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The state that winter skipped!

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That would be TN this year. It is 73 in my backyard with blazing sunshine and a lovely breeze right now. Saw the first bees of the spring today. My rosemary is flowering and my daffodils are ready to bloom anytime now.


Of course we got the kids snow boots, gloves and sleds this year for Christmas.

(None of which they had last year when we had lots of snow for TN!)

Lacking a wheel barrow, I used a sled today to put weeds on as I worked in my garden!


We did Bible, math, reading and spelling and have spent the rest of the day outside! I love homeschooling.

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Yes, we have enjoyed our Tennessee winter this year. Though, we too bought brand new snow boots this year.:glare:


Our town put up a temporary skating rink and it has been to warm! :glare: Luckily, I found dd (8), skates for 99 cents at the thrift store :) and haven't even bought the 6 yr. old skates yet. They are sad though. They have never been on the ice. We will probably take them to an indoor rink evenutally.

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Same in Missouri/Kansas. The new winter coat I got for Little Librarian is sitting in pristine condition in her closet. Her capris and short sleve shirts that were supposed to be for spring have gotten a lot of use though. I would like at least one or two days of winter.

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There are very few leftover patches of snow in our backyard right now (CO), and I have seen signs of spring, but we are now under a blizzard warning for tonight/tomorrow, expecting 12-24 in.



Yeah! We're heading out to Colorado to Ski next weekend and want some snow. Send every bit you can up to the mountains.

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We're in TN, too, and our daffodils popped open yesterday after two weeks of threatening to do so. My neighbors' daffs have been in full bloom for over a week now. Forsythia and vinca are blooming, garlic has sprouted, spinach has gone to seed already (boo, hiss!), and our fruit trees have buds all over them. The mosquitoes are already out in full force and are terribly vicious. I'm dreading summer like you cannot believe.

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GA, too. I'm kind of hoping that the bugs will think it's Spring and start coming out. Then I hope we have a week or two of a really harsh cold snap and kill them off so we have less of them this year.


Is that bad of me?


Nope, not bad of you. I've been thinking exactly the same thing. We've already seen mosquitoes and flies. And yesterday our mockingbird made his (her?) annual appearance and sang from the top of our chimney announcing spring is here.

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It is gorgeous here for this time of the year (Chicago). And of course, I'm not homeschooling this year, so I can't take advantage of all this with most my kids. I am dragging my two little ones everywhere though!


Now watch, next year, when I can homeschool again, DH will have landed a job where the usual is 4 feet of snow :lol: all winter!

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SE VA has been very mild as well. the past few days have been just gorgeous, mid 60s, with a light breeze. I knew it would happen though as I was actually able to find my kids boots and snowpants this fall. Next year when they don't fit anymore we'll get 3+ feet of snow like last year.


The best part of this weather has been that my gas bill is only half of what it normally is this time of year.

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I call it here, "The winter that wasn't".....:tongue_smilie:


We live in NC and it was 65 here today. It is beautiful weather, but I prefer cooler temps and especially in the winter.


Besides, I'm not comforted in the fact that the bugs may have a hayday this summer! ;)

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That would be TN this year. It is 73 in my backyard with blazing sunshine and a lovely breeze right now. Saw the first bees of the spring today. My rosemary is flowering and my daffodils are ready to bloom anytime now.


Of course we got the kids snow boots, gloves and sleds this year for Christmas.

(None of which they had last year when we had lots of snow for TN!)

Lacking a wheel barrow, I used a sled today to put weeds on as I worked in my garden!


We did Bible, math, reading and spelling and have spent the rest of the day outside! I love homeschooling.


Yeah, NC too. I was driving around with my sunroof open today while wearing short sleeves!

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That would be TN this year. It is 73 in my backyard with blazing sunshine and a lovely breeze right now. Saw the first bees of the spring today. My rosemary is flowering and my daffodils are ready to bloom anytime now.


Of course we got the kids snow boots, gloves and sleds this year for Christmas.

(None of which they had last year when we had lots of snow for TN!)

Lacking a wheel barrow, I used a sled today to put weeds on as I worked in my garden!


We did Bible, math, reading and spelling and have spent the rest of the day outside! I love homeschooling.


Today my youngers put our sleds out on the back deck, filled them with water, and sailed little aluminum foil boats in the little "ponds". ;)

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It's been in the 60's here all week. We did our third trail hike of the year this morning, and it's only February. It was so nice to lay a blanket out next to the trail and be warmed, not baked, by the sun (and not eaten alive by bugs). We took lunch and picture books and Tonka trucks and had a great day.


We're taking advantage of the weather, but I'm getting tired of picnic food.

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Yeah. My kids are mad that I can't tell them when it will snow again and are horrified that we may have a winter with no snow. We have had some cold weather, though. The windchill was 13* one Monday evening I was grocery shopping. Of course, that Friday when I ran to the store for something else, I was comfortable in short sleeves. Crazy.

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Even here in Los Angeles where winters are generally mild this has been a very unusual (non)winter. The Rosemary is flowering as are the poppies, it is (and has been) spring all "winter."


Even though it is unbelievably pleasant to be walking around in shorts, we need rain.



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Even here in Los Angeles where winters are generally mild this has been a very unusual (non)winter. The Rosemary is flowering as are the poppies, it is (and has been) spring all "winter."


Even though it is unbelievably pleasant to be walking around in shorts, we need rain.




Last weekend we went to the beach. I think it's the first time I've been to the beach, without a jacket on, in January!

I've also been noticing the poppies growing along the road.

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