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How much was your wedding dress???

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My girls and I have been watching "Say Yes to the Dress" and I can't get over the price of these dresses. My dress was about $300 and alterations were another $200. I think my whole catered wedding was less than some of these dresses.

So, how much was your dress? Did you pay for it or did your parents? One girl's fiancee was paying for the whole wedding. The dress she wanted was something like $15,000 dollars but he'd only budgeted $10,000! She got the dress she wanted anyway. LOL

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$250, no alterations needed.


IKWYM...I don't begrudge anyone's right to spend their own money, but I agree that the prices are daunting! I haven't seen that show often, but we did view a few episodes where it *appeared* that brides were making their mothers feel like garbage for not *pulling out another card*. That was disgusting. I truly hope that it was editing and not the *reality*.

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$900, with alterations in 1995.


It was the most expensive part of the wedding. :blushing:


In an era of fancy lacy blechy dresses I found a simple silk dress. It was so worth the money, imo. I paid for it.



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Mine was probably around $75-100. I don't know the exact cost because I only paid for the fabric. Mil made the dress and paid for the lace and buttons. Of course the cost doesn't include the hours upon hours of labor she put in to get it just right. Is it any wonder I still have the dress hanging in my closet 25 years later?

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We had a wedding and a seperate blessing, I ended up with 2 dresses. The first dress was about £90 it got damaged when it was cleaned after our wedding. The second dress I borrowed from a friend who managed the Droopy and Browns dress shop in Covent Garden, I worked there between theatre jobs occasionally, that was worth £3000ish. Luckily I fitted the sample, it was a really stunning dress so I can see that there is some value to paying more as the fabric and cut were nicer but there is probably somewhere between £90 and £3000 that you could get value and great quality.


My best friend bought her dress from that shop and it was about £3-4K, can't remember exactly now. Unfortunately we fell out for about a year around that time and I didn't attend her wedding so didn't get to see her in it.

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The dress, crinoline and veil put me back $600. This was in 2000. I was really not into fashion or anything and had no idea what I wanted. The lady at the dress store pretty much picked my dress out for me. She looked me up and down, grabbed a dress off the rack and after trying on three or four more too, her's was the one I chose.

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Oh, Daisy it is so pretty! I had to have sleeves on mine and a higher neckline than was fashionable. It was almost impossible to find in 2000. Surely every plus sized bride wanted a strapless dress, right??

My parents paid for the dress. I think my whole wedding between $2,500 and $3,000. It was my mom's bonus for the year, I remember that. We were married in December at our church so we saved a lot of money on flowers. The church was decorated so beautifully with Christmas trees with white lights and poinsettas. A friend catered the wedding for a big discount.

We did not serve alcohol being Southern Baptist and all. Also, that meant no DJ or dancing. :)

It was a nice wedding.

Some friends and I decided that one day we are going to have a new wedding with dancing. LOL

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My future mil paid for the fabric, a friend from church made it. Probably less than $200.


Also, we had the reception in the church fellowship hall, and served punch and mints and mixed nuts and cake. The cake was less than $200 (hard to remember the exact cost, since the wedding was over 37 years ago :D ). Flowers were less than $100.

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I got mine at Kleinfields!!! The store was in Brooklyn back then.


I think mine was around $2000.


I don't really remember having a budget, though there is no way I would have spent much more. My parents paid for it.


Well, that is cool. :) Did you get the whole *experience*?

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My dress was $2000 in 1999. I paid for it on my own. My parents did contribute a flat fee to the wedding, but they also wanted to invite many of their friends and have a bigger affair than we would have had on our own. DH and I paid for about 2/3rds of it.

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Mine was about $600 I think. My mom bought it for me. I had been sending her pics of what I wanted and she went on a trip to New York about that time. The went to the garment district where she spotted what she knew would be the perfect dress. She called me in my dorm room and swore that I could be honest and if I didn't like it we'd sell it. I loved it!! I think I only paid another $75 for alterations. That was 1988.

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My dress was $800, no alterations. It was the most expense thing of our wedding because the rest of the wedding was rather simple. I just wanted a big, beautiful dress!


My dress went to a friend for her wedding then that friend's daughter for her wedding. So it got used for three weddings!!

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450 in 93. The whole wedding was less than 3k for 400 people (gotta love a big southern wedding!) The most expensive thing was the photographer. I think he was 600 but I love pictures so for me it was worth it. DH and I paid for everything because my parents could not afford it.

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I was married in 1994. I think the cake and dress were the most expensive parts of the wedding. Dress was about $400 and cake about $200 (VERY tasty and pretty).


FiL and his brother did our flowers (husband's uncle is florist) - beautiful.

Reception was at church and was potluck.

Husband's cousin took our pictures & they were what we wanted & we got the negatives.

Rehearsal dinner was at a pizza place.


We're pretty low-key :)

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My first wedding dress was at a discount because it had been worn in wedding fashion show. It was $75 in 1984. The reception was in the church hall and was potluck. The groom's parents paid for the cake. It was great.


My second dress came from the thrift shop. Reception was at my house and a friend made the cake. We had a cook-out. The groom's parents gave us an air conditioner, which we installed immediately in the kitchen. It was great.


For my third wedding, DH and I eloped to Vegas and I didn't have a dress. I wanted to get married by Elvis in a drive-thru, but DH wanted something a little bit more traditional, so we got married by a bailbondsman. It was great.


If I have a fourth wedding I am going to hold out for the Elvis thing........

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$90. in 1998. I loved my dress! It was a sample dress, so was a year "out of date" which was no big deal to me because I'm not a huge slave to fashion. I actually saw it in a magazine and cut out the picture, but never expected to find it. I saw it on the rack and absolutely KNEW that it was the dress for me. It still makes me smile when I think of that moment.


My dad bought my veil - I bet it cost more than the dress, but I don't remember anymore. It was such a sweet moment to share with him. He isn't one to get misty, but that day definitely put him over the edge.


My entire wedding cost less than $20,000 (no debt) for a nice hall, seated meal (including palate cleansing sorbet which seemed very fancy at the time), my musicians, photographers, flowers ... the works. I did a lot haggling and deal making, but in the end I got exactly what I wanted for what I was willing to pay.

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My dress for my current marriage was $2000 back in 2001. DH and I actually went together and picked it out. My mother was ticked but we were the ones who bought it and she picked the god-awful first wedding dress out so it was MY turn. :lol:


I didn't wear a veil to my wedding - we got married at a park with just parents and best friends and had a formal reception for everyone the next day.

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$30 I wore a white short sleeve sun dress. We eleped and got married in a tiny A frame chapel in Lake Tahoe. The place is now a real-estate office.


At the time I had a broken foot and had just gotten over a bone infection. I walked down the short isle in a walking cast.


Our 17 year anniversary is in June. :001_smile:

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I actually had a very formal wedding at a lovely hotel on the ocean. It was a gorgeous day. There is a lighthouse in the group photos, and my dh is wearing a traditional pinstripe morning suit. However, my dress was free. It was made by an old friend of my mother's (she was a seamstress and did many wedding dresses). It was my wedding gift from her.


I'll date myself by saying that while it was not as fancy (It was actually quite simple, no train etc) as Princess Diana's, not by a loooong shot, you can see that there are certain poofs about it, especially in the short sleeve, although it had a nice scoop neckline. :) The flower girls wore very poofy little dresses with baby's breath crowns. :) I don't cringe too much when I look at the pix. They make me very happy. I don't even have lipstick on...lol. Thank goodness I got married so young! I look young and the no lipstick seems perfectly me. The thing that most dates us is my dh's hair. That should not have been allowed. lol

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