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What's your grocery budget now?

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Groceries have gone up so much, I think I'm going to have to increase our budget to about $250 a week for food. Maybe about $300 for food and nonfood items. This is up from about $150/wk for 5-- meat has gone up 50%. We eat gfcfsf, mostly. I buy 'regular' food for dh.


What is your budget like now? Has it gone up a lot recently?

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My weekly budget for food and household items (laundry detergent, TP, etc) is $135. I have noticed that it is getting harder to get all I need for that amount. DH has asked me about cutting grocery costs, but I don't think that can be done unless he will start eating beans.

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We are at about 150-175 a week. But i recently started eating gluten free to help with digestion and joint issues and man, is gf expensive. I will eventually transition to eating less foods like chocoate covered gf pretzels and such, which are pricey, but i am easing myself into it so i dont feel too deprived. We also eat a lot of organic vegetables and fruits, free rangel eggs and organic milk when possible.

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I've recently bumped mine up a bit to around $300. Some weeks it's more like $350 and others it's $250. And, then there's the week where I go to Sam's Club AND our meat store and spend over $500! I hate that week! Overall - $300.


I cook mostly from scratch, but get a lot of organic foods. This has increased by almost $100/week and we haven't changed the way we've been eating at all. Grrrrrrr . . .

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After looking back at the last six months, I adjusted our budget up to $800 a month since it's closer to what we're really spending now, not the $600 we used to. I'll re-evaluate again once DS is potty trained and out of diapers, but more than likely by then, it'll stay the same since he'll eat more! LOL

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Too much. On average it is about $800. per month. I haven't changed what we are eating and I am spending about $100 more than last year. It is very frustrating trying to cut the budget when it seems there is nothing left to cut. I make my own cleaners from vinegar and baking soda, I make my own laundry detergent, I purchase dried beans. I make my own kefir. I make just about everything from scratch. We don't do soda or junk food (well, I will buy potato chips 2x a month). It is getting harder and harder to keep my eat everything that is not nailed down teenager in food.

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We're around $900, but that includes a little too much dinng out. We do have LOTS of choices and everything is so close that I can take advantage of competitive pricing. I have a largish ethnic (Asian/Hispanic/Indian) market that allows me to get beans, rice, spices, and produce at a steal. We also have our beloved Trader Joe's. Still . . .the dining out is a weakness that kills any savings.

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We budget about $140 a week. That includes everything; food, toiletries, paper products, all grooming things; even things like allergy meds, motrin, etc. Pretty much if you can buy it at Meijer/Kroger/Walmart/CVS, it's included in that $140. Except prescriptions meds; those would come out of our 'medical' budget.


It's a struggle to keep it that low, to be sure. Now, we do live in a low cost of living area. But even so, I spend a lot of time comparing store ads, couponing, etc. I stock up the best I can when something we use is a good price, so that I can avoid buying things at 'full' price as much as possible. For example, we have one brand of bbq sauce we like. The stores around here sometimes put it on sale for $1 a bottle; the 'regular' price is anywhere from $1.79 to $3.29, depending what store I'm at. So when it goes on sale, I get 5 or 6 bottles, and stock the pantry. Which will hopefully hold us until the next time it goes on sale.


Another thing is knowing prices. Like I said, that same bottle of bbq sauce is almost TWICE the price from one store to another. In general, I find Meijer has the best 'everyday' prices for my area. So if I'm stopping at Kroger one day because I'm getting some things they have on sale, but we're also almost out of bbq sauce, I will NOT pick it up there. I'll wait until the next time I'm at Meijer. That's just an example.


Honestly, it's a lot of work. But I do my best to help save money. My husband works HARD to earn the money, and I work HARD to spend it wisely.

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We spend about 200 a week, including dog and cat food and household items. I try to buy good milk eggs and meat and the best produce I can find, as well as getting decent food for the dogs.


I do shop around, especially for things like laundry detergent and cleaners, but sometimes the time and gas involved is just not worth it.


I need to really stock up this weekend, so I am planning to spend nearly 300 in one chunk, but we need to stock the freezer and pantry to avoid eating out which costs so much more in the long run.

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I don't have a food budget: I just buy what we need and try to keep it as reasonable as possible. I go to the store once every 3-4 days and usually spend about $50 each time. It roughly averages out to about $500/month for a family of four. However, we also eat out once or twice a week, so our total food expenditure is higher. The $500 is only groceries and doesn't count restaurants, pet food, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, etc.


