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Informal poll about 'date nights'

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Well, my dh and I will be celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary in April. We try and have a date night at least once a week. We both look forward to it, and I love planning them. My dh usually takes me out to eat somewhere and then we do something like see a movie or go to the ballet or something like that. I looooove planning creative dates and get most of my inspiration from this site: http://www.thedatingdivas.com/date-night/all-dates/


Most of our dates are just the two of us, but every couple of months we plan a group date with other couples. Those are lots of fun!


As for talking...we hardly ever shut up! It annoys our kids, we talk so much to each other. :lol: We discuss everything. What happened during his day, my day, our parents and how they're doing, current events, church assignments, projects we're working on, goals we have, vacation planning, books we're reading, message boards I frequent ;), homeschooling, our kids...honestly, the list is endless. He is my best friend, and we have so much fun spending time together.


And aside from the fun dates, we also like to plan romance dates. Those we either go away for, or kick the kids out of the house for the evening...or day if it's a Saturday. Those are great for reconnecting, being romantic and not having to worry about being barged in on. It's important to have that kind of freedom periodically.

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Maybe once every six months? And that will end in the next few months, as dsd is the only one we leave the boys with, and she's graduating and going off to college. So, it'll be, oh, at least four years before we do it again; once the boys are old enough to stay by themselves for an hour or two.


I mean, we have people we can ask to watch the kids in an emergency or something; just no one that we feel comfortable asking to watch them just for 'fun'. Everyone we'd ask has littles of their own, you know?

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Not very often. Most of the time we can take Dd anywhere...she's very used to adult company. We go alone maybe once a month or every 2 months? It could be more, but neither of us think about it.


As for talking, we talk all the time. There is a rarely a moment when one of us doesn't have something to say about something. Typically we talk about music, a story we heard on NPR, little bit of gossip, what our plans are for next week, etc.

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How often do you go out with your husband without kids? Where do you go? (movie? dinner? dancing? book store browsing?) And, the main question: What do you talk about?





We have been out without kids about 5 times in almost 9 years. We go to company dinners. We talk small talk.

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How often do you go out with your husband without kids? Where do you go? (movie? dinner? dancing? book store browsing?) And, the main question: What do you talk about?




Dh and I go out every Sunday afternoon. We usually have lunch at Chipotle and go see a movie. Sometimes we hit the mall, but rarely. We are usually gone for 5 hours.


We talk about the kids, grandkids, plan upcoming events, news, and what's going on with us. This last weekend we went to look at fifth wheel campers and F250 trucks. Where we want to vacation this summer. What each other is reading. You name it...we talk about it. :D

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Semi-reguarly. We are lucky to have a lot of family in the area who are eager to babysit. I'd say we end up going out something like once a month, sometimes more and sometimes less. Most typical would be out to eat. We like movies, but it's not a date to me if we don't really have a chance to talk, so usually we only do a movie if there is something specific we really want to see in theater (as opposed to waiting for Redbox/Netflix). We have gone to bookstores and walked around or gone to the mall. In the summer we have done bike rides or walks. Dh's sister just bought us tickets for a local neighborhood house tour (dh is an architect and the neighborhood is somehow nationally recognized as being a particular style of architecture) for his birthday. That will be a cool date.


We do typically talk about the kids. :) We talk about other stuff too but we don't make a point of not talking about the kids and they are so much a part of our life that's where a lot of our conversation heads. We'll talk about work or books we're reading or stuff at church or travel plans.

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How often do you go out with your husband without kids? Where do you go? (movie? dinner? dancing? book store browsing?) And, the main question: What do you talk about?




Hahahahaha well...

we don't do 'date nights'. I think the whole 'date night' idea is a crock.

We have time together every day. We live together. We sleep in the same bed. I fail to understand why, to some 'professional' counselor or whoever decided this, this isn't enough. I fail to understand why they believe that time seeing each other, discussing important things, touching base about their day, etc, is limited to only being able to do it out of the house when the kids aren't around. :confused:

I don't have a problem with the idea of going out for, say, our anniversary. We usually go get something to eat and maybe watch a movie (last year I think we went and saw X-Men: First Class at the dollar theater. SO glad I only paid a dollar for that...) and go out for ice cream. There are various other times of the year that we go do something else sans kids, but not as a 'date'. We go Christmas shopping for them every October. We have to take various trips, say, if I go to the eye doctor in the city, and he drives me (they can't do a good eval without dilating my eyes). We go see a movie if we want to, if one comes out that we're interested in (we're both into the same things - and we're both anti chick flick. Me probably even more than him!) I don't think it is necessary to have 'dates'.

