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So what's your personal motto for the new year?

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Mine is a combination of "Just Do It" and "Suck it up, Princess" :D Yes, I know: I'm still working on the wording ;) I've noticed a tendency in myself to slide into a bit of self-pity and martyrdom (which of course is something I very much dislike in others :blushing:)


How about..


"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


It might be a little better than "suck it up" :lol: And yes, this is for myself as well! :tongue_smilie:

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Mine is "ME, ME, ME!"


Sounds horrid, BUT I have neglected myself for far too long. This is the year I focus on ME, that includes healthy eating and exercise, wearing nice clothes (not just the frumpy clothes I had, such as my maternity shirts I was still wearing-my daughter is 4! - simply because if I bought more clothes for me I could not buy the children another little item. ), No more fumpy clothes, and pants that don't fit (such as the fact I was still wearing capris [one pair had a hole worn in the crotch] until xmas because I did not own pants that went to my ankles that fit around my waist.), no more bras that fit wrong, and underpants with holes. I plan on shopping for items for myself and wearing them with pride. I plan to get more than 1 haircut this year, and keep it dyed. I need to dye it from the grey, but often let it grow out due to again not wanting to spend the $5 on a home dye kit more than twice a year. NO more! I am going to get new glasses instead of continueing to wear broken ones. I am going to go out dating. And pick my hobbies back up. And GASP hire a babysitter on occasion so I can go out with out children. I am going to get my physical done and my lady check done for the first time in almost 5 years and I am going to do it without a nurse having to keep an eye on my children. I am going to sleep when I need it, instead of trying to fit just 1 more thing in. I am going to spend the year being selfish and putting myself first and I am going to enjoy every minute of it :D It's all about ME this year.

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Mine is "ME, ME, ME!"


Sounds horrid, BUT I have neglected myself for far too long. This is the year I focus on ME, that includes healthy eating and exercise, wearing nice clothes (not just the frumpy clothes I had, such as my maternity shirts I was still wearing-my daughter is 4! - simply because if I bought more clothes for me I could not buy the children another little item. ), No more fumpy clothes, and pants that don't fit (such as the fact I was still wearing capris [one pair had a hole worn in the crotch] until xmas because I did not own pants that went to my ankles that fit around my waist.), no more bras that fit wrong, and underpants with holes. I plan on shopping for items for myself and wearing them with pride. I plan to get more than 1 haircut this year, and keep it dyed. I need to dye it from the grey, but often let it grow out due to again not wanting to spend the $5 on a home dye kit more than twice a year. NO more! I am going to get new glasses instead of continueing to wear broken ones. I am going to go out dating. And pick my hobbies back up. And GASP hire a babysitter on occasion so I can go out with out children. I am going to get my physical done and my lady check done for the first time in almost 5 years and I am going to do it without a nurse having to keep an eye on my children. I am going to sleep when I need it, instead of trying to fit just 1 more thing in. I am going to spend the year being selfish and putting myself first and I am going to enjoy every minute of it :D It's all about ME this year.


WOW! I like your plan and can soooo relate, especially on the clothes\haircuts. Everytime I get a little extra money put aside to buy myself a new shirt that doesn't have a stain on it I end up buying one of the dc something or buying homeschooling stuff. I so badly need a new wardrobe.


So, aside from maybe one "Me", I think my other mottos are going to be:


'Do you really want to eat that?',

'30 minutes of exercise will eventually be easy', and

'No computer until after dinner'.


Oh and 'Quit planning and start teaching or these dc will be living with you forever'.

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"Good enough will do". That was my Christmas motto. I have extreme perfectionist tendencies, and, well, I'm just too old and tired these days to be a perfectionist. So, we had a "good enough" Christmas. I didn't try too hard, I let lots of little things that would normally have driven me mad just go, I remained relaxed, leisurely. It really was 'the best Christmas ever' (my kids love saying that every year :D).


So, 2012 is also going to be "good enough", relaxed, leisurely, happy.


(It probably also helps that my youngest is now 4 and my eldest not quite a teen, oh happy days :001_smile:)


Best wishes



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I think my other mottos are going to be:


'Do you really want to eat that?',

'30 minutes of exercise will eventually be easy', and

'No computer until after dinner'.



"Do you really want to eat that?" will be top of the list for me too.

"Get up and walk".

"Make something".


And to put specific goals with each motto:

Loose a pound a week.

Walk for at least 30 min each day and enter 5 road races of between 10 and 20km to work towards.

Make one crafty thing each month. Less time online and more time making things.

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Mine is "ME, ME, ME!"


