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Where you live

What is the size of your area?  

  1. 1. What is the size of your area?

    • I live in the boonies
    • I'm in a town of less than 1000
    • I'm in a town with a population between 1001 and 5000
    • I'm in a town with a population between 5001 and 10,000
    • My town has up to 20,000
    • My town has up to 40,000
    • My town has up to 50,000
    • My town has up to 100,000
    • My town has more than 500,00
    • I'm in a major metropolitan area

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The boonies of the lower peninsula of Michigan. Nearest city, 47 miles away. City being a loose term though I do think they qualify for that status by population requirements.


Our township has only one "town". We live in it. Population 205.


Nearest "village" has no department store and only one grocery store - very high priced.


Second nearest "village" has the most pathetic Walmart in the history of Walmarts. It has two supermarkets. Walmart and a RIDICULOUSLY high priced store with pharmacy. Lots of mom & pop shops...we try to frequent them as much as possible.


It's a big, big deal for most people in our area to go to Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, or Grand Rapids. But, dh and I make Detroit on a fairly regular basis due to business trips for his employer. Big pain in the hiney on winter roads!



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I'm pretty sure I voted incorrectly. I voted "in a town of less than 1000" but I don't actually live "in a town." Our "township" has roughly 1000 or probably less, but it's not a town. We're the farm area and there are some suburban type developments. Specifically, we're one of the farm folks. I'm thinking that should have been a vote for the boonies, but it doesn't feel like the boonies. Shopping, etc, is merely 5 - 10 miles away.

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I live in a house. There are less than 1000 people in my house. There might be a 1000 dust bunnies, probably a 1000 bugs hidden in the walls, 1000+ dog hairs, 1000+ cat hairs, ~ 1000 pears outside on a tree (okay, some have been picked), but I live in a house, but there is no louse. There might be a mouse, but the cat could take care of that. There is a monkey next door, who is also a cat, who tries to sneak on my deck and eat the 1000 sparrows that come to eat from the one (1) birdfeeder I own.

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I live in a house. There are less than 1000 people in my house. There might be a 1000 dust bunnies, probably a 1000 bugs hidden in the walls, 1000+ dog hairs, 1000+ cat hairs, ~ 1000 pears outside on a tree (okay, some have been picked), but I live in a house, but there is no louse. There might be a mouse, but the cat could take care of that. There is a monkey next door, who is also a cat, who tries to sneak on my deck and eat the 1000 sparrows that come to eat from the one (1) birdfeeder I own.




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Can't answer your poll!


We qualify for federal urban development funds, as we are a city on a grid. But we're on a sand bar. If that's not the boonies, I don't know what is!!!


But in the summer...oh the summer. I think then we're a major metropolitan area!

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I'm in an unincorporated town, so it feels like the boonies. My first *rough* estimate was 0 since Wikipedia said our town was 9428, but our local university (included in our census area) lists its enrollment at 9500. :confused:

I answered 1-5K since when I took out the college-aged category, I came up with 2800, which sounds right.

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I live in a house. There are less than 1000 people in my house. There might be a 1000 dust bunnies, probably a 1000 bugs hidden in the walls, 1000+ dog hairs, 1000+ cat hairs, ~ 1000 pears outside on a tree (okay, some have been picked), but I live in a house, but there is no louse. There might be a mouse, but the cat could take care of that. There is a monkey next door, who is also a cat, who tries to sneak on my deck and eat the 1000 sparrows that come to eat from the one (1) birdfeeder I own.



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I voted that I live in the boonies, but I actually live on the edge of a village. It has 100 houses (fairly spread out, including outlying farms, etc.) so that might be 300 or 400 people. I don't think of it as a 'town' - our only commmunal services are a phone box, a village hall and (in the village hall) a part-time post office (which I run). The nearest town is five miles away.



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I answered my town has up to 100,000, but we're not actually within the city limits, just have the city address. We're out in the county, about 10 miles, so technically not in a town/city really. Lots of land, a few neighbors, but close enough to town that it doesn't feel like the boonies unless we want it too!

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