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Where do you hide your personal stash of chocolate?

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After 23 years of marriage I just walked in and caught MomsintheGarden stocking her personal stash of chocolate (you know, so the rest of us cannot find it). Oh my! :blink: And, no, I will not tell where it is for fear that one of the children will read this! :tongue_smilie:


Anyway, it is understandable that she needs to self-medicate with chocolate considering to whom she is married. :lol:


So now I'm wondering: If you self-medicate with chocolate, where do you hide your stash? Also, do you purchase lower-quality chocolate which is not-so-well-hidden as a diversion to make your children *think* they have found the chocolate stash and stop looking?

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After 23 years of marriage I just walked in and caught MomsintheGarden stocking her personal stash of chocolate (you know, so the rest of us cannot find it). Oh my! :blink: And, no, I will not tell where it is for fear that one of the children will read this! :tongue_smilie:


Anyway, it is understandable that she needs to self-medicate with chocolate considering to whom she is married. :lol:


So now I'm wondering: If you self-medicate with chocolate, where do you hide your stash? Also, do you purchase lower-quality chocolate which is not-so-well-hidden as a diversion to make your children *think* they have found the chocolate stash and stop looking?


If MomsintheGarden has done the bolded, I am truly impressed! :lol:


No secret stash here - we all know where it is - or where it used to be. Coincidentally, it doesn't last very long. :tongue_smilie:

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I could tell you, but then I'd have to keel you. And I keel you slooooooow.


SpecialMama dropped off a bag of Lindor for me the other day. I have it hidden. Otherwise, I tend not to have a stash.


Wolf, God love him, is always willing to drop and run if I say I need something to fulfill a craving...doesn't matter if its chocolate, wine, slushies or protien (remember, I just had a baby last wk!). Now, it *could* be a chance for a golden escape from the (hormonally) crazed wench he's living with, but I prefer to think he just loves me that much :lol:

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Everyone knows where my stash is. (It's on top of the fridge in a special basket.) They know not to touch it because they enjoy continuing to live in this house unharmed. And yes, there is inferior chocolate available to those lacking discerning palates (that would be everyone else).



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I was keeping it in the pantry, everyone seemed to honor the "hands off mom's stash" unspoken rule...but lately I moved it to the laundry room cabinets..also so I could add more than my usual stash of bittersweet choc chips in a jar...the other stuff is more enticing to the kids. :001_smile:

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You think I am stooopid enough to put that out here in public? It is my SECRET stash, I tell you. What part of SECRET do you not understand? While I prefer high quality chocolate, I have been known to break open a bag of TJ's chocolate chips in instances of dire need. No, I don't stock the lesser quality chocolate as a diversion because I will just eat that too. I do keep lifesavers and werthers as an homage to my mom around the house. I pretend that it is a secret stash so the kids feel like they are taking something forbidden:).

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Everyone knows where my stash is. I try and move it around but sometimes I forget where so I usually just keep in the same spot.


Nobody even entertains the idea of going near my stash.


But for the record, my kids also have a stash that I control. Since they hardly ever get any candy I let them occasionally hit their stash on a bad day. It can do wonders to turn a grumpy mood around.

Edited by Snickerdoodle
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After 23 years of marriage I just walked in and caught MomsintheGarden stocking her personal stash of chocolate (you know, so the rest of us cannot find it). Oh my! :blink: And, no, I will not tell where it is for fear that one of the children will read this! :tongue_smilie:


Anyway, it is understandable that she needs to self-medicate with chocolate considering to whom she is married. :lol:


So now I'm wondering: If you self-medicate with chocolate, where do you hide your stash? Also, do you purchase lower-quality chocolate which is not-so-well-hidden as a diversion to make your children *think* they have found the chocolate stash and stop looking?


extra purse in the top of my closet or underwear drawer. I tried to hide it from myself in a box mixed in amongst the boxes of clothes in the basement closet. It worked for several months but I did find it and it's gone. :blushing:

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If MomsintheGarden has done the bolded' date=' I am truly impressed! :lol:


No secret stash here - we all know where it is - or where it used to be. Coincidentally, it doesn't last very long. :tongue_smilie:[/quote']

Aw, thanks! My problem is that I gave mixed signals by letting them have the good stuff sometimes. I admire those of you who have trained your Dc to stay out of your stashes.

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I have my chocolate shelf that the children have NEVER gotten in to because they know that I need that chocolate for my health and sanity. I keep the good imported stuff there. Dh is allowed to have tiny morsels of it in emergency situations.


I hide the extra bags of mint m&m's (not the good stuff, but the m&ms are rationed off season) behind frozen bags of onions and green peppers in the freezer out in the garage.


I hide the stuff I think my dh might dip into that I don't want to share (he knows not to touch the Belgian chocolate my friend brings back from Belgium for me--this might be the odd box of British or German stuff) either by the extra boxes of tampons under my sink, up in my closet behind my box of progesterone cream/ TJs natural mint toothpaste/girlie razors, or in my granny underwear drawer....all places he is loathe to think about, let alone go. I rotate places often just in case the kids ever discover it--my 2 yo would clear me out if she could.

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I like super dark chocolate. For the longest time no one was interested in my chocolate. That thought it was nasty. Unfortunately, my daughter has morphed into me upon starting puberty. She now craves my good stuff.


