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how often does your husband cry?

How often does your husband cry?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. How often does your husband cry?

    • all the time
    • with some frequency
    • rarely
    • never

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My husband misunderstood a question today, and thought I had just asked if he was crying. He said, "When have you seen ME cry?" and I realized... he's right... I've never seen him cry in nearly 20 years of knowing him. I wouldn't exactly call him a man of steel though-- more like a brick wall :tongue_smilie:. Now I'm curious, how often do the hive husbands cry?

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Not often. and not long. When his parents were dying, When he learned his brother (to whom he is close) had an aggressive cancer. When our young bil died. When our young sil died. When we had a late miscarraige. When one of our children was born with a birth defect he teared up but then got to researching.


He also just this minute finished Catching Fire and he looked that he might tear up, but didn't. ;)

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I guess more than rarely but less than frequently. What's that then, occasionally? :tongue_smilie: He cries if he is really sick - last year when he had the flu and the fever was bad. And he has cried occasionally when he gets melancholy about missing his dad. Usually though it's when the stress starts piling in on him and he breaks down and all his emotions come flowing out and he thinks about his dad or all the disappointments in his life. He cried a lot after losing his job in December. It was just pure hurt and disappointment. Like a break-up.


But my dh is not a brick wall or rock. He's always been super sensitive.

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Only a few times. When he found out his dad had cancer, when he thought his brother had a disease, and most recently since he has been taking trips to Haiti for our disaster relief ministry and when he came home from administering aid in Joplin, MO. He is a critical care paramedic and has a pretty tough skin, but when he talks about the people of Haiti, or tells stories of those who have shared with him about losing everything he always tears up.

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Only twice in our 28 years, when we lost our first baby and when we were done very wrong by his father which uprooted our entire life plans (with 4 littles to worry about). The second wasn't a real cry, just a tearing up in frustration.

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I answered "rarely". I think I've only seen him cry when it involves the death of a loved one. He did get very choked up at the movie "My Life" because of the scenes with the father (I specifically remember a scene when the dad is shaving his son). He has some issues with his father, so that really hit him.

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MrTea is an old softie, and I voted that he cries "with some frequency". I consider it crying if he is tearing up to the point that tears are rolling down his cheeks and he reaches for a kleenex. He'll sniffle a little, but not sob. He cries at movies, concerts, church, and if a little kid he loves is being extra cute. My dad always did, too. :001_smile:

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3-4 times in 8 years together? All times he unintentionally hurt me deeply with something he said or did. I have a feeling that when his father dies (hopefully not for a LONG time) he will be a mess.


OH! And when I had severe back spasms that landed me in the ER at 36 weeks pregnant. He could see how horribly I was hurting and he was terrified something would happen to me or the baby. I was right on the edge of out of control with pain and I know he had never seen me like that before or since. He held it together that day though he was very tense and choked up, but as he took care of me on bedrest the next few days he would have moments that worry would spill over.:crying: He really doesn't like to see me hurting in any way. :001_wub:

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I voted frequently, but it is really just more than rarely. During the first fifteen years we were together I only saw him cry twice. He was a very stoic person and didn't show much emotion either way. However, the past five years have been very rough and there have been many changes and challenges for us. He isn't the same man. I have seen him cry a lot in these past years, but I've seen him laugh a lot more too ;). I think coming to terms with his emotions has been healing for him.

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MrTea is an old softie, and I voted that he cries "with some frequency". I consider it crying if he is tearing up to the point that tears are rolling down his cheeks and he reaches for a kleenex. He'll sniffle a little, but not sob. He cries at movies, concerts, church, and if a little kid he loves is being extra cute. My dad always did, too. :001_smile:


Aww. MrTea sounds like he is/will be an awesome grandpa. :001_smile:

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My DH sobbed like a baby when our first child was born because he was so completely overwhelmed with happiness. That was the first time I had ever seen him cry and I was surprised by it. He is quite the typical "tough guy." He actually had to leave the delivery room to compose himself.


He cried at the birth of our other two children as well, but not like that first time.


He cried the night he was saved as well.


Other than those times, I've only ever seen him tear up a few other times.

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I'd say occasaionally, too. :)


When he proposed, when we got married, at the birth of every child, when we've been fighting and wondered how we'd make it...when he sees injustice against children and animals sometimes...at the sight of something beautiful or something particularly spiritually meaningful.


He's sensitive, but even with that I can't remember the very last time he cried. A few times a year, maybe half a dozen depending on circumstances? LOL

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My husband isn't a crier because of tough situations or what ever but man, the buckets come out at movies! He watched War Horse for the 2nd time with me the other night. He had already watched it by himself the night before (I fell asleep). He cried AND he knew what was going to happen. I don't dare let him watch Old Yeller!:001_smile:

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I guess more than rarely but less than frequently. What's that then, occasionally? :tongue_smilie: He cries if he is really sick - last year when he had the flu and the fever was bad. And he has cried occasionally when he gets melancholy about missing his dad. Usually though it's when the stress starts piling in on him and he breaks down and all his emotions come flowing out and he thinks about his dad or all the disappointments in his life. He cried a lot after losing his job in December. It was just pure hurt and disappointment. Like a break-up.


But my dh is not a brick wall or rock. He's always been super sensitive.


:iagree: This describes my dh. He misses his dad and cries at least once a year about that, his dad has been gone since 1970. My dh is sensitive and sentimental.

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Dh has cried quite a few times in the 20+ years we have known each other. The first time was when I made him watch Beaches with me. I don't think he has ever forgiven me. So, yes, internet my dh cries at chick flicks. One of the many things I love. He has cried over the passing of close relatives and pets. And he has cried when we have had some pretty serious will our marriage survive this kind of fights over stuf happening in our lives.

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I have seen dh cry three times in 14 years of marriage: when I walked down the aisle on our wedding day, at his mom's funeral, at his dad's funeral. I wish I had known how rare tears are for him; I would have treasured that first one even more. But I will never forget his face... bright-as-sunshine smile, a stream of tears down each cheek.

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He doesn't do it that often, but compared to the rest here, I have to pick 'with some frequency.' He gets choked up over things or teary. Most especially a couple of weeks ago when a friend of ours died. I think it's a Mormon thing--it is not unmanly to cry. The guys cry, often more than my husband does. Even the teenage boys do.

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I didn't know how to vote. I've seen my dh cry ...

1. When our first two children were born (not the third because he wasn't there)

2. Each time he has to leave for deployment (so 7 times so far)

3. Each time he returns from deployment (so 6 times so far, but #7 will happen in about 4 months)

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I voted rarely. We have been together for 21 years, and I have only seen him cry twice. One of those was his best friend's funeral. He has teared up a few other times, like when our kids were born, but I can count those on one hand.

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married 18 years, together 5 years before that and I have seen him cry twice. (so I picked never- this is never to me)


he got teary eyed at births of our children, but not near to crying, just misty-eyed. The two times he did were like earthquakes to me, since he never cries.

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We've been together 15 years and I can count a very few times he's cried. (And maybe like twice that have been more than just choked up.) Let's see:


At each first ultrasound and at each delivery

When his grandmother died

When we recieved very bad financial news several years ago

When the specialists told us DS#2 would be alright

When he told me he wanted to leave his job


Oh and when he dumped me back in college. Don't worry, I still remind him of that mistake almost 15 years later. :tongue_smilie:

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In 20 years I've only seen dh cry a few times. He cried when the babies were born. When his mom passed. When he had to tell me my Oma was gone. He loved her as much as I did. When his brother told him how sick his then 3 year old niece was and at the time they did not know if she would ever get better.

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