I also don't like this trend that 'on dates, don't talk about the kids'. I think that is stupid. (I think the whole thing is stupid, but I'm just talking about this part right now :lol: ) When we are together, we talk about whatever we want. I don't see why it should be any other way. I think that to try and push yourself to 'not talk about the kids' only becomes awkward when you suddenly remember something one of the kids did, but then think, 'oh, right, I can't talk about that, because it is about the kids.' Doesn't that just sound insane?! Ugh...

I also don't really like the whole idea that seems to be that kids make it impossible for a mom and dad to still connect with each other. When I tell people I don't like the date night idea, I get all these people saying that if we don't take good care of our marriage now, we won't know what to do when the kids leave home... and I'm thinking, what? Just because I don't waste my money on going out with my husband every Friday night or even one Friday night a month, you assume that means our marriage is in shambles? No, we're just practical. We don't like date nights. Honestly, the whole idea of them makes me cringe...just seems so romantic, emotional, over touchy feely carp. :ack2: (note: I am none of those things. Hence the strong reaction every time I hear the dreaded words spoken by friends of mine... :ack2: )

Trust me, DH and I love each other dearly. I am basing all of these opinions of mine - which is what they are, very strong opinions, but opinions nonetheless - on my life - a life where I see DH every day. He comes home for lunch every day. He's home for dinner every day. We stay up an hour or two later than the kids every day. All of these things give me opportunities to spend with him that not everyone has the luxury of. We have a relatively ideal set up in that manner. I do know that there are some cases where this isn't the case, though I will say that MOST people I know IRL could have the same set up if they wanted to. (Not necessarily the home for lunch thing.) But people get so wrapped up in themselves - in their own ambition with working too much, in doing other things instead of talking when they should, in coexisting in life rather than living life together - that they end up letting it go. But I think that a lot of people (again, that I know IRL) could have a life where they didn't feel that 'date nights' are a necessary part of marriage, if they were willing to.

I just don't buy into this whole commercial idea that date nights are necessary for marital success. :glare:

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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Well, we don't have date nights because the only nearby person to watch the kids would be my MIL. While she's okay in a pinch, she doesn't like me and wouldn't volunteer to do it so I could have alone time with DH.


But you did ask what we talk about! "Town" is an hour away, so when we go shopping or something, we talk the whole drive. Some of our more interesting discussions have centered on topics like Larry the Cable Guy, ancient aliens, Jesse Ventura's book about conspiracy theories, genealogy, how the world would be different if various historical events were changed (like if the South had won the Civil War), and what we'd do if we won the lottery. We once had a heated debate about whether Daniel Tosh is funny.

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I just don't buy into this whole commercial idea that date nights are necessary for marital success. :glare:


I don't buy into that either. My dh and I just go out together because it's fun. We have a great time together and it's something we both enjoy. In the summer, we add a nightly walk together to our schedule. We just really, really like being alone together. :D

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It's funny- until about two years ago, we regularly went out without any kids. But now that the youngest are 19 and 17, they're old enough to enjoy doing many of the same things dh and I enjoy- so the four of us go to dinner, shows, movies, concerts, etc. I know this time is fleeting- soon the kids will fly the coop and we won't have them around much.


But dh and I do occasionally do things without the kids. Tomorrow night we're seeing Brad Paisley- it was just something we wanted to do together and the kids are fine with it. The four of us are doing dinner and a musical Saturday evening so we'll still have that family time this week.

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I don't buy into that either. My dh and I just go out together because it's fun. We have a great time together and it's something we both enjoy. In the summer, we add a nightly walk together to our schedule. We just really, really like being alone together. :D



:iagree: We too enjoy being alone together occasionally. We talk about the kids too. Not sure how date night became so polarizing! :lol:

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When the kids were babies and we lived in the U.S., we NEVER went out alone (maybe once or twice in 5 years). It is hard when the kids are little and/or there is no family and/or money is tight, etc.


For the last 4 years we've lived internationally and we have "help". We sometimes leave the kids with her for dinner on a week night and go eat in a quieter atmosphere. It isn't necessary because we do a lot of talking/spending time together after the kids go to bed, but it sure is nice, and it sends a message to my dh and our kids that our marriage relationship is important. We want to work on that just like we work on other relationships.


