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What would you do..

What would you do?  

  1. 1. What would you do?

    • Nothing - it was just fine
    • Nothing - somewhat inappropriate but no big deal
    • Grumble to other parents but take it no further
    • Complain to the school
    • Contact the local newspaper
    • Other

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Were the parents there? Was it intended to go over the kids' heads and meant as entertainment for the parents? Did she want to spark an interest in poetry? What was she thinking?


Honestly, I can see my younger two not really getting it. But, my older one sure would. Yes. Terribly inappropriate.


This was one piece among many performed over the evening, mostly by pupils, a few by teachers.



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1) was it a male teacher or female teacher that sang it?

2) how old was the male teacher?


I read the words all the way to the end where she wakes up in bed with the "old" guy after he got her drunk. It was distrubing in it's inappropriateness, (*ESPECIALLY* if this had been sung by a middle age male teacher) and I would be demanding the school to censure the teacher for just how inappropriate it was. If there was no satisfaction, I'd call the newspaper.

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1) was it a male teacher or female teacher that sang it?

2) how old was the male teacher?


I read the words all the way to the end where she wakes up in bed with the "old" guy after he got her drunk. It was distrubing in it's inappropriateness, (*ESPECIALLY* if this had been sung by a middle age male teacher) and I would be demanding the school to censure the teacher for just how inappropriate it was. If there was no satisfaction, I'd call the newspaper.


Middle-aged male teacher.



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I see it as an older person's version of The Spider and the Fly. I would be OK with this for older kids but I personally think 12-15 is too young. Maybe for 16-18 as a part of a date rape/life skills type presentation? I don' t know...


Did people get it as a cautionary tale? It's good as a cautionary tale for the same reason that The Spider and the Fly is (and I read that as a picture book to my kids).


ETA: For the record, I voted that I would complain to the school. I wouldn't see it as appropriate due to the younger kids present. I would not like it for anyone, even the older kids, if it was out of the blue with no statement made about the message.


ETA2: As part of a concert, with no explanation or deeper meaning for delivering that message? No.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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1) was it a male teacher or female teacher that sang it?

2) how old was the male teacher?


I read the words all the way to the end where she wakes up in bed with the "old" guy after he got her drunk. It was distrubing in it's inappropriateness, (*ESPECIALLY* if this had been sung by a middle age male teacher) and I would be demanding the school to censure the teacher for just how inappropriate it was. If there was no satisfaction, I'd call the newspaper.



What.in.the.world. was the teacher thinking?! I agree wholeheartedly with gardenmom.

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The only way this would be okay is if was supposed to encourage the kids to be aware of what people offer them. (And that the male teacher was just playing the part of the older man.)

Otherwise this is beyond inappropriate and wrong.



I voted other, I had not read the whole thread yet. If it had been done as a part of a lesson on safety, I would be a little less upset by it. It is still not really the best way to approach the subject.



But, now that I have read more of a description of the situation....I owuld complain to the school.

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Their word play is wonderful. But it was written in a different age.



Word play that's appropriate for adult consumption. A book about an elderly man preying on a young, innocent female is not really "entertaining" for young women or their parents. No matter how artful or clever.

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.... if he introduced the song by saying, 'You'll have to imagine me in the guise of a dirty old man.' So he made it clear that he was playing a part.




No difference for me. The only thing that would make a difference for me is if it was appropriately explained as a cautionary tale for an audience of an appropriate age.

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.... if he introduced the song by saying, 'You'll have to imagine me in the guise of a dirty old man.' So he made it clear that he was playing a part.






I like the cadence of the song and think it would make a great cautionary tale especially at an age when so many are engaged in under-aged drinking, but no way is it appropriate for that young of an audience or by that teacher.

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I would use it as an opportunity to discuss with teens that our inhibitions may become lowered and we may do things we would not normally do while intoxicated - and that yes, you can get intoxicated from wine or beer.


I have no idea what the teachers intent was, but that is how I would use it.



ITA, especially since I have a girl. And at 12, kids should certainly be aware of situations like this, both boys AND girls.


Laura, I have to imagine that the response from your neck of the woods was vastly different from this one?

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music from Flanders and Swann. I agree that it isn't really appropriate to sing out to kids at that age. Seeing the original song performed it seems completely harmless (you can see it on YouTube). They do have many other songs the teacher could have chosen to sing that would have been much more acceptable.

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.... if he introduced the song by saying, 'You'll have to imagine me in the guise of a dirty old man.' So he made it clear that he was playing a part.




I was just grumbling before, but now I'm complaining to the school.


I assume he is just lacking in common sense, and needs a little official slap upside the head to get his attention.

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1) was it a male teacher or female teacher that sang it?

2) how old was the male teacher?


I read the words all the way to the end where she wakes up in bed with the "old" guy after he got her drunk. It was distrubing in it's inappropriateness, (*ESPECIALLY* if this had been sung by a middle age male teacher) and I would be demanding the school to censure the teacher for just how inappropriate it was. If there was no satisfaction, I'd call the newspaper.


.... if he introduced the song by saying, 'You'll have to imagine me in the guise of a dirty old man.' So he made it clear that he was playing a part.




Fugheddaboutit. I'd be On The Phone and telling the teacher his Freudian slip fell down way to far for my taste.

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I voted "nothing / somewhat inappropriate," but I am familiar with the show, and I've seen the song performed in mixed company (yes, with youngsters among the audience) to appreciative laughter and applause.


Someone else mentioned that it's "from a different age." Ayup.

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It's a clever song, but it's an inappropriate time and place. Please tell me this wasn't a school holiday concert that families would attend.


:iagree: time and place are the big issues with me. Very poor taste and his preface made it worse. The wordplay would have gone right over the heads of most of the younger audience members.

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I read it through but, honestly I didn't get it. All I got was that he wanted to get her drunk and she realized she was making a mistake. I didn't get the waking up in bed with the guy part. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I dont' know that younger kids would get it. I suppose if that was the case then what's the point of reading it to them though.

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fantasizing about getting some sweet young thing drunk so he could stick his whiskers in her earhole when she wakes up with a hangover?


oh ick.


I find the song disturbing. It's about a dirty old man who gets a teenage girl drunk so he can take advantage of her? How is this funny in ANY cultural setting? It's illegal and disgusting.


If you read in the newspaper about an older man getting a teen girl drunk and having sex with her you would be horrified. So a cutesy song about it is OK?


If he worked for me he would be suspended.

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