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I have good news that I have been hesitant to share...

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I'm engaged!


My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, and he proposed on Saturday. His mother and my mom are psyched and were wondering when he'd propose lol. My parents love him and his mother loves me and I'm grateful for the support from them.


We're waiting until we both graduate college (2014) and are starting to save money now for the wedding and afterwards.


I know how strongly some people feel about young marriage, but I couldn't wait any longer to tell :tongue_smilie:




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Stephanie, congratulations!


Sounds like you two have a good plan. From what you shared, it sounds like he's going to graduate college? That's fantastic.


You have a good plan; save up as much as you can in the next two years, get your schooling done (college for him or you AND him, whatever is the plan), and get on with the happiness. Anyone who has anything negative to say about your age? Well, ignore them. You guys sound like you're starting out right.


Blessings to you, dear.

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Beautiful ring. I got married young. You will have tons of negative comments from people. It was truly eye opening when I was engaged how people that I just met would comment negatively on my life only seconds after meeting me. But oh well. I won't pretend everything has always been easy but that's true of any marriage. :) Congratulations.

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Take it as a life lesson...there will ALWAYS be someone that has the overwhelming need to spout negative drivel on someone else's life decisions. Doesn't matter what it is.


Being married young.

Getting married older.

Being a young parent.

Being an older parent.

Not being a parent.

Being a parent of an only.

Being a parent of more than 1.

Being the parent of many.

Kids close in age.

Kids far in age.

Working outside the home.

Staying home.

Employed from home.

Public schooling.

Home schooling.


Not vaccinating.

Eating (vegetarian, vegan, dietary restrictions, organic, on and on)

Where to live.

What to drive.


What to wear.


Honestly, the list goes on...it seems that no matter what decisions a person makes, there's always going to be SOMEONE that has to say something negative.


Be confident in the decisions you make for yourself, and let everyone else suck it up. :D

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Congratulations! Lovely ring and couple.


I agree with pp it sounds like to me you guys are getting started on the right foot. Fwiw dh and I married while I was still in college, our 13th anniversary is this year. I was just turned 20 when we married and we were both madly in love, and we love each still more today.

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Thank you everyone for the blessings and well wishes! :grouphug:


There really isn't much of a story. We are both low-key people, so it was very low-key. We'd been talking about getting engaged for awhile now. On Saturday, we were at the mall and he brought me into a jewelry store and told me to pick out my engagement ring. :lol: He had already told his mom before he left that he was "proposing" to me, though, so she couldn't wait for us to get back to their house and then my mom came over. Yeah, we're very boring :D


I appreciate hearing the stories. I do agree that anything anyone does isn't good enough for everyone so I'm not too bothered by how others view young marriage, I just know it had been discussed at length on these boards.


When we graduate, he'll have a 4-year degree and I'll have a 2-year degree in a trade.

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