We talk about lots of things when we go: the kids, faith issues, desires for the future, other family members. I'm blessed with a husband that usually has a lot to say and we enjoy our conversations! :)

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We try to go out once every two weeks and away overnight once every six months. Our kids are very young(2, 5, 6) and its good for our marriage to be able to have a conversation where we aren't interrupted every five minutes by a needy kid. Besides, even after 8 years, Dh likes courting me and I like having an excuse to put on makeup and look pretty.


People need to do what works for them. Date night works for us.

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We go out roughly once a week during the school year - when the kids are at AWANA. We go out to eat - usually with friends. We talk about everything! When it's just us we go out to eat, run errands, workout, etc. Without AWANA, it was very rare for us to haVe a real date, so I'm very grateful for the AWANA ministry.

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we go out at least 1 evening a week for dinner and Barnes & nobles. And we usually go out on Sunday, after church for lunch -but not always (if the month is getting tight we don't) during lunch, we usually go somewhere inexpensive and share something. The kids have lunch at home, but then dad takes them to Barnes & Nobles late Sunday afternoon.

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I don't buy into that either. My dh and I just go out together because it's fun. We have a great time together and it's something we both enjoy. In the summer, we add a nightly walk together to our schedule. We just really, really like being alone together. :D


:iagree: I do want time with my husband with just the two of us. There are times when I want to dress up and have a lovely dinner at a restaurant where children aren't really welcome. If that makes me awful, then too bad. :tongue_smilie: And we might just make out in the car every now and then. Okay, that's really discouraging and a lot more difficult than it used to be, but the thought is nice. :D


As far as what we talk about--anything. Including kids. We're partners in life; no subject is off limits. ;)


I don't think anyone *has* to do date nights to keep their marriage alive, but I do think it's important to remember that connection that two adults have together that is somewhat sacred and separate from everyday family life. IMO, anyway. Frequency: a couple of times a month and special occasions.

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If you have one of those years where you are both fried and don't know what to talk about go to a movie and then out for a snack. You'll find you have the movie to talk about. :D It worked for us early in marriage when we both worked in the same place we lived and we needed something else to think and talk about.

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How often do you go out with your husband without kids? Where do you go? (movie? dinner? dancing? book store browsing?) And, the main question: What do you talk about?




Well, I'm pretty sure this isn't dating, but we do spend a lot of time, just the two of us, out on the ranch working together. We might drive out and check or feed the cattle together. Better yet, sometimes we ride horseback together for hours at a time just looking at the feed conditions and checking the cattle. Sometimes during the summer months, we get caught in a thunder storm and have to race to the nearest grove of trees for cover. We wait out the storm together, talking and laughing. Sometimes we even leave the ranch for our dates! :lol: We go to cattle sales or stock shows. The kids usually want to be there for those, so it's great family time. Occasionally, we might go out for dinner, but we're really better when we can be moving and talking at the same time. Like building fence and talking, or feeding and talking, or picking up hay and talking. :lol::lol: Oh, and did I mention that we never stop talking?? About anything and everything. The conversation and laughter just flows.


Thanks for this thread. It reminds me that my dh and I are wonderfully compatible. When we were dating we went to symphonies, and plays, and sometimes skiing. Then we had 4 children and a ranch and working "dates". It doesn't matter. We just love being together! :tongue_smilie:

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No date night. That's a new concept in today's world. :)


FTR, Mr. Ellie and I celebrated our 37th anniversary last November. :)


Actually my grandparents, who are now both gone, had date night every Tuesday night for their entire marriage. (Obviously some times they didn't go out, here and there.) My mom remembers from the time she was little it was always their thing. Growing up they lived with us and I will always remember their Tuesday night date night. Once in a great while we were privileged enough to get to go with them!!


They were married 55 years.

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Every Saturday night, the kids watch a "protein" movie, and we spend 2 hours in our room talking w/o interruption. Then on Sunday mornings, we have coffee on the porch for an uninterrupted hour. Heaven. And what do we talk about? The kids! Homeschooling! The garden! I so much look forward to those two blocks of time each week. :)

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We just went out alone recently for the first time in who knows how long. When we picked up our kids I was told how terribly they behaved and needless to say, we won't be doing that again anytime soon. :sad: Someone mentioned Awana, and we do purposely do nothing while our kids are attending and just hang out in an area of the church and chat. The kids also go to bed early, so we have time together in the evening, too.


