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What do the children of the hive want to be when they grow up?

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Ds: Architect (This hasn't changed in 4 years. I'm starting to wonder if it ever will.)


Dd: "An art teacher. They just do art all day and they get cupcakes for every kid's birthday!"


ETA: Dd also wants to be a mom, but "not the kind that has kids come out of their own body."

Edited by Element
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"A golfer. Or if I can't be a golfer, a music teacher. Either a golfer or a music teacher." Ds11


"Mmmmm.....I want to be a builder. The kind that draws the houses." (You mean an architect?) "Yeah, that. Or maybe a doctor. A doctor or a builder. Or an ice skating coach." Ds9


"A scientist. I like mixing liquids." Ds7


:) Their answers change every time I ask them. Just last week, they'd decided to be scientists together so that they could invent a time machine "kind of like the TARDIS but not really, because it wouldn't be alive and there's not really such thing as a TARDIS."



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DD is 3.5. She wants to be a baby shark.


If pressed toward something...human...she says she wants to be a Mama and have babies. She intends to marry DW (ie her Mommy) and then I will be the grandma, my mom will be the other grandma, DD will be the Mama, and DW will be the Mommy.


She plans to give the babies lots of nursies and carry them on her tummy in a wrap. She will have four, two sets of twins. All girls. :001_wub:

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Earlier today, unrelated to the thread, my boys were telling me what they want to be.


DS6 said he wants to be a worker. "Cool," I said, "what kind of worker?" DS: "Stuff that I like to do." Me: "What kind of stuff do you like to do?" DS: "Oh, like make cement driveways. I'm gonna make a cement driveway out there [pointing to our gravel driveway], cause we could drive fast on cement, right?"


DS4 said he is going to be "a fisher".


Not sure about DD7. It's too late to ask her! Last I knew, her cousin was going to be a dentist, she was going to stay home and babysit her cousin's children, and she and her other cousin were going to start a business making things with rocks. Or something like that.

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15 yo - mechanical or civil or electrical or computer engineer AND an amateur musician


13 yo - she thinks she wants to be an aeronautical engineer, but dh and I think she has such a gift with children that she should be a PT, school psychologist, etc. ;)


9 yo - astronaut, pastor, and principal; up until a few weeks ago he wanted to be an ER nurse and a pastor; it changes a lot

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"A multiple writer - someone who writes movies, books, plays, and songs". -- dd8


ETA: This is definitely a step in the right direction. In the past she has said she wants to be a professional snowman, a lonely cat lady, or a homeless man (yes, man) with a capybara stolen from the zoo. Moving on up the moral and ethical scale, she has also professed a desire to be an animal rescue person of some sort. I suppose now she can just write about these other "careers".

Edited by kimmie38017
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E (aged 6) - eventually (after being told that he had to have a job and couldn't live in a tent and steal money for food :001_huh:) a builder. Previously he has answered a vet, a midwife (what I trained to do), a babysitter and 'nothing - I want to stay at home with you and play computer games all day.' Hmmm - tough luck on the last one, sweetie!


W - always wanted to be a doctor, husband and father.:001_wub:


Emma x

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8yo ds: chocolatier in Switzerland (he said only if I will come with him, lol!) or, if not, then he would like to move to Germany and take over a stone castle where he will have a forge and make swords. Such a practical boy! :lol:


7yo dd: first, she would like to be an artist, then a mom of at least 7 children, then she says she would like to deliver babies. :001_smile:

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DS13 Paleontologist

DD12 Vet and rancher

DS8 Investment Banker, this one was a new choice of his since his car accident. Before that he always wanted to be a fire fighter. After the dr told him that he probably wouldn't be able to do that because of his leg he decided that working as an investment banker like his uncle would be very good and help him get rich ;p

DD4 A jungle Girl. First she said scientist but then she changed it to jungle girl. She says she wants to learn about all the jungle animals and watch them, and help them.

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