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According to the Today Show, anyone who thinks Duggar baby #20 wasn't a great idea...

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is just jealous. :lol: Our discussions here have been way more nuanced and insightful than the conversation that was aired this morning. Ann said that there were so many comments on Today's website that it nearly crashed. Instead of actually discussing the concerns people have about mega families or getting pregnant after serious complications or any other relevant criticism, the discussion revolved around theories as to why some people don't like the Duggars. The consensus is that people are jealous of the Duggars because they are well-dressed, well-fed, look happy, and Michelle spends a lot of time with them because they homeschool. :confused: My kids are well-dressed, well-fed, look happy, and we homeschool. :tongue_smilie:


I don't hate the Duggars. I don't love the Duggars. I disagree with several aspects of their religious philosophy. I'm fascinated by them, but I am not jealous. :lol:

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Not jealous - oh - lord, no.

I think they are a great family - but I do think it is medically questionable for her and the baby, especially after the complications of the last one......

It is one thing to put yourself at risk, but to put another baby at risk..... I don't know.

Of course, with modern medicine the risks are probably being overstated. So much is "what if".

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Well I am jealous that she is so patient all the time. DH swears it's fake, that they must get angry at some point and just edit it out. However, I've seen episodes where they say, "We need to edit that out." But obviously the producers had different ideas. I think if they ever yelled it would have made it to the show by now. Anyway, that's the only thing I'm jealous of. I would love to have a big family (5-8 kids, not 20). But with as cranky as I get with PPD, I don't think it would be a good idea.

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Well I am jealous that she is so patient all the time. DH swears it's fake, that they must get angry at some point and just edit it out. However, I've seen episodes where they say, "We need to edit that out." But obviously the producers had different ideas. I think if they ever yelled it would have made it to the show by now. Anyway, that's the only thing I'm jealous of. I would love to have a big family (5-8 kids, not 20). But with as cranky as I get with PPD, I don't think it would be a good idea.


:iagree:I remember on an early episode (I've only seen the ones on Nextflix streaming) the kids saying that she never yells. I would like to be like that! Only, when I tried it, instead of yelling more time-outs and spankings happened :glare: But I really want to be like that!

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I don't hate the Duggars. I don't love the Duggars. I disagree with several aspects of their religious philosophy. I'm fascinated by them, but I am not jealous. :lol:

I could have almost said the same thing. I don't hate the Duggers. Who has that much energy to expend for someone one does not know personally. I don't love the Duggars. By no means am I a fan at all. I do not agree with their religious philosophy as I'm clearly not their denomination (clear to anyone here who knows me.) I'm not fascinated by them at all. I stated in the other thread that I find it troublesome that they have "pimped out" their children's lives. With all that said, how in the world would I be jealous of them?

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I missed the baby #20 announcement.


I don't know what it is about the Duggars, exactly...I find myself thinking, "Sheesh, I only have three kids at home (now 4, of course) and I'm not anywhere near that organized, patient, and my kids are complete hellions in comparison..."


I want to figure out how she does what she does and apply it to my family. I can't help but think it would be an improvement...


It would probably start with organization. Lord knows I suck at that. :tongue_smilie:

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I saw that. And of course, their "expert" got in the required dig about only children being self-centered, think the world revolves around them, and lacking in self-confidence and self-assuredness.


Yeah. So NOT jealous.







20 kids? That's my worst nightmare. Right after being married to a guy named Jim-Bob from Arkansas.

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At one time I was envious of her life. Then I turned 30, started getting more than 4 hours of sleep a night and realized that I do not agree with their family's religious views. Once you remove their religious views from what they do there isn't much left. I do not hate them, or love them, or want to be them.


I chalk my short lived envy up to too much TLC while nursing in the wee hours of the morning.

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My kids and I like to watch the show. Even though there are health issues and she is 45, they may as well make it an even 20! They are a special and unique family. I know many large families, but not that big. I'm amazed they have gotten up to 20 and all the kids are alive. I know many women who have/want large families and they have had multiple miscarriages, infant loss, etc.

I just hope she and the baby make it okay.

