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I finally have a few real opinions about the Duggars


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I had never heard of Tater Tot casserole. Nor would I ever make it because I HATE tater tots. My husband I swear believes they are a vegetable and probably could eat them every day of his natural life if I let him. YUCK.


I have made their hash brown casserole a few times. I did like that. It made for a different dinner for sure.


I don't think cloth diapering would be an option for them. I did cloth diapering with my first two daughters and its more than just a little time. Do you guys see how much laundry they already do? Then to top it off with diapers from 2 to 3 babies at a time? That's just to much. I would never expect a family of that size to do cloth diapering.


A garden. I'm not sure why they don't do it. They make their own laundry detergent and so on. So why not a garden? They could most likely garden a lot longer then I could. We live in NW PA , close to Canada and one only has from about the end of May to about August to actually do a garden. I only wished I lived in an area where I could garden year round. We'd have fresh veggies everyday! But we do frozen veggies most of the time. Sometimes fresh but not often because its just way to expensive.

I agree maybe with all the traveling they do they just don't have time , or maybe really just don't have the want to do a garden. Some people just don't have that 'green thumb' so to speak.

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Our church has a similar dishwasher that will get a rack of dishes through in less than a minute. Definitely do exist. I'd imagine you'd need a amazing hot water heater (or 4) and some stellar water pressure to make that work in a home.


I worked at my kids summer camp a few times. They had a dishwasher that worked that fast, but it's more of a sterilizer than a dishwasher. The dishes have to be pretty clean going in to come out the other side all nice and hot and shiney. I never thought about the hot water it would require..but then they aren't doing dishes for 130 people per meal. I was just happy I wasn't bending over the sink doing all those dishes!

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I would have a large garden because that has been something I have always wanted. Just think of all the fruit and veggies that could be frozen and canned as well as eaten fresh. All that land would make for a wonderful garden and maybe a small orchard! And I would have chickens, and may be a dairy cow or goat, and a head or two of cattle for meat.


I suppose that it is not practical with all their travels, so maybe that is why they don't garden and have food animals. Someone would need to take care of it all when they travel.


Or maybe their weather is not conducive to vegetable gardens? I don't live in Arkansas, so I don't know.


My grandparents have lived around the corner from the old Duggar house (now part of the Baptist church) for 50 years. They have had amazing gardens


God help you when your intellectual leader is named "Jim Bob." :D




And using a can of Aqua Net a day can be great for anyone ;)

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Do any of the Duggars have food allergies? At the current 8% FA statistic, they should have 1.44 kids with FA. So if they don't, they are either doing something right or have pretty good genes.


It is a bizarre statement to imply that food allergies are the result of parents doing something wrong. :confused:

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Okay, another version of tater tot casserole


saute an onion in some olive oil (it just taste better if you saute it first)

add (fresh) carrots in big chunks, celery, potatoes, and frozen peas

Left over chicken or chicken breasts cooked up and cubed.

Stir in cream of chicken soup (you just can't get away from that part)

and some thyme and pepper. Salt to taste

Either cover with a pie crust or tater tots.


It is quick and easy and nice to have about once or twice in the winter.

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I neither mentioned nor implicated the parents, or any parents, by omission or design. "Duggars" = whole family, pets included.


There are countless studies trying to figure out non-genetic disposition toward FA and other atopy. Introduction to potential allergen at an early age (e.g. LEAP study), neonate gut flora, vitamin deficiency, mode of delivery, pets in household to name just a few.


I've never seen the Duggar show; I couldn't tell Jim Bob from Billy Bob. Quick googling reveals no FA in the family ... wanted to know is this right?

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In defense of iceberg lettuce it isn't bad for you! It might not be filled with nutrients, it's mostly water, but come on, it's not poison.


"Not being filled with nutriments" when the diet is otherwise lacking nutrients (and worse) is problem when it assumes the role of "vegetable" or "greens" in the diet.


In an otherwise healthful diet an occasional salad of iceberg lettuce is not big deal. But in a junk food diet is is just one more source of "bad fat" (as most people use bottling dressing on iceberg lettuce salads) and is otherwise pretty empty nutritionally.



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If you have the money to spend $100/ per week per person in your household on food, then more power to you. The family I mentioned did not, but spent anyway, and now they're in dire financial straits. I've always been very frugal and it pains me to see people buying organic when they can't afford it. In my opinion the cheaper stuff in the big box stores is just as healthy.


Conventional food is loaded with pesticides and antibiotics and has much lower nutrient levels than organic. So no, it's not remotely as healthy.


That said, I absolutely agree with not going into debt or on government assistance just to buy 100% organic. It absolutely p**** me off when people trumpet both receiving government assistance and purchasing all organic food (like Shannon Hayes in Radical Homemakers) :thumbdown:


Back during the economic boom, I did way more organic than we do now simply because we could better afford it. I'm not happy about it, but I do the best I can at balancing budget and health concerns.

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I've never had a tater tot and never watched the Druggers.


I had to google to find out what tater tots are :tongue_smilie:. Wikipedia to the rescue....

and the Duggars haven't shown here yet.


