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And she never had an unkind word to say about anyone

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Nope. There are far too many normal humans in the world for them all to act kindly all the time.


But I generally (with few exceptions) only say things about other people that I wouldn't mind being repeated to them. I'm pretty upfront. Not rude, but honest about things that most people just ignore or shy away from.

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would this be said of you if you were to die tomorrow?


It would NOT be said of me. :tongue_smilie:


I'm not sure what people would say about me if I died tomorrow other than I died young. They'd probably say that I was either "crazy" or "sweet". Those seem to be the two that I get called most often. :p

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Heck, I'm just trying to get through today.


The only person I know who even comes close is my mother-in-law. She isn't a Pollyanna, but she has truly mastered not saying anything if she has nothing nice to say. The worst I've heard her say is that somebody from her church "can sometimes be difficult."

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I'm sure it wouldn't...


But in December I read The Happiness Project and decided to have my own... and used one of the author's personal commandments as one of my own, "Be kind to everyone". That really helped me nail down my problem with not always speaking kindly.


Then in a couple of Bible studies recently it was discussed that our words should be building up others, to bring glory to God and be a testimony. That, along with "Be kind to everyone", has been so much on my heart...


This very day I decided that I would try to stay quieter and use my words to build up. It had a great effect on my relationships, just today, with my teens. When I felt irritated by "this or that", I waited to speak... then tried to stay kind with what I said. When I gave a very strong correction, I chose my words wisely and focused on what to do to move forward.


Anyway... a long rambling note to say... I am sure that cannot be said of me, but it is something that I am working on.

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I often feel that I *have* to be blunt honest about people when I'm discussing them in the privacy of my family. My husband is very kind-hearted and is easily taken advantage of. My daughter isn't always perceptive and really benefits from hearing frank discussion of other people's good points, faults, and motivations. I tone it down around my son, though, because he is too easily swayed.


However, when I'm in public I do try to smile a lot and say nice things.:)

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Hell yeah.:grouphug: I speak my mind and like honesty even when it makes others squeamish.


I am an honest person and don't desire to change that. However, we are not obligated to share everything we think and I really try to think about whether something is helpful to share and what are my own motivations. So, if I see my friends do something bonehead or someone else do something wrong I'm not going to keep my mouth shut. I try to make sure when I say something it is with a good heart and not with ill intentions. Of course on the internet no one knows your intentions and I don't convey myself well, although I try hard to keep that rule. In real life I find myself venting at times in inappropriate ways, maybe a good idea for a lenten resolution :)

Edited by soror
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Failing to say an unkind thing that needed to be said has caused me untold grief in my life.


:iagree: I'm going for "loving mother, loyal friend, and hard working, intelligent employee" on the headstone instead.


and on a less serious note, I'm reminded this quote:

"If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me." - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)

Edited by RanchGirl
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I assume they must mean gossip, or my years of teaching History and talking about people all day long made me a very small person.


I really don't think I agree overall though.....there is nothing more important in life than people, just look at Jesus' life...he told stories about people, he talked to and about people, he lived for people.




I'm not going to answer that for fear of incriminating myself. ;)


But, it does make me think of the statement:


"Great people talk about ideas. Average people talk about things. Small people talk about people."


Hmmmmm . . . .

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After an observant but unnecessary comment (about an umpire) flew out of my mouth at one of ds's innumerable baseball games, I told the parents sitting close by that if anyone at my funeral says I never had an unkind word for anyone, they'll know they're at the wrong funeral.:D

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My nearest and dearest hear all of my opinions on everything and everyone, so they'd definitely not agree. Generally, though, I try not to speak unkindly about people. I actually hate it when other people gossip and are judgemental about others, it always makes me wonder what they say to others about me.



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Most definitely, this cannot be said of myself!!


My headstone would either read, "I told you I was sick." or "I told you she was a _________." LOL :lol: Love gossip and anything with pop culture that is tawdry or scandalous. I think I would have loved to be in a past era where small town talk over the fence or at tea would have been the way to communicate rumors. I'd be the one with the look of a bird in my mouth. :D


My hubs is used to my endless fascination with gossip and I managed to get him hooked on certain topics on stars and if I have a good one on one of his fave sports or political celebs... oooooh, can we talk!! ;)

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My husband is the only one to know all my true thoughts and strong opposing opinions on most things. I find sharing that opposing opinion and/or correction to usually be an enormous waste of my time and effort. Most people don't want to hear, and DON'T hear, different thoughts.


So, yes, probably but it won't be my husband who knows the true truth of me.


I will agree with the pp that not sharing what *I* think others should benefit from hearing has cause me stress and grief on many, many occasions anyway. Can't win! :)

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