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(s/o) Okay, wait. If you school in your jammies...

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when do you shower? My whole life, I have gotten up and showered and dressed. Sometimes I'm not dressed til 9:30, but before I get on with the day's main "work", I've showered. I can't wake up without a shower.


So if you school in your jammies, do you shower in the afternoon before going out? Or at night? Or do you shower in the morning and put your jammies back on?

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Really we don't get very dirty around here, so unless there is a need for a shower outside of schedule it's normally twice a week or so and just a daily freshen-up at the sink on off days.


As for the jammies - it depends. If I'm going somewhere I tend to shower that morning then get dressed for the day, or shower the night before and get ready for bed.

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Really we don't get very dirty around here, so unless there is a need for a shower outside of schedule it's normally twice a week or so and just a daily freshen-up at the sink on off days.


As for the jammies - it depends. If I'm going somewhere I tend to shower that morning then get dressed for the day, or shower the night before and get ready for bed.



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I don't shower every day. I have a skin condition and this would aggravate it. Every other day is what I was taught growing up. Also, showering in the morning usually meant going to school with wet hair (we didn't have a blow dryer), so I showered at night. Currently, I shower when I can actually grab a moment to myself...even then, I end up with children at the door asking questions, arguing with each other, tattling, etc. How often do I have to say, "go tell your father!" ugh! If I actually get a shower undisturbed, count on me taking a really long one.

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8PM. I have some adventurous littles that would get into loads of trouble if I took a shower while being the only adult. DH leaves for work too early for me to be up and showered before he leaves. I wait until he puts them all to bed and then I get my shower in. It actually works well because it gets me transitioned from mommy mode to wife mode;).

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We shower before dinner. Why? Well, we have a sick mange and staph infected puppy that we take care of right before then. We kinda have to shower after that. We only get dressed in regular clothes when it's time to leave the house, after getting school done, unless people are coming over. Regular clothes are just too cold for around the house here right now. Fluffy pj's under a big fluffy robe with big fluffy socks are what keep me sane.

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I never take a shower. :tongue_smilie:


No, really, I don't. I take baths because we do not have a shower and I can't stand water in my face anyway. We take our baths at night, and I do wash my hair in the mornings with a sprayer. We don't really get too dirty, but in the summer when we do get sweaty and whatnot, I can't stand to go to bed feeling all icky and stinky.

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when do you shower? My whole life, I have gotten up and showered and dressed. Sometimes I'm not dressed til 9:30, but before I get on with the day's main "work", I've showered. I can't wake up without a shower.


So if you school in your jammies, do you shower in the afternoon before going out? Or at night? Or do you shower in the morning and put your jammies back on?


One kid showers every other day, often at night. The other usually showers every day, and he'll shower either before going out, or if he comes home from something sweaty, or both.


If they are in their pjs all day, they don't get that dirty.


But they don't shower in the morning and then get back in the pjs.


(For my kids, it would have been a distraction to be in pjs when they were younger and trying to school. I don't know why I feel the need to repeat myself with this comment! Maybe because it still bothers me, falling into that stereotype! It's just not worth arguing about at this point. Now they still have to make their beds though!)

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It depends on what we have going on that day. On a good day, I get to stay in PJs all day & usually shower at 8:00 when the girls go to bed. Otherwise, I shower before heading out of the house, which means anywhere from 6:00 AM-lunch time I'll take a shower. My DDs actually get excited when they see me showered and dressed - they know that means that we are going somewhere ;) They used to get dressed every morning, but now they look as ratty as I do and that makes me sad... In reality, I am overweight & I am just more comfortable in drawstring pjs and a t-shirt. But I do worry about the example I am setting for my DDs. My poor DH rarely sees me in anything but pjs...


More info than you asked for, but there it is! FWIW, I believe that I would get more done and feel better about myself if I were to get up, shower, and get dressed before my DDs each day.

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I leave to teach dance at 3:30. I shower around 3. I bathe the kids on Wed, when I don't teach, in the afternoon before we head to gymnastics and dance. They bathe again Saturday night or Sunday morning for church. Sometimes DD just plays in the bath for fun.

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We school in our pajamas and showers are usually taken at night before bed. We all go to bed clean and if we leave the house, even if the kids go out in the back yard to jump on the trampoline, they get dressed first. So really, our pajamas and beds stay quite clean.


ETA: And I shower daily and am trying to get my kids to shower daily as well. They shower every other day at least.

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I shower after I go to the gym or run. If that is in the morning, I sometimes put clean pj's on afterward. If I do both in a given day, I shower twice.


There isn't enough hot water for us all to shower at the same time, so I send kids to shower throughout the day based on when each kid needs to be out of the house. The boys usually get dressed after a shower. My daughter often puts on a leotard and jammie bottoms after because that is what she often wears to gymnastics.