But I won't admit to being sane.

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I use canned tomatoes.:ohmy: What else is there during the 10 months tomatoes aren't in season?


Jarred tomatoes, either homemade or purchased.


It really isn't hard to find canned tomatoes without added salt and other junk (organic or not). I don't live in an area with Trader Joes, Whole Foods, etc. and even our store brand offers salt-free, etc.


I also order from Amazon Subscribe and Save for things like that...


Now the BPA in the cans is a separate issue, and Eden offers jarred tomatoes now in crushed, diced, and sauce. I love it! :D


ETA: Pomi tomatoes in boxes is another option.

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Okay, another version of tater tot casserole


saute an onion in some olive oil (it just taste better if you saute it first)

add (fresh) carrots in big chunks, celery, potatoes, and frozen peas

Left over chicken or chicken breasts cooked up and cubed.

Stir in cream of chicken soup (you just can't get away from that part)

and some thyme and pepper. Salt to taste

Either cover with a pie crust or tater tots.


It is quick and easy and nice to have about once or twice in the winter.


Oh, boy--I think I have to try this one.

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Jarred tomatoes, either homemade or purchased.


It really isn't hard to find canned tomatoes without added salt and other junk (organic or not). I don't live in an area with Trader Joes, Whole Foods, etc. and even our store brand offers salt-free, etc.


I also order from Amazon Subscribe and Save for things like that...


Now the BPA in the cans is a separate issue, and Eden offers jarred tomatoes now in crushed, diced, and sauce. I love it! :D


ETA: Pomi tomatoes in boxes is another option.


I have ALL the stores where I live and usually het my tomatoes at TJs. Generally I get them with no salt added. If I forget, I reduce the salt in the recipe, but I tend to adjust by taste so I never know the exact amount.


When I lived in the country, I grew extra tomatoes to freeze for cooking later. If I had a garden now, I would can them myself, but I don't. Honestly, I never knew there were jarred, plain tomatoes in the grocery store. I've only seen pre made sauce in jars.

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I don't have a link, but in many parts of the country, frozen vegetables have more nutrition than fresh. For sure more than canned. Frozen are usually picked peak season and flash frozen so the nutrients stay in. Fresh vegetables are often half bad by the time they make it to the store.

Gosh, I know there are studies out there on this, but I can't look for them at the moment.


This is what I've heard. When I can manage to grow any tomatoes in my jungle of a garden, I usually just cut off the stem part and toss whole into freezer bags. (We are fortunate to have a huge upright freezer.)

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Okay, another version of tater tot casserole


saute an onion in some olive oil (it just taste better if you saute it first)

add (fresh) carrots in big chunks, celery, potatoes, and frozen peas

Left over chicken or chicken breasts cooked up and cubed.

Stir in cream of chicken soup (you just can't get away from that part)

and some thyme and pepper. Salt to taste

Either cover with a pie crust or tater tots.


It is quick and easy and nice to have about once or twice in the winter.



I make my own cream of ------ soup here.


Condensed Cream Soup Base

1 tbsp butter

3 tbsp flour

½ cup any broth

½ cup milk





Melt butter in saucepan over med-low heat. Stir in flour, a little at a time, until smooth. Remove from heat. Add broth and milk a little at a time, stirring to keep smooth. Return to heat, bring to a boil, stirring constantly until sauce thickens. Add salt and pepper.




add chicken, mushrooms, etc. depending on what you are trying to replicate!

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I don't care that they use paper plates and whatnot as far as landfills and sustainablity and all that rot. I suspect that since they live out in the boondocks that they burn their trash, anyway, but I don't really care.


But I just don't like using paper plates on a regular basis. It just seems to lack something...civilized or cultured or something. And if nothing else, it's giving those children a false sense of what is "normal" for most people: eating on actual plates, which have to be scraped and washed and dried and put away, not paper plates which you just fold up and throw in the trash.


I think they should just suck it up, buy a boatload of plates, and use those dishwashers (human and mechanical, lol).

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Oh, who cares about the environment? The smoke from burning paper and plastic just goes up in the sky.


Get Monsanto to supply the fertizlier and seeds for the raised beds. Product placement and all. Keep the tater tots, it helps the economy. It's likely somebody at ConAgra got a nice bonus for that. He's probaby in St Bart's with his family right now.


New thought:


Is a fresh green pea from a Monsanto raised bed better or worse than a Monsanto green pea from a can?

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I emailed them and asked WHY they don't have a garden, pointing out all the positives. I'll let you know if I get a response!


Okay, so I got a response, but it was simply a generic We get too many emails to even read them let alone respond, and why don't you watch our show, check out our website, and use the same get-out-of-debt program we use type of response.

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Okay, so I got a response, but it was simply a generic We get too many emails to even read them let alone respond, and why don't you watch our show, check out our website, and use the same get-out-of-debt program we use type of response.

:lol: they sure care about their viewers :glare:

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I immediately thought of that when i saw her post and couldn't remember if those were actually the lyrics from the song, so I had to go look it up :)


OMG I did too! and I've literally had that song in my head ever since yesterday!


