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What are your Sunday plans?

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Church, 9-10ish, then coffee hour to gab and meet newcomers, then lunch (getting ready to make right now...).

Then we go back to church to take dd to choir until 1:30 (not a big deal since we live next door).

I'm going to do some homeschooling research, some laundry, and watch some TV. It's quiet today. Most Sundays are like that.

Then tonight I'm watching the Oscars! :D Big fun for me--we are big movie fans, ds and I, but he won't be here to see it with me. I'll call him afterward.

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I just got back from attending part of a church service. My son was ushering for the second service today, and I went long enough to hear a couple of pieces sung by the choirs from all over the state who were here this weekend for a music festival. We left before the sermon, in theory because both kids have a rehearsal starting at 1:00.


Now I'm home waiting for my daughter to be ready to leave for said rehearsal. The theatre is about 20 minutes away from home an a day with light traffic. But there's some big basketball game in town today, and traffic has been snarled and nasty all weekend. So, I've decided to take the dog and a book along for the ride and just wait in the car near the theatre.


They are done with rehearsal at 4:00, but my son has a show at the same theatre tonight, and his call is at 6:00. My daughter is planning to see the show tonight, too. So, I think we'll just grab dinner before I drop them off at the theatre.


Then, the dog and I will wait around yet some more time and collect both kids after the show. I should be home by about 11:00, barring traffic or other delays.

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Veg a bit (now!)

Clean my room and do some sewing for a friend

Plan out tomorrow's lessons

Take the heavy trash cans down (dh didn't do it and left for a trip! :glare:)


Maybe clean the kitchen, we will see how motivated I am. Dh left the country this am for a business trip and quite honestly, I am in "go eat a bowl of cereal" mode at the moment.

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I slept in, ate lightly, chatted with the friend who came to pick up his son from the sleepover with my son . . .


Then I got dressed, and now I am going to put on my shoes . . .


and then dh and I are leaving to run 18 miles on a lovely trail along the river.




Yes, actually, that is what I am doing.


This is what happens when you decide that Couch 2 5k is a great idea! It's only 30 min 3 times a week! I've got time for that!


18 mos later, you are spending your entire Sunday afternoon running. And, you are considering that a date with your dh. So, be careful about running. It is addictive.



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Dh and boys just arrived home from church. I was not there, hence the free time to post this morning. I accidentally got into some wheat - never listen to a cook who isn't gluten-free tell you that her soup really is gluten free - yesterday, and nurtured a very bad gut reaction all night long. So, I stayed home.


I've got food cooking for both my family plus mom and dad. Since I am not feeling up to visitors, dh is taking it to my parents home and they'll all eat together there. Then, they'll gather around and watch the Daytona 500. This is annual family big deal. My dad, in his younger years, raced semi-pro superstock race cars. I lived at the track during the summers of my youth - mostly in the Mid-west.


I don't even feel up to going down there for that and we don't have satellite or cable here. So, I'll have to wait for the results. Choir practice at 6:00 p.m. and I'm accompanying so hopefully my insides will be feeling a bit better by then.



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A full day school, clean house, bake bread, assemble lunch for Monday and Tuesday, research Boston for our trip, and hopefully finish the taxes. Once I have read all about the taxes and pencil in numbers, I let it sit a week and do it over, in case I'd talked myself into an error. Oh and laundry. I worked 12 hours yesterday and it put a crimp in my weekend. Oh well. You only live once.

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about to head out to TIm hortons to pick up my mocha and breakfast for us all. SUnday is my soak in the tub day, so after I hook up the old dvd player (ds handed over his xbox of his on volition last night after realizing I really was going to get rid of the tv), the kids are going to watch the music man again while I soak. Then it is cleaning time, print stuff off for next week, get the things ready to mail to take to the post office Monday, basically Saturdays are my lazy days and other than my bath I work like crazy all Sunday afternoon. Oh an I slept in, it is 1030am and I am just waking up, as are the kids.

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Cooked breakfast

Went to church

Finishing lunch and checking in here

Shortly to host another girl child for the afternoon

Will clean out drawers in the downstairs area

Bake muffins and scones for the week

Dust and clean the downstairs

Clean the kitchen.

Possibly read a bit of Don Quixote

Possibly study SWB's adult history book 1.

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We went to church this morning then came home and heated some pizza for lunch. I made a quiche to eat for breakfast for the next few days. I might make some oatmeal blueberry muffins later. It's a restful day for us so I try not to do laundry or do any intensive cleaning besides general cleaning up from meals. I have a biography on Einstein to read and a cross stitch birth announcement for my niece to work on. I might also try for a short nap while little dd naps. I'll roast a chicken for dinner tonight and then veg on the couch with dh after the kids go to bed tonight.