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I am like the OP, I get up shower, blow dry my hair, put on makeup, then face the day. I literally gasped out loud when some of you wrote you don't shower everyday. :D


:lol: This has come up a couple times since I've started coming here and I was shocked the first time as well. There are lots of people who do not shower daily. Who knew?? :)

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Whenever I get a chance, or whenever I get dirty. No schedule. Some days I get one, some days I don't.




ds has become a stinky 9 year old and he sweats a lot at night, so he gets up, takes a shower and puts on clean jammies. Then if we are going out he will change to real clothes or his Tae Kwon Do uniform, come home and put the same jammies back on.


dd has really dry skin, so we shower her once a week (before ballet as it helps with the bun) and give her a bath once a week. We wash her face as needed, but she just doesn't get that dirty.


I would love to shower daily, but I would rather a 15 minute shower every other day than a quick jump in and out daily.:tongue_smilie:


Wow, this is personal, should I talk about how often we clip our toenails next:D:lol::lol::lol:

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No set schedule except for DS13, cuz otherwise he wouldn't shower:glare:.


I do usually shower in the evening though, once my boys are in bed. My hair is super thick, so if I want to do something like flat-iron, it needs to be dry, and if I showered in the a.m, it would take forever!! Even blowdrying is a 30-45 minute process, flat-iron about the same time....I stopped having time to spend 1-2 hours in the a.m. on myself, ooh, about 13 years ago, lol! So showering in the evening allows my hair to dry before bed, and then ready to flat iron in the a.m. if I plan too.


DS8 and DS5 bath 3-4 nights a week, but not on a regular schedule, just when life allows.

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when do you shower? My whole life, I have gotten up and showered and dressed. Sometimes I'm not dressed til 9:30, but before I get on with the day's main "work", I've showered. I can't wake up without a shower.


So if you school in your jammies, do you shower in the afternoon before going out? Or at night? Or do you shower in the morning and put your jammies back on?


I"d looooooove to get a shower each day -- i love to get up, shower and face the day............then i had kids LOL


some days i don't get to shower.


some days i shower at 4 pm before going to a class


some days i shower before bed.


I shower when i can --


I MISS the days of rolling out of bed and showering. i really do

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I have sensitive skin and eczema so I only shower every third day. I have no set time but just shower whenever I know I will have an hour uninterupted. I don't go outside much, don't do a lot of hard labor, have clean jammies, and sleep in a clean bed so I don't really have much opportunity to get very dirty. I do sometimes rub my skin with a towel to exfoliate and relieve itching. My hair is always good for three days. The first day I just let it dry naturally - kinda curly. The second day it starts to get kind of frizzy so I curl it with a curling iron and then the third day it is just kind of wavy. I can imagine having to deal with it more. My family assures me that I look and smell fine and that I am presentable for public appearance should need be. I also see four different dr. on a regular basis who would pay close attention to my grooming habits and question if they slipped so I guess I am good.

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DD showers at night, after dance or gymnastics (and after a day of playing outside), so if she ends up schooling in what she wears overnight (usually knit leggings and a t-shirt), it's no big deal. I shower after I do my morning walk, before school, and it's part of my morning routine.

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I take alot of baths due to pregnancy and pain right now. But it varies as to when, and how often.


Even if I don't feel well, I get on comfy clothes and never stay in jammies unless I have just had a baby ( for a few weeks) and if I am too sick to change.


Personally, I never know who might show up an have to be somewhat ready!

And after reading an article by Nancy Campbell on this subject: I felt that she was right. I don't put make up on everyday for sure! But I do bath or shower daily and many times it is late at night or early in the morning.

I do have trouble getting our son to shower or brush his teeth. And it is not due to a bad example.


I feel more tired if I don't get dressed too!:)

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We all have different views on showering and bathing!


I read an article about Vitamin D synthesis.

This might gross you out: But it said new studies have shown that it takes about 3 whole days for the chemicals that form on our skin ( when exposed to the sun for 15 minutes or more) need to not be washed off!


It went on to state that taking a quick shower was best and only washing private areas for those 3 days.


SO, I went all summer doing this: and swimming in our saltwater pool!

I was suffering alot too so this was in desperation. I have chronic fatigue due to endometriosis and excruciating pain. I did not feel dirty or smell bad, so I think it is a good thing.


I have heard of many women being Vitamin D deficient and it causing chronic fatigue.


I read the other day that there is a Vitamin D spray for those who cannot get sun daily.

And I take Cod Liver oil in the winter months myself.


Just sharing.;)

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I shower whenever I feel I need it or after I work out(if I actually workout) I'm not one that needs to shower to wake up though. I usually wash my hair every other day.


We don't wear jammies more than one day and actually our jammies are more lounge clothes. We all have lounge pants or shorts and a bunch of t-shirts that are used as jammies.


If I'm in jammies and shower I put on clean jammies after, if I don't shower that day I'll still put on a new pair of jammies. It's just what we do.

