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I finally have GOOD news...wonderful news...spectacular news...

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Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts re ds19's appointment for his assessment this am.



He called me later to say that the assessor (too many s's? lol) found out ds lives in a different county, and that he can't provide services to ds. So he asked ds if he wants treatment. And ds said...








I cried tears of joy on the phone when he told me. He said he's tired of living as he has been.



I know not to get too excited, that it's just a first step, blah blah blah.


But it's huge.


Dh says he's not getting too hopeful because he's been burned before by ds.


But I say someone's got to hold out hope to this boy, and if we can't put our hope in ds, we can put it in God.


Rejoicing, here.

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I'm excited and thrilled for you, too, Chris! The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem, so this is very HUGE.


Hold on to that hope. The Lord is good and He is faithful, and is able to do "...exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or even think".




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Chris, about 10 years ago, someone very close to me was addicted to heroin. She had gone into rehab twice, both times bailing out on the beginning of the third day. The third time she entered rehab, (this was all over a period of a few years) I was living in another state. I called everyone I knew in every state I knew and asked people to fast and and pray, particularly on the third day. Many, many people joined me in prayer and fasting. Well, that third time she stayed and completed her entire stint of rehab and has been clean to this day.


I would love to fast and pray with you! Let me know when...:)

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Rejoicing and hoping with you. God is greater than the chains that hold in this world and I'll be praying for each step.



Chris, about 10 years ago, someone very close to me was addicted to heroin. She had gone into rehab twice, both times bailing out on the beginning of the third day. The third time she entered rehab, (this was all over a period of a few years) I was living in another state. I called everyone I knew in every state I knew and asked people to fast and and pray, particularly on the third day. Many, many people joined me in prayer and fasting. Well, that third time she stayed and completed her entire stint of rehab and has been clean to this day.


I would love to fast and pray with you! Let me know when...:)


I will fast and pray too if you want others to do this.

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Thank you so much.


Last night, he had two friends over--he'd spent the day with them, and asked if they could come for dinner. That's a big step for him--I can tell when his heart is open if he comes home for dinner.


Anyway, these two boys are ones he uses with. I've been so angry with them, and disdainful of all his friends b/c of the drugs. A friend of mine had been praying with me, and she said that maybe I needed to be praying for those friends, too, because they could lead him to seek treatment if they, too, decided to be clean.


Well, I've decided to stop holding them at arm's length--I mean, being polite but cold (cause I'm pissed). I've decided to really cover them in prayer, too, and not just "stay away from my son" prayers :D.


I'm going to start a new thread with this question--but last night, ds was really bored, and asking what he could do that was active. It's hard to be active at night, but I'm going to ask for suggestions on the other thread. Boredom is a trigger for him, so at least I have one day's proof that he is trying.


Thanks everyone for the prayers and good thoughts--I am particularly humbled by the offers to fast and pray--oh my! You are so good to me. I will keep you updated. Thanks for letting me do that, too!

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Chris, about 10 years ago, someone very close to me was addicted to heroin. She had gone into rehab twice, both times bailing out on the beginning of the third day. The third time she entered rehab, (this was all over a period of a few years) I was living in another state. I called everyone I knew in every state I knew and asked people to fast and and pray, particularly on the third day. Many, many people joined me in prayer and fasting. Well, that third time she stayed and completed her entire stint of rehab and has been clean to this day.


I would love to fast and pray with you! Let me know when...:)


Count me in on this too, Chris. I'm in!


Love you,


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