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Flowers or chocolate as an apology?

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You know the old cliche of the husband bringing home flowers and/or chocolates to apologize to the wife and to regain her favor, is that true for you? It's not true for me. I don't know if it's because I don't hold grudges or because dh doesn't seem to feel like he needs to work to regain my favor, but he doesn't apologize with gifts. I'm curious as to what other people would say.

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Flowers and chocolates around here are "I was thinking of you today" kind of gifts - mostly chocolate because I'm not big on flowers for other than a really special occasion (too much $$ for something to just die in a few days). If an apology needs to be made, I expect *real work*, like a massage or something that requires effort. :D

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I had a boyfriend in college that would give me flowers to gain back my favor: but.... he never changed. Eventaully I grew to hate flowers and would throw his away without even looking at them.


I made the mistake of telling this to Dh while we were dating to show that he needed to apologise and CHANGE his behavior, not try to bribe me. He took it to mean I did not like flowers at all. I have gotten flowers three times in out marriage (15yrs):001_huh:---


but none were for an apology. :D

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My dad use to bring flowers, balloons, and/or chocolate as an apology following his drunken stupidity. It didn't make me feel forgiving.



DH isn't a gift-giving type of person. He's not really an apologizing type of person. He's more of a let me pretend to be busy or not hear you for a while until I'm calmed down enough to go back to life as if it never happened type of person.

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What is this thing called "Apology"?



If dh buys me flowers I prefer potted or picked (not purchased bouquet)


If he bought me good chocolate....I would be quiet happy. I don't think he has ever brought home a yummy, with me in mind.


He is not a putz, we just usually settle things before an apology is needed. Otherwise, we are more of a 'forgive and forget' type couple.

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dh has only ever brought me flowers for "just thinking about you" moments - sometimes they've been from the garden. Chocolate is usually valentines or my birthday. He did recently buy me my favorite perfume (of which I was almost out) - but only because I hadn't replaced it yet. (I always wait to see what the "gift" offer's are for spending that much. ;)) He's never brought me a gift - of any type - as an apology.

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A small box of chocolate sea shells can be a very accurate barometer. As I remind him now and then, I won't want to eat them until I like him again.


But sometimes he brings those chokkies home just because he was feeling friendly. :) I buy my own flowers. ;)



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DH has never been one to buy flowers to apologize. He hardly ever does apologize on his own anyway. If I need an apology, I tell him, and he does his best. I always thought it was just the way he was, but after reading several replies stating the same, I guess it's more common than I thought. I have noticed that when he feels bad about something, he makes a special effort to take me out to enjoy a nice meal. The other day he was grump at me for not communicating to him our plans (FTR, I did communicate those plans, he just didn't take the time to listen to what I was telling him). Anyhow, when he got over it a couple of hours later, he took me to my favorite restaurant, the one he doesn't particularly care for because the food never agrees with his stomach. And he did end up getting sick, poor guy. And he never apologizes or says anything about why he took me there. I just noticed the pattern over the years and accepted it as his way of apologizing to me.

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Hubby knows he would be in MORE trouble if he wasted money on flowers or chocolate. I don't want money wasted on either. ;)


He does apologize - often - when he's wrong about something or did something insensitive. I don't need "things" of any sort (jewelry or other "stuff" included).


We get along quite well together.

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No, we don't really do chocolates and flowers. Or rather, I buy my own chocolate and DH buys flowers because he likes them (he also has to put them in a vase and clear them away when they're past their best).


When I'm really annoyed with him, DH usually starts tidying up some of his mess. If it's really serious he's even been known to vacuum :tongue_smilie:.



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I am not a flowers kind of gal. I don't hate them or anything, I just think that they are waste of money. My hubby knows that and takes it into account. Chocolate is ubiquitous at our house and therefore not a good item for an apology. My hubby rarely says he is wrong or he is sorry (nor do I for that matter) but he does a wonderful job of sucking up when need be.


When we first dated, no kidding, my hubby bought me a card and candy or flowers every single day for months. It took me forever to convince him that I really am not a gift kind of gal. Gifts are not my love language. It's acts of service for me and I am happy with the simple things, like in the old days when you had to freeze you own ice, my hubby always made sure I had ice. It was the little things like that that endeared me to him and he knows it is the way back to my heart as well.