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is just jealous. :lol: Our discussions here have been way more nuanced and insightful than the conversation that was aired this morning. Ann said that there were so many comments on Today's website that it nearly crashed. Instead of actually discussing the concerns people have about mega families or getting pregnant after serious complications or any other relevant criticism, the discussion revolved around theories as to why some people don't like the Duggars. The consensus is that people are jealous of the Duggars because they are well-dressed, well-fed, look happy, and Michelle spends a lot of time with them because they homeschool. :confused: My kids are well-dressed, well-fed, look happy, and we homeschool. :tongue_smilie:


I don't hate the Duggars. I don't love the Duggars. I disagree with several aspects of their religious philosophy. I'm fascinated by them, but I am not jealous. :lol:


I am neither fascinated nor jealous, but, like you, I disagree with their religious philosophy to reproduce freely without careful consideration as to whether the family has the time, emotional, and financial resources to nurture another child. Of course, these are highly personal questions that are no one else's business. However, I do wonder if, say, Jim Bob were an elementary school teacher, would they still have 20+ kids or whatever the number now is. Not all families have the good fortune, contacts, or resources to develop complete financial independence (without help of TLC) like the Duggars did.

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I have to admit that I've never seen the show. My great-grandmother had 15 kids over a 30 year period starting at 15, but they were on a ranch and the older kids were expected to help with the younger ones. That was in the early 1900's though and pretty common. There was a lot of love from what I've heard, but she also ran a tight ship. I just assume that is the case with the Duggars since they have so many kids. If not, wow. No jealousy though. I've got enough on my plate with twins thank you very much! :)



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I find them fascinating, but I wouldn't want to be them. :) I've only watched the first season since that was what was on netflix at the time. It always amused me to hear the show's opening. I love the part where it is announced that they limit tv, pray together and homeschool as if those are the things that make them so unusual. Yeah, we do those things too!

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I will just jump to I consider the today show (I also consider most of daytime TV -) to be irrelevant and never watch it.


eta: I've seen a few tidbits of some duggar eps -never a whole one. I don't have a problem with them. generally, they're off my radar.

Edited by gardenmom5
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:iagree:I remember on an early episode (I've only seen the ones on Nextflix streaming) the kids saying that she never yells. I would like to be like that! Only, when I tried it, instead of yelling more time-outs and spankings happened :glare: But I really want to be like that!


I rarely yell. It's so rare that my dc (the little boys) pretty much instantly start crying if I do, because it startles/scares them so much.


It's a blend of: I don't want yelling because there was so much in my house growing up; and there really is no reason to yell. If I'm angry, it's likely that I just need to control my anger. I should examine why I'm angry and address the root of the issue, instead of yell.


I'm not perfect; I lose it occasionally. But I'd some day like to get to 'never yells'.


And it's EXTREMELY rare for me to yell at dh. I just don't want to set that disrespectful example for the children. Dh NEVER yells at me. I think I could probably count on one hand the number of times my dh has raised his voice in anger to me in the entire ten years of our marriage.


We really dislike yelling (out of anger) in our house.


(Sorry for the tangent. :tongue_smilie:)

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When I found out the guy's name was Jim-Bob, that pretty much handled it for me.


Assuming that people who don't JUST LOVE the Duggars are jealous is insane. I don't want 20 children. I am an educated human being. Not a barn cat. I'm more of a quality-over-quantity kind of person. :D


If you want to keep popping out babies until your uterus explodes, go for it. Personally, I have other things to do with my life, thankyouverymuch. :lol:

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Huh??? I don't thik it was a great idea but really didn't give it much thought. I just think that having more kids when you had very serious complications with last one and they are more likely to occur again, isn't really a wise idea. But jealous??? NO, not at all. I don't want 20 or 15 or 10. I have three and I am fine with that.

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The Duggars are well dressed? I must have missed that episode.


I think its hysterical people think that others are jealous of them.


I have thought a lot of things about them but jealousy was never one of them.


I may have wanted 20 dogs (german shepherds would be nice :001_smile:) but I have never felt the desire for more than the 2 children I have.


Life is good.

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If you want to keep popping out babies until your uterus explodes, go for it. Personally, I have other things to do with my life, thankyouverymuch. :lol:



Whaaa...?? You mean you don't secretly harbor the wish to gestate for, let's see...


(18 kids x 9 months) + (1 preemie x 6 months) + (1 current x ~9 more months) = 177 months, or


14 years, 9 months of your life??


