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What is the significance of your signature line?

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One, a funny quote that nearly every parent (and homeschooler!) can relate to. No matter how much we love our kids and homeschooling, we all have those days.


Two, the fact that I am an Army wife so that people don't wonder at the number of places that I have lived.


Three, the ages of my kids so that people know I'm not just running my head when I am discussing how to handle a teenager issue or high school curricula thread.


Four, a PSA in an attempt to teach people the proper way to use apostrophes. Everyone who is still getting it wrong should click on the link and buy the poster. There is another poster with information on how to use other words/phrases like "a lot." And, no, I receive no financial compensation from The Oatmeal.

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There is another poster with information on how to use other words/phrases like "a lot."




We ain't learnt dem ones in my dd's curriculum yet :tongue_smilie: It is sad how much I'm learning from 1st/2nd grade that I didn't know before!



The significance of my signature is that it makes me feel that my role as a homemaker is all-important. And it is. :D

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My number of DC, so people understand what my proverbial shoes look like.


The shorted version of the curriculum we use so people know if I've BTDT. It gets to long to write it all out for each child and it can vary based on the current need and my educational goals at the time.


I recently added a quote that I try to change every few weeks, usually dealing in some way with education.

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Basically it signifies that:

1. I am comfortable enough with being home that I can give myself a CxO title with a straight face.

2. It also means, "The buck stops here."

3. And finally, it means I was the dope in the marriage to take on all the management of our finances. (My dh has an Ivy League MBA in Finance...) :D

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A quote I like to help my children learn to live by (I have a bad back so I am on the sidelines). I strive to give my kids experiences and to show them that you can learn to do just about anything if you really want to. I also want my kids to learn that you don't have to be the best at everything, it is about enjoying the 'ride'.



ETA: I thought I may qualify why I want my kids to grow up with this attitude. My mother was always afraid of things (ie don't go in a boat because you may get hit by lightening-even if there isn't a storm near by). I was the baby of a large family and there was no money or parental interest in my learning to do anything outside of school. Add in my mother's fear of obscure things.... and that resulted in No music, sports, dance ect. Once I was an adult, I was too embarrassed to participate in anything because I didn't know how to. I don't sing (even in a group), I don't play sports, I don't do anything 'extra' because of it. I don't want this to rub off on my kids.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I've got my boys' ages and grades & some of what we use for school listed so it's easier for other posters to know where I'm coming from when I post.


I also have a picture of my puppy. Because he's cute (he's 4.5 months now).


I don't know why I have my blog link. I should delete that. I never update it.

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This week's question is, "What is the significance of your signature line?"



I don't use my standard sig here, but for years it has been:


“If I'd known it was harmless, I'd have killed it myself!â€


from A Scanner Darkly. These few words affected me more on reading them than I think anything else I've ever read.

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Funny. You asked this same exact question back in March. No real point to pointing that out; I just thought it was funny.


I knew it came up not long ago, but didn't realize it was the same member who brought it up. Maybe she started thinking about it again, and forgot she already asked. Hey, I bring up stuff over and over to real life people. It's tough getting old and forgetful. :lol:


ETA: I'm talking about myself getting old and forgetful, not accusing anyone else of being old. Just in case someone thinks I was. :001_smile:

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I'm paranoid about my internet safety and give only vague, but accurate, descriptions of my family. Incidentally, Ariel is a pseudonym, she was originally listed as "my little mermaid".


I list my curricula so people can know what we use, and because I like to see what other people use. I list the read alouds because someone had requested folks to start doing that and I liked the idea.



The bottom quote is Latin, and the translation is "while I breathe, I hope", because sometimes all you have is hope. And sometimes hope is all you need.

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My signature lets everyone know that a) I'm old enough to be on the forums since I'm a mommy, but b) my only experience with homeschooling is on the student side. That way people can evaluate my perspective accurately, if I ever post on parenting or homeschooling threads - in case it wasn't clear enough from my actual post. :D


I also just added a link to my blog and the name of my alma mater.

Edited by Hannah C.
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This week's question is, "What is the significance of your signature line?"



No significance, just gets the basic info out there. Then when I say something about one of my dc I don't have to explain that they are teen/young adult, not toddlers. :tongue_smilie:

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The significance of my signature is its own insignificance.


I like what I say to speak for itself, regardless of which curriculum I use or how old my children are. If it's good, it's good; if it's awful, it's awful - all in its own right, independent of my own specifics :D.


Signatures always remind me of bumper stickers. I love reading what other people put on their cars, but it's not my style to advertise anything personal on my own car. Selfish and hypocritical, perhaps, but both traits are something I comfortably live with. Just ask my kids ;)!

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Line 1: The joke name of our school. When it comes to actually filing I'll pick something that means something more serious, but for now it's fun. ("sceleratus" is Latin for "ruffians" :D)


Line 2&3: Kids' ages and current curricula.


Line 4: Something I stole from someone's post on Smart-alack reasons why you homeschool that I thought was hilarious.

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The essentials: My name; my DH, he's an engineer and I love him; my kids and their ages

A bit about homeschooling: I use way too many materials to list in a signature, so I just have a link to them. I included the English and French part because we're a bilingual family and our curricula reflects that.

A quote that I like.



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Name and ages of the kids.


Something to remind that I should not feel as though I have to compete with all the awesome moms here, mostly because I just can't compete.


Smart a$$ comment about what we use. Not that I don't enjoy seeing what everyone else uses. See above comment.

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My name

My husband and partner-in-crime

The kids, need to add the boys curriculum

The quote is more a reminder to myself that, yes, unfortunately, I am an adult and should practice what I preach. (Although, I few well chosen less than mature words can make one feel so much better.)

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