So now we have the GIRLS secrete stash of chocolate. It's in the drawer with the budget & finances.

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I have my chocolate shelf that the children have NEVER gotten in to because they know that I need that chocolate for my health and sanity. I keep the good imported stuff there. Dh is allowed to have tiny morsels of it in emergency situations.


I hide the extra bags of mint m&m's (not the good stuff, but the m&ms are rationed off season) behind frozen bags of onions and green peppers in the freezer out in the garage.


I hide the stuff I think my dh might dip into that I don't want to share (he knows not to touch the Belgian chocolate my friend brings back from Belgium for me--this might be the odd box of British or German stuff) either by the extra boxes of tampons under my sink, up in my closet behind my box of progesterone cream/ TJs natural mint toothpaste/girlie razors, or in my granny underwear drawer....all places he is loathe to think about, let alone go. I rotate places often just in case the kids ever discover it--my 2 yo would clear me out if she could.


My kids know not the get into my chocolate, it is my dh that I am hiding the it and the bourbon from. He claims to not like sweets, but manages to nibble away at my stash until there is nothing left. I buy good booze for myself (quality over quantity) and he buys cheap stuff. Nothing will set me off like going to the cabinet and finding my good chocolate and/or bourbon missing. So, now I hide both.

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I don't hide chocolate, but I do try to keep a bag of homemade chocolate chip cookie dough in cookie size balls in the freezer. They're theoretically so that we can take a few out at a time to bake them. In reality, I eat them straight from the freezer.

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One day I was stressed & pmsing, nothing in the house. I made a drink out of cooking sherry and diet sprite. It didn't taste very good, but it took the edge off and I didn't hurt anyone. :D




Good chocolate is on the top shelf of the pantry, where little eyes and fingers cannot go. I also may or may not have a few Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that the children collected at Halloween stored in a ziploc bag at the bottom of the freezer, underneath all of the frozen vegetables. :tongue_smilie:

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I hide the extra bags of mint m&m's (not the good stuff, but the m&ms are rationed off season) behind frozen bags of onions and green peppers in the freezer out in the garage.



I must remember this idea. I love anything mint.... hmmmmm.... wonder how well oreos freeze....

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I could tell you, but then I'd have to keel you. And I keel you slooooooow.




This...But everyone knows not to touch mama's stash. I am not above getting into theirs, though. With 5 kids, you can imagine our booty after Halloween. My game was to put it "away" for their stockings at Christmas, but judging by my booty over the last 2 weeks, I think they're on to me...:leaving:

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I have my chocolate shelf that the children have NEVER gotten in to because they know that I need that chocolate for my health and sanity. I keep the good imported stuff there. Dh is allowed to have tiny morsels of it in emergency situations.


I hide the extra bags of mint m&m's (not the good stuff, but the m&ms are rationed off season) behind frozen bags of onions and green peppers in the freezer out in the garage.


I hide the stuff I think my dh might dip into that I don't want to share (he knows not to touch the Belgian chocolate my friend brings back from Belgium for me--this might be the odd box of British or German stuff) either by the extra boxes of tampons under my sink, up in my closet behind my box of progesterone cream/ TJs natural mint toothpaste/girlie razors, or in my granny underwear drawer....all places he is loathe to think about, let alone go. I rotate places often just in case the kids ever discover it--my 2 yo would clear me out if she could.


I don't have a chocolate stash, but Dh had to take the van to work one day because his truck battery died. I didn't realize until he left that my Dr. Pepper was in the back. By 3:30 my 5 yo was asking when Daddy was getting home with my Dr. Pepper.:blushing:

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There is a little glass jar of Nutella in the bookshelves :tongue_smilie:, right behind some Greek literature that only mother would read anyway.

And there is a chocolate in one of the bedroom drawers, well-hidden beneath other items. :tongue_smilie:


:lol: Great minds think alike! My stash is behind my set of Bronte novels and a volume on natural cures for, ahem...female problems. In a household in which I am now the lone female, my truffles are safe!


I don't know about Reguheert asking this question. It seems similar to asking a woman her age or weight...very, very risky behavior.:D



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After 23 years of marriage I just walked in and caught MomsintheGarden stocking her personal stash of chocolate (you know, so the rest of us cannot find it). Oh my! :blink: And, no, I will not tell where it is for fear that one of the children will read this! :tongue_smilie:


Anyway, it is understandable that she needs to self-medicate with chocolate considering to whom she is married. :lol:


So now I'm wondering: If you self-medicate with chocolate, where do you hide your stash? Also, do you purchase lower-quality chocolate which is not-so-well-hidden as a diversion to make your children *think* they have found the chocolate stash and stop looking?


I buy high quality, very dark chocolate and I don't hide it. The rest of the family knows not to touch it on pain of death. :lol:

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I don't know about Reguheert asking this question. It seems similar to asking a woman her age or weight...very, very risky behavior.:D
Sometimes you have to take risks to get what you want! Now I know lots of great places to look for the chocolate stash! :auto:
:lol: So, ladies, what should his 'punishment' be for this faux pas?
Just in case you haven't noticed, dear, I actually LIKE it when you punish me! :blushing:
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