I will say that the last few times we've eaten somewhere nice for a birthday or anniversary (with kids due to illnesses or babysitting conflicts) we have had the best time as a family. We have created some irreplaceable memories and there will be much time in the future that we won't have those crazy kiddos with us. Don't get me wrong, I definitely know you have to foster your relationship with your DH, but for us, it comes in other ways than fancy, out of the house dates.


As for what we talk about...everything! Work, homeschool, my current hobbies, what he has got going in the garage, hopes, dreams...

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In reality? Once or twice a year.


I'd love to go out, just the two of us, once a week or even once or twice a month just so that I can have him all to myself for a couple of hours. Right now we spend time together (usually 2-4 hours after the kids are asleep) but he's so busy with work and school that it is him at one end of the couch with his laptop and me next to him with a laptop or a book. It's nice and I'm thankful for it, but I'd like more interactive adult-conversation time, lol. Add in the kids and the fact that only one of the handful of people that we trust to watch them (even if they're asleep) lives close enough to babysit (and she works evenings)... it makes our dates few and far between.


When we do go out on dates we like to go out to dinner someplace nice and hit up a movie (we both LOVE movies). Depending on the time and/or how tired we are we also like going to bookstores, taking walks, etc... We both love bowling, but haven't been in forever...

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We went to dinner and a movie between Christmas and New Years, I think it had been at least a couple of years since our last date. We talk about everything! We used to go out more but we moved to the country and added four kids and had no babysitters so... We enjoy dates but we're happy either way.:)

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Once or twice per month. Usually dinner, and our favorite thing is time at home when DD is with a friend. We can watch tv, snuggle in bed and talk, have a glass of wine together...I honestly start getting kind of cranky without it.


DH and I were married for 13 years before DD...we love being together, just the two of us. We have amazing conversations about every subject under the sun. When DD is around, we are focused on her more so. Our conversations are more practical. When we are alone, we tend to talk about more philosophical subjects, because we know we aren't about to be interrrupted by practicalities at any moment. It just turns out that way, though, we don't have rules about it. Sometimes I even "save" subjects I know DH will be interested in until we have time to yak about it.


FYI, we just celebrated year 26, and talked about how lucky we are that we still enjoy each other's company.

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We haven't had a babysitter in years and now the dds are finally old/mature enough to stay home for a few hours. We go out almost every Saturday morning/afternoon. We eat, run errands, and just hang out and talk. We've always had lots of time in the evenings after the kids go to bed as well.


Dh's parents just celebrated 50 years and laugh at the idea of scheduled date nights. They rarely went out with six kids at home but it didn't harm their relationship so I don't really think it's something that's necessary.

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I've enjoyed reading all the replies. :)


Dh and I are going out for our 16th anniversary tomorrow night. We did recently go out to dinner and a movie, but before that it had been a really. long. time. since we'd gotten out just the two of us.


I think we could really use regular date nights. We have a little house and four high-maintenance children. He goes to bed early and gets up very early for work. I go to bed late because I have so much stuff to do around the house (it is a disaster zone by bedtime, I crave the quiet time after the kids are in bed so much so that I can't seem to make myself go to bed even when I'm exhausted, I usually get a huge amount accomplished between 9 and midnight, and I *detest* mornings). He take the kids to swim practice and lessons in the late afternoon/evening and works a lot on weekends. There is just so little time and space for being the two of us.


It doesn't help that I'm at the point where nothing sounds enjoyable. Family 'fun' is *work* with three high-energy boys and a very independent toddler. But I can't even think of a date night activity that sounds fun other than a movie because I can completely check out. :tongue_smilie: Maybe I just need a solid two weeks of sleep (like 24 hours a day) and then I'll be perkier. :tongue_smilie:

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We go out together only in the summer when our two babysitting options are available (both college students). A date is one of two things: dinner out or a run. When we go out to run, we talk about anything and everything, including the family and any concerns there. At dinner out? We never talk about the kids. I completely forget I'm a Mother for a couple hours. Probably the cocktails. :tongue_smilie:

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Preferably we would like once a week. With dh traveling so much- that doesn't happen that much plus youngest often wants to come. In the last few months, we went about three times- once to the botanical garden where we have a membership, once to a Hockey game (which dd was upset that she didn't come), and once to a Valentine's Day lunch.


