby at that age. I am sure there will be extra challenges in being pregnant and taking care of a newborn in your mid-forties--I hope everything goes smoothly for you and that you are blessed with extra reserves of energy and lots of helping hands! From the perspective of an older sibling (I was 16 when my youngest sister was born, my oldest sister was 20)--can I just say your older kids are so lucky to have a new little one coming to the home! I always loved having a baby to come home to, a little one in the house seemed to center home life in some significant way. My mom has commented many times that she feels the babies "raised" the older kids--gave us the chance to be mature and responsible and not self-centered. She thinks the younger kids who grew up without babies and little ones around have had a much harder time navigating their teen years (of course, someone has to be youngest--but maybe there will be little nieces and nephews to help your baby through!)

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Congratulations!! What an amazing blessing!


I got married later in life ( at 37) and had babies at 38, 40 and 42. All the pregnancies were uneventful, the deliveries were the "old fashioned way" ( no c- sections) and the babies were all very healthy. It's true that my energy level is not what a woman in her 20's - early thirties typically has, but I know I parent differently than I would have as a younger woman, because of my life experiences and the tempering that age can bring! Please post updates...I would love to hear how things are going with you and the little one!

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We thought we were finished 8 years ago, but God had a HUGE surprise for us!

It took me some time to even clue into the fact, because at 45 you don't exactly think "I'm late, I might be pregnant.", you think "I'm late,but that's becoming pretty normal, here comes menopause. "


Throwing up - that's what made me pause....:ack2:


When I went to get a test I was sure I would be upset if it was positive. I guess I don't even know myself very well, because I was instantly filled with joy and excitement!


I've had my share of worries and fears and doubts, but God has been faithful and showed us his hand in all of this in so many ways. We got the results of a nuchal scan and blood work back last week and all looks well, but our trust cannot be in those tests. Our trust must be in the creator that made this child, just like our trust must be in Him when we have babies in our 20's or 30's.


It feels really strange to be in this condition right now. Dd#1 is graduating from college on Saturday and getting married this summer. Ds #1 is graduating from high school. I've been practicing being a non-interfering mother-in-law and trying to get used to the idea that I could be a grandmother in a year or two. Sometimes it makes my head spin!


Any encouragement, BTDT stories and prayers are appreciated. :)

Wow! Good job! My midwife did that and had a very easy birth with that last little surprise.


May you have the same!


And may no one ever say to your new child...."Oh, is this your Grandma?"


[Old Mom here...just kidding!]

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We thought we were finished 8 years ago, but God had a HUGE surprise for us!

It took me some time to even clue into the fact, because at 45 you don't exactly think "I'm late, I might be pregnant.", you think "I'm late,but that's becoming pretty normal, here comes menopause. "


Throwing up - that's what made me pause....:ack2:


When I went to get a test I was sure I would be upset if it was positive. I guess I don't even know myself very well, because I was instantly filled with joy and excitement!


I've had my share of worries and fears and doubts, but God has been faithful and showed us his hand in all of this in so many ways. We got the results of a nuchal scan and blood work back last week and all looks well, but our trust cannot be in those tests. Our trust must be in the creator that made this child, just like our trust must be in Him when we have babies in our 20's or 30's.


It feels really strange to be in this condition right now. Dd#1 is graduating from college on Saturday and getting married this summer. Ds #1 is graduating from high school. I've been practicing being a non-interfering mother-in-law and trying to get used to the idea that I could be a grandmother in a year or two. Sometimes it makes my head spin!


Any encouragement, BTDT stories and prayers are appreciated. :)




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