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Would you rather have 5 boys, or 5 girls?

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I think I would rather have 5 boys regardless of age. The little girls I've babysat have been so whiny. I'm sure it's different when it's your own child, and I do wish I had a girl, but I can only go off my own experience. By teenage years I'm sure there is some cattiness I'd rather not deal with.

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My dad has 5 daughters, so I think that is pretty cool and used to daydream of also having all daughters when I was younger. I come from a pretty girl heavy family overall, and I definitely had some "what would I do with a boy?" thoughts. But of course now that I have them I think they are pretty amazing. ;)


So I don't have an answer to your question - but I would love to have 5 kids! :D

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Girls. Maybe it's because I had mostly girl friends growing up, so the drama is something I can handle. The anger from boys...I don't think so. Not like I have any real idea though. I just know my mom said the three girls she had were easier than the two boys she had. But again that could just be my brothers' personalities and the quasi-dysfunction in which we grew up.

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I've heard (no experience of my own) that teenage boys are easier than teenage girls, as a whole. So I guess I'd say 5 teenage boys. I can't imagine all that estrogen raging out of control especially when it's been shown that menstruating women who live together start to cycle together...can you imagine the tears and rage if all 5 plus you have it all around the same time of the month. :eek:

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Well I do have 5 boys. :D They're not teenagers yet but God knew what He was doing when He gave me more boys than girls (we only have 1 dd). I would agree with the poster who said 1 girl is equal to 8 boys...something like that. Boys are harder to keep up with physically but my dd wears me out emotionally to the point I'm not sure I can recover! It's just exhausting dealing with the drama and emotional issues.

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Ok really how I feel is that I don't want 5 kids! Two is plenty for me.


:iagree: Over here, I'm :party:at the idea of only having to deal with one of each!!



But if I had to choose, I would have a hard time. Emotionally, I think 5 boys would be easier. But I have four younger brothers. 2 teenagers, 1 20-something, and an 11-y-o. I don't know how my folks afford to feed them-- and I'm seeing signs of the same appetite (ALREADY! Eeek!) in my 4-year-old DS.

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Girls. I have three girls, and no boys, and I'd have absolutely no idea what to do with 5 of them!


Girls are tough (and mine are 13, 13 and 10 right now!), but at least I've had some practice...


This is how I feel. We have 4 girls - I wouldn't know what to do with 5 boys. I think they would all kill each other in this tiny house with tiny yard. :001_huh: Not enough physical work around here to keep 5 boys occupied and happy.


I'll revisit this question in 6 years when we will have 4 girls who are (almost) all teens at the same time (they'll be 19, 17, 14, and 12). I should be going through menopause just about then. Should be fun. :lol::svengo:

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Uhmm....well, dd was a piece of cake to raise. The boys are busy and eat us out of house and home. Our honorary daughter, dd's best friend who is more our girl than her family's, was easy too.


We have three boys, 14, (13 next week) and 11. I am worn out feeding them. Today they asked what was for lunch and I was stumped...truly, deeply stumped. I wanted to run screaming from the house like a crazed lunatic. As fast as food comes in, it goes into their stomachs. The youngest believes every meal should have at least five courses...I believe he should never marry!


If there were five of them, someone would be eating dirt. :lol: Additionally, I am certain I would run away from home, go to grad school in a foreign country, and just send birthday cards. Dh could burn the house down after the last one left - six males living alone sans maid service = house worthy of condemning.


Oh, and the dd's never, I mean never, went through three shoes sizes in six months! Never! I never had to buy a new winter coat MID-SEASON or boots for dd (honorary daughter's parents provided all her clothing). They never came home from church and decided to stain door casings while wearing their best shoes, best pants, best shirts...They never rode their bikes into oblivion in one summer, never ran over the garden hose with the mower, never decided to use tracing paper and felt markers ON TOP OF A PIECE OF MY BEST QUILT FABRIC! And, And........it was not rocket science to teach them to wash a plate properly!


So, I'm voting girls here. Maybe we didn't have that girl drama stuff everyone talks about because honorary dd wasn't here full-time (school weeks and summers with us, weekends and holidays with her family) and dd was homeschooled... the two of them provided each other with most of the girly, girl companionship that teenage females seek. Therefore, I might be jaded. But, from my skewed perspective, definitely, definitively, absolutely GIRLS! :D


Faith - who is rebelling against cooking and told dh to bring home pizza or he and the male minions can starve while I hide in the bedroom with a nice chef salad, hot toddy (hint of rum), and the last brownie.

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Five girls. I love my boys, and I'm happy to have them. But, if I had to choose, it would be five girls. Thinking long-term, I've read studies indicating that the presence of daughters is a key factor in how close siblings are (and apparently you only need one daughter to get that effect, but that's not relevant to this poll). Five daughters would likely be closer, as adults, than five boys.

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Hmmm.... Love 'em both, but my boys seem easier. Just fewer clashing hormones with mom, kwim?


I think that no matter what the gender, it is easier if all the kids are the same. I think the most mentally exhausting demand for me many days is just switch-flipping between thinking like a girl and trying to think like a boy. I've often thought it would be nice to stay in one mode all day! Plus the practical ramifications - same clothing needs, similar activites, similar interests, etc. I know they will vary by individual, but we run like crazy with having both a boy scout and an AHG girl. It'd be easier if they were in the same


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For the sake of sibling relationships? I'd choose 5 boys over 5 girls (less conflict, tighter bonds).


For the sake of extended family closeness into adulthood? I'd choose 5 girls. Every guy I know spends significantly more time with his in-laws than his own family.


For the lack of drama? I'd go with 5 boys over 5 girls any day.


For crazier parenting stories to tell in my old age? 5 boys for sure :).

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