Great minds think alike!



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Oh, who cares about the environment? The smoke from burning paper and plastic just goes up in the sky.


Get Monsanto to supply the fertizlier and seeds for the raised beds. Product placement and all. Keep the tater tots, it helps the economy. It's likely somebody at ConAgra got a nice bonus for that. He's probaby in St Bart's with his family right now.


New thought:


Is a fresh green pea from a Monsanto raised bed better or worse than a Monsanto green pea from a can?


The day Dh told me he wanted to invest in Monsanto--that was one of our biggest fights ever. Still, to this day, one of the biggest ever.


We never invested in them. :D

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I don't spend $100 a week per person to feed my family organic food! That would be $700 a week! If I had $700 a week at my disposal for food, I would spend it on travel or something!


I buy in bulk and cook from scratch! Homemade organic salsa is cheaper than a jar of conventional salsa. Especially if I grow the tomatoes and peppers, or I buy those pepper or tomatoes from a local farmer. I can buy a 25 lb bag of organic beans or rice for less per pound than I can buy a conventional 1 or 5 pound bag of rice or beans at the local market.


Meat is more expensive--haven't found a way around that. But we eat less meat then is typical. That's my way around that!


I acknowledge that not all can afford organic. I was once one of those people. But you don't need to be uber rich to feed organic food.

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Oh, who cares about the environment? The smoke from burning paper and plastic just goes up in the sky.


Get Monsanto to supply the fertizlier and seeds for the raised beds. Product placement and all. Keep the tater tots, it helps the economy. It's likely somebody at ConAgra got a nice bonus for that. He's probaby in St Bart's with his family right now.


New thought:


Is a fresh green pea from a Monsanto raised bed better or worse than a Monsanto green pea from a can?




Instead we get people from New Jersey...


HEY!!! :glare: Most of those Jersey Shore people are not even FROM New Jersey!

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You know, I had to look that up and now I deeply regret it.


I don't remember when the song came out, but I know I heard it frequently in the car with my mom.


It could be worse, I've alternated between having "Groove is in the Heart" and Bayside's "I and I" stuck in my head for the past several days.

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I love the Duggars, but yeah, I've always thought it was weird that they eat almost zero fresh food. Really, how hard is it to make a simple salad with dinner? Or use frozen instead of canned vegetables?


Actually according to _Love that Multiplies_ most of their snacks are fruit. So they are getting fresh food.


The food doesn't bother me. Sounds a lot like what goes on the table in our house. I think we'd be right at home there.

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So, you've been to paradise. Have you ever been to you?



I've never been to me. Nor undressed by kings.


That post wasn't as easy to type as one would think . I couldn't go anywhere with Monte Carlo that didn't rhyme with Harlo (and I've spoken plenty here about my lack of style. I didn't think I could pull off that line. ;) ) At the time, I could only think of Marlo. It just didn't work, so I skipped it altogether.


I actually won 7 francs (yes it was pre Euro) in MC, but I couldn't figure out how to work that info into a post about the Duggars.


You think this job is easy?

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I thought about this this evening.

NO ONE who fusses about how bad tatertot casserole is feeds a single meal that is that bad?

Seriously, we like healthy meals. But we eat crud.

Have the Duggars admitted to have this three times per week or something?


I bow to no one in my desire for junk food. However, no, I can't think of a meal I serve my family that is as bad.


We do have evenings (like tonight) when two or more of us are not home for dinner. On those evenings, I pretty much leave everyone to their own devices. On such a night, my daughter might eat plain white rice with soy sauce and a piece of fruit, or something equally nutrition free. My son might eat pasta with marinara sauce. And sometimes that sauce started its life in a jar.


And, sadly, my son might well eat some tater tots alongside some fruit and a glass of soymilk.


But they are just as likely to eat left-over home-made channa masala or lentil curry (which is what my son just warmed up for lunch) with basmati and a home-made vegetable samosa on the side.


And neither of them has ever eaten cream-of-anything soup.



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Yep. If it doesn't follow me around and/or make noise, it doesn't get fed.


:iagree: at one time we had many houseplants, but I killed them all slowly and painfully. With three kids, hubby, two dogs,a turtle, and a guinea pig the living but quiet and motionless don't have a chance. Lol

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Some Sonics have sweet potato tater tots. Those are pretty delish, I must admit. But, I'm still not combining them with ground meat, cream of X soup, evaporated milk and calling it dinner. It just sounds yucky.



Wouldn't it be glue-y? I like mac & cheese, so is it possible I would like tater tot Oobleck?

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Some Sonics have sweet potato tater tots. Those are pretty delish, I must admit. But, I'm still not combining them with ground meat, cream of X soup, evaporated milk and calling it dinner. It just sounds yucky.


WHAT??!!?? You are rocking my world! Where are these Sonics located??


In the Duggars defense, we had tacos last night. Each of my kids ate 2 shells, taco meat and cheese. Not a veggie in sight. There was no fighting and no wasted food so I'm good with it. I doubt they are in any danger of scurvy.

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