ETA: I take that back- the $500 does include food for the dog since I feed him inexpensive raw chicken that I buy at the regular grocery store. The other animals are a different story...

Edited by Wabi Sabi
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i budget $500 month for groceries, including household items (toiletries & detergent, etc). i have noticed we've gone over that a little at times, especially if it's a 5 week month. it hasn't been consistent enough though that i need to up our budget. i do meal plan everything & i'm sure that helps. i also bake from scratch. we eat healthy too. i have a green smoothie for breakfast each day. i buy fruits and veggies, etc. we really lack for nothing. if needed, we could raise our budget, but since it isn't necessary as of now, i use any extra money toward our savings.

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I am ruthless with my grocery budget, because I have to have my yearly Disney trip!


It used to be $400 a month for a family of 4-5 (depending on whether or not both of my older kiddos are home). I've had to bump it up to $600 a month and I hate it!! Food prices have really gone up over the past year. :glare:


So far, for the month of April, I'm at $559. I'd like to keep it there, but I'm sure I'll need to go to the store again before next week. Grrr....

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Wow...seems hard to believe.


Although I am counting EVERYTHING in my total so maybe just the food alone isn't as bad as I think.


LOL. I know. When ever these threads come up, I realize I have no bases to complain. I buy a huge bag of beans and rice every few months. If you open my pantry, you will not see boxed products, anything canned other than corn, and the occasional tuna (if it was on sale), and tomato sauce (also bought on sale). Cereal, soda, and frozen prepackaged foods are rarely found in my house, and I buy things in bulk whenever possible. I check the sales on line before I shop, and build my menu around that.


A lot of it also has to do with the way I cook. I mainly cook Mexican food. So beans and rice are a staple in our house. Because there are so many of us, we never have sides with a hunk of meat on the plate. I cut the meat up and cook it with sauce, veggies, etc. For some reason, everyone gets fuller on less this way. Yes, I have tested it. As a result, I know I can feed the 8 of us with about a pound and a half of what ever meat I am using.


It has taken me a long time to learn how to manage this. Raising 5 of dh siblings with no outside help pushed me to learn.





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I am ruthless with my grocery budget, because I have to have my yearly Disney trip!


It used to be $400 a month for a family of 4-5 (depending on whether or not both of my older kiddos are home). I've had to bump it up to $600 a month and I hate it!! Food prices have really gone up over the past year. :glare:


So far, for the month of April, I'm at $559. I'd like to keep it there, but I'm sure I'll need to go to the store again before next week. Grrr....


Isn't it amazing how Disney can help with your budget??? :lol: That extra $200/month would go a long way at Disney! I'm so sorry!

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We live in West Mihcigan so cheaper prices.


I budget $100/week for food and non food items. That does not include the beef we buy in huge bulk once a year or the food stamp money my disabled son gets to help with his groceries. I would say with those figured in it is about $100-110/week on food stuff for a family of 5.

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I spend $ 100 dollars per week to feed two adults, 1 teen and 3 children all meals. I spend another $ 25 dollars per week on all paper goods, health and beauty needs, cleaning items, meds and anything else that is needed weekly but not considered actual food items.


We do not eat much meat at all in our home, mostly beans and whole grains with lots of veggies and fruit. Chicken and Fish are made once a week for each, the rest of the week we eat beans, soups and vegetarian meals.


All together I allocate $ 500 dollars per month from our budget for groceries and paper goods and the above incidentials.


In the late spring, summer and early fall months we eat a lot from our garden and orchard so I can widdle the $ 100 down to $ 75 or so per week.

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We budget 200-250 but sometimes come in under that, or that amount lasts us more than a week. I don't have a specific grocery shopping day, so sometimes we go 8 or 10 days on one shop.


We buy the dirty dozen items organic, and buy things like the clean 15 conventionally grown usually. We buy some pastured, organic, etc. meats. We eat lower carb for several reasons, so unfortunately we can't stretch the budget with lots of grains. I have PCOS, DH has a family history of type 2 diabetes, and so IMO for us it is absolutely necessary to eat the way we do. We scrimp in other places.


I have had to make some compromises, and we buy less organic than we used to. We have a local no frills produce place, and we've been buying more there, but avoiding the dirty dozen items.