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Church this morning - went extra long because we had a special service ushering in Lent for EO (starts tomorrow). Teens had a fund-raiser curing coffee hour. On my feet for nearly 3.5 hours by the end of it all. Whew I'm tired.


Bible study in less than 30min. Ugh, this is the wrong week to have Bible study on Sunday - what with the extra service after liturgy today.




relax & watch something mindless. I'm not into the Oscars, but we've been

enjoying Stephen Fry's "Kingdom" on live streaming lately.

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Hubby got up and vacuumed for me. So, I did a quick clean of the house and clean sheets and towels in bedrooms. I decided to prep all our dinner stuff at breakfast..I made chicken divan, garden salad and million dollar pies. I'm finishing up laundry, grading school work and waiting patiently for the Daytona 500 to come off of rain delay. :auto::auto:


Have a great Sunday everyone! :D

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It is after 1pm :001_huh: I guess I need to get busy :001_unsure: So far I have done a very little.

Went got a paper and breakfast

Looked at the paper, clipped coupons, got coupons in binder

Watched tv (Daytona 500 ---it needs to stop raining!!!!)

Fixed small lunch


Things I need to do today


brown ground beef and get in freezer

mop kitchen

school planning

clean dining room


What I want to do

nothing :D :chillpill: :sleep:

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Daytona 500!!!! If I can get out of bed, I'm sick.


Sorry you're sick! Did you happen to see the P.O.V. documentary on PBS the other night, Racing Dreams? It follows 3 kids who race go-karts competitively on the circuits that will likely produce the next NASCAR champions. I caught about 3/4 of it, and it was pretty interesting.


I think you can watch it online, since you're sick anyway...;)

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DH and DS1 gutted his room, cleaned out everything stashed underneath his bed, and vacuumed under there. They also got his 9 million lego pieces up of the floor, cleaned the enormous pile of books off of his nightstand, cleaned out his desk, and decluttered the various stashes of things he keeps around just in case he wants to build something (bottle caps, toilet paper rolls, aluminum foil...sigh).


DD cleaned up her room on her own. It was only a little messy so she could tackle it by herself.


I straightened up downstairs, did several loads of laundry, prepped some materials for DD to use this week for HSing, and DS2 is now napping next to me and nursing.


I did a bunch of cooking yesterday, so we are good for the next few days. Dinner will be easy.


I might run out to Sephora and or the craft store later today for some alone time.

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Go to the library and drop off a ton of books. Pick up my holds.


Lunch here with the friend from my old job.


Folding a lot of laundry.


Contemplating what to start doing with my mess of a backyard. The Spring is coming.


Doing some writing for a client tonight. So if you see me here late tonight tell me to go away unless I have finished work. :tongue_smilie:

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2pm and so far I've:


Done a blood type test with older dd -- one of those Eldoncards


Took older dd to callbacks at the Muny -- the ones for teens -- she was eliminated during the dancing, which didn't surprise her since she's a better singer than dancer -- they do the dancing first, then have the dancers they liked stick around to sing. This involved me sitting on the floor reading a book for 2 hours.


From there went directly to church (40 minutes away) for the final meeting for her mission trip to the Dominican Republic -- just as well she didn't go any further with the auditions since we would've ended up missing the meeting.


Stopped by Panera's to finally get something to eat, since the whole day's been sort of nerve wracking so far.


Somewhere in there talked to dh, who is currently in Italy.




Take dd to choir practice.


Take other dd to HER choir practice.


Pick everyone up, and figure out what's for supper.


Figure out lesson for 3rd to 5th grade co-op science tomorrow morning.


Make rat food.


Also, a nap would be nice.

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Went to church this morning with the boys. It was Youth Group's turn to prep for coffee hour, so we made some choco chip cookies yesterday and brought them in. Then younger wanted to go with my half-sister to temple, so DH picked him up at church and zoomed him over to temple, while older DS and I went to Target to pick up blackout shades and a new bathroom garbage can (exciting!) Then we went to pick up younger, and older decided he wanted to go to my half-sister's house to jump on her trampoline....so younger and I came home....and then 20 minutes later we got back in the car for a playdate at his good friend's house.....I thought the mom expected me to hang out there for 2 hours..but she didn't....so now I AM ALL ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D (DH is at work)




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It was my week to teach Sunday School, then car wash followed by out to lunch, fix DS11's glasses at Costco (yay, they completely reshaped the ear pieces to fit his bigger head!). Time to get outdoors while it's sunny!


Light dinner tonight since we ate out!


DS11 has been light on schoolwork for two weeks with mono (he skipped church/Sunday School and lunch out); setting up his schedule for the next two weeks in hopes that he is feeling better!

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