Sounds horrid, BUT I have neglected myself for far too long. This is the year I focus on ME, that includes healthy eating and exercise, wearing nice clothes (not just the frumpy clothes I had, such as my maternity shirts I was still wearing-my daughter is 4! - simply because if I bought more clothes for me I could not buy the children another little item. ), No more fumpy clothes, and pants that don't fit (such as the fact I was still wearing capris [one pair had a hole worn in the crotch] until xmas because I did not own pants that went to my ankles that fit around my waist.), no more bras that fit wrong, and underpants with holes. I plan on shopping for items for myself and wearing them with pride. I plan to get more than 1 haircut this year, and keep it dyed. I need to dye it from the grey, but often let it grow out due to again not wanting to spend the $5 on a home dye kit more than twice a year. NO more! I am going to get new glasses instead of continueing to wear broken ones. I am going to go out dating. And pick my hobbies back up. And GASP hire a babysitter on occasion so I can go out with out children. I am going to get my physical done and my lady check done for the first time in almost 5 years and I am going to do it without a nurse having to keep an eye on my children. I am going to sleep when I need it, instead of trying to fit just 1 more thing in. I am going to spend the year being selfish and putting myself first and I am going to enjoy every minute of it :D It's all about ME this year.


We must be twins separated at birth. I have spent 20 years ignoring me. It's time for that to change.

My motto: I'm a person too! (This will apply to so many areas where I seem to have become a non-person as in what I want is unimportant.)

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Have fun!


I have not figured out my New Year's resolutions yet. They are going to be to do one new fun thing every month, which can be something I have not done in at least 20 years. Some things will be processes (like learning to knit and joining a knitting group), and some will be one-time events.


One of the Pittsburgh papers had a list of the 10 most common resolutions. I read it, discovered that most of mine are common, and worst of all, they reappear every year. So I've decided to ditch them and go with fun ones. At least I'll enjoy being my imperfect self.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Great thread. :)

Just like many of you here...I have several mottos that I am attempting to live by:


Jump in and just Do It


Have FUN, (or stop and smell the roses, eat dessert first, etc.)


It doesn’t have to be perfect,


Do not judge so that you may not be judged,


Better to try and fail than to never try at all,


Limits exist only in the mind,


An inch is a cinch,


Each day is the first day of the rest of my life,


Think out of the box,


Choose Love,


Forget and Forgive.



I am sure that I could go on and on...;)

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Mine is: Live in the Present. Or maybe: Do the RIGHT thing, right NOW.


I'm not going to 'try again tomorrow'. I'm going to go do what I should do right this second. (Starting tomorrow .... :tongue_smilie:)


Mine is - "Get your butt off the computer and go do something worthwhile"


Obviously I'm not starting till Jan 1 :blush:


Yeah. This is pretty much my motto. :crying::eek::angelsad2:


Get off the WTM boards. :glare:




Ditto this.


I have a basic daily plan and I am including time for me. Especially self-ed time and reminders to take care of myself, as another posted already described.


Okay, now I'm getting off the boards to clean the kitchen.

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Daily contrition and repentance.


It sounds like a downer, I know, but it's really just the opposite. God's forgiveness is the basis of all growth. It frees me to do the right thing out of gratitude, not just obligation, and not to beat myself up so much. It give me joy, that I can then pass on to others; and a clean start every time.


ETA: I guess that actually the above is the practice. Maybe the motto should be, "Lord, have mercy unto me, a sinner."

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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Daily contrition and repentance.


It sounds like a downer, I know, but it's really just the opposite. God's forgiveness is the basis of all growth. It frees me to do the right thing out of gratitude, not just obligation, and not to beat myself up so much. It give me joy, that I can then pass on to others; and a clean start every time.



If you don't mind, I think I'll adopt yours as well as add making a concerted effot to praise praise praise my children this year (as well as dh!) much more than I point out the shortcomings (did you do your homework? Did you remember to pick this up? Did you xyz then giving them a look of "all right, I'll do it" but with a heart of joy instead of sighing! :)

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Daily contrition and repentance.


It sounds like a downer, I know, but it's really just the opposite. God's forgiveness is the basis of all growth. It frees me to do the right thing out of gratitude, not just obligation, and not to beat myself up so much. It give me joy, that I can then pass on to others; and a clean start every time.


ETA: I guess that actually the above is the practice. Maybe the motto should be, "Lord, have mercy unto me, a sinner."




I don't have a motto, per se, but my plans are:


Read more.

Pray more.

Confess more.

Forgive more (this one's gonna hurt!)

Eat better.


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I'll stick with the one I've had for years: No One Will Die.


I swiped it from Ted Allen, of all people. Years ago, he was observing during Queer Eye For the Straight Guy and noticed that their subject had messed up the recipe he'd been taught. Ted shuddered for a moment, but then said, almost to himself, "No one will die." I try to remind myself of that when I'm about to get all fretty. In most cases, no one will die (and if someone will, the time for personal mottoes has probably come and gone :)).

Edited by Belacqua
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