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You said "I would never" but you did - ?- Just for fun

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If you're anything like me, you've said "I would never" in relation to your children (or future children) hundreds of times. And more often than you'd like to admit, you made a liar of yourself.


Care to share some recent examples?


Here's mine.


I don't even wear make-up. My dd, however, has been obsessed with red lips for a while. She will see a red flower or leaf and say "that's what color I want my lips to be." Lately she's been wanting to paint her eyelids too, and she in fact did take a blue expo marker to one before I caught her the other day.


"I would never buy my five-year-old daughter a make-up kit."


Except, I just did. I found a little tiny play kit with just enough red lipstick and blue eyelid stick for her to make a fool of herself a few times, before she gets it out of her system (I hope). Her birthday is next week, and I am pretty sure this is going to be a big hit.


I do believe I've lost my mind.

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As a young childless adult, cleaning the sticky goop of a melted popsicle out of the crevices of a friend's coffee table, I said I would NEVER let my kids eat anything in the living room. Yeah, right.


Yeah, mine was 'never eat in the car' - :auto: now my car perpetually smells like apples (I swear there's none left in there...)

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I said I'd never have kids sleeping in my bed. As soon as I held my very first child in my arms, I couldn't put her to sleep in that bassinet all alone. She was so little....she needed someone. She slept in my bed for 4 years. Her sister for 3 (so we had two in the bed at once). Now we have a family bedroom and the girls sleep in a twin bed right up against our queen bed. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Oh, and I also said I would not breastfeed past 6 weeks. I breastfed my first child for 27 months, until I got pregnant with #2 and she self weaned. I breastfed my second child for 4 years and I ended that when I got pregnant with #3 and it just hurt too much. Of course, I'll breastfeed #3 as well.

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I said I would never...



let my kid park in front of the television

have a kid who would talk back to me :glare:

take antidepressants


*SIGH* God must have thought I needed humbling because I thought I knew so much...I try to avoid that nowadays!

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Before kids, I would see little ones in public wearing mismatched clothes with their hair is in all sorts of haphazard styles. I used to say, "I would never let my child out of the house like that." :lol::lol::lol: While I do require the girls to at least brush their hair and their clothes must be clean, I've always pretty much let them dress themselves. And they've been known to have a teased out sideways pony tail more than once. :D

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I said I would never take my kids to one of those overpriced, cheesy, preschool character stage shows...


Yep. Dropped $90 this past spring on tickets to Thomas Live on Stage. Hundreds of preschoolers decked out in every Thomas item imaginable. If they had SodorCon, that's what it would look like! It was worth every penny to see the awe on DS's face when he saw Thomas and Percy on stage for the first time, and he still talks about it. :001_smile:

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I will get the horrible mother of the year award but I said that even on a really bad day I would never threaten to send them on the next yellow bus heading to public school but I did make that threat. Several times with my dd, in fact.

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I always said that I will never snap my fingers at my kids when they are being noisy or what ever. My mom did that and it was sooooo obnoxious. Now, guess what! Yep, when I am on the phone or having a conversation with someone and they interup...I snap:tongue_smilie: And, it works!

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In 2002, I said I would never use Saxon.


And in 2003, I said I would never use Singapore.


Both kids finished Singapore 6B before moving on.


Now I'm pretty sure we'll never use Saxon.


I said I would never go to a reformed church (probably posted that here too). God has dragged us there kicking and screaming, but we've been going to a wonderful one for six months (not that I agree with the theology, but that's another post, right?).

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You are only 25% more mistaken than I was. ;)



(I just realized Dd 22 is not in my siggy. She does exist, though.)


I have a 28 year old who isn't in mine either but he's still around raising heck just like he did (sorry, small country falshback due to the Hank Williams Jr. fracus :tongue_smilie:).

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Too many to name.


A recent one: I said I would never go to a circus. We went this summer and last summer. :tongue_smilie:


My youngest has really humbled me. There is a lot I said I would never do re babies and I never did- until I had him and understood what it's like when you're in survival mode with a truly high-needs baby who never sleeps, cries all the time, will not be put down, and wants to nurse constantly. Those Chinese, plastic, noisy, electronic toys I said I would never buy? They distract him for short periods, so we have a few now.

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"I will never let my son play with guns...." Yeah. Right. Every little boy on the playground at the age of two (all victims of moms like me) took their fingers or sticks and "pow-powed" each other. They didn't even know the word "shoot"..... It's in the chromosomes, I'm tellin' ya.....:lol:


And I was definitely not going to have seven children that I homeschooled.