We eat pretty much all meals at home, and go out to dinner maybe once every 2 weeks. DH takes almost all lunches from home.


We have two adults, an 8 yo boy, a 5 yo girl, and a 2 yo toddler.

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Groceries 886.68 643.65 925.45 918.50 981.08 614.23. This is the last six months from my Money program. It is groceries only. No pet care products, household products or fast food, drive thru or dining out. I am pretty happy with that. I am not even horribly concerned about the fast food budget in our family because we have measured before and in many places it is just as cheap or cheaper than what we normally make it and it is especially helpful on busy nights. Starbucks, on the other hand, is killing us. We have one that is practically in our neighborhood, three blocks ad one half mile away by road or for all intents and purposes right behind us if you don't mind trapping through the field. We are al adictted and usually get it whenever we all leave the house together.


ETA: Out total food budget including Starbucks and dining out of ay kind (Pizza, fast food or drive through) is 20 %. It is the second largest expense after mortgage. I would like to get that back down in the neighborhood of 17 -18 % where it used to be but that was before to adult children moved back in while going to college. I realize that we spend alot in this category but there are others where we spend practically none. We have never been on a vacation, we rarely go to the movies or sit down meals. The clothing budget is extremely limited and we don't spend tons of money on new technology. So I guess it's just what you priorities are.

Edited by KidsHappen
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I budget $80/week. But we get WIC, which probably saves us $25 a week. I used to budget $60/week, but it just wasn't cutting it. This includes food, toiletries, diapers, etc. I shop Aldi, get deals at the drugstores (free toothpaste, cheap soap, etc), and buy most diapers on Amazon (cheaper than at the stores). The place I've most noticed price increases is meat. I used to wait for ground beef and chicken breasts to get under $2/lb. Now ground beef may get to $2.50 on a really good week. Chicken breasts are the same, but I've been getting bone-in breasts for $1/lb instead. We've been doing more meatless meals, but I don't know how to do that in the summer, when soups seem pretty odd!

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Avg budget for Jan-June this year- $457, it will likely go up to about $550 for the second half of the year. My budget varies due to buying in bulk - ie I'm paying for 1/2 cow and 1/2 hog in May, this month I had the deposits for my chickens(I buy them whole from the farm 1 yrs worth at a time). In June I will be paying for the balance on chickens. So, I won't have to buy chickens again until next year but will buy pork, likely 2 x more this year and maybe beef 1x more(depending on dh's luck hunting). I buy our regular dry goods and such in bulk as well. We eat meat and I keep homemade meals from scratch, I avoid preservatives, dyes, gluten and soy. We are starting to eat some dairy although we avoid for a long time. I try to keep grain consumption low as well, we do eat rice but when I bake it is w/ almond or coconut flour. I don't buy all organic but try to when I can.


Household cleaning and paper goods avg maybe $10 month. I spent $25 in Jan and have $18 budgeted for next month- I had to restock dishsoap- I buy 1 gal at a time(last one last 18 months plus) and need to stock a bit more vinegar on hand. Eating out is generally budgeted at $20 month, although as of late it has been none or $10 at most.

Edited by soror
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We are at about $500 a month for everything. I make every meal, and am excited canning season is right around the corner. I think I'm even doing tuna this year! I make all of our tomato sauce, salsa, jams, marmalade, fruit syrup - for flavoring yogurt and oatmeal, pickles of all kinds, it goes on and on. Lots of work, but I really hate buying anything pre-purchased. We eat out rarely, and when we do, we take advantage of happy hours and well priced Vietnamese food - our favorite!

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I want to add that my $800-$900 per month for a family of four includes an 11-year- old, a 15-year-old, and a dog. Wen the kids were little, they ate like birds and I pretty much cooked for two and fed them from that. Now I must break out the big pots and family recipes. Luckily, my dog is a greyhound mix and barely eats.



A lot of it also has to do with the way I cook. I mainly cook Mexican food. So beans and rice are a staple in our house. Because there are so many of us, we never have sides with a hunk of meat on the plate. I cut the meat up and cook it with sauce, veggies, etc. For some reason, everyone gets fuller on less this way. Yes, I have tested it. As a result, I know I can feed the 8 of us with about a pound and a half of what ever meat I am using.


It has taken me a long time to learn how to manage this. Raising 5 of dh siblings with no outside help pushed me to learn.