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You know the old cliche of the husband bringing home flowers and/or chocolates to apologize to the wife and to regain her favor, is that true for you? It's not true for me. I don't know if it's because I don't hold grudges or because dh doesn't seem to feel like he needs to work to regain my favor, but he doesn't apologize with gifts. I'm curious as to what other people would say.


:lol::lol::lol: My husband hasn't brought me chocolate or flowers since we've been married for any reason. Seriously, gifts would not fix something really wrong, and I'd rather have a sincere apology for minor things, too. Flowers just because would be nice every five years or so, though.

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You know the old cliche of the husband bringing home flowers and/or chocolates to apologize to the wife and to regain her favor, is that true for you? It's not true for me. I don't know if it's because I don't hold grudges or because dh doesn't seem to feel like he needs to work to regain my favor, but he doesn't apologize with gifts. I'm curious as to what other people would say.


Nope, not ever. Of course, my dh is so rarely out of favor.

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Nope, doesn't work for me. My husband will do laundry or dishes. :D


:iagree: Yeah, he vacuums! If he brought home flowers or chocolate, I'd say, "Oh NO! What did you do?"



My husband is the type of guy who would apologize to stop a discussion, just because he thinks he "should", etc. I have trained him out of saying "I'm sorry" to me. I don't want his apology. I want an understanding for the future.

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No chocolate or flowers here, either. When dh apologizes for something just the apology is presented.


As for small gifts, he brings me a Starbucks pumpkin latte about once a week during that time of the year. But it has nothing to do with trying to gain favor; it's just a nice thing he likes to do.

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I get lots of flowers, but never as an apology. I love fresh cut flowers and orchids. If he screws up...he just tells me he's sorry. That's it..done. :001_smile:


:iagree: My dh is quick to offer a sincere verbal apology.


He brings me flowers sometimes, just because. :001_wub: He brought me a chocolate cake last month when I was feeling blue. That was a first, but truly appreciated. :001_smile:

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Nope, my dh used to send me flowers all the time when on his first few deployments because he felt guilty. I told him to stop because they are just a big waste of money.


As for if he feels he's done something wrong, no gifts, just lots of groveling when he comes home from work. This groveling can include doing chores that I normally wouldn't ask him to help with.

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My dh sent me flowers as an apology last year. It didn't work, especially since the discussion had been about money.


I don't hate flowers, but I consider them a waste and they don't make me feel special, ya know. Dh knows this, but he will occasionally buy them anyway. It's like he feel obligated since he's a guy, which makes me feel obligated to swoon over them, which I don't do. I think he got the message last time because he asked me several times if I liked the flowers.




Chocolate? I buy my own.

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Back when DH was just Dboyfriend he routinely bought things as an apology to me. I quickly clued him I that giving gifts as an apology is my alcoholic father's MO, and that I wasn't some little twit to swoon over some gift and forget the original offense. I loathe emotional manipulation and gifts as apologies smack of that to me.


DH and I don't fight often, he likes to irritate me because he thinks it is funny when I start spouting off. The combination of my southern accent eating thick and my Italian need to speak with my hands amuses him. The fact that I get over things fast makes his life very easy. He's learned all he needs to do is get me laughing, and I'm over it.


On the rare occasion that DH admits he is wrong, he issues an apology. And on the even rarer occasion when he has actually pushed me past the point of irritated, I insist he re-issue it as a real apology* and remind him that words are nice but what I rally want is for him to cut it out.



*DH is famous for issuing "I'm sorry you are somehow the cause for whatever you're irritated about" apologies. Since I started really calling him on it over 10 years ago it has become something of a joke and he'll do it just to make me laugh.

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DH enjoys giving gifts. He has given me flowers a few times after he's realized he did something rude, but it's not something that either of us feel like he needs to do to win back my favor. Giving gifts is just one of the primary ways he feels comfortable expressing affection. I had a horrible week recently and he made me a pie, which was super thoughtful. I think like a lot of men he feels like he doesn't know what to say but wants to DO something.

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Not as an apology here either, but I do get them on special days. I guess what DH does if he feels badly about something is he'll clean the house, do laundry, take care of the dishes, etc. When he was unemployed, he basically took over maintenance of the house. I haven't exactly taken it back. ;)

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