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What are your children doing right now...

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As soon as I started to type '"ds2 is sleeping" he wakes up :tongue_smilie:


So, ds4.5 is pretending his wood blocks are piano keys that are broken and he has to put them in the right order by note and ds2.5 is wimpering at the top of the stairs with a blanky wanting to be held for half an hour at the same time I should be starting dinner.

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One just got out of the shower but cannot find his deodorant. His hair is standing straight up.


One is making invitations for her birthday party in spite of my telling her that we dont' really have a plan yet and it is six weeks away. She is super cute, though, with no front teeth.;) She now walked off to eat pineapple out of a can which she has been working on for about half an hour. Her brother sipped some of the juice and she scolded him quite soundly for it.


One is avoiding a shower, not intentionally but because he always needs to say a lot of words every day and evidently he saved some up until the end and must say them or they will rot inside him and give him a stomach ache. He is now heading to the shower after explaining a lot of things to me. Oh, now he is skating through the living room naked on his way to the shower, covered up strategically by a pair of clean underwear.


The oldest is at her dad's house probably doing homework.


Now the youngest two are engaged in a verbal brouhaha regarding the usage of the bathroom. The cute little one gave in and let the naked one have it to shower.


It's been a hard day around here. I am glued to the couch with imaginary X's in front of my eyes.


Now dh is chastising the youngest because she is asking questions about recycling rather than getting dressed for bed.


This is about how it goes around here. You can't make this stuff up. Oh, and I found a scorpion in the kitchen sink while doing dishes, carried it outside and smashed it, then spent the next half hour cutting up steel wool pads and shoving them in the weep holes around the house to keep the scorpions from getting in.


Now one is skating back through the living room naked in search of Gillette body wash and the the youngest is copying him in order to get a laugh.



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DS 16 just got back from his soccer game and is showering before he eats dinner while reading something for APUSH.


DS 10 is reading letters by Robert E. Lee to prepare for his Civil War Day at school. (The only kid with a Yankee mom gets to be Lee. Couldn't he have been Grant?)


DD6 is asleep after reading DS4 a chapter of Heidi.


DS4 is fighting falling asleep.


I am making a fill in the blank outline for my AP Calculus students to fill in tomorrow while reading the chapter on limits.

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In theory, they are reading quietly in their beds until lights out, after completing their showers by 8:00 pm. :lol:


In reality, after several weeks of schooling, the Rec Room (school room) was a mess, so they are cleaning it (we have Scouts here tomorrow,) while taking turns taking showers, while we all laugh at how easy the online quiz I had to take for my Music 101 class is because I was reading the questions out loud and letting them answer. :D And Dvorak is blaring. And dh is trying to find the Scout Den meeting schedule, which I know is in the Scout filing box, but apparently is camouflaged. ;)

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We just got back from looking at photos of lobotomies at the local mental hospital's museum open house, and the boys are piling in the car for the skateboard park.


After we'd seen photos of the prize winning cow, the wicker furniture, the ECT machines, the lumbar puncture chairs, etc the curator asked my son if there was something he particularly wanted to see, and he said he'd like to see "those brain operations". She took us to a room that smelled like my dad's old office at the university, and we dug through photo files of surgeries, wounds, autopsy specimens (including some coronal sections of blood-filled ventricles from a death the day after a lobotomy), and the old "open" lumbar punctures. Kiddo was thrilled.


(Woo Hoo. One more step along that road to nursing I am silently dreaming of.)

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When this thread was posted I was in the middle of pleading desperately with my oldest. Her habit of sneaking into the bedroom at 5 am is less than cute when everyone in the house is sick and my husband works late tonight. I think I threatened the removal of cat play time, which wasn't a smart move on my part. Shutting all the cats into our spare room for the entire day is going to punish me more than anyone else.


My 2.5 year old was climbing into her crib and zipping the crib tent shut and tucking herself in. She has to do it by herself.


My 1 year old was already asleep, and barely stirred as the others were tucked in.


After that was done I popped open a can of cream of mushroom soup, grabbed a soda and some cough medicine, and slumped in front of the computer. I'm ignoring the full sink and the messy living room floor, and going to bed early. I have a feeling I'll be awake at 5 am. Howling cats will follow.

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dd9 - Reading a book between running around outside and showering.


ds7 & ds5 - Running around outside throwing the insides of pumpkins at each other :tongue_smilie:


dd3 - In the bathtub


baby - nursing and twirling my hair :001_wub:


dh - sloooooowly putting the kitchen wall & laundry room back together after gutting them last weekend

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