I read recently that a diet of traditional Mexican foods is the least wasteful because the leftovers are easily incorporated into the next meal. I do cringe a bit when I clean out the fridge and see the leftovers we neglected to eat. Getting a handle on that HAS to help the budget.

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I had vowed to hold groceries to $125 a week, but I'm finding I just can't make that work. So, I'm trying for $150 and managing to stay pretty close to that.


I'm counting food only in that budget, by the way.


We eat vegan, except for my husband who does eat some dairy. I do buy soda and some junk food.


I'm essentially feeding four adults, since both of my kids are teens.

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Last year's budget was $650 per month, and I just barely met that. Some months are higher (Costco every 6 weeks, holidays, stocking up on berries in July), and some months are lower, but that was the average at the end of the year. Through April this year I'm averaging $668, so a bit higher. And the spring months are the cheapest of the year for us (no stocking up or holidays, lots of PBJ nights for sports).

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We're in a low COL area and I used to be able to budget about 100-125/week. That's had to be cut and we're scraping by with about 75.00/week. It's not happening, we shop cheap, but everything keeps going up. Dh also takes his lunch everyday. Dh gets paid every other week so we've been eating very creatively the last week or so.


If I were spending what we need to spend it would be about 150.00 per week for 2 adults (1 gluten free), 1 teen boy who is never full, 1 dog, and 1 gluten free cat.

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I spend about Ă‚Â£100 one week and around Ă‚Â£50 the next, so that's USD 120 per week. This includes food, toilet paper, tissues, shampoo.... I buy my cleaning products/dishwasher tablets/washing powder separately in bulk every six months. I also buy my dog food separately.


I buy enough meat/fish to have it three or four days a week. On the other days we might have beans, lentils or eggs.



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We're up to about $200 a week for food, toiletries, etc. A year ago I had no problem getting by on half that. :glare: Stuff is going up like crazy here, though. I decided to skip buying Cheerios for dd last week because it seems that it's now six dollars a box. Ugh.


And don't even get me started on the cost of organic milk...

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My grocery/gas budget is mixed together because I get money from Walmart. So, I budget around 260-280 every two weeks. I split my time between Walmart, Aldi's, and Publix. Thank goodness they are all beside each other. I like to do the buy one/get one free at Publix's and I get my produce from Publix. Aldi's has the milk, eggs, cheese, hummus, bread, and fish sticks which are surprisingly good. Walmart is everything else. This budget includes extras not just food. Plus, it is just myself and my daughter. I have been working to get my food budget lowered. So, basically, gas is 60-80 dollars every two weeks and food is 200 dollars every two weeks.

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LOL. I know. When ever these threads come up, I realize I have no bases to complain. I buy a huge bag of beans and rice every few months. If you open my pantry, you will not see boxed products, anything canned other than corn, and the occasional tuna (if it was on sale), and tomato sauce (also bought on sale). Cereal, soda, and frozen prepackaged foods are rarely found in my house, and I buy things in bulk whenever possible. I check the sales on line before I shop, and build my menu around that.


A lot of it also has to do with the way I cook. I mainly cook Mexican food. So beans and rice are a staple in our house. Because there are so many of us, we never have sides with a hunk of meat on the plate. I cut the meat up and cook it with sauce, veggies, etc. For some reason, everyone gets fuller on less this way. Yes, I have tested it. As a result, I know I can feed the 8 of us with about a pound and a half of what ever meat I am using.


It has taken me a long time to learn how to manage this. Raising 5 of dh siblings with no outside help pushed me to learn.






If you ever have the time, could you expand on what you cook specifically? Here or in a PM since it's so off topic. This sounds like a style of cooking that would work well for my DH and DS. They loved the crockpot full of baked beans I made with 1 pound of beans, 1/2 pound ground beef, and a few slices bacon and were very satisfied with that and cornbread for dinner, but it's way outside my....ability(imagination, knowledge base?) to cook like that on a regular basis.


Or point me to a cookbook or website?

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Isn't it amazing how Disney can help with your budget??? :lol: That extra $200/month would go a long way at Disney! I'm so sorry!


No kidding!!! You want to know what having to spend an extra $200 a month on food might cost me? THIS!! http://psc.disney.go.com/eventservices/artofdisneyparks/event/dlr_dooneyandbourke_retrocollection_may2012.html


I am going to have to do some serious scrimping, because I want my new Disney Dooney bag!! :lol:

Edited by DianeW88
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