WHat we talk about- we try not to talk about problems- we have plenty of those with our kids. We talk about plans for vacations, for home improvement and landscaping, our respective jobs- his paid, mine volunteer, events at church, what has been happening at a class we attend but he misses all the time, stuff he has seen on his travels, things that have happened here while he was gone. Sometimes we discuss books we have read or shows we have seen.

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We hardly ever go out for a date night. We try to do a date-night in at least once a month but it's not the same. When we do go out we do movies, dinner, something simple. Okay, we have been known to go shopping for the kids...and we tend to talk about the kids too.

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with twin 6 year olds and being a military family that moves a lot, we don't get to have real dates. However, we have just begun having dinner dates every Friday after we drop off our kids at Awana. It is just enough time for dinner at a local restaurant before picking them up. We talk about anything at all, nothing specific. It is just nice to not be interrupted constantly by the kids, or having to cut up their food, etc. If we lived closer to family or had any close friends we would try to do it more often and for longer times as it is refreshing for us as a couple. This will have to do for now though.

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How often do you go out with your husband without kids? Where do you go? (movie? dinner? dancing? book store browsing?) And, the main question: What do you talk about?




We go out weekly, usually lunch and we talk about everything.

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We celebrate our 20th this year, my parents celebrate their 50th this year. To be honest, I think it's how you grew up! Both my grandparents celebrated their 50ths....

I can NEVER remember my grandparents going 'out' on a date, they were simple people and would rather have family over than be just the two of them, but I can remember every breakfast (5am) being a just the two of them event...I LOVED waking up to hearing their coffee perkalator (sp?) and the smell of breakfast coming through, the sound of their voices laughing and talking...

My parents, as I was growing up, may have gone out 5 or so times, but most those were work related...not often did they just go somewhere without us...

My husband and I have only in the past year or so managed to have 2-3 nights out when all our kids were spending the night out...even then, we prefer just to have a night at home with quiet. For our 20th anniversary, we're taking the kids on a cruise...we honestly love these years and know that there aren't many times in the future where we will be able to get all the kids together easily...we take advantage of it now...I'm sure when they're all gone, dh and I will have plenty of time together to do stuff..it will probably be going to visit all the kids at college! :)

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As often as we can :)

Now that the boys are older, we even leave them for the night by themselves.

DH is deployed all the time (in fact, he's leaving today), so we try to spend alone time together as much as we can.

When we were at WDW in January for the marathon, we had our 19th anniversary- went out to a nice dinner and a stroll around the Boardwalk.

As for what to talk about... that never seems to be a problem. Possibly because we are apart so much?

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We don't go out together often enough! We were supposed to have a date last night, but our babysitter was sick and had to cancel. We'll go out next Tuesday evening instead. It'll be our 3rd night out since June.


We usually go out to eat, but rarely anything else aside from grocery shopping and book browsing. :) We talk a lot about any and every thing. Work, school, kids, friends, church, our short & long term plans...

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Never. My we have three kids, 6, 4, and 18 months and we haven't been out together since the birth of the first. Our dates nights are at home every night after all the kids are in bed.


That doesn't mean we don't talk though. We talk lots. We often lay in bed yapping for an hour or two before we finally pass out.


We talk about lots of things; feminism, how insane the U.S gov is, how insane the Canadian gov is, homesteading, books, movies, science, news, whatever he's listened to on CBC radio that day...lots of stuff.

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As often as we can :)

Now that the boys are older, we even leave them for the night by themselves.

DH is deployed all the time (in fact, he's leaving today), so we try to spend alone time together as much as we can.

When we were at WDW in January for the marathon, we had our 19th anniversary- went out to a nice dinner and a stroll around the Boardwalk.

As for what to talk about... that never seems to be a problem. Possibly because we are apart so much?


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We usually go out together once or twice a month. We trade baby-sitting with family members and it usually works out for each couple to be able to go out about twice a month. We often do dinner and a movie or just a movie because we're movie dorks, but we also go hang out at the bookstore sometimes or go to the park in the summers.


We try to do a weekend away for our anniversary each year too, and in years with less money we've done a kid-less weekend at home which is just as nice sometimes! Again- we trade babysitting like this with family so some other weekend we take their kid(s) so they can have a weekend to themselves too.


What to talk about? We make it a rule not to talk about work for either of us, but otherwise we don't seem to run out of topics. We have a lot of common interests outside of work and kids so that helps. :)

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