Oh right, and I suppose you're not-jealous of all the months she spent nursing either.


Heh. Likely story!


That's one very busy uterus. I can barely pretend to ignore your obvious resentment that Jim-Bob totally wants to hit that like kxthampthbhpth...soooo much, I don't even know.

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I have mixed feelings about the Duggars' latest pregnancy. I do believe babies are blessings, but I worry about the health risks of a 20th pregnancy at age 45 after the complications of her last one. I worry about Michelle or the baby or both becoming a martyr for the "Quiverfull" movement.

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I think once your baby total gets up into the double digits, some common sense ought to come into the equation vis a vis natural family planning, which can be effective. I think big families are great, generally. but once we get beyond the "Cheaper by the Dozen" level, I start wondering. (and this is where I get a little "judgy," in my mind.) I start thinking are these people more committed to the idea of either having as many children as possible, or not using any sort of natural prevention (i.e. timing or periodic abstinence), rather than the idea of focusing what are necessarily limited parental resources on the dozen or so kids they've got. A couple more oopses, okay, but eight? I start thinking maybe the Big Family Thing is so much part of their identity that they just take it past common sense boudaries.


Is there a point where having a big family becomes your idol?

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Is there a point where having a big family becomes your idol?


I'm curious about this too. It looks and feels to me a like an addiction. Especially when you're making these choices at age 45 after a very difficult birth. Their choice, of course. The way they parent looks nothing like the way I'm parenting, so no, definitely not jealous. Add me to the "If I have 20 kids and married to a man named Jim-Bob, I've just entered my worst nightmare" club. The fact that they parade their kids on TV is bad parenting in my world on its own. I also personally think the show is all about editing and painting a particular picture.


I also want to say, I rarely yell at my kids. :D

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Is there a point where having a big family becomes your idol?


A valid question, I think. Something seems a little off when you're holding a precious newborn blessing and talking about how you want more. I'm just remembering when number 18 was born. It seems a little...greedy or insensitive to the baby you just had to already be talking about the next one. Like the baby and kids you have aren't enough to satisfy you. Addiction? Maybe....

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I missed the baby #20 announcement.


I don't know what it is about the Duggars, exactly...I find myself thinking, "Sheesh, I only have three kids at home (now 4, of course) and I'm not anywhere near that organized, patient, and my kids are complete hellions in comparison..."


I want to figure out how she does what she does and apply it to my family. I can't help but think it would be an improvement...


It would probably start with organization. Lord knows I suck at that. :tongue_smilie:


Yup, me too. But if I added 16 more people to my house, I would have to move out. Possibly to the Betty Ford clinic.

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Jealous? Nope. I do not want a big family. I am Michelle's age (45) and I sure wouldn't want a pregnancy or baby now.


I do admire their financial responsibility (they were self supporting and debt free before the regular show).


I don't agree with:


Raising a family on TV

Their decisions on courting, dress, and some other stuff

I remember their old site, and the links, and the discipline/parenting ideas. I don't agree.


I find interesting:


Their following and fans and supporters

Their seeming need for more and more children

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I have two currently working on college applications. I hate the FAFSA with a passion. I hate editing college essay questions. I hate every single thing about the app process. I cannot imagine doing that 20 times.


This is what i think about after i consider her bladder.

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I could have almost said the same thing. I don't hate the Duggers. Who has that much energy to expend for someone one does not know personally. I don't love the Duggars. By no means am I a fan at all. I do not agree with their religious philosophy as I'm clearly not their denomination (clear to anyone here who knows me.) I'm not fascinated by them at all. I stated in the other thread that I find it troublesome that they have "pimped out" their children's lives. With all that said, how in the world would I be jealous of them?


I think the only thing I'm jealous of is her laundry room and kitchen ;) :lol:

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I'm a bit "envious" when I watch the show about how involved the dad is. If my DH looks up from his laptop for a few minutes that's about as involved as he gets. :tongue_smilie:


I love the family but 1) would be climbing the walls after an hour with them IRL and 2) feel it's a bad idea to have your children on a tv show, growing up with camera crews around. I've actually stopped watching the show on that principle but my daughter loves it and watches it so I overhear what's going on.

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