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We shower about every other day here (not dh, he's every day). My shower time depends on when I'm going out.


Here's the usual for me.

Sunday: shower before church in the morning

Monday: shower afternoon or evening

Wednesday: shower afternoon before church in the evening

Friday: shower after lunch and before taking dd to volunteer @ library


The kids are evenings.

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My oldest showers in the morning before going to school and at night when she gets home from dance.


My younger two take baths 2-3 times a week, either on the days we have activities or if they've been outside a lot. The tend to get messier in the Spring and Summer so will bathe more then.


I shower whenever I have the chance. Usually a very quick shower on the mornings we have activities, a longer more relaxing shower in the evening when dh is home. I make sure I take one before bed if I worked out that day. It usually works out to be every other day.

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I am not a jammies person during the day but there is no way I shower everyday. I find it dries my skin and I think it wastes water. Daily showers are totally not essential. If people make that choice, fine, but it is not gross to choose something else.


They are for some people. Like me. I get really itchy if I don't. Like horrible crazy bad itchy. Also, I get body acne if I don't.

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We all have different views on showering and bathing!


I read an article about Vitamin D synthesis.

This might gross you out: But it said new studies have shown that it takes about 3 whole days for the chemicals that form on our skin ( when exposed to the sun for 15 minutes or more) need to not be washed off!


It went on to state that taking a quick shower was best and only washing private areas for those 3 days.


SO, I went all summer doing this: and swimming in our saltwater pool!

I was suffering alot too so this was in desperation. I have chronic fatigue due to endometriosis and excruciating pain. I did not feel dirty or smell bad, so I think it is a good thing.


I have heard of many women being Vitamin D deficient and it causing chronic fatigue.


I read the other day that there is a Vitamin D spray for those who cannot get sun daily.

And I take Cod Liver oil in the winter months myself.


Just sharing.;)


Very interesting - I know I'm Vit. D deficient as I cover all my skin except my face and hands when out of the house - my Dr. wants me on supplements but they affect my thyroid so I can't take them.

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My kids are wet the bed nearly every single night so they get showers first thing in the morning. My hair gets incredibly greasy during the night, even if I wash it right before bed, so that means I shower in the mornings too. None of us are morning people though so we don't really start our day till 9, when we are all showered, dressed and fed.

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I need a daily shower or I'm greasy. I generally shower anytime after we come in from outside or, if we've been home all day, just before bed. I put on fresh relaxing/inside clothes after the shower.


On the "necessity" of a daily shower thing. I think this really varies by person. I am greasy (my hair/skin) if I don't shower daily. One of my kids is the same. My husband and other son, on the other hand, tend toward dry skin and they really could do an "as needed" shower less often than once a day. The child's skin, particularly in the winter, would do better without daily showers but he has allergies so he needs to shower before bed from that angle.

Edited by sbgrace
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Pre child, I would take a shower immediately upon rising because needed it to wake up.


12 years later, I take a shower in the afternoon before making dinner. Not necessarily every day. Every other day at least. Don't stay in jammies but do love my sweat pants and t shirts.

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if I'm not scheduled to be somewhere during the day it might take half the morning for me to get to take a shower-depends on what's going on and how I "feel"....if I'm going somewhere I'll try to get up and showered and dressed before 9am...but once everything's done I'm back in comfy house clothes or jammies....we love our jammies around here LOL--showering daily is a must for me unless I'm in bed sick (rare)...kiddo it depends I try to get him in the tub 2-3 times a week-again it depends what's on the schedule and unless he's going out with me he's either in one of those fuzzy footed pj things or fleece jammie pants and a tshirt......

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I"d looooooove to get a shower each day -- i love to get up, shower and face the day............then i had kids LOL


See I don't understand this - I have 3 kids under 5 and I shower every day. Even when they were newborns I showered everyday. To me its a non-negotiable. And no my kids are not some weird angels -they get into everything yet I've just learned how to set them up so I can safely shower. My showers are not short either.


I would die without my daily morning shower -I'd feel icky all day.

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See I don't understand this - I have 3 kids under 5 and I shower every day. Even when they were newborns I showered everyday. To me its a non-negotiable. And no my kids are not some weird angels -they get into everything yet I've just learned how to set them up so I can safely shower. My showers are not short either.


I would die without my daily morning shower -I'd feel icky all day.


:iagree: Even when I had to wait for my husband to come home and watch the kids while I hopped in the shower. Sure, there was housework that could have been done during that time or whatever, but the shower was definitely a high priority.

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I don't do school in my jammies. I have to get dressed or I remain lazy all day.


I get up, work out (or chores), shower, get dressed, and then eat.


My oldest gets dressed every morning before he comes down. My middle ds stays in pjs all day. My youngest is usually naked on the bottom half. I can't keep pants on that boy. ;)

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