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I'm 45 and ...... pregnant

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Congratulations!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

How exciting!


I am 46 and we had our two at 39 and 41. We tried for more, but apparently my body has really quit. I wish every week that we could have had more. What you wrote about God being in control is just what we were thinking when I was pregnant. May the LORD bless you and your baby and your whole family!


I do enjoy being an older mommy. It definitely keep me young! ;)

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Congratulations!!!! :grouphug: We had our "surprise" when I was 42 and she is the apple of this family's eye :) She was (and still is) the healthiest of all my children and with a very easy-going personality to boot.


FWIW, I cried for 2 weeks when I found out :blush: and God had to practically poke me in the eye to make me realise He had come up with this idea. Once I put all my trust in Him, everything fell into place.

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We thought we were finished 8 years ago, but God had a HUGE surprise for us!

It took me some time to even clue into the fact, because at 45 you don't exactly think "I'm late, I might be pregnant.", you think "I'm late,but that's becoming pretty normal, here comes menopause. "


Throwing up - that's what made me pause....:ack2:


When I went to get a test I was sure I would be upset if it was positive. I guess I don't even know myself very well, because I was instantly filled with joy and excitement!


I've had my share of worries and fears and doubts, but God has been faithful and showed us his hand in all of this in so many ways. We got the results of a nuchal scan and blood work back last week and all looks well, but our trust cannot be in those tests. Our trust must be in the creator that made this child, just like our trust must be in Him when we have babies in our 20's or 30's.


It feels really strange to be in this condition right now. Dd#1 is graduating from college on Saturday and getting married this summer. Ds #1 is graduating from high school. I've been practicing being a non-interfering mother-in-law and trying to get used to the idea that I could be a grandmother in a year or two. Sometimes it makes my head spin!


Any encouragement, BTDT stories and prayers are appreciated. :)




I had my 7th baby at 44, and my 8th early this year having just turned 46. I was very blessed to have a doctor that didn't hassle me about my age at all, and so I didn't get opposition from that angle - although I know some others do sometimes. Honestly, it is awesome. My little ones are such a blessing and I didn't find going back to the baby stage difficult at all.


As far as births go, these two were probably my easiest deliveries. I went to the chiropractor throughout my pregnancies and I really think that helped. I personally don't agree that 45 is 'too old' ;) In many ways your age and experience will bring a new richness to your mothering. It's all good. Don't let anyone rain on your parade - God has something good ahead for you.



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I got married at 30, had our first at 33 and just had our 5th at 43 in November. We're hoping to add more...and my OB always tells me I'm not too old to have more! :001_smile:


Having little ones keeps my husband and I young! And I agree with many others - I'm a much better mommy now with more experience behind me.


Congratulations to you! Children truly are a blessing from God!



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If you do happen to have grandchildren close to your child's age, don't fret. Both of my grandmothers had children close to my age (one of my uncles is 3 yrs younger than me), and these aunts and uncles closest to my age ended up being some of my best playmates. I'm so thankful my grandmothers weren't done building their families when it was time for me to enter this world!


Congrats on your newest little life.

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I can't tell you what an encouragement this thread has been to me. :001_smile:


All the well wishes and congratulations, the older moms who love parenting babies in their 40's, the siblings of late in life babies who loved having a baby in the house, the "surprises" who are grateful your parents had you in their 40's, and the ladies who are still hoping for a baby later in life.....


You have all encouraged me and made me so excited!! Thank you!


I'm 14 weeks so I still have a ways to go....please keep us in your prayers.

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Wow!! Congratulations! Are the kids excited? :001_smile:

I can understand the mix of emotions, I think anyone would need some time to get used to the idea.


This is funny..... not only are they excited.....the four youngest all confessed that they had been praying for a new baby.


At Christmas, ds 14 was begging me to have another baby. I tried to explain that I was too old and he should start looking forward to nieces and nephews. He said, "But God can do anything! You're younger than Sarah and Abraham!" I replied, "Well, you go discuss that with God...." I guess he did!! ;)

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This is funny..... not only are they excited.....the four youngest all confessed that they had been praying for a new baby.


At Christmas, ds 14 was begging me to have another baby. I tried to explain that I was too old and he should start looking forward to nieces and nephews. He said, "But God can do anything! You're younger than Sarah and Abraham!" I replied, "Well, you go discuss that with God...." I guess he did!! ;)


Awwwwww.... so sweet!!!

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I had my last two at 44 and 46. Personally my husband and I feel like we are raising our own grandchildren:) We really sit back and get a kick out of these last two. We have a lot of help (other children) we are older and wiser and more mellow. You just don't sweat the small stuff. Enjoy!


The only downside I've found is that socially we've been a bit cut off. No body else our age with young children or even grandchildren . Also when we look to relocate for retirement purposes we can't settle in a retirement community because of the no kids rule :D.

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This is funny..... not only are they excited.....the four youngest all confessed that they had been praying for a new baby.


At Christmas, ds 14 was begging me to have another baby. I tried to explain that I was too old and he should start looking forward to nieces and nephews. He said, "But God can do anything! You're younger than Sarah and Abraham!" I replied, "Well, you go discuss that with God...." I guess he did!! ;)


I don't think there is a power on earth with more impact than a child's prayer!

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First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


I know it's not the same thing, but we adopted this last baby when I was 48 and DH was 53. We never would have guessed we'd be starting all over again at this age, but we are loving every minuted. Well, almost every minute; the night feedings are a bit rougher. ;)

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