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"I will never let my son play with guns...." Yeah. Right. Every little boy on the playground at the age of two (all victims of moms like me) took their fingers or sticks and "pow-powed" each other. They didn't even know the word "shoot"..... It's in the chromosomes, I'm tellin' ya.....:lol:


Yup. No guns, no tv that showed guns, etc. He still somehow made EVERYTHING into a weapon. He now has several air soft guns, a throwing axe, and goes to the range to shoot a 22 rifle.


My how times have changed :)

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Yup. No guns, no tv that showed guns, etc. He still somehow made EVERYTHING into a weapon.


My girls learned the bang-bang stuff at daycare. Then one day I received a note from Hippie Teacher that my kids were a "behavior problem" because they pointed their fingers at each other and said "I'm gonna shoot." Not sure whether she wanted me to whip my kids or what, for having absorbed what they saw in her classroom :glare:.


So I told the girls that what they had done was OK at home but not at school. Which probably violated some other "I would never" uttered in the past.

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Ugh... Kidz Bop.


Not my finest moment as a (former indie-music-snob) parent.


I also said I would never answer one of my children with: "Because I said so." Well, it took 5 or 6 years, but eventually "because I said so" became a fairly standard answer around here.

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Well, I said I would never let myself get fat......and here I am.....fat! GRRRR!!!!


I also said I would never be a stay at home mom. I would never homeschool. I would never live in the South.


Pretty much my whole life is an "I would never" apparently! :tongue_smilie:

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I said I would NEVER let my boys play with toy guns...until

Boy #1 bit his toast into a gun and shot me with it....then flipped a barbie ( oh yeah....I said no Barbies too until......). And used it as a machine gun. Seriously! I think boys are born with noises.....Anyway, I did get the boys coon skin caps, fringe jackets and Daniel Boone rifles for Christmas that year....and I told them...no hunting for people....only pretend animals.


The barbies got packed up quickly once dd #2 was big enou not to want them anymore. Dd 1 &3 were never interested.....



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My biggest "I would never" was spanking. I have done it, and I do regret it. I should have stuck with my convictions on that one.


I don't think I had any other really firm nevers, though. I don't think I would have imagined I'd let my kids play with toy guns, but that because such a clearly losing battle early on that I gave it up quick. I don't think I'd have seen myself as the kind of parent who would dress my DD in pink and dresses all the time, but she just looks so. darn. cute. in them that I can't help it.


After nursing my first for two years, I didn't think I'd ever formula feed one of my kids. When DD was 10 months and I was four months pregnant and nursing had become very painful and difficult, it was a really tough thing to wean her and put her on formula. It was, practically, very easy--it took all of two days, and she seemed not the least bit bothered--but it was very emotionally difficult for me.

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Oh boy. Let's see:


"I will never home school my kids."


"I will never give birth at home."


"I will never skip vaccinations."


"I will never use the TV to occupy my kids."


"I will never allow my dh or kids to hunt."


"I will not allow toy guns."


That's just for starters.

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Not exactly kid related but I said I would never get remarried. 7 years and two more kids later...


DH was adamantly opposed to kids in our bed. He was very very firm "No child of mine is ever going to sleep with me." I just smiled and nodded. Ds was the worst sleeper ever. The second you put him down, he would wake up crying. His crib was in our room so if he was up, we were up. After 6 weeks straight of being up all night walking him around, dh caved and ds started sleeping with us. DH got to the point where he loved snuggling with his little buddy and missed him when he wasn't there. It's a good thing we have a large, King size bed since the kids still occasionally wind up with us.

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I would never yell at my kids.

I would never tell them because I said so.

I would never homeschool (I KNEW (IRL) the sterotypical homeschooled child and no way was I going there).

I would never have a schedule birth, an epidural, or any other pain meds. (lasted until a friends wife had a 24+ hr labor)

I would never use the tv as a babysitter.

I would never.... ummmm.... yeah, I think I had a complete change of plans as soon as I found out I was pregnant with G.

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I would never.....


Homeschool... and am now in my 11th year.


Go back to college...... and am now only 5 courses away from my 2nd degree.


Live at the end of the road....... yeah, doing that too.


Be a missionary..... and now I dream of working with orphans in Haiti?????


Never say never, I guess. :)

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