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  1. I have sent stuff back that my kids have selected from the classroom library. I simply throw a post it on it and say they need to pick another book. I don't even go into my reasons. I haven't had any kick back.
  2. My daughter struggles with many of the things you mentions - keeping her at grade level or just above in reading and keeping her handwriting legible are full time jobs. I have really enjoyed Hooked on Phonics programs. She really is motivated by the computer activities. My son also uses it and he is engaged as well. Glad to hear all of your hard work is paying off.
  3. These are all great help. The paper and pencil would be great, but these specific tests are on the computer. They are benchmark tests. I am confused/saddened/angered that she has straight As and yet scored in the 60th percentile. Makes me wonder where her classmates are scoring. :glare:
  4. Hi everyone. My dd is doing really well in her 1st grade class in ps. Her grades are great, and I know she is reading at about. 2nd grade level. However, she doesn't really get the online reading assessments the schools gives as benchmarks. She doesn't score anywhere near where she is. She says the timing panics her, and I think she gets distracted. Are the any online sites they can practice? It's mostly picking words that complete the sentence. She does this fine on paper, panics on the computer. Anything would be appreciated.
  5. Not sure. A couple things I got in the summer at the Target toy sale. They are going to dd - truck and toy horse. DS got a bitty baby and a Melissa and Doug train set. They both got sleeping bags and a tent from Santa. Dd also got a DS game and Star Wars action figures. DS is also getting a Thomas station for his set. Together it's probably $250-300? DH got a North Face and so did I. He then surprised me with a new Skagen watch. I am spoiled.
  6. I have taught out of both texts. I am currently using Avancemos. They are both great texts. I had been using En Espanol, but I selected Avancemos for my current class because it is more manageable on a black schedule - not as content heavy. They both have awesome online resources and are super user friendly. I would recommend either.
  7. What an amazing story. We are hockey believers. It has changed my DD's life. I would pay whatever it takes to keep her playing. What bliss. We are Panthers too BtW.
  8. I mainly read aloud novels to my 7yo. My 3yo sometimes listens. Would Narnia be appropriate?
  9. This is well timed for me. We are currently reading Little House on the Prairie. I loved it as a child, but I am not loving it as a read aloud. How many times can Pa do stuff to the house, and how many details do we really need? I think we need a new book.
  10. I agree with this. I had a math teacher in high school in the 90s who really made us do a ton of problems on our own. It was frustrating at times, but I really learned the material. I think there has to be a happy balance.
  11. Yes this is what most people expect from teachers. Then the public complains about our union - when clearly we are regularly being asked to teach (and often raise) other people's children on our time and our dollar. I adore my job. I have a great school, administration and students. However we live in a society that tears teacher's apart. It's very sad. We are the ones willing to do this work.
  12. This!!!! I could fail all my students if that were accurate in terms of their understanding, and my school would support me. However, I would never hear the end of it from parents. The parents don't care if their children learn anything - they are wanting that almighty A in the class. I have parents pull their kids out of AP and honors classes so they can get better grades in the regular track. I teach Spanish. There is no need for me to lecture 30 minutes at a time. I want my students to be speaking and writing. They are learning a foreign language. You only learn it if you use it. Do I lecture? Yes. Do we practice? Yes. I guess I am confused about how "going back to lecturing" is going to improve our educational system. There is no real data to support a decline in student achievement in many areas. - ACT, SAT, drop out rates. It all has remained relatively constant, which is impressive considering more children are educated through 12th grade and more are taking these exams than ever before. In fact Illinois requires every child to take the ACT, and we still out score the national average. What has changed is that children need to learn to be "learners". The jobs waiting for them are completely different than any generation prior. They need to have skills they can apply to a variety of settings. They learn these skills through doing activities, writing, discussions, etc in their classes. I think there is a place for lecturing, but every day? Every class? Many of you talk here about the need to tailor education to student needs. Many teachers don't lecture long periods because that only meets the need of auditory learners - unless there are some visuals. How can you condem teachers for trying to meet the needs of a variety of learners? Perhaps the problem is not the method, but the fact that your child does not learn that way. I also don't appreciate the comment about needing to plan all of my lessons for the entire year over the summer. I do plan all summer (completely uncompensated). However, I cannot plan every detail. How can I meet student needs planning that far in advance? I may need to repeat material, I may need to spend extra time on something. I can build a framework, and design materials and projects, but sitting and "writing lectures" would be a waste of time.
  13. My dd is 7 and getting a Nook color for Christmas. I will definitely turn off some of the functions, but I love that she can get library books, books that read to her, and a ton of inexpensive readers on her level. I also love that she has dictionary access and the ability to change font as she needs. This is so not screen time to me if she is reading.
  14. I live in Chicago. I am so impressed with people who have weddings that cost in the 4 figures.
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