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Does your DH answer his cell?

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I swear my DH shouldn't be ALLOWED to have a cell!


He has a nice smartphone through work (they pay) and his monthly usage is about 20 minutes of talk and 0-5 text messages (that he gets but never answers.)


When I call him he may or may not answer.


It drives me CRAZY!



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Mine may or may not answer right when I call, depending on what meeting he's in, etc. ... but he usually calls me back within 10-15 minutes when he's not as active in the conversation. Or, if it's a meeting where he has to keep listening in, he might email me back instead, asking what's up and saying that he can't talk right now.

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I try not to call/text DH during work hours, but he does answer when I call.

About ten years ago, I was in a horrible car accident. I called DH on my cell. All I got out was "Accident... car on fire..." before my phone battery went dead. DH says that took a dozen or so years off his life. Anyway, he always answers his phone. Lingering memories of that day and all.

Oh, and if I'm going on field trips or anywhere more than 30 minutes from home, he does expect either a phone call or text letting him know I arrived safely. Ditto, when I arrive back home.

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Our cell phone is a tracphone and dh rarely has it on. Unless we are about to have a baby or I have some other reason to believe that he has the phone turned on I would never bother to call him. He is usually in his office at work and if he is there and not already talking to someone else he will answer his office phone. I rarely get his voice mail and if I do he almost always calls me back shortly.


OP: It sounds like your dh just doesn't care much for cell phones OR is too busy to answer. If it's really that big of a deal, talk to him about it. Otherwise, be more realistic when you call him and don't expect him to answer.

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Does having a cell phone mean that you are obligated to answer it? That you are obligated to at least check to see who is calling?


Sounds like an electronic leash to me.


I agree, but with a firm exception for spouses.


If he is busy, fine. No problem.


Otherwise? That's not nice to a spouse.


I bet if I refused to answer the home phone or door to my dh when I'm home, just because I don't want to, he would think it pretty rude and not nice of me.

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Does having a cell phone mean that you are obligated to answer it? That you are obligated to at least check to see who is calling?


Sounds like an electronic leash to me.

Yes, I feel if your spouse is calling you should answer it if you can.


We've gone round and round about the cell phones here. DH seems to either have his ringer off or the stereo so loud he can't hear it if it does ring. Defeats the reason he has a cell phone in the first place if I can't reach him when I need to.

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I am actually not talking about when he is busy. I don't and wouldn't expect him to put a client on hold for me.


I am talking about when he is on the way home. He takes the train most of the way, so it isn't like he can't answer because he is driving.


Or when he is out shopping and I think of something else to get while he is out.


If I am SPECIFIC and say, "DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CELL IN THE CAR or turn it to mute because I MAY CALL if I think of something else!" he will do it, but otherwise he is oblivious.



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It's a matter of courtesy and respect to answer the spouse's call. I rarely call him during the day....he works on Capitol Hill and is constantly in meetings and on the move. Texting works for us. He can text me even if he's in a mtg- sometimes the msg is: 'In a mtg'. I know he'll contact me when he's available. :)

The same thing goes for our 20-somethings. With the 4 oldest having been in college for the past 6/8 yrs (at different times), we don't call when they're in class (yes, I've kept a copy of their schedule) and texting is what usually works. They're good about returning a text pretty quick and if they're busy , they tell me. No problem. We don't really have anything pressing to talk with them about anymore because of their age, but sometimes we need to reach them during the day....recently, we've had 2 deaths in the family.

If I had a husband who ignored the phone/me, we'd have WORDS. Yes, we would. :glare: Like I said, it's a matter of courtesy and respect.

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Cell phones are great in a lot of ways. I like mine, though only for the ways it makes my life convenient, and not for the ways it annoys me.


I personally think cell phones have complicated and in some ways, compromised dating and marriage relationships (even though they have benefited them perhaps even more). I don't think it's healthy to have the expectation of being able to get a hold of each other all the time. I think I should be able to just think at the grocery store and not have to check who is calling "just in case" it is my DH. I think if I am driving or talking to a friend or taking a walk or thinking about something, I should be able to choose not to be interrupted even if I don't seem "busy" to someone else. I assume my DH would like the same.

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I often have to call dh for business reasons during the day, which makes things a bit different, so he needs to answer it. We also call each other just to talk. Due to either being on the phone or on a job, he may or may not answer, but he will usually always call back in a reasonable amount of time.


We also like to text occasionally when we just need to let each other know something informational.

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never. Dh says that he never notices it ringing. I believe this because one night this summer we were on the Boardwalk and dh had forgot his phone. He wanted to take a long walk but wanted us to be able to call him so he took my phone (I had dd's). We kept calling him and he never answered. When we finally found him he said "It was the strangest thing, everywhere I walked, there were wind chimes following me." It still makes me laugh.

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Does having a cell phone mean that you are obligated to answer it? That you are obligated to at least check to see who is calling?


Sounds like an electronic leash to me.


Having a cell phone does not obligate me to answering it. I believe it's a tool to make my life easier, not a way to give the world instant access to my time.


DH feels I should answer the phone. :D

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My hubby almost always answers his phone except on the rarely occassions when I really need him to. It seem like he is always unavailable then. I on the other hand am so bad that my family has just given up calling me. The last incoming call on my cell phone was September 16th. I Keep the phone in the car in case of emergencies. The process is if the kids have an emergency, they call dad because he has texting and they can always get ahold of him. then if need be he emails of IMs my or calls if I am out. For the rest of the immediate household they call my future SIL and he disiminates the message. If there in an emergency in the extended family, my brother call a specific one of my dd's because she knows that if he calls he it is an emergency and then it is diseminated to everyone else.

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Dh only uses his phone when he is job searching. I learned this some weeks after he found work and hadn't returned any of my calls. Thanks for mentioning it, Pal!


I guess he has forgotten the time I went AWOL for three days and he didn't know where I was because he didn't answer his phone. You'd think that stress would leave a mark, but it didn't!



Edited by Rosie_0801
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